Mixtura mirabilis (Chemie, Verlag)

in historical treasures. RALPH E. OESPER. Univmsay of Cincinnali. Cincinnoti,Ohio. Mixturn Mirabilir. Edited by Vedag Chemie, Weinheim/. Bergstrrts~e,...
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The unpublished section of the manuscript and the letters are shown in facsimile with the printed text an the facing sides. Since this was before the day of the typewriter it must have added to the editor's woes when an illegible manuscript reached hi desk. However, both Kekulk and Volhmd wrote in a &in hand. This striking volume is a deiightful addition to the library of those who are interested in historical treasures.

RALPHE. OESPER Univmsay of Cincinnali Cincinnoti,Ohio Mixturn Mirabilir

Edited b y Vedag Chemie, Weinheim/ Bergstrrts~e,West Germany, 1965. 2nd ed. 80 pp. Numerous line drawings. 13.5 X 20 om. 10 DM (about $2.50). Far many years the periodical, Armhrichten aus Chernie und Technik, has included in each number a n item under the heading "Mixtura Mirabilis." Every few years these amusing tales and ssyingd are gathered into book form, divided into those concerning chemists and those dealing with the sister sciences, engineering, business, ete. The former are published in a hook entitled "Was Nicht in den

A610 / Journol of Chemicol Education

Annalen Steht" (see THIB JOURNAL, 41, A894 [I9641 for a review of the most recent edition). The non-chemical stories

addition to the literature of the humorous side of science and technology. The German-reading chemical fraternity will surely enjoy some goad laughs a t little expense. The appropriate drawings by Jochen Bsstsch, who also provided similar illustrations for the companion volume, add to the gaiety.

RALPH E . OESPER University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio