MOBY Molecular Modeling on the PC, Version 1.5 - American

quite practical to use relatively inexpensive personal computers for demonstrating, teaching, and exploring the principles of mo- lecular structure an...
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MOBY Molecular Modelling

on t h e PC, Version 1.5

U. Hdweler. Sorinaer-Verlaa. Berlin. 1993. 12 Drooram disks 3 5 n or 5 25 i n 1 free a & contamng sir.ctu& from Broo present in many computer appllcations. Also,all ofthe section headings, wh~chwere mcdlum blue, arc now rcd, yicldlng n more dynnmlc appcarancc. 'This use of color and computer graphics gives the book a much slicker feel, and represents the largest change between the editions. The extensive use of color photographs and full color figures comes a t a cost. The textbook is very heavy because of the large weight of glmsy paper needed tu support the prrntmg. Chands text fdluws the classrcal approach to chemistry: sub. iccrs arc devcloocd and then aoolird. 'This diNcrs from a too down "aooroaeh wher; a ~roblemis &ed and methods are introduced todeal wrth i t i r . ,fisharedyingin a lake- why'! . While the latter approach may bc diiliculr in a gencral freshman text, rhc need to stlmulste the imagmat~onof non mqorr and the inereasmg pressure to introduce "real world" (i.e., research and development) chemistry earlier in the cumculum should encourage authors to confront students with examples of this methodology In summary, Chemistry, FitUl Edition presents its material in a visually stimulatingmanner. The text covers, efficiently and tharoughly, all of the basic material expected out of a traditional freshman chemistry textbook. ~


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Michael S. Bradley Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN 46383

From Turkey Red to Tyrian Purple: Textlle Colours for the Industrial Revolution Anthony S. Travis. Hebrew translation by Shlomo Zucker Jewish National & University Library: PO. Box 503, Jerusalem, Israel, 1993. 120 pp: 773 pp English; 47 pp Hebrew. Illus. 21.3 x 27.4 cm. $18.00 PB. Sid Edelstein probably is known best to chemists as a prominent dye chemist, Chairman of the Dexter Chemical Corporation of New York, and founder of the American Chemical Society Division of the History of Chemistry's Dexter Award in the History of Chemistry. This profusely illustrated (80 pictures of woodcuts, title pages, manuscripts, advertisements, patterns, dye samples, la-

Volume 71 Number 11 November 1994
