Mixed Anion Exchange Resins for Tunable Control ... - ACS Publications

Jan 8, 2016 - *E-mail: [email protected]. ... the overall selectivity toward sulfate including the resin matrix and basicity of the functional ...
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Mixed Anion Exchange Resins for Tunable Control of SulfateChloride Selectivity for Sustainable Membrane Pretreatment Ryan Casey Smith, and Arup K. Sengupta Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b03081 • Publication Date (Web): 08 Jan 2016 Downloaded from http://pubs.acs.org on January 16, 2016

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Mixed Anion Exchange Resins for Tunable Control of Sulfate-Chloride Selectivity for


Sustainable Membrane Pretreatment

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Ryan C. Smith and Arup K. SenGupta*


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015,




*Corresponding author, email: [email protected], Tel: (610) 758-3534

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The recovery of water during inland desalination processes using reverse osmosis, or RO, is


often limited by the solubility of calcium sulfate, or CaSO4. Reducing or eliminating the


presence of sulfate from the feedwater will allow the process to be operated at higher recoveries


and produce less waste brine. Ion exchange may be used as a pretreatment method for the control


and removal of sulfate using a hybrid ion exchange-reverse osmosis (HIX-RO) process.


However, for viable application, it is imperative that the process is self-regenerating i.e., the use


of external regenerants has to be avoided altogether. Various properties of the ion exchange resin


control the overall selectivity toward sulfate including the resin matrix and basicity of the


functional group. Finer control over selectivity is also possible through mixing of


characteristically different ion exchange resins. This study focused on how mixing of anion


exchange resins with different matrix and functional groups may optimize sulfate/chloride


selectivity avoiding precipitation of CaSO4 for a specific brackish. Finally, lab-scale results from


an HIX-RO system are presented demonstrating higher RO recovery with no need for an external



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Various processes are used for the desalination of saline water: reverse osmosis (RO), multi-


stage flash distillation, electrodialysis, etc. Yet, regardless of the desalination method practiced,


the byproduct of desalination is concentrated saline brine that must be properly


disposed/discharged into the surrounding environment. For coastal desalination processes, waste


brine is usually discharged back into the ocean. However, for inland desalination processes, there


is no easy method of brine disposal and different methods of concentrate management must be


considered; the most common methods being deep well injection, evaporation ponds, or zero


liquid discharge systems.1-5 The costs associated with concentrate management vary widely


depending on the type of water being treated, the physical location of the treatment plant, and


local laws regarding discharge, but for some inland brackish water desalination plants the costs


associated with disposal are nearly 50% of the plant operating costs.6 No matter what method of


concentrate disposal is practiced, there is a potential for cost savings by decreasing the volume of


concentrate produced: the smaller is the volume of saline brine discharged, the lower is the


overall cost of disposal.


Decreasing the volume of produced concentrate is only possible by increasing the


recovery of the desalination process. This is not immediately attainable since at higher recoveries


there is increased potential for scale formation due to precipitation; some of the most common


precipitates being carbonate salts like calcite (CaCO3) or sulfate salts like gypsum


(CaSO4·2H2O) or barite (BaSO4).7,8 Sulfate salts, unlike carbonate salts, are unaffected by acid


dosing and cannot be completely prevented but only inhibited through the use of anti-scaling


agents.9 Current studies on preventing or inhibiting gypsum scaling have mostly focused on two

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stage RO processes which have an intermediate step where precipitation is induced in the RO




A unique pretreatment system may be designed where the influent sulfate is removed by


ion exchange and replaced by chloride before desalination. Ion exchange resins show high


affinity toward sulfate even in the presence of background ions. The selective removal and


replacement of sulfate by chloride would completely eliminate any threat to scaling since salts of


chloride are orders of magnitude more soluble than those of sulfate. The solution exiting the ion


exchange column would have significantly lower scaling potential, and the desalination process


could be operated at higher recoveries.


Eventually, the resin will need to be regenerated; this is normally accomplished by


passing prepared concentrated brine. However, from a sustainability viewpoint, such an approach


of adding external chemicals is undesirable and also, the additional cost and operational


complexity reduces the value of the proposed approach. Instead, use of the reject brine from the


RO unit as the sole regenerant, if at all possible, offers the opportunity for a holistic process that


improves the product water recovery eliminating the need for an externally added chemical as a




Depicted in Figure 1A is a normally operating RO system that is unable to prevent the


formation of CaSO4 scaling. The potential for sulfate scaling during RO is dictated by the ion


activity product (IAP) between Ca2+ and SO42-. When the IAP exceeds the solubility product,


Ksp, calcium sulfate scaling is thermodynamically favorable.14 By using ion exchange to remove


and replace sulfate with chloride, Figure 1B, the IAP may be reduced below Ksp preventing the


formation of CaSO4 scaling.


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69 70

Figure 1. (A) Formation of CaSO4 due to high recovery and no removal of sulfate (B) Effective


removal of sulfate using ion exchange pretreatment and elimination of CaSO4 scaling

72 73

In order for the process to be sustainable, sulfate must be selectively removed from the feedwater


by the resin before the RO unit, and then displaced by chloride during regeneration using the RO


reject. Achieving this goal is not immediately apparent as there are several factors which can


affect and change ion exchange affinity. Wide variability in the composition of various


feedwaters means that achieving this goal may not be possible with a single commercially


available ion exchange resin. To this end, we attempt to demonstrate that by mixing


characteristically different resins, finer control over sulfate selectivity is possible. One previous


study demonstrated that a hybrid ion exchange-reverse osmosis (HIX-RO) process is capable of


reducing the volume of reject and thus, alleviate the concentrate brine disposal problem


confronted with inland desalination.15 Hybrid ion exchange-desalination processes have been


studied in the past, but these were mainly focused on the removal of boron from seawater.16


The broad objective of this communication is to present and demonstrate that different


properties of anion exchange resins will influence sulfate selectivity and therefore the overall 4 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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sustainability of the HIX-RO process. Furthermore, we show evidence that precise control over


sulfate selectivity is possible by mixing together commercially available anion exchange resins


in a calculated proportion.

89 90

Scientific Challenges and Objectives


The uptake of sulfate by an ion exchange resin loaded with chloride follows Reaction 1:         2R  N Cl + SO → R  N  SO + 2Cl

Rxn. 1

92 93

Where overbar represents the solid phase ion exchanger and R4N+ is the functional group of the


ion exchange resin. Note that this is heterovalent ion exchange i.e., exchanging couterions, SO42-


and Cl-, have unequal charges. The equilibrium constant, K, for an ion exchange reaction under


ideal conditions is known as the selectivity coefficient, and for Reaction 1 between sulfate and


chloride, KS/Cl is expressed as17 / =



Eq. 1

98 99

In which x is the fraction of sulfate or chloride in solution and y is the fraction of sulfate or


chloride on the resin. CT is the total concentration of ions in solution, in meq/L, and Q is the resin


capacity, in meq/g. Supporting Information Section S1 provides the derivation of Equation 1.


At a given temperature, KS/Cl is an inherent property of the resin. The relative ion exchange


affinity of one ion compared to another is known as the separation factor, α, and for sulfate and


chloride αS/Cl is provided as


/ =


Eq. 2 5

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Contrary to KS/Cl, αS/Cl is not a constant. When αS/Cl > 1 sulfate is the preferred species and vice


versa. For heterovalent ion exchange, αS/Cl is dependent on both CT and the resin composition.17-




For the HIX-RO process in Figure 1B, the resin capacity for Rxn. 1 will eventually be


exhausted and must be regenerated with a solution rich in chloride concentration. Sulfate is


removed from the resin and replaced by chloride using a concentrated sodium chloride or brine,


and for the proposed HIX-RO process this would be from the reject stream from the RO unit.


Regeneration follows the following reaction:       R  N   SO   + 2Cl → 2R  N Cl + SO

Rxn. 2

114 115

In order for the resin to be efficiently regenerated, αS/Cl must be less than unity, that is, the same


anion exchange resin would have to prefer chloride over sulfate. Thus, in Figure 1B, Column 1


and Column 2 switch during the process from brackish water influent to RO reject and their


sulfate/chloride selectivity must reverse to sustain the proposed process without needing any


external regenerant. Obviously, the challenge lies in identifying appropriate anion exchange resin


for a specific brackish water composition to satisfy the foregoing criterion.

