Mixing - ACS Publications

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Mixing Continued emphasis on analysis of basic mixing mechanisms highlights this yearJsprogress in mixing the0l.y and technology

year 1965 showed continued probing into fluid Thedynamics in mixing systems. While previous emphasis centered on retention time and interstage mixing in single-phase fluids and the continuous phase of two-phase systems, consideration of the residence time, dispersion, and coalescence of drops or bubbles in the dispersed phase has recently attracted considerable analytical attention. There are still discussion and speculation about the practical differences between various definitions of ultimate blending of solid-solid and liquidliquid blending. The fluid in a mixing vessel has a wide range of fluid shear rates and scales of fluid shear effects. Much work has been devoted toward analyzing these effects, as well as turbulent effects, in determining the application to various mixing phenomena. I n the waste aeration field, surface aerators have excited considerable interest. Papers presenting results from actual installations as well as techniques and problems in measuring the performance of these aerators are included in this review. General

A practical discussion of mixing equipment and aids to selecting mixers was published (3A). A review listing 183 articles published during 1963 and 1964 appeared last year (4A)

J . Y. Oldshue is Technical Director of Mixing Equipment Co., Inc., Rochester, AT. Y. AUTHOR




Other articles published in 1965 which contained related material on mixing included reviews of extraction (2A),mass transfer ( I A ) , and fluid dynamics (5A). Impeller Flow and Fluid Dynamics

The fluid mechanics of the flow in a mixing vessel involves the average velocities at various points in the tank. The circulation from the impeller can be obtained by defining the discharge area. I n the immediate discharge zone from the impeller, the measurement of all the fluid mechanics parameters would include a three-dimensional study with probes and meters capable of reading instantaneous velocities on various scales. Several studies using hot wire and vane-type velocity meters presented data on average and instantaneous velocities on various agitation scales. Bowers ( 7B) studied average velocities, magnitudes, and direction and then used a hot wire velocity meter to get quantities needed for analyzing turbulence. Shear rates based on average and instantaneous velocities were obtained with a hot wire velocity meter and used in scale-up (7B). When an impeller is raised while rotating, a metastable flow condition can exist. Also, different conditions can result from dropping the liquid down to a specified liquid level as compared to filling a tank to the same specified liquid level (2B). There are several practical methods of selecting agitation horsepower requirements of viscous materials (3B). The flow of non-Newtonian liquids around a rotating cone or disk involves the flow behavior index (6B). Rushton (9B) showed how samples withdrawn from mixing vessels can differ considerably from the overall average composition in the tank for a heterogeneous system. A flow-through type analyzer continuously withdraws and returns fluid (4B). A method of relating pipeline shear rates and mixer shear rates is a useful technique for characterizing non-Newtonian fluids (8B).

Gutoff (5B) determined that the interstage mixing in an Oldshue-Rushton column with a single fluid flowing through the unit was similar to an R D C column. A relationship between the eddy diffusivity model and the absolute value of interstage flow was given. Impeller Power Consumption

The power consumption of a vertically mounted impeller is a function of its angular relationship to the baffles in the tank (2C). Definitions of mixing intensity or mixing efficiency concerned the power consumption, the circulating capacity, and the volume of the tank (3C). The number of helical heat transfer coils affects the power consumption of a mixer ( I C ) . An article classified later also contains information on power consumption of helical screw agitators ( 7 0 ) . Blending

Blending of miscible fluids is one of the most common process requirements but is subject to many different interpretations depending upon the analytical method used to measure blend time. The change in color in a mixing vessel after addition of excess reagent in an acidbase titration reaction is one method ( 2 0 ) . A discussion developed in the literature concerning measurements of a physical property of an injected miscible fluid compared with other methods of observing blending (30). A comparison of turbines and helical screw agitators for blending viscous materials shows the areas where each has advantages (ID). A discussion of various mixer models for blending covered the effect of blending performance on other process requirements (40) I

Solid-liquid Mixing

A survey analyzed solids dispersion in the lacquer and paint industry with special emphasis on high speed mixing mills (5E). As more knowledge on the scale-up of fluid shear forces and turbulence becomes available, attempts are VOL. 5 8

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being made to relate the effect of particle size to the scale and decay of these various effects. Middleman (77E) was able to apply the Kolmogoroff theory with good results to ion exchange resin spheres. The dissolving of metals was suggested for determining mass transfer coefficients (TOE). A study of dissolving solid particles included many geometric and particle variables (3-a. Transfer of an organic dye from an aqueous solution to thin films of SiO2-gel and A1203 on the surface of a rotating disk is a unique experimental method (72E). Dissolving salt in a screw-conveyor apparatus involved several mixing variables ( 9 E ) . Crystallization processes were studied in a salting-out crystallizer (73E). A novel rotating, partially filled ampoule was used for the control of melt crystallization ( 8 E ) . Several industrial processes involved flotation ( IE), cornstarch conversion (ZE), fluid hydrogen slush ( 4 E ) , phosphate rock (6E), and chlorination of paper stock ( 7 E ) . The general field of liquid-solid extraction was covered by Rickles in a review (76E). A rotating set of closely spaced disks mounted vertically on a horizontal shaft was used to extract uranium from a slurry (74E). The size-distribution dynamics in a salting-out crystallizer tested a proposed theoretical model and correlated this with production rate upsets (75E). Liquid-liquid Mixing

A full-scale study using pulsed radioactive tracers in a propeller-draft tube system which was mixing gasoline and water demonstrated the difference in performance between pumping up or down the draft tube (20F). The range of the volume fraction within which either of two immiscible liquids in a stirred tank may be continuous (ambivalent range) is primarily a function of the viscosity ratio (17F). LYithin these ranges the phase which will be continuous depends primarily upon the starting procedure. When a reaction occurs between two immiscible liquids, one of which is dispersed in the second continuous liquid, the mechanism of the dispersion, coalescence, and segregation of the dispersed phase is important in analyzing performance. Rietema ( 76F) reviewed the many factors involved in this calculation. A MonteCarlo mathematical treatment is a good mathematical tool for analyzing various dispersed phase conditions (79F). A simple apparatus with stirring in both phases was convenient for measuring mass transfer and chemical reaction between liquid phases (78F). A similar type of experiment in the Lewis cell provided mass transfer data (3F). The dispersion of one liquid into another in a fluidized droplet reactor was performed in an 8-inch and a 40-inch reactor. However, the velocity of the dispersed phase made it difficult to maintain a settled interface and scaleup to a large size was not practical (75F). Mixer settlers were used considerably in extraction work and several papers covered specific aspects (ZF, 6F, I2F- 7 4F). 52


A batch extraction can be simulated in equipment which includes a mixer, distillation unit, and extraction column (9F). Varying the dimensions of each stage in a rotating disk contactor for nonideal extractions was proposed (47). A centrifugal contactor used air pressure to control the process of the dispersion (5F). Industrial processes included alkylation (8F,IOF) and caprolactam extraction ( I I F ) . Under certain conditions the dispersed phase can form a separating layer a t the upper and lower section of a continuously flowing liquid stream into a vessel and performance of a vessel operating like this was described mathematically and verified experimentally ( I F ) . A paper was miscategorized in last year’s review (7F). Gas-Liquid Mixing

A basic study by Gal-Or and Resnick (7G) of the relative velocities between gas bubbles and liquids in an agitated gas-liquid contactor used a photographic technique. The absorption of a gas in a centrifugal absorber (77G) and in a liquid-seal pump (2G) was discussed in two equipment studies. Fermentation is an important industrial process and aeration in gibberellic acid (4G) and the description of an automatic aeration control system in penicillin were covered (72G). Aeration of waste with surface aerators is a fast-growing technique. Relatively large basins and low volumetric absorption rates make this method particularly applicable. Kalinske (8G) discusses the problem of evaluating and testing the performance of these “localized aerators.” Aerators are employed in several industrial processes, including use in paper mills (3G, 75G), the Chicago River (9G, 73G), and a municipal activated sludge plant (7G). Specific data on a BSK turbine (74G) and a rotary brush aerator (6G)appeared. Flotation is an important process involving gas-liquid contractors (5G, IOG). Solid-Solid Mixing

A general review by Valentin (9H) and a survey in the pharmaceutical field ( 2 H ) give up-to-date background. Discussion still goes on as to the most reasonable mathematical model to describe complete blending. The variable angle in a standard V-mixer used a conventional statistical criterion ( 7 H ) . Some new theories for the mixing processes were used on an industrial project (8H).The Littleford-Lodige mixer was used for dry and wet solids mixing ( 4 H ) . The homogeneity obtained in a continuous ribbon blender was as good as that obtained in a previous study of batch blending (7H).An industrial problem in the mixing of polyethylene and carbon black in a doublecone blender was to study particle-size ratios ( 3 H ) . Two types of gravitation mixers were tested for freeflowing materials ( 5 H ) . Mixing in a continuous ball mixer using a tracer technique was presented (6H).

Gas-Solid Mixing

The use of rotating impellers in gas-solid mixers was described only on various patents issued (71-31) I

Pastes Mixing

The use of double-arm impellers in pastes was presented by Parker (7.J). A paper on dispersion of fillerloaded rubbers in a Banbury mixer described the many variables involved in mixing these kinds of materials (2.J). A satisfactory blend from a production standpoint was achieved, but not the ultimate possible blend. Heat Transfer

Chapman and Holland (ZK, 3K) presented a survey of existing correlations and gave the results of their study on heat transfer in mixing vessels. A study of the local heat and mass transfer coefficient at the wall of a flat-bottomed baffled tank showed the effect of impeller position and other variables on the coefficient at several points in the tank. A j-factor relates heat and mass transfer in these systems (7K). Experimental data on the effect of various mixing variables including coils (7OK), baffles (??IC),and jackets (72K) were published. The effect of mixing on heat transfer between a n evaporating volatile liquid in contact with an immiscible liquid medium was discussed (QK). By using existing heat transfer and power consumption equations, a correlation of the optimum speed of impellers in a reactor was obtained (5K). Heat transfer problems are an important part of the production of alkyd resins in a batch reactor (6K). A three-part series on thin-film agitators reviewed and discussed the entire field (4K, 7K, 8 K ) . Chemical Reaction

The mathematical description of mixing vessels used for reaction involves proposing a model of the flow pattern in the unit and then verifying the performance on an actual reaction. A model based on the impeller as a local micromixer in a recirculating stream was tested on a relatively slow second-order irreversible reaction (5L). The use of a pseudofirst-order reaction rate for the hydrolysis of acetic anhydride in dilute aqueous solutions agreed experimentally with facts obtained by dynamic analysis of small disturbances (4L). The dynamic behavior of a reactor for formaldehyde and NH3 compared experimentally with computer results (ZL). A perfectly mixed photochemical reactor was tested experimentally ( I L ) , and a gas phase reaction was studied

vibrating or reciprocating mechanism. All the papers were concerned with countercurrent flow in liquidliquid systems. A liquid-liquid extractor with vibrating trays was studied in two articles (ZM, 8 M ) . Pulsed, sieve-plate extraction columns were used for many industrial applications, including the extraction of kerosine-water, CCh-water ( 4 M ) , and "0% into (Bu)3P04 in Varsol ( 7M). General discussions of pulsed columns and methods of 9M). pulsing these columns have been presented (5M, The measurement of longitudinal dispersion coefficients was studied by Miyauchi and Oya ( 7 M ) . An air-pulsed mixer-settler ( 6 M ) and a pulsed solidliquid contractor were also presented ( 3 M ) . Fluid Jets for Mixing

The mixing characteristics of jets discharging into cylindrical vessels using NaOH and NaCl as tracers explain the role of the jet from the nozzle and also are related to impeller mixing ( 7 5 N ) . Rapid mixing techniques are extremely important in working with high speed reactions. A series of papers covering many of these techniques appeared (3N, 4N, 6N, 8N, 24N). The ejector mixer can be made to improve stability of reactant ratios under fluctuating supply pressures (74N). Isothermal turbulent flow reactors show the relationship between reaction rate and mixing rate (??AT,23N). A pneumatic mixer in a crystallizer was used in studies on the yield of large crystals (26N). Pressure loss in a Venturi mixer can be described in terms of mixing loss coefficient (22N). Braulick, Fair, and Lerner ( 5 N ) described a sparged contactor whose performance was reported to be equivalent to stirred contactors and bubble-cap trays. Scale-up of a Venturi mixer included energy loss and oxygen transfer characteristics (73N). A new atomizer absorber was described ( 2 1 N ) . The hydrodynamics of aeration chambers are characterized into three different groups (ZON). A dispersion device for air and flotation machines was presented (78N). Commercial equipment included a package gas absorption system ( 7 N ) , a direct contact spiral Aow apparatus (ZN), a bubble scrubber (TON), a chlorinator (76N), and a centrifugal atomizer ( Q N ) . The use of gas jets in gas-phase reactors was presented in four papers ( U N , 77N, 79N, 25N). Longitudinal mixing in a gas-sparged tubular vessel was studied by Argo and Cova ( I N ) .


The temperature control of a chemical reactor included the control of a reactor where the dynamics of the cooling system are not important (7L), and also the case where the flow rate of a coolant through the coil was varied (6L). Vibrating, Pulsing, and Reciprocating Mixers

No papers were published on batch mixing with a

Mixing through Flow Distributors

Correlations to predict the rate of mass transfer in packed beds included droplet size, dispersed phase, and holdup and showed the need for more work on backmixing and the effect of mechanical agitation outside of the droplet (6P). Studies on axial mixing in packed beds were presented (4P). The use of a packed bed for mixing is VOL. 5 8

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covered by Hassell and Bondi (3P). Concurrent flow of immiscible liquids in packed beds is discussed by Rigg and Churchill (8P). The absorption of oxygen into sodium sulfite was studied in a gas-bubble column (7ZP). The hydraulic resistance of a horizontal unpacked absorber with various dispersing devices was presented ( 2 ) . The use of direct contact heat transfer is being considered for many applications and one study measured temperature profiles and transfer of heat between warm kerosine and cool water (7P). Various mixing effects in sieve-plate equipment included contact surface studies (QP),longitudinal mixing (5P),and heat transfer (70P). Welch, Durbin, and Holland presented information on mixing on valve trays and in downcomers of a distillation column ( 7 If‘). Fluidized Beds

The mixing of solids in a fluidized-bed reactor was determined using a mathematical model of the drying process in a fluidized bed (ZQ). The mixing characteristics of mixed material beds include fluidization velocities (3Q). The residence time of the solids in a fluidized vessel in multistage fluid-bed reactors includes experimental work (QQ) and a theoretical study (8Q). The residence time distribution and mixing of the gas are equally as important as solids mixing (?Q, 44, 6Q). Two industrial processes include the ethylene hydrogenation and adsorption of ethyl ether on activated carbon (5Q, 704). The manufacture of detergent with spray mixers is an industrially important operation

(74, 774). Pipeline Mixers

Mixing and chemical reaction in a liquid turbulently flowing in a tube are covered in two papers (QR,?OR). Mass transfer with chemical reaction in a viscous fluid was discussed (6R). Several papers considered residence time distribution and axial dispersion in pipeline flow (3R-5R,72R,73R). Scaling up viscoelastic fluids was presented by Slattery

(77R). Dynamics of a homogeneous tubular flow reactor with nonlinear kinetics are solved (7R),while the recirculating type of tubular reactor is covered in another paper (7R). The control of streams into in-line mixers (2R)and the turbulence characteristics of liquid in pipe flow have also been described in publications in this field (8R). An efficient gas absorption device was based on stable aqueous foam moving in a horizontal duct with a gasliquid interaction that caused negligible pressure drop

(74R). Mathematical Description of Single-Stage Mixing

Mathematical studies of retention characteristics of single-stage mixers and reactors were covered by several papers (ZS, 1OS, ?IS, 76s). Mathematical models of the mixing process in a single-stage reactor were discussed ( I d s , 75s). Calculations of unsteady state con54


centrations (7ZS), photochemical reactor design (4S), and polycondensation processes (77s) were covered. A study of the minimum time operation of a batch reactor was presented (73s). The dynamics of reactor response and control systems were discussed in several papers (7S,SS,7S-927, 18S, 79s). The use of the maximum principle in analyzing complicated topology was presented (357, as was a mathematical study of mixing in microbial kinetics in an activated sludge process (6s). Mathematical Description of Multistage Mixing

The distribution of residence times in multistage 72T, ? 3 T ) ,as was a means of systems was presented (6T, solving problems by Haldane’s method (32”). The design of a flow reactor with longitudinal dispersion based on experimental rate data was discussed by Miyauchi (9T).The method of moments applied to a cascade of discrete stages was presented ( 7 7 7 , and questions of optimum design in multistage systems were studied (4T,8T). The stability of cascaded reactors was presented by Berger and Perlmutter ( Z T ) . Applications of multistage analyses to processes included use of crystallizers ( 7 7 T),countercurrent extracand gas absorption ( S T ) . tion (7T,70T), Patents

Applicable patents are cited in the references in the appropriate section, but no reference is made to them in the text. REFERENCES (1.4) Bischoff, K. B., Himmelblau, D. M., “Mass Transfer,’’ IND.END.CHEM. 5 7 (12), 54 (1965). (2A) Ellis, W. B., Beckmann, R . B., “Liquid-Liquid Extraction,” Ibid., (ll), p. 103. (3A) Ludwig, J. B., “Liquid Mixers, .4gitators and How to Select Them,” Food Ens., p. 54, J u n e 1965. (4A) Oldshue, J. Y . , “Mixing,” IKD.Exo. CHEM.5 7 ( l l ) , 115 (1965). (5A) IVeintraub, M., “Fluid Dynamics,” Ibid,:(6), p. 41.

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Impeller Flow a n d Pluid Dynamic3 (1B) Bowers, R. H.. “.An Investigation of Flow Phenomena in Siirred Liquids,“ A.1.Ch.E. Chem. Eng. Symp. Ser. N o . 10, London, Instn. Chem. Engrs., (1965). (2B) Chaqyan F. S. Urban W. Holland F A , , “Hysteresis in Liquid Mixing Systems, Chkm. f‘ric. E n g . ‘46 (6), 305 ( i 9 6 k ) . (3B) Garcia-Borras, Thomas, “Find Viscous Flow This Way,” Hydrocarbon Process 44 (4), 146 (April 1965). (4B) Gershenovich, V. Z., ‘‘Method for Controlling a Batch Reactor by Means of a Flow-Type Analyzer,’’ Zaaodsk. Lab. 31 (5), 624 (1965) (Russ.); CA 6 3 , 5254h (1165). (5B) Gutoff E. B “Interstage Mixing in an Oldshue-Rushton Liquid-Liquid Extractio; Colu&,” A.l.Ch.E. J. 11 (4), 712 (1965). (6B) Mitschka, P., Ulbrecht, J., “Non-Newtonian Liquids, IV. Flow on NonNewtonian Liquids of the Ostwald-de-Waeles’ Type in the Vicinity of Rotating Cones and Disks,” Coilecfion Czech. Chem. Cummun. 30 ( 8 ) , 2511 (1965) (Ger.); C A 63, 9491d (1965). (7B) Oldshue, J. Y . , “Fluid Movement, Heat and Mass Transfer in Agitated Vessels,“ Chemiker Zfg. 89 (121,407 (1965) (Ger.); C B 6 3 , 9486f (1965). (8B) Potts, W.E.. Brinkerhofl, R. Chapman F. S. Holland F A. “Pipelines for Son-Newtonian Liquids,” Chjm. Eng. 72 16), 16; (March ?5,‘1965). (9B) Kushton, J. H., “The Continuous Removal of Mixed Phases from a Mixing Tank,” A.I.Ch.E. Chem. Eng. Symp. Ser. iVo. 10, London, Instn. Chem. Engrs., (1965). Impeller Power Consumption (1C) Blasinski, Henryk, “The Influence of Coils U-sed in hlixers on the Power Consumption of Agitators,” Chem. Stosuwana Ser. E. 1 (2), 219 (1964) (Pol.); C A 6 3 , 9492c (196.5). (ZC) Blasinski, H.. Tyczkowski, Andrzej, “Influence of Asymmetrical Position of the Mixing Impeller on Power Consumption,” Zerzyty N a u k . Politech. Lodz., Chem. .?io. 14 111 (1964) (Pol.); Cil63,12701d (1965). (3C) Gzovskii S. Ya. “Mixing Power Input, Intensity and Efficiency of Radial Paddle Mix’ers,” K h h . i #eft. >t4o5hi?ZOJtr.1965 (3) p. 1 (Russ.); CA 63, 6626d (1965). Blending (1D) Chapman, F. S . , Holland, F. A , , “ A Study of Turbine and Helical-Screw Agitatorsin Liquid Mixing,” T r a n ~Inrt. . Chem. Eng. 43 (4), T131 (1965).

(2D) Romer, W., Dzieglewski, J., Jablonka, S “Measurement of Efficiency of Stirring E uipment for Liquids,” Chem. Stosow&a Ser. B 2 (l), 81 (1965) (Poi.); C A 63, 39016 (1965). (3D) Sykes Paul, Gomezplata, Albert, “Mixing Rates in Stirred Vessels,” A.I.Ch. E. J 11 (l), 174, 182 (1965). (4D) Voncken, R. M . , “Homogenization of Miscible Liquids. 11,” Brit. Chem. Eng. 10 (3), 179 (1965). Solid-Liquid Mixing


(1E) Bautista, E. N., Pasiliao, E. V., Lozano, M., “Leaching-Flotation of Balabac, Palawan, Oxide-Sulfide Co per Ores Philip ines Dept. Agr. Nat. Resources, Bur. Mines, Refit. Invest. i o , 51, l l ’ p p . (196%) (6ng). (2E) Bidrawn, J. L., Ewing, F. G., Landis, B. H., Wheeler, H. R., “Continuous Enzyme Conversion of Corn Starch,” Tapfii 48 (9), 101A (1965). (3E) Blasinski H., Boss J. “Influence of Geometrical Parameters on the Mass Transier Coefficieht in)Agitated Vessels,’’ Zeszyty Nuuk. Politsch. Lodz. Chem. 14, 97 (1964) (Pol.); C A 63, 12701c (1965). (4E) Dwyer, R. J., Cook, G A Stelknecht D. H. “Laboratory Production of Fluid Hydrogen Slush, IN;. E i o . CHEM.3’(4), 318 (1964). ( 5 E ) Engels, K., “Dispersion in the Lacquer and Paint Industry with S ecial Emphasis on High-speed Mixing Mills,” Forbc Lack. 71 (5), 375 (196g) (Ger.); C A 63,4510e (1965). (6E) Gilbert, R. L., Moreno, E. C., “Dissolution of Phosphate Rock by Mixtures of Sulfuric and Phosphoric Acids,” IND.END.CHEM.PROCESS DESION DEVELOP. 4 (4), 368 (1965). (7E) Helberg, B. E., “Channeling in an Upflow Chlorination Tower,” T.pPi 48 (9), 94A (1965). (BE) Kir intsev, A. N., Avvakumov, E. G “A Method for Mixing Melts during Contro%ed Crystallization,” Krirtallogra&a 10, (3), 449 (1965) (Russ.); CA 63, 66266 (1965). (9E) Koerber K “Eflect of Residence Time in Screw-Conveyer Dissolving Apparatus,’’ F;eib&er Forschungsh. 326A, 91 (1964) (Ger.); CA 63, 2645f (1965). (10E) Madden, A., J . , Nelson,, D. G., “A Novel Technique for Determining Mass Transfer Coefficlents in Agitated Solid-Liquid Systems,” A.Z.Ck.E. J. 10 (3), 415 (1964). (11E) Middleman Stanley, “Mass Transfer from Particles in Agitated Systems: Application of t i e Kolmogorofi Theory,” Ibid., 11 (4), 750, 760 (1965). (12E) Mitrovic M., Koncar-Djurdjevic, S. “Adsor tion of Organic Dyes in Aqueous Solbtions on Rotating Films of’ SiOa-Ge? or AIaOo.’ Glasnik Hem. Drustva, Beograd 28 (7), 393 (1963) (Serbian); C A 63, 5263h (1965). (13E) Murray, D. C., Larson M A “Size-Distribution Dynamics in a Salting1; (4), 728 (1965). Out Crystallizer.” A.I.Ch.h. (14E) North A. A Wells R. A., “Solvent Extraction of Uranium from Slurries by Means a Rd;ary-Fiim Contractor, Bull. Inst. Mining. Met. 702,463 (1965). (15E) Nyvlt J., Skrivanek J . Moudry F., “Crystallization. XIV. Cascade of Crystalhers with Nucieatibn in All Members; Real Crystallizers,” Collection Czech. Chem. Commun. 30 (6), 1759 (1965) (Ger.); CA 63, 26456 (1965). (16E) Rickles, R. B., “Liquid-Solid Extraction,” Chem. Eng. 72 (6), 157 (1965).



Patents (17E) Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., “Continuous Countercurrent Ap aratus for Contacting Solids and Liquids,” Brit. Patent 1,006,400 (Sept. 29, 1B65). (18E) Denso-Chemie G.m.b.H., “Concrete Containing Foam-Producing Substances, Rosin, a d Mineral Fibers,” Ger. Patent 1,192,573 (May 6, 1965); 1 page addn. to Ger. Patent 1,124,415; C A 63,40066 (1965). (19E) Hans Schuster “Ap aratus for Mixing of Solid Loose Materials with Liquids,’’ Ger. Patint l,lf0,437 (April 8, 1965); CA 63, 2649c (1965). (20E) Mottershead Thomas (to Ferranti, Ltd.), “Regeneration of Ion Exhcange Resins in Mixed Beds,” Brit. Patent 985,871 (March 10, 1965). (21E) Unilever, N. V., “Mixing Device,” Netb. Patent Appi. 297,301 (May 25, 1965); CA 63, llO5Of (1965). (22E) Vincenzo Campagna “Slurrying Mixers,” Ital. Patent 662,766 (April 16, 1964); C A 63, 11050e (lb65). (23E) Vivian, Lee E., “Chemical Applicator,” U. S. Patent 3,199,957 (Aug. IO, 1965). (24E) Vol’fson B. N., “Continuous-Acting Section Cryntallizer,” U.S.S.R. Patent 170465, ( A p h 23, 1965); C A 63, 11050~(1965). Liauid-Liauid Mixina (IF) Arima, K., Eguchi, W., Nagata, S . , “Eflect of Separated Layer of the Dispersed Phase in a Liquid-Li uid Continuous Flow Reactor,” Kagaku Kogakw 28, (2), 162 (1964) (Japan.); C j 63, 2641d (1965). (2F) Berestovoi A. M., Romankov, P. G., “Dimensionless Equations of Mass Transfer in M?lxer-SettlerExtractors,” Zh. Prikl. Khtm. 38 (21, 319 (1965) (Russ.); CA 62, 12772g (1965). (3F) Braginski L. N Pavlushenko 5. S., “Relationship between Surface Renewal Factor and Mixing’Conditions in’ a Lewis Cell,” Ibzd., (6), 1290 (1965) (Russ.); Bnt. Chem. Enz. 10 ( l l ) , 872 (1965). (4F) Brink A Gericke, J. J., “Application of the Rotating Disk Contactor to Non-Ideh Gquid-Liquid Extraction Systems,” S. African Ind. Chemist 18 (1 l), 152 (1964) (Eng.). (SF) Clark, A. Thomas, Jr “Performance of a 10-Inch Centrifugal Contactor,” U. S. Atomic Energy”Comm. Accession No. 15667, Rept. No. DP-752, avail. CFSTI (1962). (6F) Drygin A I Tsylov, Y u . A., “Industrial Apparatus for Semi-Countercurrent ExtrLctidny Tsuetn. Metal. 38 (6), 61 (1965) (Russ.); CA 63, 11029e (1965). (7F) Fondy P. L., Bates R L “Agitation of Li uid Systems Requiring a High Shear Chkracteristic,” h.I:Ch:h. J. 9, 338 (19637. (8F) Hull D E Fries B. A. Gilmore, I. T., “Acid Circulation, Volume, Replacemgnt and’hntraihment iheasured in an Alkylation Plant with Radiotracer,” Intern. J. AMI. .. Radiation Isotopes 16 (I), 19 (1965). (9F) Jeflreys, G. V Jenson V. G., “A Batch-Operated Solvent Extraction Process,’’ Brit. Chem. %ng. 10, 504 (1965). (10F) Jernigan E C Gwyn J. E., Claridge, E. L., “Optimizing Alkylation Processes,’’ Chem.’E&. Srogr. 6 i ( l l ) , 94 (1965). (1lF) Kagan, S. Z., Trukhanov V. G., Kostin, P. A., Kudryavtsev, E. N., “Extraction of Caprolactam from’Sulfate Liquors in Disk-Rotor Extractors,” Khim. Prom. 41 (3), 184 (1965) (Russ.); CA 62,15896e (1965). (12F) Korpusov, G V Tsylov Yu. A. “Box-Type Countercurrent Extraction Apparatus,” Tsvekz. k t a l 38 ’(Z), 66 (i965) (Russ.); CA 62, 15774f (1965). (13F) Leisibach J., “New Extraction Column with Guided Phase Flow in LiquidLiquid Coun;ercurrent Extraction,” Chem. I g r . Tech. 37 (3), 205 (1965); CA 63,267a (1965).

(14F) Lukhakooder, E.,?., Siirde, E. K., “Design of Extractors E uipped with Propeller Mixers I1 Tr Tullinsk. Politekhn. Inst. Ser. A 1964 $IO), p. 179 (Russ.); CA 63, i778’c (1985). (15F) Malloy, J. B., Taylor, W. C., Jr., “Scale-up of a Fluidized-Droplet Reactor,” Chem. Eng. Progr. 61 (7), 101 (1965). (16F) Rietema, K., “Szgregation in Li uid Li uid Dispersions and Its Eflect on Chemical Reactions. Advan. Chem. %ng. 237 (1964). (17F) Selker A. H., Sleicher C. A., Jr., “Factors Affecting Which Phase Will Dis erse h h e n Immisciblc’Liquids Are Stirred Together, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 43 ~.,, 298 (1965). (18F) Seto, P., Further, W. F., Johnson, A. I., “Reaction-Accompanied Mass Transfer between Liquid Phases,” Ibid., p. 292. (19F) Spielman L A Levens iel 0 “Monte Carlo Treatment for Reacting and Coalescing Di’sDeise; Phase &em,:” Chem. Enp. Sci. 20. 247 (1965). (20F) Stemerding, S., Groothius H Hoo endoorn C. J., “Radioactive Tracer Experiments on Large Stirrers for iiquid-fiquid Cbntacting,” Can. J. Chem. Eng. 43 (31, 153 (1965).







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Patents (21F) Alexandre, D., Mazoyer, B., Sarrat, P. (to Commissariat a 1’Energie Atomique) “Mixer-Decanter Apparatus,” French Patent 1,380,540 (Dec. 4, 1965); CA’62, 15796s (1965). (22F) Andersson C. R. (to Sun Oil) “Apparatus for Countercurrent LiquidLiquid Contachg,” U. S. Patent 3,184,444 (July 5, 1965). (23F) Borbat, V. F Baranov, M. N., Borisovskii, V. F., Bobikov, P. I. “Multistage Mixer-Settlk; for Slow Processes and for Li uids Which Do Nor)Separate Readily,” U.S.S.R. Patent 167,819 (Feb. 5, 1961); CA 62, 14208~(1965). (24F) Entoleter, Inc., “Contactor,” Neth. Patent 6,409,249. (Feb. 15, 1965); CA 6 3 , 391% (1965). (25F) G a p A. F., Gur’yanov, A . I., Mikhailov, G . M., “Mixer-Settler Extractor, d.S.S.R. Patent 167,824 (Feb. 5, 1965); CA 62, 14208f (1965). (26F) Hase A. Hirschleber A Runau S “Extractor,” East Ger. Patent 36,106 (March E;, 1665); C A 63,’68$0g (196’5).” (27F) Mehner, Wolf (to Metallgesellschaft A.G.), “Multistage Extractor for Li uid-Li uid Extraction,” Ger. Patent 1,184,322 (Dec. 31, 1964); CA 62, 7489f (1925). (28F) Miller, R . S., Ralph, J. L. (to Shell Oil), “Combined Mixer and Settler,” U.S. Patent 3,183,763 (March 16, 1965). (29F) Ponomarenko I Ya., “Continuous Countercurrent Extraction Apparatus,” U.S.S.R. Patent i6?,929 (Feb. 5, 1965); CA 62, 14206j (1965). (30F) Post Otto “Apparatus for Mulriphase Liquid Extraction,” Brit. Patent l,003,75i (Sep;. 8, 1965). (31F) Watt P R (to Vitamins Ltd.), “Countercurrent Extraction Apparatus,” Ibid., 998:64k (july 21, 1965).’ Gas-Liquid Mixing (1G) ,Gal-Or, B., Resnick W “Relative Velocities of Bubbles t o Liquid in an Agitated Gas-Liquid CdntaL;or,’’ A.I.Ch.E. J. 11 (4), 740 (1965). (2G) Gianetto A., “Absorption of a Gas in a Liquid Seal Pump. 11. Absorption of a Highly Soiuble Gas,” Ing. Chim. Ital. 1 (2), 44 (1965) (Ital,); CA 63, 94956 (1965). (3G) Hodges, G., “Efficient Surface Aeration System,” PuZp Paper 38,36 (December 21, 1964). (4G) Holme, Tord, Zacharias, B. “Gibberellic Acid Formation in Continuous Culture,” Biotech. Bioeng. VII, 40k (1965). (5G) Honeywell, W. R . , Gow, W. A,, “Report on Pilot-Plant Flotation of Uranium Ore from Denison Mines, Ltd. ” U. S. Atomic Energy Comm. Accession No. 13530 Refit. No. NP-14770 (1964). (6G) Horvath, Imre, Szolnoky, Elemer, “Comparative Laboratory Test of Rotary. Brush Aeration Units of Activated-Sludge Waste Water Treatment Plants,” Besxamolo Vizgasdalkodusi Tud. Kut. Int. Munkajarol 1961, p. 185 (Publ. 1964) (Hung.); C A 63, 11156f (1965). (7G) Hurwitz, E., Nogaj, R. J., Roeber, J. A,, “Performance of Surface Aerators under Widely Var ing Loadings in an Activated Sludge System,” Water and Sewage Works, ReJrence N o . R-209 (1965). (8G) Kalinske A A., “Evaluation of Oxygenation Capacity of Localized Aerators,” J . Water &it. Control Fed. 37, ( l l ) , 1521 (1965). (9G) Kaplovsky A J Walters W. R. Sosewitz, B., “Artificial Aeration of Canals in Chicago,” $6 (4), 43i (19643. (10G) Klassen V. I. Berger G. S., “The Aerofloccular Flotation of Minerals” Obogashch Tdtrkikh kassov. dolezn. Iskop., Acad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Corn. Dela 1964, p. 19 (Russ.); CA 63, 26634’ (1965). (11G) Matsuda M. Fujioka Y . “Absorption of Carbon Dioxide in a Centrifugal Absorber b ’Mon’o- and hierbanolamine Solution,” Bull. Chem. Sac. Japan 38 (61, 869 (1J65) (Eng.). (12G) Nyiri, L., Leng el, 2. L., “Studies on Automatically Aerated Biosynthetic Processes. I. The E%ect of Agitation of COz on Penicillin Formation in Automatically Aerated Liquid Cultures,” Biotech. Bioeng. VII, 343 (1965). (13G) Roeber J A Nogaj R. J Ciabattari E. J., Hurwitz, E., “Experimental Surface Aerktibn the Chcago‘kiver SysteL ” Proc. 19th Annual Waste Treatment Conference. Part 11. D. 439. Purdue UAiv. (1964). . . (14G) Stalmann Volker “The BSK Turbine: A New High-Performance Aeration Device fo: SewagiTrcatment,” Gas-Warserfach 106 (22), 613 (1965) (Ger.); CA 63.4007e 11965). (15G) I h i t e , M. T., “Surface Aeration as a Secondary Treatment System,” Tappi 48 (lo), 124’4 (1965).





Patents (16G) Mooch Doms’o Aktiebolag “Apparatus and Procedure for the Sulfonation of Or anic dompounds,” keth. Patent Appl. 6,412,821 (May 6, 1965); CA63. llOf3h (1965). (17G) Pilo, Claes W. (by Claes W. Pilo and Sven Dahlbeck) “Equipment for Contacting a Liquid with a Gas or Vapor,” Ger. Patent 1,1d9,525 (March 25, 1965): CA 62. 157966 (1965). (18G) Vrablik, E. R. (to Eimco Carp.), “Flotation-Cell Design,” U. S. Patent 3,179,252 (April 20, 1965). Solid-Solid Mixing (1H) Cahn, D. S., Healy T. W Fuerstenau D. W., “Blender Geometry in the Mixing of Solids,” IN;. ENC.”CHEM.P n o b ~ s s DESICKDEVELOP.4 (31, 318 (1965). (2H) Fowler, H. W., “Pharmaceutical Engineering,” Mjg. Chemist Aerosol News 36 (5), 57 (1965). (3H) Hill F. P., “Mixing of Polyethylene and Carbon Black Masterbatch in Double-’Cone Blenders,” Trans. Inst. Chem. E n ~ r s .(London) 43, T10 (1965).

