Mobility for Offshore Drilling - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - Its working deck will be supported by 16 steel columns extending to a steel mat resting on the sea bottom. Each of the four corner colum...
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It's b e t t e r to g e t it f r o m E a s t m a n . . ,

N e w t y p e unit d e s i g n e d b y H u m b l e O i l t o o p e r a t e in G u l f of M e x i c o in 3 0 t o 7 0 f e e t d e e p w a t e r

When it's α


JtiuMBLE O I L & REFINTING is inviting bids on construction of a new t y p e of mobile drilling platform to b e used in offshore operations. T h e platform has several features not found i n portable units now in izse, ( It w a s designed by Richard P. ICnapp of HEumble's petroleum engineering division; patent pro­ tection is being sought.) T h e drilling u n i t is designed for operations in the Gulf of Mexico in water from 3 0 to 70 feet deep. Its working deck will be supported by 16 steel columns extending to a steel m a t resting o n the sea bottom. Each of the four corner columns or caissons will contain a steel spud with a hydrau­ lic jacking mechanism capable of driv­ ing the spud S 5 f e e t into the bottom of t h e sea. The mechanism will also b e used for pulling them omt. Four detachable transport floats will provide the bxioyancy required to raise t h e mat froin the sea b o t t o m a n d for supporting t h e structure while it is be­ ing moved. These floats will b e 36foot diameter cylinders. They will en­ circle the comer columns. A tug will tow the platform to t h e drilling site, the platform will be lowered to the sea b o t t o m and the spuds driven. To lower t h e platform, the transport floats will be flooded with sea


in larger-thanl a b o r a t o r y amounts Extensive facilities and wide experience in the prepa­ ration of some 3500 Eastman Organic Chemicals for research and analytical work can serve you with compounds hard to find on the market in quantity. We shall be glad to discuss your requirements with you. Write or wire Oistillation Products Industries, Eastman O r g a n i c Chemicals D e p a r t ­ ment, Rochester 3, Ν. Υ.





Mobility for Offshore Drilling


2 6,


water until the mat reaches a stable position on the bottom. W h e n t h e platform is secured t o t h e bottom, t h e transport floats will be p u m p e d out, disconnected from t h e caissons and re­ moved. Six separate wells can b e drilled from the platform w i t h o u t mov­ ing it. T h e operating crew c a n move the derrick, draw works, e n g i n e and en­ gine substructure about on t h e plat­ form, drilling n e w holes a t intervals. W h e n t h e structure is to b e moved to a n e w site, the transport floats will be attached again to the caissons, t h e four spuds will be retracted, and t h e ballast compartments of the floats will be dewatered until the platform is in floating position. It can then b e towed. To obtain sufficient deck clearance above the m e a n Gulf level for operating in water d e p t h s of from 55 t o 7 0 feet, a 15-foot extension section will be at­ tached to the column supporting t h e working deck. The deck m u s t be r e ­ moved in order to install t h e exten­ sion section. The n e w platform will have i t s o w n electrical p o w e r supply. A skid-mounted, Diesel-driven generat­ ing unit on the working d e c k will p r o ­ vide t h e power for operating p u m p s . Parson, Brinckerhoff, Hall a n d MacDonald of N e w York were consulting engineers o n t h e project.