The Injection Flow Combination Electrode uses a unique system with a dispenser unit that ... GC with a user-friendly automation system with memory for...
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MCI Automatic Moisture Meter. Reliable, Fast and Easy.

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Incorporates coulometry principle applied to Karl Fischer titration. Operation is full-automatic. Measuring time is shortened. Accuracy is within 5/ig for 10>g—lmg H 2 0 and within 0.5% for 1—30mg H 2 0 . Wide-range applications include measurement of ultra-trace water content in liquids, solids and gases. Range: lO^g—30mg H2O. An optional water vaporizer for speedy and accurate measurement of water content in plastics, grain, etc.


Series 400 AGC is an application-engineered GC with a user-friendly automation system with memory for eight chromatographic programs. It combines an isothermal temperature control system stable to ±0.01 °C and preplanned multivalve, multicolumn capability with a built-in microcomputer for automated control of valve switching, timed external events, remote start/stop, and multicycle operation. Carle Instruments Inc. 424


CA-02 Moisture Meter w i t h Printer

MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Instruments Dept., Mitsubishi Bldg., 5 - 2 . M a r u n o u c h i 2 - c h o m e , Chiyoda-ku, T o k y o , 100 Japan Telex: J 2 4 9 0 1 Cable Address: KASEICO TOKYO CIRCLE 144 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Simply best pH Electrode Ever D e v e l o p e d

Modular Preparative HPLC Column Columns are stainless steel (one inch in diameter) and can be used separately or stacked, by using a modular adapter, to form custom-length columns. They are available in any length from 5 cm up, custom made or precut at the following lengths: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm. The columns can be used with a low-pressure (100-1000 psi) or a highpressure (1000-6000 psi) solvent delivery system. HP Chemicals Inc. 413 Salt Analyzer Portable digital analyzer will measure the percent weight to salt in brine and other solutions. It has an accuracy of ± 0 . 0 1 % and the platinum-plated conductivity probe measures the conductivity of the brine in the range of 0 to 2000 ms. Temperature fluctuations of brine are automatically compensated for via a thermistor built into the probe. Extech International 414 Hydride System

The Injection Flow C o m b i n a t i o n Electrode uses a u n i q u e system with a dispenser unit that injects the reference solution through a free-flowing junction in t h e reference e l e c t r o d e . C l o g g i n g is completely eliminated, a n d a c c u r a c y is e n s u r e d time after time. H a c h ' s special r e f e r e n c e solution furthermore allows for stable r e a d i n g s e v e n u n d e r freezing c o n d i tions. Simply the best c o m b i n a t i o n p H e l e c t r o d e a v a i l a b l e today.

Hach Company P.O. Box 389 Loveland, C O 80539




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System can be used with any ICP or AA spectrometer and facilitates the measurement of metal elements such as As, Bi, Sn, Sb, Se, Te, Ge, Hg, and Pb at the sub-ppt level. It is designed to operate as a stand-alone module or to be remotely controlled from an auto sampler or computer. PT Analytical 403 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards