Modeling Nonspecific Toxicity of Organic Compounds to the Fathead

Mar 12, 2012 - ABSTRACT: The performance of chromatographic systems to mimic aquatic toxicity to the fathead minnow fish is evaluated taking into acco...
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Modeling Nonspecific Toxicity of Organic Compounds to the Fathead Minnow Fish by Means of Chromatographic Systems Marta Hidalgo-Rodríguez, Elisabet Fuguet, Clara Ràfols, and Martí Rosés* Departament de Química Analítica and Institut de Biomedicina de la Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i Franquès, 1-11, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The performance of chromatographic systems to mimic aquatic toxicity to the fathead minnow fish is evaluated taking into account the factors that contribute to the variance of biological− chromatographic correlations. These factors are the precision to measure the fathead minnow toxicity, the precision of the surrogate chromatographic system, and the error from the dissimilarity between the fathead minnow and chromatographic systems. The precisions are estimated through the characterization of the systems by the solvation parameter model. Several chromatographic systems as well as the common reference octanol−water partition system have been selected to test their ability to model the nonspecific toxicity to the fathead minnow by means of the proposed approach. Predictions and experimental tests show that the micellar electrokinetic chromatography system of sodium taurocholate and chromatographic measurements using an immobilized artificial membrane column provide the most precise estimations of this biopartitioning property. The octanol−water partition system, the conventional C18 high-performance liquid chromatography systems, and the micellar electrokinetic chromatography system of sodium dodecylsulfate show worse performances.


successfully described by means of the solvation parameter model equation:

he environment is regularly exposed to chemical substances derived from industrial and natural biological processes. Aquatic toxicity studies are required in order to assess the environmental hazard and risk of chemicals that are released into our waterways.1 Standard test methods and experimental protocols based on testing with aquatic organisms have been established for evaluating the environmental effects of chemicals. Particularly, the fathead minnow fish (Pimephales promelas) is one of the species outlined by EPA guidelines2 as a biological model in aquatic toxicology studies. The fathead minnow model plays an essential role in this field because it has been widely used both for regulatory testing and research, for example to screen the toxicity of new compounds or to examine life-stages/end points for chemicals with different modes of action.3 However, the experimental investigation through animal tests is usually a lengthy, costly, and technically difficult process, even ethically questionable. For these reasons, surrogate physicochemical systems capable of estimating biological properties in a faster, more economic and easier manner have become of potential interest. Undoubtedly, implementation of physicochemical testing in common practices of toxicity estimation will contribute to more sustainable development of chemicals. Physicochemical modeling is based on the premise that the structure of a compound determines its properties. Thus, many properties of solutes can be related to structural descriptors by means of quantitative structure−activity relationships (QSARs). Among the QSAR models, the solvation parameter model proposed by Abraham4,5 provides a robust approach for characterizing the properties of partitioning processes. Both biological6−12 and physicochemical13−17 systems ruled by the passive transport of solutes between two phases have been © 2012 American Chemical Society

log SP = c + eE + sS + aA + bB + vV


where SP is the dependent solute property in a given partitioning system, i.e. an equilibrium constant or some other free energy related property. The E, S, A, B, and V independent variables are the solute descriptors proposed by Abraham. E represents the excess molar refraction, S is the solute dipolarity/polarizability, A and B are the solute’s effective hydrogen-bond acidity and hydrogen-bond basicity, respectively, and V is McGowan’s solute volume. The coefficients of the equation are characteristic of the system and reflect its complementary properties to the corresponding solute property. As they represent the difference in solvation properties between the two phases of the partitioning system, e refers to the difference in capacity of each phase to interact with solute π- and n-electrons; s is a measure of the difference of the two phases in capacity to take part in dipole−dipole and dipole−induced dipole interactions; a and b represent the differences in hydrogen-bond basicity and acidity, respectively, between both phases; v is a measure of the relative ease of forming a cavity for the solute in the two phases. For any system, the coefficients of this correlation equation can be obtained by multiple linear regression analysis between the log SP values acquired for an appropriate group of solutes and their descriptors values. Received: February 13, 2012 Accepted: March 12, 2012 Published: March 12, 2012 3446 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 3446−3452

Analytical Chemistry


two correlated systems (measured by the d distance).28 Finally, the prediction of the performance of the chromatographic surrogate systems has been checked by direct correlation of experimental data from fathead minnow toxicity and chromatographic log k values.

The solvation parameter model has been used for describing nonspecific aquatic toxicity of neutral organic compounds to several aquatic organisms.10,11,18,19 Thus, the observed toxicity data of compounds that act through nonspecific modes of action (lacking of covalent interactions between toxicant and organism) have been correlated through the Abraham equation (eq 1). For fathead minnow, Hoover et al.10 obtained the following correlation equation:

THEORY Similarity between Systems. The similarity between systems characterized by means of the solvation parameter model (eq 1) can be measured through the d distance parameter,23 which is calculated according to the following expression:

−log LC50 = 0.996 + 0.418E − 0.182S + 0.417A − 3.574B + 3.377V


with n = 198, r = 0.976, SD = 0.276, and F = 779. LC50 is the median mortality lethal molar concentration of the solute (96 h end point), n denotes the number of solutes, r corresponds to the multiple correlation coefficient, SD is the standard deviation, and F is the Fischer statistic. One of the advantages of the Abraham equation is the information derived from its coefficients, which are specific of the studied system. Thus, coefficients of eq 2 provide a general understanding of the solute properties that lead to nonspecific aquatic toxicity on fathead minnow. Size is the solute property that contributes the most to increase toxicity (v is the largest positive coefficient), whereas hydrogen-bond basicity is the solute property most opposed to the transfer of the solute from water to the biomembrane (b is the lowest negative coefficient), which means that it reduces toxicity. Once the coefficients of the solvation parameter model are known for a particular system, two approaches can be used in order to estimate the dependent solute property for other compounds not considered in the Abraham equation. The nonspecific aquatic toxicity to fathead minnow can be estimated for new compounds through eq 2, just multiplying its coefficients by the descriptors of the new compounds, if they are known or can be determined. Alternatively, eq 2 can be compared with the correlation equation of other systems characterized by means of the solvation parameter model in order to identify surrogate systems, i.e. systems with coefficients proportionally close to these of eq 2. Thus, good correlations are expected between the fathead minnow data and the data from these surrogate systems, being able then to estimate the toxicity to fathead minnow. This last approach is the aim of the present work, which is focused on the performance of chromatographic systems, basically micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems, to emulate nonspecific toxicity of neutral organic compounds to the fathead minnow fish. As well, the octanol−water partition system has been studied because it is widely accepted as the reference model for membrane biopartitioning and thus it is the most common system in biological−physicochemical correlations.20,21 Despite this fact, the measurement of octanol−water partition coefficients is lengthy and tedious. On the contrary, chromatographic systems are very popular because they are easy to use and for this reason several authors have chosen them to test their suitability to model biological processes.22−27 In this study, possible chromatographic systems surrogated to fathead minnow toxicity have been identified through calculation of the d distance parameter.23 The precision achieved in the toxicity prediction by the surrogate systems has been evaluated from the precision of the correlated biological data, the precision of the correlated chromatographic data, and the error coming from the dissimilarity between the

d = [(eui − euj)2 + (sui − suj)2 + (aui − auj)2 1/2

+ (bui − buj)2 + (vui − vuj)2 ]


where the subscript u means that all their coefficients have been previously normalized and the subscripts i, j represent the two compared systems. The coefficients are normalized as follows: e eu = (4) l s su = (5) l a au = (6) l b l v vu = l

bu =

(7) (8)

where l is the length of the coefficients’ vector: l = (e 2 + s 2 + a2 + b2 + v 2)1/2


Considering the coefficients of any system as a vector in a five-dimensional space, the d parameter measures the distance between the normalized unitary vectors of a pair of systems. Thus, the d distance provides a measure of the similarity between the two considered systems: the smaller the d, the closer the two systems. For instance, two systems, one biological (bio) and one chromatographic (chrom) log SP bio = c bio + l bio(eu bioE + su bioS + au bioA + bu bioB + vu bioV )


log SPchrom = cchrom + lchrom(euchromE + suchromS + auchromA + buchromB + vuchromV ) (11)

will show d = 0 if they have the same normalized vector, and thus, they must show a linear correlation log SP bio = c bio −

l bio lchrom

cchrom +

l bio lchrom

log SPchrom (12)

In practice, the correlation is tested by plotting the experimental biological data against the experimental chromatographic data and thus: log SP bio = q + p log SPchrom 3447

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Table 1. Physicochemical Systems Considered in This Work systems

type of systema



2 STC 3 pentanol− water 4 SDS microemulsion 5 IAM

MEKC solvent−water partition MEEKC

6 octanol−water 7 RP18 8 MSC18 9 poly-(SDeS) 10 SDS

solvent−water partition HPLC HPLC polymeric EKC MEKC

11 Brij 35 C18





experimental conditions


12 mM dipalmitoylphosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG):dipalmitoylphosphatidyl choline (DPPC) (30:70), 25 mM HEPES 30 pH 7.5 50 mM sodium taurocholate (STC), 20 mM phosphate pH 7 31 diverse 32 1.4 wt.% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 6.49 wt.% butan-1-ol, 0.82 wt.% heptane, 500 mM phosphate+100 mM borate pH 7 immobilized artificial membrane prepared with phosphatidyl choline (IAM.PC.DD2) column, 10 mM phosphate buffer pH 7:acetonitrile (60:40) diverse Xterra RP18 column, 10 mM phosphate buffer pH 7:acetonitrile (60:40) Xterra MSC18 column, 10 mM phosphate buffer pH 7:acetonitrile (60:40) 10 g/L poly(sodium 9-decenyl sulfate) (SDeS), 100 mM phosphate pH 7 40 mM sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), 20 mM phosphate pH 7 AT. chrom C18 column, 6.0 w/w % polyoxyethylene(23) dodecyl ether (Brij 35), 6.6 w/w % butanol, 0.8 w/w % heptane, 86.6 w/w % 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 7 40 mM lithium perfluorooctanesulfonate (LPFOS), 20 mM phosphate pH 7

33 23 13 23 23 34 35, 36 24 35, 36


LEKC = liposome electrokinetic chromatograpy; MEKC = micellar electrokinetic chromatography; MEEKC = microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography; HPLC = high-performance liquid chromatography; MELC = microemulsion liquid chromatography.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Apparatus. HPLC and MEKC measurements were done in the same instruments previously described.23,28 Chemicals. Methanol (HPLC grade), hydrochloric acid (25% in water), sodium hydroxide (>99%), sodium dihydrogenphosphate monohydrate (>99%), and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) (>99%) were from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) was from VWR International (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA). Taurocholic acid sodium salt hydrate (98%) was from Acros Organics (Geel, Belgium). Dodecanophenone (98%) was from Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). Water was purified by a Milli-Q plus system from Millipore (Bedford, MA, USA), with a resistivity of 18.2 MΩ cm. The test solutes employed were reagent grade or better and obtained from several manufacturers (Merck, Sigma (Steinheim, Germany), Fluka (Steinheim, Germany), Aldrich, Carlo Erba (Milano, Italy), Baker (Deventer, Netherlands)). Procedure. MEKC Systems. The sodium taurocholate (STC) system was a separation solution 50 mM in taurocholic acid sodium salt hydrate and 20 mM in phosphate aqueous buffer adjusted to pH 7. For the SDS system, the separation solution was 40 mM in SDS and 20 mM in phosphate aqueous buffer adjusted to pH 7. All solutes were dissolved in methanol (used as electroosmotic flow marker) and contained 2 mg mL−1 of dodecanophenone as micellar marker.29 The concentration of the solutes was 2 mg mL−1. All solutions were filtered through 0.45-μm nylon syringe filters obtained from Albet (Dassel, Germany). Samples were introduced into the capillary by applying a pressure of 0.5 psi for 1 s. All measurements were taken in triplicate. HPLC Systems. The mobile phase was a mixture of acetonitrile:10 mM phosphate aqueous buffer adjusted to pH 7 (40:60). All solutes were dissolved in methanol, and their concentrations were 0.1 mg mL−1. The injection volume was 10 μL. Isocratic conditions were used at a flow rate of 1 mL min−1. The column hold-up time was determined by using an aqueous solution of potassium bromide (0.1 mg mL−1) as an unretained solute, whose detection was performed at 200 nm. All measurements were taken in triplicate.

The closer the distance between the two systems to zero, the closer q and p are to the intercept and slope predicted by eq 12. Precision of the Correlation of the Biological− Chromatographic Systems. The key issue to know the performance that could by achieved by a physicochemical system in the emulation of a biological one falls on the overall variance obtained in the biological−physicochemical correlation. Three factors contribute to the overall variance obtained in such correlations: the precision of the biological data (σbio), the precision of the chromatographic data (σchrom), and the dissimilarity between the two correlated systems (σd). It was demonstrated28 that these three contributions can be easily estimated through the statistics of the Abraham characterizations and the calculated values from these characterizations, according to the following expressions: σ bio2 ≈ SD bio2


σchrom 2 ≈ (pSDchrom )2


σd 2 ≈ SDd 2


where SDbio is the standard deviation of the Abraham characterization of the biological system, SDchrom corresponds to the standard deviation of the characterization of the chromatographic system, p is the slope of the correlation between the two considered systems, and SDd is the standard deviation of the correlation between calculated values for both biological and chromatographic properties. Such calculated values are obtained applying the corresponding Abraham equation to the descriptors of the solutes of the test set (usually the biological set). The overall variance of the biological−chromatographic correlation (SDcorr2) is estimated by the addition of these three terms: SDcorr cal 2 = SD bio2 + (pSDchrom )2 + SDd 2


The lower the SDcorr cal2, the better the surrogate system estimates the biological property. 3448 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 3446−3452

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Table 2. Estimation of the Contributions that Determine the Overall Variance in the Correlations between Data for Fathead Minnow and Chromatographic and Partitioning Data of the Considered Physicochemical Systems nonspecific toxicity to the fathead minnow fish, SDbio2 = 0.076, nbio = 198 systems




(pcal SDchrom)2



SDcorr cal2

1 DPPG:DPPC LEKC 2 STC MEKC 3 pentanol−water 4 SDS MEEKC 5 IAM HPLC 6 octanol−water 7 RP18 HPLC 8 MSC18 HPLC 9 poly-(SDeS) EKC 10 SDS MEKC 11 Brij 35 C18 MELC 12 LPFOS MEKC

0.095 0.147 0.153 0.176 0.186 0.198 0.259 0.295 0.335 0.347 0.475 0.750

3.48 3.66 1.14 2.72 3.41 1.39 2.20 2.24 3.63 2.96 1.35 3.44

1.08 1.35 1.01 1.11 2.75 0.88 1.95 1.72 1.14 1.26 2.44 1.33

0.006 0.023 0.033 0.010 0.017 0.010 0.012 0.015 0.006 0.023 0.024 0.064

27 56 106 53 51 613 55 55 35 63 26 62

0.011 0.014 0.064 0.093 0.039 0.083 0.149 0.209 0.154 0.111 0.591 0.661

0.093 0.113 0.174 0.179 0.132 0.170 0.237 0.300 0.236 0.210 0.692 0.801

Table 3. Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of the Studied Chromatographic Systems to Emulate Nonspecific Toxicity of Organic Compounds to the Fathead Minnow Fisha nonspecific toxicity to the fathead minnow fish q

systems 2 STC MEKC 5 IAM HPLC 6 Octanol−water 7 RP18 HPLC 8 MSC18 HPLC 10 SDS MEKC a

3.68 3.67 1.48 2.79 2.96 3.22

(0.05) (0.04) (0.06) (0.11) (0.12) (0.07)

p 1.12 2.20 0.85 1.43 1.13 1.02

(0.07) (0.14) (0.02) (0.13) (0.13) (0.08)

SDcorr exp2




0.118 0.084 0.152 0.139 0.191 0.147

50 48 183 48 48 49

0.917 0.915 0.946 0.854 0.792 0.868

254 235 1530 124 78 143

Standard deviations in brackets.


Table 2 shows the contributions of variance that would be obtained for each pair of fathead minnow-physicochemical systems according to our prediction method, as well as the resulting overall variance from the sum of such contributions (SDcorr cal2) (eq 17). The intercept (qcal) and slope (pcal) of the calculated correlations are also presented. Since (pcal SDchrom)2 is usually much lower than SDbio2, a low overall variance and therefore a good performance will be obtained if SDd2 is lower than or similar to SDbio2. Taking this criterion into account, systems 1, 2, 3, and 5 should emulate well nonspecific toxicity of neutral organic compounds to fathead minnow (SDd2 < SDbio2, which will give an overall variance less than twice the variance of the original biological data). Among these systems, we chose the STC MEKC system (system 2) and the IAM HPLC system (system 5) to determine and correlate their experimental values against the ones of the fathead minnow system because measurements in the LEKC system of DPPG:DPPC (system 1) and the pentanol−water partition system (system 3) are more timeconsuming and costly. Liposome systems are very troublesome regarding vesicle preparation and stability and chromatographic systems (both HPLC and EKC) are in general preferable to water−partition systems because they are usually more economic, easier to automate, and faster. However, they have some limitations concerning the high retention time of some substances in HPLC and the significant error associated to MEKC measurements in extreme regions of the elution window. The Brij 35 C18 MELC system (system 11) and the MEKC system of LPFOS (system 12) seem to be very weak models for the estimation of the toxicity to fathead minnow. They have SDd2 much higher than SDbio2, meaning that a lot of error

Selection of Systems to Emulate Nonspecific Toxicity of Neutral Organic Compounds to Fathead Minnow. A large number of systems characterized through the Abraham equation (eq 1) have been examined in order to identify surrogate systems for the toxicity to fathead minnow. Some illustrative chromatographic and partitioning systems of different nature are presented in Table 1. They are divided into three groups: solvent−water partition systems, systems of electrokinetic chromatography (EKC), and HPLC systems. All of them are based on chemical interactions that control the distribution of solutes between the two phases that compose the system, which is the same principle that rules the nonspecific toxicity to fathead minnow. The Abraham correlation equations of the considered chromatographic and partitioning systems, and a careful comparison of them are given in the Supporting Information. The calculated d values of the compared systems are presented in Table 2. We applied the approach described in the Theory section for estimating the precision of biological−chromatographic correlations. Since p in eq 15 is the experimental value of eq 13, which is not initially known, we used the slope of the correlation between calculated values (pcal) as an estimation of the slope of the experimental correlation (p). In order to obtain pcal and also SDd2, calculated values from the Abraham characterizations were required, and we used for this purpose the set of solutes employed in the Abraham characterization of the toxicity to fathead minnow (eq 2),10 i.e. the biological system to be emulated (198 solutes). 3449 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 3446−3452

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Figure 1. Plots of experimental −log LC50 (median mortality lethal concentration logarithm) for fathead minnow vs experimental log k (retention factor logarithm) or log P (octanol−water partition coefficient logarithm) in the studied physicochemical systems: (a) STC MEKC, (b) IAM HPLC, (c) octanol−water, (d) RP18 HPLC, (e) MSC18 HPLC, and (f) SDS MEKC. The lines correspond to the correlation between values calculated for both properties through their Abraham model characterizations () and the corresponding range for 95% confidence level (±2 SDcorr cal) (- - -).