121 122

Control of αS/Cl through bulk resin properties


For anion exchange resins, matrix and functional groups are the primary composition variables


influencing affinity toward exchanging anions. Thus, for sulfate/chloride exchange, the


separation factor  /), is dependent on the matrix type and the basicity of the functional


group; several previous studies have addressed this subject.21-24

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Matrix type refers to the base polymer that has been functionalized to give ion exchange


capabilities; the two most commonly available commercial polymers are polystyrene and


polyacrylate. Because of its greater hydrophilicity, polyacrylate resins are more sulfate selective


than polystyrene, all other conditions remaining identical. Basicity is a measure of the pKa of the


amine functional group; a lower pKa results in higher sulfate selectivity.25 By varying either the


matrix type or the basicity, broad control over αS/Cl is possible; these effects are summarized in


Figure 2.

134 135

Figure 2. An illustration of the effect of resin matrix and functional group on overall


sulfate/chloride selectivity

137 138

Varying bulk resin properties allows for broad control over the selectivity coefficient, and has


been shown to be an effective method for the selective removal of trace contaminant ions.26


However, for the proposed HIX-RO process both the feedwater and RO reject concentrations are


fixed. Since only a certain range of αS/Cl values will allow the process to operate, more fine-

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tuning is required. For these cases, greater control over αS/Cl can be obtained through mixing of


two characteristically different resins.

144 145

Control of αS/Cl through resin mixing


When mixing two different ion exchange resins “A” and “B” together in a plug-flow column, the


fraction of the column that is resin A, ΦA, may be calculated by

148   + 

Eq. 3

 = 1 −   + 

Eq. 4

 = 149 150

Similarly for resin B

151  = 152 153 154 155

Where mA and mB represent the masses of respective resins. The total capacity of the ion exchange column, Q*, is calculated from the capacity of the individual resins QA and QB and resin fraction ΦA ∗ =   + 1 −  

Eq. 5

156 157

Calculation of the overall column separation factor, α*S/Cl, is similar to Eq. 2 and calculated by

/ =

∗  ∗  

Eq. 6


In which y* is the overall fraction of the column in either sulfate or chloride form and is


calculated by 8 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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∗ =

   +  1 −   ∗

Eq. 7

160 161

It is important to note that α*S/Cl is the overall column separation factor. For the individual ion


exchange resins, αS/Cl has not changed but when two different resins with different αS/Cl values


are mixed the overall column separation factor is changed and dependent on the mixing


ratio   of the resins.


A series of experiments were carried out with both anion exchange resins and the HIX-


RO process using brackish water of varying composition.15 Specific objectives of this


communication are to validate that: i) Sulfate/chloride separation factor can be modified by


mixing anion exchange resins of different compositions; ii) the mixing ratio of two anion


exchange resins can be appropriately tuned to attain α*S/Cl >1.0 for a specific feed water and


α*S/Cl < 1.0 for the RO reject water with sulfate-chloride selectivity reversal; iii) the HIX-RO


process is self-regenerating and can be operated using brackish feed waters with no possibility of


CaSO4 precipitation and requiring no external regenerant.

173 174

Materials and Methods


Ion Exchange Resins


Two strong base anion exchange resins were used throughout this study a polystyrene resin. IRA


900, and a polyacrylate resin, A850. Individual resin properties are detailed in Table 1.

178 179

Table 1. Properties of anion exchange resins used in this study Trade Name Manufacturer Resin Type Matrix

A400 Purolite Strong base Polystyrene

IRA 900 Rohm and Haas Co. Strong base Polyacrylate

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Resin properties such as selectivity and capacity were determined experimentally.

181 182

Determination of αS/Cl Using Batch Isotherms


Before running isotherms, resins were first converted into chloride form. Resin was packed in a


1.1 cm diameter glass column with glass wool supports and a solution of 0.1 M sodium chloride


was passed at 2 mL/min using a ceramic piston pump until the influent and effluent chloride


concentrations were equal. The column was then washed with deionized water. After


conditioning, resin was removed from the glass column and left to air dry at room temperature.


For each batch isotherm, a stock solution of 30 meq/L, 80 meq/L, or 150 meq/L sodium


sulfate was prepared and 50 mL aliquots were placed in Nalgene bottles along with varying


masses of air-dried resin. The bottles were capped, sealed with Parafilm, and placed on a rotary


shaker for at least 24 hours and kept at 23 ± 2 °C. Supernatant was decanted from the resin and


the solution composition was analyzed.

