Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Absorption by Aqueous Ammonia

Nov 3, 2010 - An upgraded version of the extended UNIQUAC thermodynamic model for the carbon dioxide−ammonia−water system has been developed, on t...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, 49, 12663–12674


Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Absorption by Aqueous Ammonia Solutions Using the Extended UNIQUAC Model Victor Darde,†,‡,§ Willy J. M. van Well,‡,| Erling H. Stenby,†,⊥ and Kaj Thomsen*,† Center for Energy Resources Engineering, Technical UniVersity of Denmark, Building 229, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark, and Chemical Engineering, DONG Energy Power, KraftVærksVej 53, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark

An upgraded version of the extended UNIQUAC thermodynamic model for the carbon dioxide-ammonia-water system has been developed, on the basis of the original version proposed by Thomsen and Rasmussen (Chem. Eng. Sci. 1999, 54, 1787). The original model was valid in the temperature range 0-110 °C, the pressure range 0-10 MPa, and the concentration range up to 80 m ammonia. In this work, the validity of this model was extended up to 150 °C and the accuracy improved by increasing the number of experimental data points from 2000 to more than 3700. These experimental data consisting of vapor-liquid equilibrium data in various concentration ranges, enthalpy change from partial evaporation measurements, speciation data, heat capacity, enthalpy of solution, and enthalpy of dilution data have been used to refit 43 model parameters and standardstate properties. Henry’s law constant correlations have been used for extrapolating standard-state properties of carbon dioxide and ammonia to supercritical conditions. Introduction Innovative carbon dioxide capture processes are being developed in order to limit the emissions of greenhouse gas from large CO2 point sources such as power plants. Amine solutions have been commonly used for the commercial production of CO2 and have also been tested for capturing CO2 from power plants on pilot scale. The main disadvantage of amine solutions is the high heat consumption (3.5-4 GJ/(ton of CO2)) and the high degradation rate of the amines. As an alternative, the use of ammonia solutions is currently investigated for a potentially low heat requirement in the desorber. In addition, degradation problems can be avoided and a high carbon dioxide capacity is achieved. Several variants of the process are being developed; the most prominent one is the chilled ammonia process being developed by Alstom. Here the carbon dioxide is absorbed at low temperature (0-10 °C).1 The process allows the precipitation of ammonium carbonate compounds. The CO2 is desorbed at typically 110-150 °C and increased pressures (10-50 bar).1 It is clear that a scientific understanding of this complicated process is very important. A study of the process requires the use of a thermodynamic model that can take into account the speciation, the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE), the solid-liquid equilibrium (SLE), and the enthalpy change entailed by the mix of ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water. The thermodynamic models available in literature are not able to accurately describe the properties of the complex carbon dioxide-ammonia-water system for the whole temperature, pressure, and concentration ranges used in the process.2 In particular the e-NRTL model implemented in the commercial simulator ASPEN3 (version 7.1) only takes into account the formation of ammonium bicarbonate as a solid compound in its default version and does not describe accurately its solubility, especially at high temperature. It should however be noted that * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: kth@ Tel.: +45-4525-2860. † Technical University of Denmark. ‡ DONG Energy Power. § E-mail: [email protected]. | E-mail: [email protected]. ⊥ E-mail: [email protected].

additional solids can be manually added in Aspen Plus. OLI Systems also includes a model available for this system.4 An evaluation of the capture process based on equilibrium calculations using the original version of the extended UNIQUAC model for the carbon dioxide-ammonia-water system2 has shown the potential of the process.5 A heat requirement in the stripper lower than 2 GJ/(ton of CO2) was calculated. In this study we use the extended UNIQUAC model developed by Thomsen et al.6 A similar work applied to the carbon dioxide-alkanolamine-water system was presented by Faramarzi et al.7 The model provides activity coefficients for the liquid phase using the extended UNIQUAC model. Gasphase fugacities are calculated using the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equation of state for the volatile compounds. The original version of the model has been shown to be capable of describing accurately the vapor-liquid-solid equilibria and thermal properties for the CO2-NH3-H2O system for a wide range of concentrations (up to 80 m NH3), for a temperature in the range 0-110 °C, and for a pressure up to 10 MPa.2 However, the model does not cover the whole temperature range necessary to thoroughly evaluate the process (0-150 °C). In this new version of the model, additional experimental data were used in order to extend the valid temperature range up to 150 °C over a wide concentration range and pressures up to 10 MPa. Furthermore, the model has been upgraded and additional types of experimental data have been used to refit the parameters in order to increase their accuracy. Description of the Thermodynamic Model The thermodynamic model presented in this work is the extended UNIQUAC model described by Thomsen and Rasmussen in 19992 · The model combines the UNIQUAC equation described by Abrams and Prausnitz8 and Maurer and Prausnitz9 with a Debye-Hu¨ckel term in order to account for electrostatic interactions due to the presence of ionic species. There are no adjustable parameters in the Debye-Hu¨ckel term. The vaporphase fugacities are calculated using the SRK equation of state. The SRK term does not require any additional parameters to be fitted. Hence, the parameters to be fitted are the UNIQUAC surface area and volume parameters, the binary interaction

10.1021/ie1009519  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 11/03/2010


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010

parameters, and some standard-state properties as will be detailed later. Besides the valid range of temperature that was extended and the use of additional types of experimental data during parameters estimation, changes have been made from the original version of the model.2 The critical conditions for ammonia (Tc ) 132.4 °C, Pc ) 11.28 MPa) and carbon dioxide (Tc ) 31.1 °C, Pc ) 7.39 MPa) are within the pressure and temperature ranges covered by the model. It was found that the extrapolation of equilibrium constants into the supercritical range was improved by using correlations for Henry’s law constants rather than using the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation such as was done in the original model. Therefore, Henry’s law constant correlations as a function of the temperature were included both for ammonia and carbon dioxide. The correlation used for ammonia in water (eq 1) was proposed by Rumpf and Maurer10 in 1993 for the temperature range from 273.15 to 433.15 K. The Henry’s law constant is expressed in megapascals and the temperature in kelvin.

Table 1. Heat Capacity of the Solid Compounds Cp (J mol-1 K-1) NH4HCO3 (NH4)2CO3.H2O

108 178

Cp (J mol-1 K-1) NH2COONH4 (NH4)2CO3 · 2NH4HCO3

121 364

vapor-liquid equilibria: CO2(g) T CO2(aq)


NH3(g) T NH3(aq)


H2O(g) T H2O(l)


liquid-solid equilibria: NH4+ + HCO3- T NH4HCO3(s)




2NH4+ + CO32- + H2O T (NH4)2CO3 · H2O(s)


H2O(l) T H2O(s)


355134.1K2 1879.02K T T2 (1)

4NH4+ + CO32- + 2HCO3- T (NH4)2CO3 · 2NH4HCO3(s) (15)

Mw is the molar mass of water in kilograms per mole, used in order to convert from the molality scale to the mole fraction scale. The correlation used for the Henry’s constant for carbon dioxide in water (eq 2) was proposed by Rumpf and Maurer11 in 1993 for the temperature range from 273.15 to 473.15 K. The same units are used in this expression.

Hence, the model handles the formation of the same five different solids that were considered in the original version of the model: (1) ammonium bicarbonate, NH4HCO3; (2) ammonium carbonate, (NH4)2CO3 · H2O; (3) ammonium carbamate, NH2COONH4; (4) ammonium sesquicarbonate, (NH4)2CO3 · 2NH4HCO3; (5) ice, H2O.

ln((H*NH3,w /MPa)Mw) ) 3.932 -

9624.4K + T -2 -1 1.441 × 10 K T - 28.749 ln(T)

ln((H*CO2,w /MPa)Mw) ) 192.876 -


The pressure correction used for the Henry’s law constant is a Poynting factor implemented as shown in Pyiφi ) H*i,w(T, Pws) exp



∞ νi,w (T)(P - Pws) γ*x i i RT


where yi is the mole fraction of compound i in the gas phase, φi is the fugacity coefficient of compound i, H*i,w(T,Pws) is the Henry’s constant of compound i in pure water on the mole fraction scale, Vi∞ is the partial volume of compound i at infinite dilution, Pi is the partial pressure of compound i, γ*i is the unsymmetrical activity coefficient of compound i, and xi is the mole fraction of compound i. The partial volumes of ammonia and water were calculated by Rumpf and Maurer10,11 using the work from Brelvi and O’Connell.12 Equilibrium The analysis of the CO2-NH3-H2O system implies the study of several equilibrium processes. The following reactions are considered in this new version of the model: speciation equilibria: NH3(aq) + H+ T NH4+

Standard-State Properties As in the original version of the model,2 the standard-state properties of most of the species considered by the model were taken from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) tables.13 This includes the Gibbs energy and enthalpy of formation and the heat capacities. The standard-state chemical potentials from NIST tables are reported for 25 °C.13 At temperatures other than 25 °C, they are calculated using the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.6 In the original version of the model, the heat capacities of the solids were considered as parameters to be fitted. In this new version, they have been calculated using Kopp’s rule.14 The heat capacities of these solids were considered to be independent of temperature in the temperature range considered. The values of heat capacities can be found in Table 1. The Gibbs energy and the enthalpy of formation of these salts were fitted to experimental data. Furthermore, the Gibbs energy and enthalpy of formation as well as the heat capacity of the ammonium carbamate ion (NH2COO-) were fitted to experimental data. In the original version of the model, these values were determined from the equilibrium constants measured by Faurholt.15


CO2(aq) + H2O(l) T HCO3- + H+


Evaluation of the Parameters

HCO3- T CO32- + H+


NH3(aq) + HCO3- T NH2COO- + H2O(l)


The evaluation of model parameters was performed by minimizing the weighted sum of squared residuals. This sum is calculated using the function S:

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010


VLE data


Pcalc - Pexpt 0.04(Pexpt + (0.05 bar))

HE data


[ [

HAp mol data

SLE data

E E Hcalc - Hexpt 120Rx

spec data





0.04RT m(NH2COO-) m(CO2)tot.



∑ ( 10 J · mol

Cp,calc - Cp,expt -1

Cp data



Hdil data



] ]

dil dil 2 Hcalc - Hexpt + 20Rx



∑ ν ln a


[ ∑ [


dil dil Hcalc - Hexpt 20Rx

∆G° + RT

] ]



Hsol. data

sol. sol. Hcalc - Hexpt 60Rx




) (

part. evap data






app Cp data




Hcalc - Hexpt 0.02Hexpt

m(NH2COO-) m(CO2)tot.

m(NH2COO ) m(CO2)tot. 2








10 J · mol




Cp,calc - Cp,expt -1







(16) “Calc” and “expt” respectively signify the values calculated with the model and experimental values. The factors 0.04, 120, 20, 20, 60,0.04, 0.02, 0.012, 10, and 10 are the weighting factors that were used for the vapor liquid equilibrium, excess enthalpy, enthalpy of dilution, apparent molar enthalpy, enthalpy of solution, solid-liquid equilibrium, enthalpy change from partial evaporation, speciation heat capacity, and apparent heat capacity data. The weighting factors have been chosen on the basis of experience with modeling the NH3-CO2-H2O system. The term A accounts for the deviation related to the gas hydrate formation data. This term has been proposed by Munck and Skjold-Jørgensen.16


∆µ0 fwR A) - ln 0 + RT0 fw gas hyd data

∑ ν ln(1 - ∑ Y






where ∆µ0 represents the difference in the chemical potential of water in the empty hydrate lattice and in the liquid state at 273.15 K, fw represents the fugacity of water, νi is the number of cavity of type i, and YKi accounts for the probability of a cavity of type i being occupied by a hydrate forming molecule of type K. The weighting factor for VLE data was chosen so that a difference of pressure of 4% between the experimental and calculated values would lead to a residual of 1 for relatively high pressure data. The added term 0.05 in the denominator of the VLE term of eq 16 allows for limiting the influence of the low pressure data. The calculated pressures in eq 16 are the bubble point pressures. Similarly to the original version of the model, only the total pressure reported in the publications were used in the parameter estimation. The determination of parameters using total pressure was shown by Barker17 to be comparable in accuracy with the one using partial pressure experimental data. Van Ness et al.18 confirmed that the methods using the gas-phase mole fraction in addition to the total pressure measurements were not superior to the one introduced by Barker. Hence, it is consistent not to use partial pressure data on top of the total pressure ones when both are available. The weighting of the excess enthalpy data was chosen so that an absolute difference of 1000 J between the calculated and experimental values would give a residual of 1. The factor x ) 1 K has been added in the expression of S in eq 16 in order to make the expression dimensionless.


For the SLE term, the residual is zero when the correct salt is predicted at equilibrium. The SLE data are weighted so that solubility indexes of 1.11 and 0.90 give a squared residual of 1. The weight of the SLE term has been increased compared to the original version of the model. This can be justified by the fact that additional VLE and enthalpy data have been used in this new version of the model, whereas the same number of SLE data has been used. For the speciation data, it was chosen to use the difference between the ratio of molalities of ammonium carbamate ion and the total molality of carbon dioxide in the mixture calculated by the model and from the experimental data as shown in eq 16. Two different routines have been used to determine the parameters: a modified version of the Marquardt routine19 and a modified version of the Nelder-Mead routine.20 In this new version of the model, 30 UNIQUAC model parameters and 13 standard-state properties from various species were fitted using experimental data. The use of SRK equation of state does not imply additional parameters to be fitted as no interaction parameters are used for the gas phase. The volume and surface area (r and q) UNIQUAC parameters that were modified compared to the original version of the model are the ones for NH3, CO2 and NH2COO-. The adjustable UNIQUAC interaction energy parameters are considered temperature dependent. For each pair of species, both u0ji and uTji need to be fitted, as shown in eq 18. uji ) u0ji + uTji(T - (298.15 K))


For CO2, the values of UNIQUAC volume and surface area parameters of carbon dioxide and water as well as the interaction energy UNIQUAC parameters between aqueous carbon dioxide species and water were previously determined by Garcia et al.,21 for a temperature up to 250 °C and using the same Henry’s law constant correlation. Therefore, these values were used in the present model. The VLE NH3-H2O binary data were used alone to fit the NH3 r and q parameters as well as the different binary ammonia-water interaction parameters. The rest of the parameters were systematically fitted using all the data in order to obtain an accurate representation of all the considered properties. This includes interaction parameters for the aqueous ternary species as well as r and q volume and surface area parameters for NH2COO-. In addition, the Gibbs energy and the enthalpy of formation of the four ammonia salts were fitted to experimental data. The remaining standard-state properties and parameters from UNIQUAC are identical to the ones used in the original model. The r and q UNIQUAC parameters determined for the various species of this system are presented in Table 2. The a and b parameters for the heat capacity of NH2COO- are given in Table 3. The estimated thermodynamic properties of NH2COO- and of the solid compounds that were determined by fitting to the experimental data are given in Table 4. The binary interaction parameters for the different compounds of the carbon dioxideammonia-water system are given in Table 5 and Table 6. The parameters are valid for a temperature up to 150 °C and for a concentration range up to 100 m ammonia. Data at higher temperature (up to 200 °C) and higher molality of ammonia


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010

5-10%23 and can be as high as 15% in some experimental conditions. Hence, it cannot be expected that a model reproduces partial pressure data with a deviation lower than 10%. More than 3700 experimental data on the carbon dioxideammonia-water system from various publications have been used in this work in order to fit the parameters. To extend the valid temperature range and to improve the accuracy of the model, additional VLE data as well as new types of experimental data have been used during the parameter estimation compared to the original version of the model. The following sections describe the experimental data that have been used and the deviation between values calculated from the model and experimental values. If nothing else is stated, the deviation is calculated as the average relative deviation as shown in eq 19.

Table 2. UNIQUAC r and q Parameters Fitted to Experimental Dataa species



H2O NH3(aq) CO2(aq) NH4+ H+ OHCO32HCO3NH2COO-

0.9200 1.6292 0.7500 4.8154 0.1378 9.3973 10.828 8.0756 4.3022

1.4000 2.9852 2.4500 4.6028 0.1 × 10-15 8.8171 10.769 8.6806 4.1348

a The values of parameters in italics have been changed from the original version of the model.2

Table 3. a and b Parameters for C0p (J mol-1 K-1) with C0p ) a + bT + [c/(T - (200 K))] for species NH2COO-203.9191 0.082259 0.55163

a b c

dev ) 100



∑ (|expt


- calci |)/expti





Binary NH3-H2O Data

Table 4. Thermodynamic Properties Estimated from Experimental Data species

standard Gibbs energy of formation (kJ mol-1)

standard enthalpy of formation (kJ mol-1)


-379.355 -667.068 -929.281 -451.153 -2027.327

-502.863 -860.928 -1239.826 -656.845 -2675.323

Experimental data for the binary NH3-H2O system are necessary to model the properties of ternary mixtures. Binary NH3-H2O VLE data come from various publications. The data used to estimate the parameters include some that were not used by Thomsen and Rasmussen in the original version of the model. These data were included in order to enlarge the valid temperature range of the parameters beyond the 110 °C limit of the original model. In total, more than 750 VLE data points for this binary system were used for the parameter estimation. Not all the data found were used for the parameter estimation but were discarded on the basis of evaluation. As stated by Thomsen and Rasmussen,2 some data from Rizvi et al.35 at low temperature and pressure are quite scattered. Therefore these data points were not used to estimate the parameters. In addition, two data points at high temperature and high molality of ammonia (over 200 mol kg-1) were also discarded. One data point from Gillespie et al.24 at high temperature (176 °C) and

have been used, but their limited number does not allow for guaranteeing the model is reliable. Experimental Data Used for the Estimation of the Parameters and Results As stated by Thomsen and Rasmussen, the accuracy of vapor pressure measurements using modern equipment is up to (5%.22 The typical uncertainty of partial pressure measurements is

Table 5. uij0 ) uji0 Parameters for Calculating UNIQUAC Interaction Energy Parameters (uij ) uij0 + uijT(T - 298.15))a species











0 594.72 8.8383 52.7305 10000 600.50 361.39 577.05 28.2779

1090.8 2500.0 785.98 109 1733.9 524.13 534.01 498.15

302.25 -424.01 109 2500.0 2500.0 526.305 2500.0

0 109 1877.9 226.60 505.55 44.849

0 109 109 109 109

1562.9 1588.0 2500.0 2500.0

1458.3 800.01 2500.0

771.04 613.25



The values of parameters in italics have been changed from the original version of the model.


Table 6. uijT ) ujiT Parameters for Calculating UNIQUAC Interaction Energy Parameters (uij ) uij0 + uijT(T - 298.15))a species











0 7.1827 0.86293 0.50922 0 8.5455 3.3516 -0.38795 8.0238

7.0912 0 6.1271 0 0.1364 4.9305 5.3111 6.6532

0.35870 8.6951 0 0 0 -3.7340 0

0 0 0.34921 4.0555 -0.00795 12.047

0 0 0 0 0

5.6169 2.7496 0 0

-1.3448 1.7241 0

-0.01981 3.0580



The values of parameters in italics have been changed from the original version of the model.


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010 Table 7. Results for the Total Vapor Pressure of the Binary Water-Ammonia System wt % NH3

T (K)

P (MPa)


N 28

53 0.34-35 273-298 0-0.1 Morgan and Maass 23-65 273-313 0.1-0.5 Neuhausen and Patrick29 31 30 0.51-26 333-420 0.05-1.6 Clifford and Hunter 46 0.84-1.7 298 0-0.005 Abegg and Riesenfeld31 2 9.3-17 313-353 0.03-0.25 Kurz et al.32 6 20-30 273-334 0-0.3 Mittasch et al.33 20 34 9.2-30 283-308 0-0.1 Schultz and Elmore 10 9.2-97 304-446 0.05-12.4 Rizvi35 187 24 1.3-99 313-449 0-11.1 Gillespie et al. 188 3.3-31 373-473 0.18-3.1 Mu¨ller et al.36 79 2.2-33 373-423 0.4-2.4 Pawlikowski et al.37 13 3.0-30 293-373 0-0.3 Otsuka et al.38 9 39 3.1-23 313-363 0.1 Verbrugge 7 40,41 12-51 274-393 0.12-0.93 Mollier 34 42 3.3-95 293-413 0-3.1 Smolen et al. 188 20-68 403-453 1.3-6.2 Guillevic et al.43 13 0-4.0 372-420 0.1-0.45 Polak and Lu44 23 18-79 391-467 1.2-13.5 Sassen et al.45 50 46 9.3-89 308-473 0.2-14.4 Harms-Watzenberg 35 47 1.0 273-343 0.4-3.3 Cragoe et al. 15 48 5.2-9.4 313-373 0.01-0.3 Rumpf et al. 9 1.2-17 313-393 0-0.55 Kurz49 156 48-88 385-473 0.7-14.5 Iseli50 41 4.9-9.3 313-393 0.02-0.45 Rumpf et al.51 6 52 18-82 332-373 0.16-2 Inomata et al. 8 53 1.0-78 323-456 0-3.2 Jennings 68 12-54 264-327 0.05-0.1 Postma27 14 total no. of points and average deviation 1311 total no. of points considered in the 296 original model and average deviation with the original parameters


Table 8. Results for the Enthalpy of Dilution of Ammonia Solutions deviation (%) 7.0 18.2 4.0 0.49 6.6 4.3 8.0 6.4 6.7 5.3 6.4 7.9 3.0 9.1 6.9 7.2 1.9 4.4 6.2 10.7 4.1 3.1 5.5 3.0 7.5 5.7 14.5 6.2 4.9

high molality of ammonia (207 mol kg-1) was discarded. A single data point from Sassen et al.25 at high temperature (181 °C) and high molality of ammonia (222 mol kg-1) was discarded. Two data points from Mallet et al.26 at low temperature (-20 °C) and high molality of ammonia were discarded. Ten data points from Postma et al.27 at low temperature (less than -20 °C) were also discarded. The description of the vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the ammonia-water system and the results from the total pressure calculations are included in Table 7. The overall deviation between the experimental and calculated pressure is within our estimate of the experimental uncertainty and is therefore satisfactory. The average deviation between the calculations from the original model with the experimental data used in the fitting of the original parameters is also included.2 Various kinds of enthalpy measurement data have also been used for the estimation of the parameters for the NH3-H2O binary system. Our analysis of the thermodynamic data revealed that some data points from these publications should be discarded from the data set used for the parameter estimation. Four data points from measurements of enthalpy of dilution from Berthelot54 were discarded. In addition, one heat capacity data point from Wrewsky and Kaigorodoff55 at 20 °C was discarded because they were giving very high deviations with calculations from the model. The enthalpy of solution and excess enthalpy data from Mollier40 and from Ramstetter and Hantke56 gave very high deviation with calculations from the model. The excess enthalpy measurements from Staudt57 were used in the parameter estimation but were given a low weight. The details related to the enthalpy of dilution and heat capacity data and the deviation between the experimental measurements and the model calculations are included in Table 8 and Table 9. The enthalpy of solution data from Wrewsky and Kaigorodoff55 have been converted to enthalpy of dilution. The results obtained with the original parameters have also been included.

wt % NH3

T (K)



average absolute deviation (J mol-1)

291 Thomsen58 3 287 Berthelot54 6 287 Wrewsky and Sawaritzky59 69 312-373 Rumpf et al.60 27 286 Baud and Gayn61 21 298 Wagman et al.62 13 total no. of points and average deviation 139 total no. of points considered 97 in the original model and average deviation with the original parameters

23 14-49 1.7-24 9.3-23 18-80

185 225 85.3 52.3 161 169 106.4 111

Table 9. Results for the Heat Capacity of Ammonia Solutions wt % NH3

T (K)

source 55

1.4-40 275-334 Wrewsky and Kaigorodoff 0.88-4.0 291 Gawlick63 total no. of points and average deviation


deviation (%)

22 8 30

12.9 10.8 10.9

Figure 1 plots the experimental measurement of the enthalpy of dilution of aqueous ammonia solution from different publications at various temperatures and molalities of ammonia against the calculation from the extended UNIQUAC model. The 10% deviation slopes have also been included. It shows that, for most of the data, the deviation of model calculations from the experimental data is below 10% and is therefore satisfactory. Binary CO2-H2O Data The use of binary data for the CO2-H2O system was also necessary in this study. Not all the data found in the published literature were used during the parameter estimation. Some of the experimental data were discarded after evaluation. Diamond et al.64 reviewed the data from 25 experimental studies on solubility of CO2 in water in the temperature range 0-25 °C and pressure up to 100 MPa. Garcia et al.21 supplemented this review by including data at temperatures up to 250 °C. The choice of the binary CO2-H2O VLE data used for the parameter estimation was inspired by these studies. As suggested by Diamond and Akinfiev64 and Garcia et al.,21 the data from Wroblewski,65 Sander,66 Ha¨hnel,67 Kritschewsky et al.,68 Vilcu and Gainar,69 Stewart and Munjal,70 Teng et al.,71 and Servio and Englezos72 were discarded because they were considered to have a very low accuracy. The original data from Oleinik and Shagiakhmetov mentioned by Diamond were not found, and the data were therefore discarded as done by Garcia. The data from Kiepe et al.73 were not analyzed by Diamond et al.. They were discarded in the work of Garcia et al. and in this work, as they seemed to be inaccurate. The data from Takenouchi and Kennedy74 were discarded, and the experimental temperatures were beyond the model temperature range. The single data point from Hayduk and Malik75 was considered neither by Diamond et al. nor Garcia et al. This point was discarded from the data set used for the parameter estimation. In addition, as in the work of Garcia et al., one data point at 146 °C from Cramer76 was discarded due to doubt about its accuracy. The list of experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data that were used for parameter estimation and the deviation between the experimental and calculated total pressures can be found in Table 10. The list of experimental heat capacity data and the deviation from the model can be found in Table 11. The results obtained with the original parameters have also been included.


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010

Figure 1. Results for the enthalpy of dilution data. The experimental results are plotted against the calculation from the model for the different sources. Table 10. Results for the Total Vapor Pressure of the Binary Water-Carbon Dioxide System wt % CO2 0.13-0.22 0.87-3.8 2.2-5.0 0.04-0.35 0-0.03 0-0.35 0.09-0.18 0.02-0.2 0.44-3.4 0.04-0.22 0.09-0.31 0.09-1.3 0.44-3.8 0.09-2.6 3.2 0.87-3.8 0.44 0.04-0.22 0.13-0.35 0.87-5.0 2.2-7.0 0.22-2.2 0.09-2.6 0.09-2.6 0.18-3.8 3.0-5.4 0-0.18 0.13 0.13 1.3-5.0 2.2-5.0 0.35-5.0 2.6-5.0 0.13-0.44 0-0.13 0.44-1.3 0.04-0.22 0.22-6.2

T (K)

P (MPa)



298 0.1 Geffcken77 14 7 374-393 2.3-11.1 Prutton and Savage78 79 9 274-278 0.8-2.1 Malegaonkar et al. 80 18 273-318 0.1 Harned and Davis 81 63 273-353 0-0.1 Dunsmore and Nancollas 4 273-313 0.1 Markham and Kobe82,83 84 4 298-318 0.1 Yeh and Peterson 85 19 273-298 0-0.18 Morgan and Maass 86 13 303-353 0.9-4.0 Matous et al. 19 286-348 0.1 Morrison and Billett87 88 8 274-308 0.1 Murray and Riley 89 33 323-473 0.1-4.6 Zawisza and Malesinska 90 33 353-471 2.3-10.2 Nighswander et al. 48 373-473 0.3-8.1 Mu¨ller et al.36 91 3 383-473 10 Takenouchi and Kennedy 22 7 323 1-5.8 Rumpf et al. 1 450 2.5 Ellis and Golding92 5 288-328 0.1 Postigo et al.93 273-298 0.1 Kiss et al.94 3 13 323-373 2.5-12.7 Wiebe and Gaddy95 285-313 2.5-10.2 Wiebe and Gaddy96 23 15 283-303 0.1-2.03 Bartholome´ and Friz97 273-333 0.1-0.9 Wasmund and Bultmann98 64 273-333 0.1-0.9 Wasmund and Bultmann99 65 53 273-288 0-2.2 Anderson100 7 298 2.2-5.3 Yang et al.101 23 284-313 0.01-0.1 Novak et al.102 4 294 0.1 Curry and Hazelton103 6 295-298 0.1 Van Slyke104 5 298-723 5 Malinin and Kurovskaya105 14 298-348 5 Malinin and Savelyeva106 95 273-373 0.1-9.5 Zelvenskii107 29 323-353 4-13.1 Bamberger et al.108 109 8 293-307 0.1 Kunerth 110 10 278-338 0.05-0.09 Zheng et al. 76 10 306-471 0.8-4.1 Cramer 11 387-472 0.5-1.8 Ellis111 112 14 288-366 0.7-10.1 Gillespie and Wilson total no. of points and average deviation 780 total no. of points considered in the 104 original model and average deviation with the original parameters

Table 11. Results for the Apparent Heat Capacity Data of the Binary Water-Carbon Dioxide System

deviation (%) 3.2 6.4 1.3 1.3 0.5 1.4 4.0 3.7 1.8 10.1 2.8 3.8 5.4 1.9 2.9 0.6 9.4 7.1 3.4 4.4 16.8 4.0 4.8 5.2 2.0 5.5 1.9 5.7 2.0 6.2 5.4 4.2 2.6 2.2 1.4 5.1 6.2 6.1 4.0 3.7

The description of the gas hydrate formation data that were used during the parameter estimation can be found in Table 12. The deviations were calculated using eq 17. Overall it can

wt % CO2 T (K) source

0.05-0.43 298 Barbero113

N deviation (%)

10 1.97

Table 12. Description of the Gas Hydrate Formation Data of the Binary Water-Carbon Dioxide System T (K) 273-279 274-283 275-279 273-282 total no. of points and

source 114

Dholabhai et al. Harvey and Prausnitz115 Dholabhai et al.116 Wendland et al.117 average deviation

N 4 9 2 7 22

be stated that the model is able to describe accurately the properties of the binary carbon dioxide-water system. Ternary Data Ternary data are of crucial importance to fit the parameters. In particular the parameters related to the ammonium carbamate ion were found to have a great influence on the equilibrium compositions. More than 1000 data points of VLE data were used over a wide range of temperatures, CO2 loadings, and molalities of ammonia and carbon dioxide. The list of experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data that were used for parameter estimation and the deviation between the experimental and calculated vapor pressures can be found in Table 13. Only partial pressures of carbon dioxide and ammonia superior to 50 kPa and with a mole fraction in the gas phase higher than 0.08 were used in the calculation of the deviation. The reason is that according to Go¨ppert and Maurer23 the reported partial pressures of ammonia are uncertain due to experimental difficulties at high temperature and high loading. The experimental uncertainties are caused both by the measurement of the partial pressure of ammonia, where the uncertainty is typically higher than 10%, and by the measurement of the molality of carbon dioxide in the solution that can lead to an additional deviation up to 5%. The results obtained with the original parameters have also been included.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010


Table 13. Results for the Vapor Pressures of the Ternary Carbon Dioxide-Ammonia-Water System wt % NH3

wt % CO2

T (K)

P (MPa)

source 120





Van Krevelen et al.





Pexton and Badger119





Kurz et al.32





Go¨ppert and Maurer23





Mu¨ller et al.36





Otsuka et al.38






total no. of points and average deviation total no. of points considered in the original model and average deviation with the original parameters



deviation (%)

P(total) P(CO2) P(total) P(CO2) P(total) P(NH3) P(CO2) P(total) P(NH3) P(CO2) P(total) P(NH3) P(CO2) P(total) P(NH3) P(CO2) P(total) P(NH3) P(CO2) P(total) P(NH3) P(CO2) P(total) P(NH3) P(CO2)

25 1 68 1 47 13 16 530 115 462 253 201 213 60 12 5 71 26 1 1054 367 699 791 367 632

5.6 20.2 6.1 0.14 5.8 2.8 10.3 6.6 12.6 9.5 7.1 15.3 13.1 11.8 22.0 40.3 6.1 3.2 0.59 6.9 13.8 10.9 4.6 12 11

The data from Mezger and Payer118 agree very poorly with comparable literature data. The four data points were therefore discarded. As reported by Thomsen and Rasmussen,2 the nine data points from Pawlikowski et al.37 deviate significantly from model calculations, both with respect to total and partial pressures. The total pressures given by Pawlikowski et al. are systematically higher than the calculated total pressures, and the data are quite scattered compared to data from other publications. As stated by Thomsen and Rasmussen,2 some data points from Pexton and Badger119 and van Krevelen et al.120 only reported one partial pressure and were discarded during the parameter estimation. When only the water pressure was missing, the water pressure was calculated as the saturated pressure of pure water and added to obtain a usable total pressure. According to Kurz et al.,32 some of the pressures reported by Go¨ppert and Maurer23 at 60 and 80 °C were measured while a solid phase was present in equilibrium. The same remark applies for 10 data points from Kurz et al.32 Hence, these data points were not used during the parameter estimation. Calculations with the extended UNIQUAC model are in agreement with these observations. Some data from Verbrugge39 at 40 °C and low molality of ammonia and carbon dioxide only

agree poorly with literature data. Hence, 21 data points were discarded. The experimental data points at higher temperature and molality of ammonia were used for the estimation of the parameters. Regarding the modeling of the carbon dioxide capture process, it is very important that the model describes accurately the partial pressure of ammonia and carbon dioxide in the absorber in order to assess correctly the amount of vaporized ammonia and the efficiency of the carbon dioxide absorption. Figure 2 and Figure 3 plot respectively the calculated partial pressure of ammonia and carbon dioxide as a function of the molality of carbon dioxide at different molalities of ammonia at 20 °C together with experimental measurements.119,120 It shows a good agreement between the model and the experiments and shows the ability for the model to describe accurately the partial pressures of ammonia and carbon dioxide at low temperature. A precise modeling of the pressures at high temperature is very important for the simulation of the desorber in the carbon dioxide capture process. Figure 4 and Figure 5 show respectively the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and ammonia for carbon

Figure 2. Partial pressure of ammonia for carbon dioxide-ammonia-water mixtures at 20 °C for different molalities of ammonia calculated with the model, and experimental data.

Figure 3. Partial pressure of ammonia for carbon dioxide-ammonia-water mixtures at 20 °C for different molalities of ammonia calculated with the model, and experimental data.


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010

Figure 4. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in carbon dioxide-ammoniawater mixtures at 100 °C for different molality of ammonia calculated with the model, and experimental data.

Figure 7. Total pressure of carbon dioxide-ammonia-water mixtures at 140, 160, and 180 °C for different molality of ammonia calculated with the model, and experimental data.

Figure 5. Partial pressure of ammonia in carbon dioxide-ammonia-water mixtures at 100 °C for different molality of ammonia calculated with the model, and experimental data.

Figure 8. Solubility isotherm in the carbon dioxide-ammonia-water system at 40 °C. Tie lines connect each part of the isotherm to the points that correspond to the composition of the solid phase. The unit is mass %. Experimental data from Ja¨necke121,122 have been added.

Figure 6. Total pressure of carbon dioxide-ammonia-water mixtures at 120 °C for different molalities of ammonia calculated with the model, and experimental data.

dioxide-ammonia-water mixtures at 100 °C at various molalities of ammonia and carbon dioxide together with experimental data.23,36 It shows a good agreement between the model and the experimental data at that temperature. Some deviations can be observed for the partial pressure of ammonia at high molality of carbon dioxide and ammonia and high temperature (above 100 °C), where the partial pressure of

ammonia is low while the total pressure reaches high level and increases rapidly. Similar deviations were reported by Go¨ppert and Maurer23 when they modeled the experimental data measured by Kurz et al.32 As explained above, the uncertainty regarding the measurement of the partial pressure of ammonia at high temperature and high loading is uncertain. Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the total pressure of carbon dioxide-ammoniawater mixture at 120 °C, and at 140, 160, and 180 °C at different molalities of ammonia and carbon dioxide together with experimental data.23,36 It can be observed that the agreement between the model and the experimental measurements for the total pressure at temperatures up to 180 °C is satisfactory. Solid-liquid equilibrium data have also been used to fit the parameters. Similarly to the original version of the model,2 only the data from Ja¨necke121,122 were used for the parameter estimation. The data from Guyer and Piechowicz,123 Terres and Behrens,124 and Terres and Weiser125 are in disagreement with the nature of the salts formed. Figure 8 plots the extended UNIQUAC model calculations for the solubility isotherm for the carbon dioxide-ammoniawater system at 40 °C. Experimental data from Ja¨necke121,122

