MIXING EQUIPMENT Co., Inc. - ACS Publications

stir any fluids up to. 4,000 centipoises vis- cosity. Run it 24 hours a day, if you need to. —it's designed for continuous duty. Quiet friction driv...
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NEWS F - l of t h e American Society for Test­ ing Materials. Similar t o t h e other two, t h e new s t a n d a r d is designed pri­ marily for application in t h e spectrographic analysis of nickel a n d nickel alloys b y A ST M T e n t a t i v e M e t h o d Ε 129-57T, Methods for Emission Spectrochemical Analysis. T h e three stand­ ards are also equally suited for chemical analysis. T h e nickel oxide s t a n d a r d is pack­ aged in bottles containing 25 grams and is available from t h e S t a n d a r d Sample Clerk, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25, D . C. T h e fee is $8.00 per sample. A provisional certificate of analyses accompanying t h e s t a n d a r d sample lists t h e analytical results of the cooperating laboratories.

Saves money... because it's versatile Why buy four or five mixers for different mixing chores—when you can handle them all with one basic LIGHTNIN—Model F? Adjust it to run at speeds from 100 to 1600 RPM, with stepless control. Mix or stir any fluids up to 4,000 centipoises vis­ cosity. Run it 24 hours a day, if you need to —it's designed for continuous duty. Quiet friction drive provides extra torque at slower speeds; never needs oiling. Drive and 1/30-HP fan-cooled motor are fully enclosed, safe with inflammables. Your choice of bronze tank clamp or ring-stand clamp; removable shaft and 2-inch propeller in 3 1 6 stainless steel or Monel. Fully guaranteed. Order from your supply house, or write us. Specify LIGHTNIN Mod­ el F Mixer: For 1 10-volt 60-cycle 1-phase For 2 2 0 - v o l t 60-cycle 1-phase Single-speed Direct Drive LIGHTNIN M o d el L mixes at a quiet, steady 1 6 0 0 RPM— runs f o r years without maintenance. Totally enclosed motor is safe with inflammables. Choice o f shafts, p r o ­ pellers. For 110-volt, $ 4 7 . 0 0 . For 2 2 0 - v o l t , $51.00.

$72.00 $76.00 Jl^^fc.





160-e Mt. Read Blvd., Rochester 3, N.Y. In Canada: Greey Mixing Equipment, Ltd., 100 Miranda Ave., Toronto 19, Ont. Circle No. 74 on Readers' Service Card 60



T h e 33rd session of the, Norelco X ray Diffraction a n d S p e c t r o g r a p h s School for those interested in t h e latest x-ray methods of analysis will b e held at t h e Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chi­ cago, J u n e 1 to 5. Sponsored b y t h e I n s t r u m e n t s Division, Philips Elec­ tronics, I n c . , t h e session is subject to limited registration—125 persons for the first four days a n d 150 persons on the final day, Friday. M o n d a y through T h u r s d a y will be devoted t o classroom a n d laboratory work, wherein participants discuss their own problems and become familiar with use of all types of equipment. Friday is to be devoted to actual application problems, when guest speakers discuss methods currently in use b y researchers anil industrial plants. Basic subjects to be covered include x-ray diffraction, diffractometry, a n d spectrography. T h e r e will also be dis­ cussions on new camera techniques, electron microscopy, and electron dif­ fraction. There is no registration fee for t h e sessions.

Short Gas Chromatography Course Offered

Get facts n o w on t h e complete selection o f precision LIGHTNIN Mixers a n d accessories for l a b o r a t o r y mixing. To receive new descriptiveBulletinB-112,check r e a d e r service c a r d or w r i t e us direct.


Norelco School Scheduled for Chicago


An intensive three-day course in gas chromatography for chemists, industrial supervisors, engineers, physicists, a n d doctors will be given J u n e 15 to 17 at U C L A . Offered b y University Physical Sciences and Engineering Extension, t h e basic course will b e divided between lectures a n d small group laboratory demonstrations. Lectures will be given b y a group of leading scientists, coordinated b y Robert L . Pecsok, UCLA Department of Chemistry. L a b o r a t o r y demonstrations will be con­

ducted in 10 laboratories, with instruc­ tors a n d equipment furnished b y vari­ ous manufacturing companies. Enroll­ ment will be limited, with a bachelor's degree in science or engineering, or equivalent, required as a prerequisite. Information a n d applications m a y be obtained through Physical Sciences E x ­ tension, Mathematical Sciences Build­ ing 6115, LTniversity of California, Los Angeles 24, Calif.

Rensselaer Instrumental Analysis Course Rensselaer Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e will offer its fourth special comprehensive course in instrumental analysis, J u n e 15 to J u n e 20. This course, which covers b o t h theoretical concepts a n d practical applications of instrumental analysis, is intended to broaden t h e training of chemists a n d chemical en­ gineers in industry a n d in academic and governmental work. T h e course will cover ultraviolet, in­ frared, a n d R a m a n spectroscopy, emis­ sion spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, coulometry, polarography, a n d gas chromatography. Lectures will be given b y outstanding authorities in t h e various fields. Closing date for registration is J u n e 1. Complete details m a y be obtained from S. E . Wiberley, Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute, Troy, Ν . Υ .

Russian Courses for Scientists Russian for research, two intensive, six-week summer courses designed for scientists a n d engineers who m u s t keep abreast of current Russian publications, will be offered in J u n e a n d J u l y b y t h e Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e of Brooklyn. T h e first course, Russian for R e ­ search I, will be offered on Tuesday and T h u r s d a y evenings, 6:30 t o 9 : 3 0 P.M., from J u n e 1 to July 18. Designed for graduate or u n d e r g r a d u a t e stu­ dents, it will present a n introduction to g r a m m a r a n d problems of syntax a n d idioms with emphasis on scientific tech­ nology. T h e r e a r e n o prerequisites. T h e second course, Russian for R e ­ search I I , will be offered a t t h e same hours from J u l y 27 t o September 21 and will include readings from periodi­ cals a n d journals covering several fields of science a n d engineering. Prerequi­ site for this course is Russian for R e ­ search I or t h e equivalent. Information on t h e two offerings can be obtained from t h e D e p a r t m e n t of M o d e r n Languages, Polytechnic Insti­ t u t e of Brooklvn, 333 J a v St., Brook­ lyn 1, Ν . Υ .