193 194

Measuring Resin Capacity


Resin capacity was measuring by placing a known mass of air dried resin in chloride form in a


glass column. A dilute solution of sulfate was passed and the effluent solution was collected in a


glass beaker. The column was run until influent and effluent sulfate concentrations were equal.


Capacity was determined by measuring the total mass of chloride in the effluent solution which


was then assumed to be the total mass of chloride present on the column, and therefore the resin



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Lab-scale investigations on the efficacy of using ion exchange as a pretreatment for RO were


performed using a feedwater based on representative brackish water composition from the San


Joaquin Valley, CA and other locations. Figure 3 shows the general arrangement of the HIX-RO


laboratory set-up used in the study. Ten cycles of HIX-RO were performed using a i) a mixture


of 1L mixture of polystyrene and polyacrylic resin and ii) individual resins. For each cycle, 20 L


of prepared feedwater was passed through the 1 L ion exchange column and collected. The


effluent was subjected to reverse osmosis using a Dow Filmtec SW30-2540 RO membrane.


Solution in the feed tank was kept at 20 °C ± 2 °C by submersing a cooling coil into the tank.


Transmembrane pressure ranged from 44-46 atm and was adjusted to ensure 80% permeate


recovery. Permeate flux was, on average, between 35 L/m2-hr and 45 L/m2-hr. The produced


concentrate brine was used as the regenerant for the ion exchange column; no additional


chemicals were used. In between cycles, the ion exchange column was not washed or disturbed


in any way; only feedwater and RO concentrate were passed through the ion exchange column.


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219 220

Figure 3. Laboratory setup used for all HIX-RO runs performed

221 222

Sample Analyses


Chloride concentration was determined by titration with silver nitrate using a potassium


chromate indicator, and sulfate was analyzed using a Hach spectrophotometer (Model #DR


5000) and SulfaVer 4 testing kit (Hach Company, Loveland, CO).27

226 227

Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Scanning


Resin beads were first washed with deionized water and left to air dry. Individual beads were


held using a set of fine tweezers and sliced in half using a razor blade dipped in liquid nitrogen.


The sliced beads were then mounted on pegs using double-sided carbon tape and sputter coated


with iridium using an Electron Microscopy Sciences high vacuum sputter coater (Model

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EMS575X). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was performed on resin beads using a Zeiss


1550 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an EDX system from INCA


used for mapping and analysis.

235 236

Results and Discussion


Effect of resin matrix on αS/Cl


First studied was the effect of resin matrix on overall sulfate selectivity. Six batch studies were


performed using both a strong base polyacrylic and a strong base polystyrene resin at 80 meq/L


total ion concentration. The resulting equilibrium values and isotherm curves generated from


these batch tests is shown in Figure 4.

242 243

Figure 4. Batch equilibrium isotherms for strong-base polystyrene and strong-base polyacrylic


resin at CT = 80 meq/L. Dashed lines indicate the fitted curve using Equation 8.


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The fraction of sulfate on the resin is given by yS and the fraction of sulfate in solution is xS. The


separation factor, αS/Cl, for each resin was determined by Eq. 8.22

248  − − ln / − 1 Area below isotherm = Area above isotherm 1 −  − − ln / − 1

Eq. 8

249 250

The areas above and below the isotherm were calculated using the trapezoid rule and solving Eq.


8 for αS/Cl. From the measured data and using Eq. 1, KS/Cl values were also calculated. Table 2


summarizes the pure resin parameters.

253 254

Table 2. Measured pure resin parameters from batch isotherm studies Polyacrylic 2.2 Q (meq/g dry resin) 2.36 αS/Cl at 80 meq/L 114.9 KS/Cl (g/L)

Polystyrene 3.628 0.35 6.47

255 256

Comparing resin matrix effects only, the polyacrylic resin shows significantly higher affinity


toward sulfate than the polystyrene resin. This is reflected in the lower KS/Cl value for the


polystyrene resin compared to the polyacrylic resin. The measured αS/Cl values are only valid at


this CT while KS/Cl remains constant regardless of experimental conditions.

260 261

Effect of functional group basicity on αS/Cl


In order to determine the effect of basicity on sulfate selectivity, three strong base polyacrylic


anion exchange resins with difference basicities were considered: a mixed primary amine resin


with an indeterminate mixture of both secondary and primary amines, a tertiary amine resin, and


the same quaternary amine resin listed in Table 2. Resin properties like KS/Cl and Q for the 14 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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mixed primary resin were previously published,29,30 and resin data for the tertiary amine resin


was garnered from open literature.23. The effect of the basicity of an ion exchange resin on αS/Cl


is best demonstrated by plotting the change in αS/Cl with CT. This is accomplished by using the


fixed values of KS/Cl and Q to calculate αS/Cl from Eq. 1. These results are plotted in Figure 5


which also indicates the predicted CT value at which αS/Cl = 1.0 i.e., the point of selectivity




273 274

Figure 5. Effects of total electrolyte concentration (CT) and basicity of the anion exchanger


functional group.

276 277

Note that both axes in Figure 5 are log scale. Of particular interest is the CT value at which αS/Cl


crosses from greater than 1 to less than 1. This transition is known as selectivity reversal and 15 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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indicates when the resin begins to selectively remove chloride, a monovalent species,


preferentially over sulfate, a divalent species.

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Every time a methyl group is removed, the point of selectivity reversal increases by


approximately one order of magnitude. The order of selectivity reversal and the general trend of


the system follows:


Primary/Secondary > Tertiary > Quaternary


For HIX-RO, there may be a large difference in CT values between the feedwater and the RO


reject. For instance, if the desalination process were to be operated at 90% recovery, the reject


stream would be one order of magnitude more concentrated than the feedwater.

288 289

Mixed Resin Isotherms


Figures 4 and 5 demonstrate that sulfate/chloride separation factor value or αS/Cl is dependent on


both resin matrix and the basicity of the functional group. However, for every brackish water


composition, it is nearly impossible to identify a single anion exchange resin that will exhibit


sulfate-chloride selectivity reversal between the feed and the reject water during the RO process


i.e., αS/Cl is greater at the feedwater CT and less than one at RO reject CT. Finer control may thus


be necessary if the point of selectivity reversal does not fall between feedwater and RO reject


concentrations. Since both the feedwater and RO concentrate are fixed in concentration, an


optimum mixing of different anion exchange resins may be an effective method of precisely


controlling the range of αS/Cl.


For example, brackish water in Hueneme, California has a total influent concentration of


30 meq/L.3 If the water were to be desalinated at 80% recovery, the concentrate stream from the


RO would have a total concentration of 150 meq/L. Using the selectivity data from Table 2 to

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theoretically calculate αS/Cl, neither the polyacrylic resin nor the polystyrene resin have the


desired values of αS/Cl at 30 meq/L and 150 meq/L (Supporting Information Section S2).


However, predictions show that a 50/50 of the two resins will result in the desired range of α*S/Cl


values (Supporting Information Section S3). To this end, batch isotherms were performed


using a 50/50 mixture of polystyrene and polyacrylic resins and the results are plotted in Figure



308 309

Figure 6. Comparison between theoretically predicted α*S/Cl and experimentally determined


α*S/Cl for 50/50 mixture of polystyrene/polyacrylic resin at 30 meq/L and 150 meq/L

311 312

There are two important observations that can be drawn from Figure 6. First, αS/Cl is greater than


one at 30 meq/L and less than one at 150 meq/L, as desired for a self-regenerating HIX-RO


process. Second, the experimental data points from sulfate-chloride equilibrium were found to be


in good agreement with the theoretically predicted isotherms at both 30 meq/L and 150 meq/L.

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This observation offers compelling evidence that α*S/Cl can be accurately predicted for a mixture


of resins only from knowing the individual resin properties through KS/Cl and Q.


The overall range of possible α*S/Cl values can be depicted by plotting calculated values


of α*S/Cl as total concentration, CT, and the mixing ratio, ΦA, change as shown in Figure 7; note


that the range of α*S/Cl values is in log scale. For any CT value, by changing the mixing ratio of


the two resins there is, on average, about one order of magnitude difference in α*S/Cl values.


323 324

Figure 7. Theoretical variation in α*S/Cl with different CT and mixing ratio, ΦA with open circles


demonstrating experimental validation for two different CT isotherms


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Also plotted in Figure 7 are the experimentally determined α*S/Cl values from Figure 6 and two


thick lines at 30 meq/L and 150 meq/L showing what range of mixing ratios resulting in α*S/Cl


being greater than unity at 30 meq/L and less than unity at 150 meq/L. Color shading allows


quick determination of the value of α*S/Cl and therefore the point of selectivity reversal between


two concentration ranges for different mixing ratios.


For the two resins studied, the range of viable ΦA values is 0.2 to 0.7; note that this range


does not include ΦA = 1 or ΦA = 0 i.e. neither of the pure resins will work for the HIX-RO


process and therefore mixing is required for this feedwater composition. Also, the experimentally


determined α*S/Cl values at 30 meq/L and 150 meq/L for ΦA = 0.5 are superimposed on the


figure (shown by white circles), and they demonstrate good agreement with theoretically


determined α*S/Cl values thereby demonstrating the usefulness of the plot for other CT and ΦA



339 340

HIX-RO Runs: Reversibility and Saturation Index (SI)


In order to validate the possibility of using mixed anion exchange resins for sulfate control


during brackish water desalination with HIX-RO process, we synthesized a brackish water


similar to that in San Joaquin Valley, CA. This brackish water has been investigated earlier for


RO processes primarily due to its propensity to precipitate CaSO4 at membrane surfaces with an


increase in product water recovery.15 Figure 8 illustrates the gradual build-up and eventual


supersaturation of CaSO4 for RO processes with an increase in recovery; the brackish water


composition is also included in Figure 8. The ordinate in the figure represents saturation index


(SI) of calcium sulfate and is calculated using OLI Stream Analyzer software using Equation



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SI =

4Ca  54SO   5 67

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Eq. 9

350 351

Where Ksp is the thermodynamic solubulity product of CaSO4(s). Note that at about 50%


recovery, the SI for CaSO4 is nearly equal to unity. Should sulfate concentration in the feed be


reduced by 80% and replaced by equivalent amount of chloride, percentage recovery can exceed


well over 80% while the SI value for CaSO4 still remains under unity. The challenge remains in


sustaining such sulfate removal process without externally added chemicals.


357 358

Figure 8. Variation in calcium sulfate saturation index with increasing recovery of RO process

359 360

Ten cycles of HIX-RO processes were carried out separately using two different sets of anion


exchange resins: One with pure (ΦA = 0) polystyrene matrix, and the second with 50-50 mixture 20 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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(ΦA = 0.5) of polystyrene and polyacrylic matrix. Figure 9A shows that in both cases, the quality


of the treated water (plot of conductivity versus cycle) remained nearly the same i.e., the


composition of the treated water was not influenced by the composition of the anion exchange


resin used in the HIX-RO process. Figures 9B and 9C present experimentally determined


CaSO4 SI values of the concentrate and the corresponding sulfate concentrations for both ΦA = 0


(pure resin) and ΦA = 0.5 (mixed resin), respectively. Note from Figure 9B that for the 50-50


mixed resin, CaSO4 SI value was consistently less than 1.0 during the course of 10 cycles, thus


eliminating any possibility of CaSO4 scaling. On the contrary, the pure polystyrene matrix resin


(ΦA = 0) exhibits SI values close to 2.0 for most of the cycles confirming the possibility of scale


formation at the membrane interface. Figure 9C shows that much higher sulfate removal by the


mixed resin compared with the pure resin is the primary reason for attaining an SI value


significantly lower than unity. This observation is consistent with the self-regeneration of the


mixed bed as predicted from the reversibility of the sulfate-chloride separation factor value


(α*S/Cl) from the service to the regeneration cycle. Although not presented here for the sake of


brevity, the performance of the pure resin with polyacrylic matrix was also inferior to that of the


mixed resin during HIX-RO cycles.


