Modeling Nitrogen Release during Devolatilization on the Basis of

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Energy & Fuels 1999, 13, 1082-1091

Modeling Nitrogen Release during Devolatilization on the Basis of Chemical Structure of Coal Dominic Genetti and Thomas H. Fletcher* Department of Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 Received April 6, 1999. Revised Manuscript Received July 2, 1999

A model that predicts the amount and distribution between tar and light gas of nitrogen released during devolatilization has been developed and incorporated into the chemical percolation devolatilization (CPD) model. This work represents the first volatile nitrogen release model developed on the basis of 13C NMR measurements of coal structure. This work also represents the first volatile nitrogen release model evaluated by comparing model predictions with chemical structural features of the char (determined by 13C NMR spectral analyses). The model is limited to nitrogen release during primary pyrolysis, and assumes that all light-gas nitrogen is HCN. Model predictions of nitrogen release compare well with measured values for most coals and devolatilization conditions tested.

Introduction As environmental regulations on industrial emissions have increased, the focus of coal research has shifted more and more to understanding and reducing harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx). During coal combustion, the majority of nitrogen oxide pollution comes from nitrogen found in the coal.1,2 Nitrogen in the coal is released in two stages during the combustion of coal. During devolatilization, nitrogen is released with tar or light gas. Tar is defined as the volatiles released that condense at room temperature. As the tar and light gas combust in the presence of O2, the nitrogen may be oxidized to form NOx. The second stage of nitrogen release occurs during char oxidation, where nitrogen bound in the char is oxidized directly to NOx. It has been shown that volatile nitrogen many contribute as much as 60-80% of the total NOx produced during coal combustion.3 Current low-NOx burners are designed to release as much nitrogen as possible during devolatilization, where fuel nitrogen can be converted to N2. This generally involves a moderately high temperature, high heating rate, fuel-rich environment near the burner. Such burners have often been designed using empirical relationships to describe nitrogen evolution during devolatilization. As comprehensive models of combustion systems become more involved in the design and optimization process, the development of accurate predictive models of devolatilization and nitrogen release are desired that describe coal-dependent effects in the extreme heating conditions used in current low-NOx burners. Since not many experiments are performed at * Corresponding author. (1) Baxter, L. L.; Mitchell, R. E.; Fletcher, T. H.; Hurt, R. H. Energy Fuels 1996, 10, 188-196. (2) Cai, H. Y.; Guell, A. J.; Dugwell, D. R.; Kandiyoto, R. Fuel 1993, 72, 321-327. (3) Smoot, L. D.; Smith, P. J. Coal Combustion and Gasification; Plenum Press: New York, 1985.

these extreme conditions (at particle heating rates greater than 105 K/s), it is important to know the correct reaction mechanisms and fit as much data as possible. The objective of this research is to develop a model which predicts the amount and form of nitrogen released during primary devolatilization based on the chemical structure of coal, and to incorporate the model into the CPD (chemical percolation devolatilization) model.4 Existing experimental data on nitrogen release and the chemical structure of coal, char, and tar were used in developing this nitrogen release model. This work represents the first volatile nitrogen release model based on the chemical structure of coal as measured directly by 13C NMR analyses. This research also represents the first time that nitrogen model predictions have been compared to the chemical structure of char. Background It is thought that nitrogen is released during primary devolatilization in two ways:5,6 (i) nitrogen contained in the aromatic clusters is transported away as large aromatic tar molecules escape the infinite matrix (this is often the primary mode of nitrogen release during devolatilization), and (ii) additional nitrogen can be released as HCN and NH3 (light-gas nitrogen) after the rupture of aromatic rings containing nitrogen heteroatoms. The detailed chemistry of HCN and NH3 formation from coal char has not yet been determined. However, it is believed that nitrogen is first released as HCN for most coals, with some primary NH3 from low-rank coals. NH3 can also be formed from subsequent reactions with hydrogen in the char.5 Nitrogen release models have been developed and incorporated into the FG-DVC5 and FLASHCHAIN6 (4) Fletcher, T. H.; Kerstein, A. R.; Pugmire, R. J.; Grant, D. M. Energy Fuels 1992, 6, 414-431. (5) Bassilakis, R.; Zhao, Y.; Solomon, P. R.; Serio, M. A. Energy Fuels 1993, 7, 710-720. (6) Niksa, S. Energy Fuels 1995, 9, 467-478.

10.1021/ef990056i CCC: $18.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society Published on Web 08/07/1999

Modeling Nitrogen Release during Devolatilization

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devolatilization models. Several simplifying assumptions are made in these models: (i) nitrogen atoms are randomly distributed throughout the aromatic clusters of the coal, (ii) nitrogen atoms contained in the aromatic clusters of the metaplast are transported from the infinite matrix during tar evolution, and (iii) opening and condensation reactions of rings containing nitrogen heteroatoms do not significantly affect aromatic cluster molecular weight (since the nitrogen content is low). Both models use first-order kinetics to describe the rate of release of nitrogen from the char. Niksa6 extended the FLASHCHAIN model of devolatilization to predict nitrogen release by monitoring the change in the average moles of nitrogen per mole of aromatic clusters (η). The rate of nitrogen evolution with the tar is directly proportional to the evolution rate of tar molecules, which accounts for the largest fraction of nitrogen release during devolatilization. Additional nitrogen is released as HCN. HCN release is modeled by a first-order rate equation:

dYHCN ) kHCNη dt


where YHCN is the molar yield of HCN, and kHCN is the first-order rate constant which is calculated using a distributed activation energy function. This model partially accounts for the decrease in HCN production with larger aromatic clusters due to higher coal rank or cluster growth during devolatilization. In addition, the preexponential factor, AHCN, is correlated with the O/N ratio to further account for lower HCN yields for high-rank coals. The rate constants were empirically fit to match experimental nitrogen release data. The nitrogen release model used by Bassilakis et al.5 in the FG-DVC model is similar to that used in FLASHCHAIN. As in FLASHCHAIN, the primary mode of nitrogen release is through tar release, and further nitrogen release as HCN is described by first-order kinetics with a distributed activation energy. The FGDVC model, however, goes one step further by proposing a mechanism and kinetic model for the formation of NH3. Bassilakis et al.5 noted three important nitrogen release trends pertaining to HCN and NH3 release during devolatilization: (i) lower rank coals release a larger fraction of their nitrogen as HCN and NH3, (ii) in slow heating rate experiments (30 K/s) conducted on the Argonne premium coals it was observed that HCN release generally preceded NH3 release, and (iii) in a comparison of slow heating rate data with rapid heating rate nitrogen release data it was observed that only in the slow heating rate experiment was a significant amount of nitrogen released as NH3. Bassilakis proposed a simple mechanism to explain the second two observations. First, HCN evolves directly from the char.5 Then, as the gas exits the particle through the pore structure of the char, gaseous HCN reacts heterogeneously with coal hydrogen to form NH3, as depicted below:

N(char) + C(char) + H(char) f HCN + H(char) f HCN + NH3 (2) Since residence times within the pore structure are much longer at slow heating rates, this mechanism

could explain why NH3 was observed only at slower heating rates. This phenomena was modeled in the FGDVC model by using a simplified single cell structure to estimate residence time and a swelling model to estimate the swelling ratio. The HCN evolution rate was corrected to account for conversion to NH3 based on the residence time in the pore. The model developed in the current work differs from the volatile nitrogen release models developed for FLASHCHAIN and the FG-DVC model in that nitrogen release is based on the chemical structure of coal as measured by 13C NMR spectroscopy. This allowed model predictions to be compared not only with nitrogen release data, but also with structural characteristics derived from available 13C NMR measurements of char structure. Experimental Section Evaluation of Nitrogen Release Data. A number of investigators have conducted pyrolysis experiments in an effort to characterize the temperature, time, and rank dependence of volatile nitrogen release. Of particular interest to this study are experiments in which the chemical structure of matching sets of coal and char were determined by 13C NMR spectral analyses.7 Studies examining the chemical structure of matching sets of coal and char samples from drop tube experiments (heating rates of ∼104 K/s in N2 and temperatures from 820 to 1250 K)) and from fuel-rich flat flame burner experiments (heating rates of ∼105 K/s and temperatures from 1650 to 1900 K) were performed by Fletcher and co-workers,8-12 Watt, 13,14 and Hambly15,16 to obtain char and tar samples in well-controlled conditions. Special care in these experiments was taken to aerodynamically separate tars and aerosols from char samples during collection. Mass release was determined using Ti and Al tracers, and 13C NMR analyses were performed at the University of Utah on all of the char samples and on tar samples collected by Watt and by Hambly. This study represents the first time that 13C NMR analyses of the chemical structure of coal and char have been used to help evaluate a model of volatile nitrogen release. Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating primary volatile nitrogen release. During pyrolysis, some of the nitrogen (7) Solum, M. S.; Pugmire, R. J.; Grant, D. M. Energy Fuels 1989, 3, 187-193. (8) Fletcher, T. H.; Hardesty, D. R. Milestone Report for DOE’s Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center. Contract FWP 0709, Sandia Report No. SAND92-8209, available NTIS, 1992. (9) Fletcher, T. H. Combust. Flame 1989, 78, 223. (10) Fletcher, T. H.; Solum, M. S.; Grant, D. M.; Critchfield, S.; Pugmire, R. J. In 23rd Symposium (Int.) on Combustion; The Combustion Institute: Pittsburgh, PA, 1990; pp 1231-1237. (11) Pugmire, R. J.; Solum, M. S.; D. M. Grant; Critchfield, S.; Fletcher, T. H. Fuel 1991, 70, 414. (12) Fletcher, T. H.; Solum, M. S.; Grant, D. M.; Pugmire, R. J. Energy Fuels 1992, 6, 643-650. (13) Watt, M. The Chemical Structure of Coal Tar and Char During Devolatilization. M. S. Thesis, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1996. (14) Watt, M.; Fletcher, T. H.; Bai, S.; Solum, M. S.; Pugmire, R. J. In 26th Symposium (Int.) on Combustion; The Combustion Institute: Pittsburgh, PA, 1996; pp 3153-3160. (15) Hambly, E. The Chemical Structure of Coal Tar and Char During Devolatilization. M. S. Thesis, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1998 (see∼tom/students/hambly.html). (16) Hambly, E. M.; Fletcher, T. H.; Pugmire, R. J. ACS Div. of Fuel Chem. Preprints, April, 1998, 43, 203-207.

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Figure 1. Schematic of hypothetical primary volatile nitrogen release mechanism.

contained in the aromatic clusters of the metaplast is released with the tar. This is often the most significant form of nitrogen release. At higher temperatures (>1050 K), additional nitrogen is released in the form of HCN and NH3 due to the rupture of nitrogen-containing aromatic rings in the char. Nitrogen released with the tar and nitrogen released from the char as light gases make up what is called primary volatile nitrogen release. Due to the limited data on the small amount of NH3 released in entrained flow systems during primary devolatilization, all light-gas nitrogen is assumed here to be HCN. Secondary nitrogen transformations in the tar and light gas can lead to additional HCN and possibly NH3, but are not treated in this study. Total nitrogen release can be easily calculated from the measured char yield (mchar) and the mass fraction of nitrogen in the parent coal, Ncoal, and in the char, Nchar. The fraction of nitrogen released during pyrolysis, NR, is calculated as follows, where mcoal is the mass of the original coal sample (all of the parameters are on a dry ash free basis):

NR ) 1 -

Ncharmchar Ncoalmcoal


An aromatic site is defined as an aromatic cluster minus the aliphatic side chain and bridge material. By assuming that the molecular weight per aromatic site, Msite, is constant during pyrolysis, the amount of nitrogen released from the char as light gas can be determined. Nsite is the average mass fraction of nitrogen per aromatic site, and is calculated from the mass fraction of nitrogen in the char (Nchar) and 13C NMR spectral analysis of the char:

Mcl Nsite ) Nchar Msite


where Mcl is the measured molecular weight per cluster in the char. Msite is calculated by subtracting the aliphatic material from the cluster as follows:

Msite ) Mcl - (σ + 1)Mδ


where Mδ is the average molecular weight per side chain in the char, and σ + 1 is the number of attachments per cluster. Nsite decays during high-temperature pyrolysis as nitrogen atoms are released from the char. By comparing the value of Nsite in the coal and char, the mass of nitrogen released as light gas can be determined. The mass of nitrogen transported from the coal with the tar during primary pyrolysis is the difference between total nitrogen release and light-gas nitrogen release. Second-

ary pyrolysis reactions of the tar make it difficult to determine directly the amount of nitrogen released with the tar. Nitrogen release trends from pyrolysis experiments in which 13C NMR analyses were conducted on matching sets of coal and char were analyzed in this study. Table 1 lists the investigators who have compared coal and char chemical structure using 13C NMR spectroscopy. Table 1 also lists the coals that were pyrolyzed and the pyrolysis conditions. Rank and Temperature Dependence. Light-gas nitrogen release has been shown to be dependent on coal rank, temperature, and residence time. Some investigators have reported a weak rank dependence of lightgas nitrogen release.5,6,17 Low-rank coals are thought to release nitrogen from the char as HCN more readily than high-rank coals. The percent decay of Nsite is an indicator of the quantity of HCN (or light-gas nitrogen) that has evolved during pyrolysis. The decay of Nsite during the experiments of Fletcher and Hardesty (sets 1a and 1b in Table 1) did not seem to correlate well with rank. The decay of Nsite in the chars collected by Hambly (set 2 in Table 1), however, indicated that the decay of Nsite is similar in lignites and bituminous coals, but significantly lower in low volatile coals. Nsite decay trends in the chars produced by Fletcher and Hardesty (sets 1a and 1b in Table 1) also indicated that HCN release increased with increasing temperature. A comparison of Nsite decay data from pyrolysis experiments with different residence times (sets 1b and 1c in Table 1) showed that HCN release increased with increasing residence time. Model Theory and Development. It is thought that nitrogen is released during primary devolatilization in two ways (Figure 1):5,6 (i) nitrogen contained in the aromatic clusters is transported away as tar molecules escape the infinite matrix (this is often the primary mode of nitrogen release during devolatilization), and (ii) additional nitrogen can be released as light gas at high temperatures (thought to be primarily HCN) from the thermal rupture of aromatic rings containing nitrogen heteroatoms. In this work, a volatile nitrogen release model was developed and incorporated into the CPD model. The model developed in this study is based on the same assumptions regarding the nature of nitrogen in coal used in the FG-DVC and FLASHCHAIN nitrogen release models. This study, however, represents the first time that solid-state 13C NMR spectral analyses of the chemical structure of coal have been used to develop and evaluate a volatile nitrogen release model. In addition to the assumptions already made in the CPD model, the following assumptions regarding the chemical structure of coal, char, and tar were made throughout the nitrogen release model development process. (1) Nitrogen atoms are randomly distributed throughout the aromatic sites in the coal. (2) Ring opening reactions have a negligible effect on average cluster size (aromatic site molecular weight is constant) since nitrogen content is small. (3) The chemical structure and composition of the tar released at a given time is identical in chemical structure and composition to the char. (4) At any instant, the mass of nitrogen per site, (17) Chen, J. C.; Niksa, S. Energy Fuels 1992, 6, 254-264.

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Table 1. List of Pyrolysis Experiments Examined for Nitrogen Release Trends set


reactor; residence time; peak gas temp; approximate heating rate

coals (rank)


Fletcher and Hardestya,8 Beulah Zap (lig), Blue #1 (subB), Illinois #6 (hvbB), Pittsburgh #8 (hvaB), Pocahontas #3 (lvbB)



Beulah Zap(lig), Blue #1 (subB), Illinois #6 (hvbB), Pittsburgh #8 (hvaB), Pocahontas #3 (lvbB)

(a) drop tube; 250 ms; 1050 K; 104 K/s (b) drop tube; 240 ms; 1250 K; 104 K/s (c) FFB (flat-flame burner); 47 ms; 1600 K; 105 K/s drop tube; 280 ms; 1080 K; 104 K/s

a A number of papers have been published on this set of data.1,9-12 The report published by Fletcher and Hardesty8 represents a convenient compilation of this data set, and therefore was referenced throughout this project.

Nsite, in the evolving tar is equal to the mass of nitrogen per cluster in the char. Combining assumptions 3 and 4 indicates that δNtar ) δNchar at any instant in time. The nitrogen release model developed in this study is limited to describing primary nitrogen release (Figure 1). In this work, primary nitrogen release refers to (i) nitrogen transported from the macromolecule with the tar, and (ii) nitrogen released as light gas (HCN) from the char due to the thermal rupture of nitrogencontaining aromatic rings. Secondary nitrogen transformations are not treated in the current study. Light-Gas Nitrogen. Nitrogen released as light gas originates from the thermal rupture of nitrogencontaining aromatic rings in the char. The exact mechanism by which thermal rupture of nitrogen-containing rings occurs has not yet been established. It has been shown that there are a number of different nitrogen functional groups in coal.13,14,18-22 Furthermore, the sizes of the aromatic clusters in a given coal vary greatly. The stability of a nitrogen atom is likely affected by the size of the cluster in which it is located, due to resonance considerations. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that a distribution of activation energies will be necessary to describe light-gas nitrogen release from the char. It is proposed that the decay of nitrogen contained in the aromatic sites of the char (believed to result mainly in HCN) at each time step can be described by a simple first-order Arrhenius rate expression with a distributed activation energy:

dNsite -E N ) A exp dt RT site

( )


where Nsite is the mass fraction of nitrogen in an aromatic site, E is the activation energy, R is the universal gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. E is distributed according to a normal distribution as follows:

E ) Eo + xσE


where Eo is the mean activation energy and σ is the standard deviation of the activation energy. The term x is the inverse of the area under the normal distribution curve, which is calculated using a tabulated error function solution based on the conversion of Nsite, in a manner similar to that used throughout the CPD (18) Burchill, P.; Welch, L. S. Fuel 1989, 68, 100. (19) Bartle, K. D.; Perry, D. L.; Wallace, S. Fuel Process. Technol. 1987, 15, 351-361. (20) Wojtowicz, M. A.; Pels, J. R.; Moulijn, J. A. Fuel 1995, 74, 507515. (21) Kelemen, S. R.; Gorbaty, M. L.; Kwiatek, P. J. Energy Fuels 1994, 8, 896. (22) Wallace, S.; Bartle, K. D.; Perry, D. L. Fuel 1989, 68, 14501455.

model.4 The kinetic parameters, A, Eo, and σE, were empirically fit to best match the experimental data on nitrogen release and Nsite decay (determined by comparing the chemical structure of the coal and char as determined by 13C NMR spectral analyses) during pyrolysis as reported by Fletcher and Hardesty.8 To model nitrogen release in the manner just described, it is critical that Nsite be accurately calculated. Determination of the initial value of Nsite is dependent on 13C NMR measurements of the chemical structure of coal according to

Mclo Nsiteo ) Ncoal Msite


where Ncoal is the dry, ash-free nitrogen content of the coal, Msite is the molecular weight per site (which is constant), and Mclo is the initial average molecular weight per cluster in the coal as determined by 13C NMR analysis. Msite is calculated using measurements of coal structure as determined by 13C NMR data according to eq 5. At sufficiently high pyrolysis temperatures, the value of Nsite in the char begins to decay. Nsite is calculated by numerically integrating eq 6 over a time-temperature profile in the CPD model. Since aliphatic side chains and bridges are cleaved throughout devolatilization, a new Mcl must be calculated at each time step (specified below by the subscript i). The CPD model already tracks the number of side chains and bridges that still contain a significant amount of aliphatic material; therefore, Mcl can be calculated by the following simple equation:

Mcli ) Msite + (c0 + £i + δi)(σ + 1)Mδ


where c0 is the fraction of initial attachments per cluster that are stable bridges, £ is the fraction of labile bridges, and δ is the fraction of initial attachments that are side chains. The nitrogen content of the char can be calculated by converting Nsite to a per cluster basis as follows:

Msite Nchari ) Nsite Mcli


and since it is assumed that the nitrogen is evenly distributed among the aromatic sites and that the chemical structure of the metaplast and char are equal at any given moment during devolatilization, Ntari ) Nchari. To determine the total amount of nitrogen released as light gas during devolatilization, the quantity of nitrogen released at each time step must be determined. The mass of nitrogen released from the char as light

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gas at each time step is proportional to the char yield, according to

δgasniti ) fchariδNchari


where δgasniti is the differential fraction of coal nitrogen released as light gas during time step i, and fchari is the char yield. The total fraction of coal nitrogen released as light gas up to time step i is determined by integrating eq 11 over a time-temperature profile. Nitrogen Released with Tar. The nitrogen transported away from the infinite matrix with the tar during time step i is calculated as follows:

δtarniti ) Ntari δtari


where δtarniti is the mass of nitrogen transported with the tar during time step i, Ntari equals Nchari, and δtari is the mass of tar released during time step i. The total mass of nitrogen transported with the tar is calculated by integrating eq 12. Fraction of Stable Nitrogen. During the course of this modeling effort, it became apparent that the temperature and time dependence of nitrogen release in the form of light gas would be difficult to model with simple first-order kinetics as described above. A broad range of kinetic parameters (A, Eo, and σE) were tested. It was easy to fit the kinetic parameters such that the nitrogen release model predictions matched the experimental data for one set of coals at one condition. However, it proved difficult, if not impossible, to adjust the kinetic parameters so that the model gave accurate predictions at different pyrolysis conditions, for example, heating rates of 104 and 105 K/s. The data on nitrogen release during devolatilization discussed previously suggest that the rate of light-gas nitrogen release from the char has a slight rank dependence, which becomes more pronounced for highrank coals. Lignites seem to have a slightly greater propensity for light-gas nitrogen release than bituminous coals. Low-volatile bituminous coals appear to have a much lower propensity for light-gas nitrogen release than lignites or bituminous coals. A simple first-order kinetic model is not adequate to simulate this trend. The nitrogen release data examined in this study suggested that a fraction of nitrogen bound in the coal may be stable at the conditions of typical pyrolysis experiments. It is unclear whether this fraction of nitrogen atoms is already stable in the parent coal (perhaps due to the nitrogen bound in sites with a large number of rings), or becomes stable through some physical or chemical reaction during devolatilization. The hypothesis that a fraction of coal nitrogen is stable at common devolatilization conditions was tested in our nitrogen model as part of this research. It was determined that by assuming that a fraction of the nitrogen is stable, considerable improvement in the model predictions at various conditions could be achieved. Therefore, a rough correlation for the estimated fraction of stable nitrogen was developed based on coal rank. Nitrogen Model Parameters. The kinetic parameters of the nitrogen model were determined empirically by adjusting A, Eo, σE, and fst (the fraction of stable nitrogen) such that the model predictions of nitrogen release best fit experimental nitrogen release data from

Table 2. Rate Parameters Used in Nitrogen Model parameter



E A σ

100 kcal/mol 9 × 1017 s-1 17 kcal/mol

ring rupture activation energy ring rupture frequency factor standard deviation for distributed E

devolatilization experiments conducted by Fletcher and Hardesty in 1991 (set 1).8 Because Fletcher and Hardesty performed devolatilization experiments on five coals of varying rank at two different heating rates (∼104 and ∼105 K/s) their results were useful in determining the appropriate rank and temperature dependence of the nitrogen release model. 13C NMR analyses of matching sets of coal and char were performed for devolatilization experiments at many different residence times. Therefore, model predictions of Nsite could be compared directly with the corresponding experimental values, which was very useful in evaluating the accuracy of the nitrogen release model. The rate parameters that were determined to give a reasonable fit of the data are given in Table 2. The rate parameters listed in Table 2 represent one combination of values that seemed to adequately model the decay of Nsite for a wide variety of conditions. Because an empirical approach was taken in determining these rate parameters, as opposed to a mechanistic approach, the absolute values of the rate parameters may have little physical significance. In fact, it is quite possible that a different combination of parameters would be equally adequate at simulating Nsite decay. The high activation energy of 100 kcal/mol for Nsite decay, however, may not be unreasonable. The activation energy for bridge cleavage, for example, is 65 kcal/mol in the CPD model. The activation energy for Nsite decay should be higher since Nsite decay involves the thermal rupture of heteroaromatic rings at elevated temperatures. The mean activation energy, preexponential factor, and the standard deviation for the activation energy for HCN release in the FG-DVC model are 84.5 kcal/mol, 6.9 × 1012 s-1, and 9.4 kcal/mol, respectively. The differences between the rate parameters for Nsite decay in the CPD model and HCN release in the FGDVC model do not seem unreasonable since the approaches used to model HCN release in the two devolatilization models are significantly different. The fraction of stable nitrogen, fst, was correlated with rank, using the dry, ash-free carbon content as an indicator of rank resulting in eq 14

fst ) max{0.5,0.018(%C,daf) - 1.062}


where C is the dry, ash-free percent carbon of the coal. For low- and medium-rank coals fst is constant at 0.5. For higher rank coals, fst increases linearly with carbon content. This is consistent with the experimental data on the decay of Nsite, which suggests that Nsite decays similarly in low- and medium-rank coals, but decays significantly less in high-rank coals. This increase in fst for high-rank coals may be related to the number of aromatic carbons per cluster, which increases in highrank coals. Comparison with Other Models. As previously mentioned, the volatile nitrogen release model developed in this study is similar to the models used in the FG-DVC and FLASHCHAIN models in a number of

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Table 3. Comparison of Light-Gas Nitrogen Release Models FG-DVC5


CPD calculates the decay of the mass fraction of nitrogen in the sites, Nsite, which is directly related to the chemical structure of coal The initial value of Nsite is related to the chemical structure of coal

light-gas nitrogen parameter used in first-order rate equation

directly calculates the amount of HCN released

calculates the decay of the moles of nitrogen/moles sites

rank dependence

mean activation energy varies with coal rank

frequency factor is diminished for coals of progressively higher rank

The fraction of stable nitrogen, fst, increases with progressively higher rank Table 4. Description of Sets of Test Cases Used in Model Evaluation reactor; residence time; peak gas temp; approximate heating rate



coals (rank)


Fletcher and Hardesty8



Beulah Zap (lig), Blue #1 (subB), Illinois #6 (hvbB), Pittsburgh #8 (hvaB), Pocahontas #3 (lvbB) Dietz (subB), Illinois #6 (hvaB), Pittsburgh #8 (hvaB), Lower Kittaning (lvB)



Beulah Zap (lig), Blue #1 (subB), Illinois #6 (hvbB), Pittsburgh #8 (hvaB), Pocahontas #3 (lvbB)

(a) drop tube; 250 ms; 1050 K; 104 K/s (b) drop tube; 240 ms; 1250 K; 104 K/s (c) FFB (flat-flame burner); 47 ms; 1600 K; 105 K/s drop tube; 56, 61, 66,72, 77, 83, 86.5, and 89 ms; radiantly heated particles (1840 K wall temperature); 104 K/s (a) drop tube; 170 ms; 820 K; 104 K/s (b) drop tube; 280 ms; 1080 K; 104 K/s (c) drop tube; 410 ms; 1220 K; 104 K/s (d) FFB; 18 ms; 1641 K, 105 K/s

ways. There are several significant differences between the models, however, in the approaches used to model light-gas nitrogen release. Table 3 contrasts the approaches used in the FG-DVC, FLASHCHAIN, and the CPD model (this study) to model light-gas nitrogen release. The advantage of the approach used in the CPD model is that light-gas nitrogen release is directly linked to the chemical structure of coal and the change in the chemical structure of coal during pyrolysis. Application of Nitrogen Release Model Description of Test Cases. The CPD model was used to predict the nitrogen release of several different coals during devolatilization at several different experimental conditions. Table 4 lists the researchers who conducted the experiments, the coals used, and the conditions of the experiments. CPD model predictions of total mass release, tar release, nitrogen release, Nchar, and Nsite were compared with experimental results for test sets 1 through 3. Due to the large number of test cases examined,23 only a brief summary of the most important results will be given here. Comparisons with Data From Fletcher and Hardesty. In general, the predictions of Nsite and Nchar compared well with the experimental data collected by Fletcher and Hardesty.8 Figure 2a shows data from a Blue #1 coal pyrolyzed in a drop tube reactor by Fletcher and Hardesty with a peak temperature of 1050 K (set 1a in Table 4). The experimental data suggest that there is little or no Nsite decay at this condition. Only a small amount of Nsite decay is predicted by the model. Predictions of Nchar compare well with the measured values. The increase in Nchar is due to the loss of aliphatic side chain material that does not contain nitrogen. Figure 2b is an example of a Blue #1 coal pyrolyzed in a drop tube reactor with a peak temperature of 1250 K (set 1b (23) Genetti, D. B. An Advanced Model of Coal Devolatilization Based on Chemical Structure. M. S. Thesis, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1999 (see∼tom/students/genetti.html).

Figure 2. (a) Comparison of predicted and measured Nchar values of a Blue #1 subbituminous coal. Blue #1 was pyrolyzed in a drop tube reactor with a peak temperature of 1050 K and a residence time of 250 ms.8 (b) Comparison of predicted and measured Nsite and Nchar values of a Blue #1 subbituminous coal. Blue #1 was pyrolyzed in a drop tube reactor with a peak temperature of 1250 K and a residence time of 240 ms.8

in Table 4). Predictions of Nsite and Nchar compare well with the experimental values at this condition. Notice that by using a distributed activation energy function, the diminishing rate of Nsite decay during late pyrolysis is accurately modeled. It is also important to note that the model is able to predict the trend of increasing Nsite decay with increasing temperature (compare Figure 2

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Figure 4. Comparison of CPD model predictions of mass and nitrogen release with experimental data for coals pyrolyzed in a flat-flame burner by Fletcher and Hardesty.8 Carbon content is used as a rank indicator.

Figure 3. (a) Comparison of predicted and measured fractional mass and nitrogen release of a Blue #1 high-volatile bituminous coal. Blue #1 was pyrolyzed in a drop tube reactor with a peak temperature of 1050 K and a residence time of 250 ms. (b) Comparison of predicted and measured fractional mass and nitrogen release of a Blue #1 high-volatile bituminous coal. Blue #1 was pyrolyzed in a drop tube reactor with a peak temperature of 1250 K and a residence time of 240 ms.

parts a and b). Similar agreement was achieved with data from other coals examined by Fletcher and Hardesty (see Genetti23). Figure 3 compares model predictions of total mass and nitrogen release with experimental data for a Blue #1 coal pyrolyzed by Fletcher and Hardesty in a drop tube reactor with peak temperatures of 1050 and 1250 K (sets 1a & 1b in Table 4). Similar agreement was achieved with data from other coals examined by Fletcher and Hardesty.23 This work represents the first time that a nitrogen release model has been evaluated by comparing model predictions with the chemical structure of char as determined by 13C NMR analysis. As described previously, Nsite is determined experimentally on the basis of the nitrogen content of the char and the chemical structure of the char from 13C NMR spectral analysis. By comparing predicted and measured Nsite values, the ability of the model to predict HCN release is evaluated directly, and the ability of the model to accurately simulate changes in the chemical structure of the char during pyrolysis is implied. In general, it was observed that when the CPD model predictions of total mass release compared well with experimental data, model predictions of nitrogen release also compared well. When the CPD model over-predicted or under-predicted mass release, nitrogen release was also under- or over-predicted by about the same amount. This is a strong indication that the model describing

nitrogen release at the conditions of these experiments is mechanistically correct. Fletcher and Hardesty conducted pyrolysis experiments on five coals in a flat-flame burner with a heating rate of about 105 K/s and a peak gas temperature of about 1600 K (set 1c in Table 4). Figure 4 compares CPD model predictions of fractional mass and nitrogen release with experimental data obtained in the flatflame burner. With the exception of Pocahontas #3, model predictions of mass and nitrogen release compared well with experimental data. Figure 4 is important because it shows the nitrogen model is able to pick up variations in nitrogen release due to differences in temperature and heating rate. Comparisons with Data Reported by Chen. Chen24 pyrolyzed four coals to various degrees in a radiatively heated drop tube reactor (set 2 in Table 4). Since careful measurements of tar and light gas release were taken in Chen’s experiments, CPD model predictions of tar and light gas nitrogen were compared directly with experimental data. This set of char data was not used in regressing the volatile nitrogen release rate constants, and was therefore particularly important in evaluating the reliability of the nitrogen release model. 13C NMR data are not available for the exact coals studied by Chen. The NMR correlation developed by Genetti et al.25 was used to estimate the chemical structure input parameters for the CPD model. Also, accurate particle temperature profiles were not available, since particles were heated radiantly. Therefore, CPD model predictions were performed by adjusting the temperature profile to match total mass release given for the Dietz coal and then using the same temperature profile for the remaining coals. Figure 5 compares CPD model predictions of nitrogen released with the tar and light-gas nitrogen with experimental data for a Dietz and a Pittsburgh #8 coals. As shown in Figure 5, model predictions compared well with experimental measurements of total, tar, and light-gas nitrogen release reported by Chen. Similar results were obtained for the other two coals studied by Chen.23 (24) Chen, J. C. Effect of Secondary Reactions on Product Distribution and Nitrogen Evolution from Rapid Coal Pyrolysis. Stanford University, HTGL Report No. T-280, 1991. (25) Genetti, D.; Fletcher, T. H.; Pugmire, R. J. Energy Fuels 1999, 13, 60-68.

Modeling Nitrogen Release during Devolatilization

Energy & Fuels, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1999 1089

Figure 7. Comparison of predicted and measured mass and nitrogen release data of five coals pyrolyzed by Hambly in a drop tube reactor at Brigham Young University with peak temperature of 1220 K. Table 5. Elemental Composition of Coals Pyrolyzed in FFB %O (daf)

%N (daf)

%S (daf)

Coals Pyrolyzed by Hambly subC 67.4 5.37 24.39 ligA 68.5 4.94 24.96 subC 70.7 5.83 20.83 hvCb 72.5 5.22 20.09 subA 76.5 5.24 15.95 hvBb 79.4 5.62 8.57

1.00 1.00 1.47 1.17 1.53 1.74

1.84 0.64 1.18 1.04 0.76 4.71

Coals Pyrolyzed in This Study Elkhorn #3 hvAb 82.7 5.73 8.76 Sewell mvb 85.5 4.91 7.12 Lower Kittanning lvb 86.2 4.86 4.64 Penna. Semian. C sa 88.4 4.02 5.47 Lower Hartshorne lvb 91.2 4.56 1.53 Lykens Valley #2 an 93.8 2.72 1.96

1.78 1.72 1.81 1.24 1.82 0.92

0.99 0.72 2.45 0.86 0.89 0.62


Figure 5. (a) Comparison of predictions of total, tar, and lightgas nitrogen with experimental data from experiments conducted by Chen24 on a Dietz subbituminous coal. (b) Comparison of predictions of total, tar, and light-gas nitrogen with experimental data from experiments conducted by Chen24 on a Pittsburgh #8 high-volatile A bituminous coal.

Figure 6. Comparison of predicted and measured Nchar values of five coals pyrolyzed by Hambly in a drop tube reactor at Brigham Young University with peak temperatures of 820, 1080, and 1220 K.

Comparisons with Data Reported by Hambly and Genetti. Hambly15,16 pyrolyzed five coals in a drop tube reactor at BYU at three different peak temperatures (sets 3a, 3b, & 3c in Table 4). Figure 6 compares model predictions of Nchar with the experimental Nchar data from Hambly’s experiments. The measured and predicted values of Nchar compare well at all three conditions. Figure 7 compares model predictions of mass and nitrogen with the experimental mass and nitrogen release data from Hambly’s experiments with a peak

Smith-Roland Beulah-Zap Bottom Adaville #1 Deadman Kentucky #9

ASTM rank

%C (daf)

%H (daf)

gas temperature of 1220 K. The measured and predicted values of nitrogen release generally compare as well as the measured and predicted mass release. The largest disagreement seems to be for the lignite (Beulah Zap). Hambly15,16 also conducted pyrolysis experiments on six coals in a flat-flame burner at Brigham Young University (set 3d in Table 4). A list of the coals is given in Table 5. The chemical structure input parameters for the CPD model were obtained using 13C NMR spectral analyses.25,26 The residence time was approximately 18 ms, and the peak gas temperature was about 1641 K. Mass release was determined by a mass balance on the char. To increase the amount of nitrogen release data available on high rank coals, six additional high-rank coals were pyrolyzed in the same flat-flame burner used by Hambly. A list of these six additional coals is also given in Table 5. 13C NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the chemical structure input parameters for these coals as well.25 The residence time of the experiments conducted in this study was about 78 ms, and the peak gas temperature was 1641 K. The flat-flame burner collection system and gas temperature and velocity profiles are described in detail by Ma.27,28 (26) Solomon, P. R.; Serio, M. A.; Carangelo, R. M.; Bassilakis, R. Energy Fuels 1990, 4, 319-333. (27) Ma, J. Soot Formation and Secondary Reactions during Coal Pyrolysis. Ph.D. Dissertation, Chemical Engineering Department, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1996. (28) Ma, J.; Fletcher, T. H.; Webb, B. W. In 26th Symposium (Int.) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute: Pittsburgh, PA, 1996; pp 3161-3167.

1090 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1999

Genetti and Fletcher

Summary and Conclusion

Figure 8. Comparison of CPD model predictions of mass release with experimental data for coals pyrolyzed in a flatflame burner by Hambly15,16 and during this study. Carbon content is used as a rank indicator.

Figure 9. Comparison of CPD model predictions of nitrogen release with experimental data for coals pyrolyzed in a flatflame burner by Hambly15,16 and during this study. Carbon content is used as a rank indicator.

Figure 8 compares the CPD model predictions of total mass release with the measured mass release determined by Hambly and during the experiments conducted in this study. In general, the CPD model predictions of mass release compare well with the experiment data. Figure 9 compares CPD model predictions of the total fraction of nitrogen release with the measured nitrogen release. Model predictions of nitrogen release for coals with carbon content between 67 and 80% compare well with the experimental data. For the higher-rank coals (coals with greater than 80% carbon) pyrolyzed in this study nitrogen release was over-predicted by the model by as much as 20% absolute. The model prediction of nitrogen release for the coal with 85.5% carbon pyrolyzed by Hambly at the 18 ms condition, however, compares well with the experimental nitrogen release (designated with a circle in Figure 9). It appears that the nitrogen model developed in this study over-predicts nitrogen release that occurs at severe pyrolysis conditions (such as a methane flat-flame burner) and at extended residence times. The over-predictions for high-rank coals result from overpredictions of light-gas nitrogen, suggesting that a simple first-order rate expression with a distributed activation energy may not be adequate to describe lightgas nitrogen release at all pyrolysis conditions, particularly for high-rank coals.

A volatile nitrogen release model was developed in this study by (1) modeling the release of nitrogen from the char as HCN with a first-order rate expression with a distributed activation energy model, (2) modifying the CPD model to calculate the quantity of nitrogen released with the tar at each time step, and (3) evaluating the model by comparing model predictions of nitrogen release to experimental data not included in the regression of model parameters. Model predictions of nitrogen release compared well with experimental nitrogen release data for most coals and pyrolysis conditions. The model, therefore, seems to represent an appropriate and accurate method of predicting volatile nitrogen release for most coals during pyrolysis. To satisfy the shortage of available nitrogen release data for low-volatile coals, six high-rank coals were pyrolyzed in a flat-flame burner as part of this study. Comparison of volatile nitrogen release predictions with the measured nitrogen release data obtained for the six high-rank coals confirmed that the volatile nitrogen release model developed in this study over-predicts nitrogen release from some low-volatile coals pyrolyzed under severe pyrolysis conditions. The experimental data collected in this study on high-rank coals will be very important in developing and evaluating advanced nitrogen release models in the future. The volatile nitrogen release model developed in this work represents the first volatile nitrogen release model evaluated by comparing model predictions with the chemical structure of char (as measured by 13C NMR analyses). Model predictions of Nsite were compared to measured values of Nsite (determined from 13C NMR spectral analyses of the chars) determined from the pyrolysis experiments conducted by Fletcher and coworkers1,9-12,8 and by Hambly.15,16 Predictions of Nsite compared well with measured values for most coals. Evaluation of the model based on the chemical structure of the char is significant because (i) it confirms that nitrogen is released not only with the tar, but also as HCN from the char due to the thermal rupture of pyrrolic and pyridinic nitrogen forms, and (ii) it quantifies the accuracy of the predicted distribution of nitrogen between char, tar, and HCN (as opposed to only comparing model predictions with total nitrogen release). Other models have primarily been evaluated on the basis of comparing model predictions with measured total nitrogen release. The evaluation based on the chemical structure of char seems to indicate that the volatile nitrogen release model developed in this study not only accurately predicts total nitrogen release for most coals and conditions, but also accurately describes the distribution of nitrogen between char, tar, and HCN. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Department of Energy, Grant DE-FG22-95PC95215, and the Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center (ACERC) at Brigham Young University. The authors are grateful to Paul and Mary Goodman for their assistance in performing experiments and analyses. Also thanks should be given to Eric Hambly and Steve Perry for useful discussions of this topic.

Modeling Nitrogen Release during Devolatilization

Nomenclature CPD ) chemical percolation devolatilization daf ) dry, ash-free DECS ) Department of Energy coal sample E ) activation energy FFB ) methane-air flat-flame burner fchar ) char yield fst ) fraction of stable nitrogen gasnit ) fraction of coal nitrogen released as light gas HCN ) hydrogen cyanide K ) Kelvin kHCN ) first-order rate constant for HCN release in FLASHCHAIN ligA ) lignite A mcoal ) mass of original coal mchar ) char yield MCl ) average molecular weight per cluster Mδ ) average molecular weight of the cluster attachments Msite ) average molecular weight of the aromatic sites η ) the change in the average moles of nitrogen per mole of aromatic clusters in FLASHCHAIN Ncoal ) daf mass fraction of nitrogen in parent coal Nchar ) daf mass fraction of nitrogen in char

Energy & Fuels, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1999 1091 Nsite ) daf mass fraction of nitrogen on an aromatic site basis Ntar ) daf mass fraction of nitrogen in tar NMR ) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy NOX ) nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, and N2O) NR ) fraction of original nitrogen released during pyrolysis PETC ) Pittsburgh Energy and Technology Center R ) universal gas constant s ) second T ) temperature t ) time tarnit ) mass of nitrogen transported with tar TG-FTIR ) thermogravimetric Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy YHCN ) molar yield of HCN δ ) refers to a differential change σ + 1 ) total attachments per cluster σ ) standard deviation δ ) fraction of initial attachments that are side chains £ ) fraction of labile bridges x ) inverse of area under normal distribution curve Xgas ) ratio of light gas released to the maximum light-gas yield EF990056I