MIXING TECHNOLOGY - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

MIXING TECHNOLOGY. J. Henry Rushton. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1963, 55 (8), pp 55–58. DOI: 10.1021/ie50644a008. Publication Date: August 1963. ACS Legacy ...
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MIXING TECHNOLOGY Rapid mixing o f gases, preuiously thought to be a simple problem, attracts attention

ixing of gases and of dry solids

IVI have received marked attention by researchers during the past year. Both of these areas have been of considerable interest in the past, but too little attention has been given to the supposedly simple problem of rapid mixing of gases. Since the last review on mixing (38), the problems of scaling-up of liquid-mixing systems from pilot model size to large industrial equipment have been well reviewed (79), together with practical illustrations of successful scale-ups. Further study of liquid flow patterns in unbaffled cylindrical mixing vessels (47, 48) clearly shows the presence of primary and secondary circulation flows. Velocity distributions were measured and momentum transfer evaluated. They show that both the amount of discharge and the amount of turbulence are the important factors in the performance of a mixing impeller. A new source of power for mixing is proposed by Cropper and Seelig (8) who have applied a nonhomogeneous electrostatic field to layers of hydrocarbon and nonaqueous solvents to achieve mixing for the purpose of solvent extraction. Fine dispersions of solvent droplets can be achieved, and rapid rates of extraction can result. T h e solvent layer must be shallow. Power requirements are comparable with conventional mixing methods in small (2- to 6-inch size) equipment, but are undoubtedly much larger for plant sized applications.

Residence time studies have been made in continuous flow small-scale mixers using liquids and rotating impellers (73),and propellers, paddles, and turbine impellers were used (34) to study the mixing of miscible liquids in turbulent flow. T o determine the most effective way to mix two continuously flowing streams of gas (27), various nozzle forms were used to produce jet flow of one gas in another. Correlations are given for single and multiple jet flows and for different sizes of equipment. Recent findings in aerodynamics have been applied to positioning sharp-edged plates in gas ducts to ensure the generation and persistence of vortices along a chosen path (76). Application of the principles for industrial mixing of gases has been proposed. T h e mixing of a gas flowing in a square duct with another gas entering sidewise through a n orifice has been studied (28). T h e mixing of compressible fluids over wide velocity ranges in a constant area duct has been studied by Kennedy (27). T h e axial mixing of gases during flow through tubular high pressure reactors was measured (5) using helium as a tracer gas; return bends contribute considerably to axial effects in these systems. A novel impeller design using thin triangular plates rotated on arms produces turbulent vortices, which are said to be of advantage as an “air stirrer” ( 3 ) . Considerable attention has been given to the mixing of drops of one

liquid in another. Coalescence frequencies of drops in liquid-liquid mixing tank operations are reported (25), together with a novel technique for obtaining significant new data on this complex phenomenon. A light scattering technique has been used (40) to determine drop size distribution in liquid-liquid mixing for drop diameters between 1 and 50 microns. Such distributions are proposed as a measure of degree of agitation produced by turbine mixing impellers. Long (24) has made an addition to his previous paper on scale-up of a mixer-settler extractor, and was able to find the true driving force for his transfer mechanism and thus achieve better results for scale-up of this type equipment. Additional data on the performance of a rotating disk contactor have been obtained (44, 45). I n the area of liquid-solid contacting, Harriott (78) has presented the most comprehensive data to date on rates of mass transfer from liquid to solid particles in mixing tanks. A wide range of all significant variables including tank size gives results which are well correlated and provide excellent data for scaleUP. An authoritative study of the power requirements to suspend slurries of fibers (74) is presented. Such slurries are non-Newtonian fluids which are difficult to characterize, but performance for fiber size is

(Continued on page 56) VOL. 5 5

NO. 8







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correlated with concentration in equipment varying in size by sixfold. Data have been obtained (7) on the mixing of mineral slurries for the purpose of extracting valuable products. Many such slurries are non-Newtonian in behavior. Marine-type propellers were preferred to maintain suspension, whereas turbine impellers appeared to give better solution rates for the same energy expended. A new design of a mixing impeller (29) is proposed to handle slurries of lithopone; power requirements are given. Mixing gives much more uniform and stable operation of sludge digesters (33), and a design arrangement for such a system is presented. Power required to disperse air in liquid with flat-blade turbine impellers is given (26) for a variety of equipment sizes and for several liquids. The effect of a surfaceactive agent was also studied. Bubble surface and mass transfer in gas-liquid mixing are reviewed (43) and different types of impellers are compared. Mixing by means of gas-lift or sparging for liquid-solid contacting appears to be a function of liquid depth, height to diameter ratio, and solid particle size; linear gas velocity is relatively unimportant (42). Mixing of gas and liquid in countercurrent flow in packed beds was studied (22); correlations were made using P e c k and Reynolds numbers. And another article from the same laboratory (23) extends the previous work to account for different packing sizes. Absorption of carbon dioxide in carbonate-bicarbonate solutions in a packed tower as a function of mixing is reported ( 7 ) . The results appear to agree well with the accepted absorption-coefficient method for correlating such data. The mixing of liquid in the spaces between solid spheres in a packed zolumn has been studied (35).


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AUTHOR J . Henry Rushton is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue

University and Technical Aduiser to 'he Mixing Equipment Co., Rochester, N . Y . He has authored IHEC's nixing reviews since 7946.


Mixing of fluids in a fluidizedsolids bed has been studied (30), and distribution of concentrations has been correlated for both liquids and gases used as fluids, and for a variety of fluidized solids. From the same laboratory (37) are data on the lateral direction mixing of the solids in a liquid fluidized solids bed. The mechanism of mixing vapor passing through plates of a distillation column has been studied (36), and data (32) on the extent of mixing of the liquid on the sieve trays of a gas-liquid contacting unit are given. Eddy coefficients in airwater mixing in sieve-tray columns are reported ( 2 ) where amount and effect of mixing are related directly to the longitudinal eddy diffusivity coefficient. An interesting application of mixing of vapors is in the process of sublimation and condensation as a means of separation of substances. Effect of mixing of different ratios of phthalic anhydride and air in a tubular injection setup is evaluated (6) as are methods and advantages of stirring a melt during the crystal growth process (47). Power requirements to mix viscous liquids by helical and marine-type impellers are compared ( 3 9 ) ; for viscosities higher than 50 cp. the helical impeller requires less power. Mixing parameters are related to the degree of polymerization and to the molecular weight distribution (77) in a continuous flow unit, for a particular reaction order for the monomer and each reaction step. Some pseudo-plastic fluids which require an abnormally long time to blend can be handled in much less time under swirling, vortexing, nonbaffled conditions (75). Blend time was found to be inversely proportional to the square root of the vortex depth for pseudo-plastic fluids. A difficult but important operation is the blending of solids with small amounts of liquid. An excellent review is available (72) for all aspects of the operation including the coating of agglomerates to form balls of material.

(Continued on page 58)

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In recent years increased attention has been directed to the mixing of solids. Extensive studies on the mixing of dry solids in horizontal drum-type mixers are available (4, 9, 70, 7 7 ) . Mixing of solids in rotating cylinders and in double cones was measured ( 4 ) where the only difference in the particles was color. Thus, a diffusive type of solids mixing was evaluated, and this has not heretofore been done. Rates of mixing were measured in a plane perpendicular to the principal circulation, and in the plane of circulation. T h e arithmetic sum of the rates in the two planes was found to be significant in the correlation of data. Mixing and demixing (or unmixing) are discussed ( 9 ) ,and the effects of various operating conditions are enumerated and evaluated (70). Finally, recommendations are made for the best choice of mixer forms for various industrial applications ( I 7). Another study was done (20) where dry antibiotic materials were mixed in double-cone and in twinshell (V-type) units. More rapid mixing rates were achieved with large units than with small units. An article (37) reviews various methods used to mix dry solids, and gives experimental results for centrifugal mixers where solids are thrown by centrifugal force and then allowed to fall back into the bed of solids. Recommendations are made for applications of centrifugal type mixers. And, finally, a review of the mechanisms involved in mixing of dry granular material is available (46).


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