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(4H) Hutchins, Hastings H. Cacoso A G et al. “Evaluation of a High Efficiency Solids-Solids Blender,” J . ’Pharm. kci.’54’15), 756 (1 965). (5H) Lomakin, B. M. Lastovtsev A. M . “A Gravitation Mixer for Free-Flowing Materials,” Tr. M a h . Inst. K h h . Mashinostr. 26, 192 (1965) (Russ.); C A 63, 110298 (1965). (6H) Mori Y. Jimbo G. Yamazaki, M., “Residence-Time Distribution and Mixing Charactkristics df Piwders in Continuous Ball Mill,” Kagaku Kogoku 28 (31, 204 (1965) (Japan.); CA 63, 7920h (1965). (7H) Poole, K. R., Taylor, R. F., ’Wall, G . P., “Mixing Powders t o Fine-Scale Homogeneity: Studies of Continuous Mixing,” Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 43, T261 (1965). (BH) Ridgeway, K., Wihberly, K., “Rate of Mixing of Powders,” Chemist Druggi~l 83 (4443), 366 (1965). (9H) Valentin, F. H . H “Mixing of Powders and Particulate Solids,” Chem. Process Ens. 46 (14), 181’11965); C A 62, 14201g (1965). Patents (10H) Meinen, Heinz (to Henschel-Werke A,-G.), “Mixing Apparatus for Blending of Dry Synthetic Materials and Chemicals,” Ger. Patent 1,191,388 (April 22, 1965); C A 63, 6630e (1965). (1 1H) Pfrengle, Otto, Hermes Karl (to Chemische Fabrik Budenheim, Rudolf A. Oetker K.-G.) “Reacto; for Mixing Powdery Solids and Liquids,” I&d., 1,197,064 (July 22: 1965); C A 63, (9), 11050h (1965). Gas-Solid Mixing (11) Logvinenkn D. D . “Reactor for Fluidized-Bed Processes,” U.S.S.R. Patent 168,264 (Feb. i8, 196k); CA 62, 15797g (1965). (21) Sturm, Albert Solid-Gas or Solid-Liquid Mixer,” Ger. Patent 1,898,047 (March 4, 1965); C A 62, 12783~(1965). Patent (31) Unilever, N. V., “Mixing and Homogenizing Pulverized Materials,” Neth. Patent Appl. 6,409,259 (Feb. 22, 1965); C A 63, 272f (1965). Pastes Mixing ( I J ) Parker, N. H., “How to Select Double-Arm Mixers,” Chem. Eng. 72 (18), 121 (1965). (2J) Payne A. R “Effect of Dispersion on the Dynamic Properties of FilleiLoaded kuhberi,’” J . Appl. Polymer Sci. 9 (6), 2273 (1965). Patent (3J) Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij, N. V., “Mixing Rubbers,” Neth. Patent Appl. 6,409,435 (Feb. 16, 1965); C A 63, 4497d (1965). Heat Transfer (1K) Askew, W.S. Beckmann R. B. “Heat and Mass Transfer in an Agitated Vessel,” IKD, Eh.0: CHEM.P R ~ C E D S S~ S I ODEVELOP. N 4 (31, 311 (1965). (2K) Chapman, F. S., Holland, F. A.: “Heat Transfer Correlations for Agitated Liquids in Process Vessels,” Chem. Eng. 72 (2), 153 (1965). (3K) I b d , “Heat Transfer Correlations in Jacketed Vessels,” (4), p. 175. (4K), Fischer, R . , “Agitated Thin-Film Evaporators, 111. Process Applications,” Ibid., (le), p . 186. (5K) Lohrisch F. W. “How t o Find Optimum Agitator Speed,” Hydrocardon Procesi Petrol: Rejner 4.4 (5), 217 (1965). (6K) Manusov E B. Roshall 4. A. Shumskii, K . P., “Some Heat Transfer Problems in Batch &actors for. the Groduction of Alkyd Resins,” Lakokrarochpe A4aieriaiy i ikh Prirnenente 1965 (11, p. 56 (Russ.); C A 62, 14193e (1965). (7K) Mutzenherg A. B. “Agitated Thin-Film Evaporators. I. Thin-Film Technology,” Chem. 72’(19), 175 (1965). (BK) Parker, N. H . , “How t o Select Double-Arm Mixers, 11. Equipment and Economics,” Ibid., p. 179. (9K) Sideman, S., Barsky, Zvi, “Turbulence Effect on Direct-Contact Heat Transfer with Change of Phase. Effect of Mixing on Heat Transfer between an Evaporating Volatile Liquid in Direct Contact with an Iinmiscible Liquid Medium,” A.I.Ch.E. J. 11 (3), 539 (1965). (10K) Skelland. A. H . P. Blake Mi. K.: Dabrowski, J. W., e t ai., “Heat Transfer to Coils in P;opeller-A~itated ‘Vessels,” Ibid.,(5), p . 954. (11K) Skelland, A. H . P., Ulrich J. A., Mach, T. D., “Effectsof Baffleson Heat Transfer to Coils in a Propelldiigitated Vessel,” Heat Transfer Symp., Boston, CEP S ~ m p .Ser. 61, 97 (1965). (12K) Strek Fryderyk Masiuk, S., et al.: “Heat Transfer in Mixing Vessels,” Chem. Sfos&ann fer. d2 ( l ) , 101 (1965) (Pol.); C.4 63, 3911h (1965).


Patents (13K) Crawford, James R . (to Crawford and Russell Inc.), “Material Treatment Apparatus,” U. S. Patent 3,206,287 (Sept. 14, 1925). (14Kj Crawford and Russell, Inc., “Scraped Mixer and Reactor for Viscous Materials,” Brit. Patent 988,855 (April 14, 1965). Chemical Reaction (IL) Harris P. R., Dranoff. J . S. “Perfectly hlixed Photochemical Reactors,” A.I.Ch.E.’J. 11 (3), 497 (1965). (2L) Kermode, R . I., Stevens, W. F., “Experimental Verjfications of the Mathematical Model for a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, Can. J . Ciiem. Eng. 43 (7). j-,, hR - - (1965). --, ~~

(3L) Kydd, P . H., Fors, W. I. “Combustion of Fuel-Lean Mixtures in Adiabatic Well Stirred Reactors ” Cdnibust. Symp. loth, Cambridge Univ., England, 1964, p . 101 (Publ. 1 9 i 5 ) . (4L) Lelli U. Salvigni S., “Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors-Comparison between’ Coiversions Determined Experimentally and by Dynamic Analysis,” Ing. Chim. I / a l . 1 (I), 15 (1965) ( I t a l . ) ; CA63,26376 (1965). (5L) Manntpg F. A. Wolf D Keairns D. L., “Model Simulation of Stirred Tank Reactors, i . I . C h . b . J . i l 723 (i965). (6L) Weber, T. MT Harriott P. “Dynamics of Heat Removal f r o m an Agitated Tank,” IND.ENO:’CHEM. F~ND~MEN4 TA (2), L S155 (1965). (7L) Ibid., “Control of Continuous-Flow-Agitated Tank Reactor,” (3), p . 264.


Vibrating, Pulsing, a n d Reciprocating Mixers (1M) Bril, K. J., Costa, E. C.,“Technology of Pulsed Sieve Plate Extraction Columns. I. Stage Design. 11. Interface Level Control,” I n s t . Energie At. ( B r a z d ) 77, 47 pp. (1964) (Eng.). (ZLM) Gd’perin, N. I., Pebalk, V. L., Chekhomov, Yu. K “Column Mixer-Settler Extractor with Vibrating Perforated Trays,” Khim. ?+om. 41 (I), 37 (1965) (Russ.); C A 62, 1 4 2 0 1 ~(1965).