parameter model includes a large set of solutes,13 and we had experimental values available for a lot of solutes from a reliable database.37 We also decided to consider systems 7 and 8 because they correspond to the common C18 chromatographic columns and there is a lot of interest in knowing their ability to predict aquatic toxicities. In the same vein, system 10 was selected due to the popularity of SDS as surfactant in MEKC. Regarding the relationship between the d distance parameter and SDd2, the larger d is, the higher SDd2 should apparently be (the more different two systems are, the more error associated to their dissimilarity should be). However, this tendency is not exactly what we observe in Table 2. Systems with close d values

would be introduced in their correlations due to the dissimilarity between these chromatographic systems and the fathead minnow. For the rest of systems of Table 2, their SDd2 values are similar or a bit higher than their SDbio2 values, what means that they are not expected to model toxicity to fathead minnow so well as systems 1, 2, 3, and 5, but fairly good. Among them, we selected systems 6, 7, 8, and 10 to study their experimental correlations since they are quite popular as physicochemical systems. It was interesting to select the octanol−water partition (system 6) because it is a reference system to estimate hydrophobicity and correlate it to many biological properties, its characterization through the solvation 3450 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 3446−3452

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not always have increasing SDd2 values as d increases. This fact is because the distance only gives a rough idea of the similarity between pair of systems, whereas the calculation of SDd2 is a much more accurate estimation of how much the similarity between systems affects its correlation. Evaluation of the Performance of Chromatographic Systems to Estimate Nonspecific Toxicity to the Fathead Minnow Fish. The predictions of the precision performance of the surrogate systems have been tested by direct correlations of experimental −log LC50 values10 vs log k data through eq 13. The number of solutes with known values for both properties has been enlarged in order to obtain representative correlations. Therefore, we checked the solutes with known −log LC50,10 and we selected a large set of representative solutes (see the Supporting Information) to determine their log k in the chosen chromatographic systems. The results of the experimental correlations are shown in Table 3 and Figure 1. It is noticeable that almost all the experimental points fall into our predictions, for a confidence level of 95% (±2 SDcorr cal), even for the octanol−water partition system (Figure 1c) with many more experimental data. According to the statistics, the IAM HPLC and the STC MEKC systems (Figure 1a and b) are the best choice to model the nonspecific toxicity to fathead minnow because their correlations have associated the lowest experimental variances, which agrees with our predictions (SDcorr cal2 of Table 2). The similarity of these systems to the fathead minnow one leads to a low SDd2 value (in accordance with the low d value) and thus to a low overall error (SDcorr exp2). The rest of tested systems provide not so good estimations because they are already more different to the fathead minnow system, which is reflected in their SDd2 values that are higher than their SDbio2 values. The octanol−water partition, RP18 HPLC, and SDS MEKC systems (Figure 1c, d, and f) give fair experimental correlations since their SDd2 are only slightly higher than their SDbio2. Although the SDS MEKC system presents the highest d value, the contribution of error due to its dissimilarity toward the fathead minnow is not the highest one. Its SDd2 value, and also the corresponding SDcorr cal2 value, lay between the ones of octanol−water and RP18 HPLC systems, which agrees with the obtained SDcorr exp2. The chromatographic system of MSC18 (Figure 1e) has the highest experimental variance and shows the worst performance to predict nonspecific toxicity to fathead minnow because of their very poor similarity, indicated by the high SDd2 value.

octanol−water partition, the SDS MEKC, and the common C18 HPLC systems show a worse performance, although their correlations are still quite acceptable.


* Supporting Information S

Additional information as noted in text. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*Tel.: 34 93 403 92 75. Fax: 34 93 402 12 33. E-mail: marti. [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) of the European Union (project CTQ201019217/BQU) for financial support. M.H-R. also thanks the Ministerio de Educación of the Spanish Government for a supporting scholarship (AP2007-01109).


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CONCLUSIONS Models based on chromatographic systems are very useful for the emulation of biopartitioning processes. The precision of the estimation of a biological property by means of chromatographic measurements depends on three factors: the variance of the biological data, the variance of the chromatographic data, and the variance because of the dissimilarity between the two correlated systems. The proposed method for prediction of these contributions through the solvation parameter model has been proved to calculate well the resulting overall variance. Several chromatographic systems to mimic the nonspecific toxicity of neutral organic compounds to the fathead minnow fish have been identified according to this prediction method. Experimental tests agree with our predictions and show that the best surrogate systems for the nonspecific toxicity to fathead minnow are the IAM HPLC and the STC MEKC systems. The 3451 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 3446−3452

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