Inc. TAGA 6000—New MS/MS System for Rapid Screening of Trace Con- taminants. A. M. Lovett ... L. J. Cline-Love, Seton Hall. U. Incorporates coulomet...
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News The Spectrophotometry Mea­ surement of Free Metal Ion Con­ centrations. B. Kratochvil, R. B. Ful­ ton, and J. Nolan, U of Alberta Enthalpimetric Characterization of Enzyme Carrier Conjugates. E. D. Sexton and J. K. Grime, U of Denver

Tuesday Morning, August 18 Symposium: Applications of Analytical Chemistry in Biology and Medicine (cont.)

Bioanalytical Methods Based upon Mass Spectrometry. E. C. Horning, Baylor College of Medicine Some Novel Applications of HPLC to Clinical Biochemistry. W. C. Purdy, McGill U Immobilized Enzyme Reactors for Stopped and Continuous Flow Analysis. R. Q. Thompson, C. J. Patton, and S. R. Crouch, Michigan State U The Application of Albumin and ^-Microglobulin Determinations in Monitoring Renal Function. J. Woo, M. Floyd, and D. C. Cannon, U of Texas Medical School

Tuesday Afternoon, August 18 Symposium: Applications of Analytical Chemistry in Biology and Medicine (cont.)

Evaluation of Imaging Detectors for Analytical Spectroscopy. H. L. Pardue, Purdue U Ή NMR Studies of Small Mole­ cules in Intact Human Erythrocytes. D. L. Rabenstein, A. A. Isab, D. W. Brown, and R. S. Reid, U of Alberta X-ray Energy Spectroscopy of Biological Specimens for Environ­ mental Monitoring. J. M. D'Auria and J. D. Popham, Simon Fraser U Analytical Chemistry in Mutage­ nicity Bioassay: Experience in Test­ ing Fruits, Vegetables, and Bever­ ages. B. Stavric, D. R. Stoltz, and R. Klassen, Health and Welfare Canada Estimation of Thiols by Resonance Raman Effect. W. E. Smith, J. Banford, D. H. Brown, and A. A. McConnell, U of Strathclyde Multidimensional HPLC Assay for Phylloquinone in Serum. M. F. Lefevere, A. P. DeLeenheer, and A. E.

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Symposium: Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Analysis

Middle Molecule Mass Spectrometry. C. Fenselau, Johns Hopkins U School of Medicine Computerized GC/MS and Electrophoresis in Study of Human Diseases. E. Jellum, U of Oslo Stable Isotope and GC/MS in Human Amino Acid Metabolism Studies. A. Lapidot, J. Amir, and S. H. Reisner, Weizmann Institute of Science Desorption Techniques in Mass Spectrometry. R. J. Cotter, Johns Hopkins U School of Medicine

Wednesday Morning, August 19 Symposium: Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Analysis (cont.)

Rapid Analysis of Complex Matrices for Hazardous Trace Contaminants Using a Triple Quadrup l e MS/MS System. W. R. Davidson, N. M. Reid, and J. B. French, SCIEX, Inc. TAGA 6000—New MS/MS System for Rapid Screening of Trace Contaminants. A. M. Lovett, W. R. Davidson, T. Sakuma, and B. A. Thomson, SCIEX, Inc. Chemical Analysis by Atmospheric Pressure Ion Evaporation Mass Spectrometry. B. A. Thomson, J. V. Iribarne, and P. Dziedzic, U of Toronto Halide Trace Determination by Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Dilution Technique. K. G. Heumann, W. Schindlmeir, W. Schrôdl and H. Weiss, Universitàt Regensburg Analysis of Stereoisomeric Alcohols by FI-FIK-Mass Spectrometry. H. F. Gruzmacher, J. Espinosa and G. Tolkien, Universitàt Bielefeld Symposium: Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry

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Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry. T. Hirschfeld, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Lasers in Analytical Instrumentation and Measurements. F. E. Lytic, Purdue U Analytical Luminescence Spectrometry. L. J. Cline-Love, Seton Hall U