(3M) Grimmett, E. S.: DeNevers N “Solids Flow Control for a Pulsed SolidsLiquid Contactor,” U. S. AtoAic Snergy Comm. I D 0 14648, 49 pp, (1965). (4M) Kagan, S. Z Aerov M. E., et ai., “Some Problems of Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer i c Pulsa;ing Sieve-Plate Extractors,” Iss. VJsshikh L‘chebn Znuedenii, Khim. i Khim. Tekhnol. 8 (l), 142 (1965) (Russ.); C A 63, 2645d (1965). (5M) Kiessling, R . “Influence of Phase-Transfer Discontinuity of the Efficiency of Intermittently’Pulsed Liquid-Liquid Countercurrent Extraction Columns,” Kernener,qie 6 (4), 168 (1963) (Ger.); C.4 62, 14789d (1965). (6M) McHenry R. E. Posey J. C., “An Air-Pulsed Laboratory Mixer-Settler,” ORKL, U. S: Atodic Enirgy Comm. Access KO. 11263, Rejt. N o , ORNLTM-896, avail. CFSTI, 22 pp. (1964). (7M) Miyauchi, Oya H “Longitudinal Dispersion in Pulsed PerforatedPlate Columns, A.I.Ch.’E. ?. 11, (3), (1965). (8M) Prochazka, J., Landau, J., el ai., “Studies on Extraction. 111. The Action of a Single Plate in a Vibrating-Plate Extractor,” Coliecfion Czech. Chem. Commurn. 30, 158 (1965) (Eng.). ( 9 M ) Thwaites, J. M. “Pulsed Columns for Liquid-Liquid Extraction and ChemicalReaction,” Dechkma Monograph 5 5 , 241, 955 (Publ. 1965) (Eng.); C A 63, 12690~(1965).


Patents (1Ohl) Fear James V D. (to Sun Oil Co.):”Pulsed Adsorber,” C. S. Patent 3,192,126’(June 20, ‘1965). (11M) Metallgesellschaft A.-G. “Extraction of Liquid Mixtures,” Brit. Patent 1,005,087 (Sept. 22, 1965); Cz>63, 175196 (1965). (12M) Wagner, Richard (to Societe Saint-Gobain Nucleairr), “Improvement in Liquid-Liquid Extraction Process and Device for Putting Process into Practice,” French Patent 1,388,767 (Feb. 12, 1965); C.4 6 3 , 2647e (1965). Fluid Jets for Mixing (1N) Argp,, 1%’. B., Cova, D. R., “Longitudinal Mixing in Gas-Sparged Tubular DESIGU DEVELOP. 4 (41, 352 (1965). Vessels, INO.ENO.CHEM.PROCESS (2N) Azizov, B. M., Kikolaev, A. M. “Yew Ap aratus for Absorption and Recp . 21 (RUSE.);CA 63, 12690g tification,” Khrm. Prom.prr Gosplane k ’ S R 1964 (1965). (3N) Berger, R . L., “.4 Ten-Jet Mixer,” in “Rapid Mixing and Sampling Techniques in Biochemistry,” p . 33, Academic Press, New York, 1964. (4N) Ibid., “Mixers,” p. 363. (5N) Braulick, W. J Fair J. R . Lerner, B. J., “Mass Transfer in a Sparged Conractor. I. Pi;sical ’Mechanisms and Controlling Parameters,” A.I.Ch.E. J . 11 (l), 73 (1969). (6N) Bray, R. C., “Quenching by Squirting into Cold Immiscible Liquids,” Ibid., p . 195. (7N) Chem. Eng., “Packaged Gas-Absorption System Is Multistaged,” 72 (17), 86 (1965). (8N) Czerlinski, G., “Energy Dissipation in Mixing,” in“Rapid Mixing and Sampling Techniques in Biochemistry,’’ p. 367, Academic Press, New York 1964. (9N) Ganz, S. N., Kuznetsov I. E.: “Design of Uniform-Flow Towers with Centrifugal Atomizers,” Khim. i ’ K h m . Tekhnol. 8 (1): 151 (1965) (Russ.); C A 6 3 , 2637d (1965). (ION) Hartmann, F., Roeck, G. “Absorprion Experiments in a Bubble Scrubber,” Chem. Ingr. Tech. 37 (3), 214 ‘(1965); C B 63, 7.675 (1965). (11N) Hill, F. B., Felde:: R. M . “Effects of Mixing on Chain Reactions in Isothermal Phororeactors, A.I.Ch,’E. J . 11, (5), 873 (1965). (12N) Hottel H . C., Williams, G. C., el ai., “Kinetic Studies in Stirred Reactors: Combustio; of Carbon Monoxide and Propane,” lOrh Combust. Symp. Cambridge Univ., Cambridge, England, 1964, p, 111 (Publ. 1965); C A 63, 17507h (1965). (13N) Jackson, M. L., Collins, W. D.. “Scale-up of a Venturi Aerator,” IND. ENO.CHEM.PROCESS DESIGX DEVELOP. 3 (4), 386 (1964). (14N) Johnston, A. K., Stewart, D. B., “Mixing Two Fluids in a Closed Conduit,” Ihid.. fl). D. 5. ,,’ (15N) Okita N. Ovama Y. “Mixing Characteristics in Jet Mixing,” Kagaku Kogaku 27 ’(4), iSZ’(196. Techkol. 3 (4\. , , , 111 (i965: . I (Erie.): . u I ( 4 4 ) Gazanchiyants, M . G . , Martyushin I. G Planovskii A. N., “Mixing of a Gas in Fluidized-Bed Reactors Divided into sections by ’Sieve Plates,” Khim. i Tekhnol. Toplit. i Masel 10 (9), 38 (1965) (Russ.); C A 63, 174965 (1965). (5Q) Heidel K . Schuegerl K. et a l . “Influence of Mixing Processes on Conversion in E r h y l d e Hydrogenation ’in Flhdized Beds,” Chem. Eng. Sct. 20 (6), 557 (1965). (6Q) Ogasawara S. Kihara M el n l . “Back-Mixing in Fluidized Beds,” Kagaku Kogaku 28 ( l ) , 59 (1964) (fapa;.); C h 63, 1497f (1965). ( 7 4 ) Pfrengle, O t t o “Manufacture of Detergents by Spray Mixing,” Tenside 2 (5), 146 (1965) (Gkr.); C A 63, 16619d (1965). (8Q) Valc),ar, J., “Theoretical Analysis of Agitation in a Multi-Stage Fluid-Bed Reactor, Brit. Chem. Eng. 10 (81, 532 (1965). (9Q) Wolf, D., Resnick, W. “Experimental Study of Residence Time Distribution in a Multistage Fluidized Bed,” I N D . ENO. CHEM.FUNDAMENTALS 4 (l), 77 (1965). (lOQ) Zemskov, I. F., “Mass Transfer (of Ethyl Ether) in Fluidized Beds of Activated Carbon,” Khim. i Neft. Mashinostr. 1965 (51, p . 28 (Russ.); CA 63, 11036d (1965). (1lQ) Zilske, Heinz, “Spray Mixers. Apparatus and Method for the Manu‘ facture of Instant Wash Powders,” Xeichsfojfe, Aromen, Koerperpflegemittel 15 ( j ) , 179 (1965) (Ger.); C A 63, 12694e (1965).



Pipeline Mixers

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