Modeling amino acid side chains. 3. Influence of intra- and

Feb 1, 1994 - Modeling amino acid side chains. 3. Influence of intra- and intermolecular environment on point charges. [Erratum to document cited in ...
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ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 1993,Volume 97 C. Chipot, J. G. Angyan, B. Maigret, and H. A. Scberaga': Modeling Amino Acid Side Chains. 3. Influence of Intra- and Intermolecular Environment on Point Charges Page 9799. In the first column, the 21st line from the bottom should read as follows: IqHv I0.209 ecu to be compared to qHV = 0.140 ecu in CHI). Vincent S. J. Craig, Barry W. Ninbam, and Richard M. Pashley': The Effect of Electrolytes on Bubble Coalescence in Water Page 10196. The correct version of Figure 10 is shown below.