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379 380

Figure 9. (A) Permeate conductivity for cycle (B) CaSO4 saturation index for both pure


polystyrene and mixed resin bed (C) Percent removal of sulfate for both pure polystyrene and


mixed resin bed

383 384

An Autopsy of the Resin Beads


Sulfate removed from the brackish feedwater during the forward pass prevents supersaturation


and potential scaling of CaSO4 onto the RO membrane. During the reverse pass, sulfate is


desorbed by RO reject and sulfate concentration in the exiting stream is significantly greater than


that in the feed. However, this stream of concentrate only goes to waste and is never in direct


contact with RO membrane. Nevertheless, in-column precipitation is thermodynamically feasible


because the saturation index is greater than unity. Following the procedure outlined in


Supporting Information Section S4, HIX-RO runs were carried out using a small-scale ion

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exchange column using the same feedwater and mixed (ΦA = 0.5) resin for 10-minute contact




Three consecutive cycles were run with synthetic RO concentrate corresponding to 80%


recovery from San Joaquin Valley water and no precipitates were observed within the mixed


anion exchange column. Precipitation of CaSO4 inside the ion exchange column would only


occur when the induction time of CaSO4 was below the 10 minute empty bed contact time; other


researchers have shown that even at an SI value of ~4.5, well above the studied value of 2.5,


greater than 13 minutes of induction time is required before CaSO4 precipitation is seen.32


White CaSO4 precipitates were formed in the collected effluent solution nearly 120


minutes after exiting from the column. Sulfate concentration inside the gel phase of the anion


exchange resins is significantly greater than in the aqueous phase in the interspaces between the


resin beads. Thus, CaSO4 precipitation is most likely to occur within the resin bead and any


evidence of the presence or absence of calcium inside the beads is of paramount significance. A


few resin beads from the column during the reverse pass were collected, sliced and characterized


through SEM-EDX technique with mapping. Figure 10A shows the SEM mapping of different


elements while Figure 10B provides SEM-EDX intensity peaks of different elements. Note that


Cl, S and O are significantly present. While Cl- is the source of Cl peaks, S and O are due to the


presence of sulfate (SO42-) inside the anion resin. A small Na peak is also present but Ca is


completely absent confirming the absence of CaSO4 in the gel phase i.e., no precipitation of


CaSO4 within the ion exchange resin beads. It is postulated that the Donnan exclusion effect did


not allow any permeation of Ca2+ within the anion exchanger.33


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414 415

Figure 10. (A) SEM mapping of sliced resin bead (B) Mapping of resin bead showing relative


amounts of each element with no presence of calcium

417 418

Concluding Remarks


Ion exchange processes require regeneration and the disposal of spent regenerant often, if not


always, poses a major problem. Desalination by RO membrane processes often suffers from


irreversible scaling and consequent fouling of RO membranes due to the precipitation of poorly


soluble salts, namely, calcium sulfate. In this study, we present a synergy between the anion


exchange and the RO process where no external regenerant is necessary and the precipitation of


calcium sulfate can be completely avoided even with an increase in product water recovery. In


the past, researchers tried to use cation exchange resins to avoid precipitation by controlling


Ca/Na selectivity while achieving self-regeneration.34-43 However, that goal has not been


achieved as yet. Commercially available anion exchange resins have appropriate composition


variables, namely, functional group, matrix and basicity to tailor sulfate/chloride selectivity as


needed. In this research, a mixed bed of anion exchange resins have been used for the first time


to achieve the desired goal. The key findings of the research may be summarized as follows: 24 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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A 50-50 mixture of two anion exchange resins with different matricies (polyacrylic and


polystyrene) allowed complete reversibility during the HIX-RO process with


dimensionless saturation index of CaSO4 in the concentrate less than unity.


By changing the mixing ratio of the two resins, the reversibility can be attained for a


broader range of brackish water concentrations (Figure 7) i.e., the proposed process is


flexible in its application for a wide variety of brackish water compositions.


Based on the selectivity coefficient data of commercial anion exchange resins already


available, a theoretical model may easily be developed to formulate the optimum


composition of the mixed bed for a given brackish water composition.


The overall sustainability of the inland brackish water desalination can be greatly


enhanced by integrating self-regenerating anion exchange process in tandem with RO


process with lower volume of concentrate needing disposal.

443 444

Supporting Information


A derivation of Equation 1, an explanation for the calculation of individual resin αS/Cl values at


30 meq/L and 150 meq/L and the overall mixed α*S/Cl values, and the procedure for the small


scale in-column precipitation study.

448 449



This research was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation Accelerating


Innovation Research Grant (NSF-AIR #1311758) and the Pennsylvania Infrastructure


Technology Alliance (PITA).

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