Here is a new standard for precise measurement of flame emission and control
Product Capsules Spectrometers. Bulletin scintillation unit offered.
liquid 151
Spectrometers. Info on vacuum direct-reading unit. 195 Spectrometers. offered.
Data on NMR unit 72
Spectrometers. Direct reading unit has permanent record readout. 184 Spectrometers. Data on double focusing mass unit.
single/ 208
Spectrophotometers. Data on spectrophotometric system. 174 Spectrophotometers. of IR units.
Catalog on line 228
Spectrophotometers. absorption unit. Spectrophotometers. IR units.
atomic 84
Info on line of 227
Spectrophotometers. Recording unit has automatically adjusting chart speed. 129
• Exclusive Automatic Atomizing Burner • Exclusive Constant Rate Sample Injections System • Exclusive "Thermo Rinse" • Extremely High Resolution • Reproducibility Better than ± 1 % • Direct Reading or Recorder • AC Amplification and Rectification
Spectrophotometers. acquisition systems.
on data 25
Spectrophotometers. sample spectra offered.
Data file and 197
Spectrophotometers. operating controls.
U n i t has easy 82
Spectrophotometers. U n i t has two dual-grating monochromators. 163 Spectrophotometers. New, variable slit programming. Spectrophotometers. and accessories.
with 185
I n f o on I R unit 10
Spectrophotometers. atomic absorption unit.
on 214
Spectroscopic Units. Spectrophotofluorometer, monochromator. 238 Stirrers. stirrer.
Data on portable magnetic 46
The IVlodel C-K 60 provides a completely new and field-proven concept in burner design, circuitry, sample injection and optics. Unsurpassed for sensitivity in operation and fidelity in reproduction.
Stirrers. Brochure gauged units.
Stoppers. stoppers.
Info on rubber and gum 90
For complete information ASK US FOR BULLETIN AC-CK4 Also ask us for literature on the economical Model C-K 20 Flame Photometer.
Stoppers. fered.
Catalog and samples
Supplies. offered.
Catalog on complete line 231
INSTRUMENTS, INC. [A to Z Technical Instruments]
2 Silverbrook Road, Westport, Conn. (203) 2 2 7 - 1 7 2 2 Circle No. 103 on Readers' Service Card
160 A
individually 91
Stirrers. Folder on high torque unit for continuous service. 81
Syringes. Catalog on complete line of chromatography syringes. 39 Tape.
Samples and info offered.
TLC Units. Brochure on ion exchangers for thin layer chromatography. 67
HOW TO CURE MIXER-ITIS Fed up with electric mixer repair bills? Give those worn-out mixers the boot and treat your lab to a new economy: the LIGHTNIN Mixer, Model L. It weighs just eight pounds. But i t ' s built to mix . . . and mix . . . and mix— for weeks at a time—without attention. You can use it for years without maintenance or adjustment. Hundreds of users do. The 1/30-hp totally enclosed fancooled motor spins the shaft at a quiet, steady 1600 rpm; is safe with flammables. You can vary the mixing action by replacing the 2-inch propeller with different types. Propeller and shaft come in 3 1 6 stainless steel or Monel. Your choice, too, of bronze tank clamp or ring-stand clamp. Order from your supply house, or write us. Specify LIGHTNIN Model L Mixer: For H O v 60cy l p h
For 220v 60cy lph
If you want the same dependability in a variable-speed mixer, send for Bulletin B112. It describes the complete line of heavy-duty LIGHTNIN Mixers and accessories for the laboratory. Write us, or check the reader service card.
Lightnin® Mixers MIXING EQUIPMENT Co., Inc. 160-c M l . Read Blvd., Rochester 3 , N . Y . In Canada: Greey Mixing Equipment, Ltd., 700 Miranda Ave., Toronto 19, Ont. Circle No. 69 on Readers' Service Card