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010



Figure 9. Phase diagram for the carbon dioxide-ammonia-water system from 0 to 94 °C. The ordinate is the CO2 loading, defined as the molar ratio of carbon dioxide and ammonia. Experimental data have been added. It shows the calculated loadings and temperatures at which two or three solid phases are in equilibrium together with the corresponding experimental data.

have been plotted as well. Figure 9 plots the phase diagram from 0 to 94 °C calculated with the extended UNIQUAC model as well as the experimental data from various publications. The agreement with the data from Ja¨necke is satisfactory.

Speciation data from Lichtfers were also used for parameter estimation. The data were measured at temperatures from 40 to 120 °C for mass fractions of ammonia up to 0.18. It is the molar ratio of ammonium carbamate ion and total ammonia species that has been used during the parameter estimation, as shown in eq 16. Some of the measurements at 40 °C seemed to be wrong. Similar sets of experiments have been done twice, giving different results. During the parameter estimation, among a total of 86 data points, eight data points at 40 and 60 °C were discarded, because the measurements were not in agreement with each other. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the results from speciation calculated with the extended UNIQUAC model plotted together with experimental measurement from Lichtfers at 60 °C for a molality of ammonia of 3.25 and at 120 °C for a molality of ammonia of 6.20. The agreement between the model calculations and the experimental measurements is satisfactory and shows that the model can accurately describe the speciation of carbon dioxide-ammonia-water mixtures in this temperature range. In addition, the enthalpy measurement data from the partial evaporation of carbon dioxide ammonia and water mixtures from Rumpf et al.127 were used for the estimation of the parameters. These measurements consist in increasing the temperature of a mixture by a given figure, usually around 10 °C. The initial and final molalities of ammonia, the masses of liquid and gas leaving the calorimeter, the pressure, and the enthalpy change

Figure 10. Speciation calculations expressed in molality, mol/kg water, for a mixture at T ) 60 °C and for m(NH3) ) 3.25 mol/kg water. Experimental data have been added.126

Figure 11. Speciation calculations expressed in moles for 1 kg of water for a mixture at T ) 120 °C and for m(NH3) ) 6.20 mol/kg water. Experimental data have been added.126


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 24, 2010

Literature Cited

Table 14. Results for the Enthalpy Change from the Partial Evaporation of Carbon Dioxide-Ammonia-Water Mixtures wt % NH3 T (K) source

4-12 313-393 Rumpf et al.127

N deviation (%)

88 14.0

in the calorimeter are reported. During the parameter estimation, it was chosen to use the value of the enthalpy change in the object function. The description of the experimental data and the deviation from model calculation can be found in Table 14. The relatively high deviation between the extended UNIQUAC calculations and the experimental measurements may be explained by the lack of precision regarding the pressure measurement. For most of the data, the pressure measurement was given with an uncertainty higher than 1 kPa. For some of the data, the uncertainty is up to 10 kPa. The sensitivity of flash calculations to the pressure was tested by calculating the enthalpy change using the reported pressures plus 1 kPa. The enthalpy consumption increased by up to 9%. The flash calculation required for using this type of experimental data for determining parameters in the model is therefore extremely sensitive to pressure. The data should have been measured with a much more accurate pressure sensor to be used for parameter estimation. Hence, it is not reasonable to expect a better agreement than 9% between the experimental results and the model. The experimental measurements of the enthalpy of absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous ammonia solutions from Qin et al.128 were not used for parameter estimation as the data were not available at that time. The data are for a mass fraction of ammonia of 2.5 wt %, at temperatures from 308 to 353 K and for a loading from 0.05 to 1.1. The average deviation between the experimental data and the prediction from the model is 20.0%. It must be noted that two sets of experiments were reported for each of the temperatures considered and that the experimental results show large deviations between the two sets. As reported by the Qin et al., the repeatability of the experiments is uncertain due to the volatility of the solvent. Therefore, the uncertainty of the experiment with aqueous ammonia solutions was hard to assess, and the average deviation between the experiments and the model is satisfactory. According to the results from the model, the temperature has only a low influence on the enthalpy of absorption that decreases from 85 and 65 kJ/mol CO2 when the loading increases from 0 to 1 for 2.5 wt % aqueous ammonia solutions at 35 °C. Conclusion The upgraded version of the extended UNIQUAC model has been shown to describe accurately the phase behavior and thermal properties for the complex system carbon dioxideammonia-water for a temperature range from 0 to 150 °C. This thermodynamic model therefore shows great potential regarding the modeling of the carbon dioxide capture process using aqueous ammonia. The model required fitting UNIQUAC volume and surface area parameters, binary interaction parameters as well as standard thermodynamic properties for the ammonium carbamate ion and the solids potentially formed. More than 3700 experimental data points from various types of experiments on this system were used to fit those parameters. Acknowledgment We thank the Danish ministry of science technology and innovation for financial support.

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ReceiVed for reView April 23, 2010 ReVised manuscript receiVed October 6, 2010 Accepted October 11, 2010 IE1009519