MCI Automatic Moisture Meter. Reliable, Fast and Easy. Incorporates coulometry principle applied to Karl Fischer titration. Operation is full-automatic. Measuring time is shortened. Accuracy is within 5/xg for 10^g—lmg H 2 0 and within 0.5% for 1—30mg H 2 0 . Wide-range applications include measurement of ultra-trace water content in liquids, solids and gases. Range: 10/ig—30mg H2O. An optional water vaporizer for speedy and accurate measurement of water content in plastics, grain, etc.
considerably faster than matrix multiplication routines. Thus, searching for a maxima in large arrays is feasible by this procedure. This type of image matching has been used by Morrison in the analysis of NBS-662 steel for niobium and titanium (17). As pointed out, this type of image correlation leads to four-dimensional information. There are two concentration dimensions and two spatial dimensions. As existing scattering techniques improve and new ones are developed, these kinds of data analysis methods will be extremely useful in handling the higher-dimensional data sets generated. Conclusions
This article has attempted to introduce analytical chemists to the many ways to create and analyze real and virtual images. Images are nothing more than Ν-dimensional (N > 2) spectra. Therefore, the analysis of im ages should not present a problem for the analytical chemist for two reasons. First, analytical chemists are quite fa CA-02 Moisture Meter with Printer miliar with one-dimensional spectra. Second, many of the concepts and mathematical operations applied to MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITEDone-dimensional spectra extend to Instruments Dept.. Mitsubishi Bldg., 5-2, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, higher-dimensional data with the ap Tokyo, 100 Japan Telex: J 2 4 9 0 1 Cable Address: KASEICO TOKYO propriate amount of increased compu tational complexity assumed by the CIRCLE 147 O N READER SERVICE CARD computer. Fortunately, a considerable amount of N-dimensional image anal ysis mathematics and associated com puter software is available. The avail ability is principally due to the large interest in the field of medicine for an alyzing medical images and in remote
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Bruce R. Kowalski, professor of chem istry, is the director of the Laboratory [or Chemometrics at the University of Washington. His research interests include the application of novel mathematical and statistical methods to improve the measurement process and to extract useful chemical infor mation from chemical measurements.