Modeling of Chemical Equilibrium and Gas Phase Behavior for the

May 29, 2012 - Deviations from ideality for the quaternary mixture (CO2 + MeOH + DMC + ... Some strategies as the in situ water remotion from reaction...
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Modeling of Chemical Equilibrium and Gas Phase Behavior for the Direct Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate from CO2 and Methanol Felipe Bustamante,* Andrés F. Orrego, Sebastián Villegas, and Aída L. Villa Environmental Catalysis Research Group, Sede de Investigación Universitaria SIU, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The chemical and gas phase equilibrium of the direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) from methanol (MeOH) and CO2 was modeled under mild conditions of temperature and pressure. Deviations from ideality for the quaternary mixture (CO2 + MeOH + DMC + H2O) were estimated using the γ − ϕ thermodynamic approach. Binary interaction parameters (kij) and UNIQUAC parameters (Aij) were extracted from VLE data reported in the literature. The results show that MeOH conversion is enhanced by increasing the pressure and reducing the temperature; however, pressure and temperature are bounded by the dew point. Data of P, T, and vapor compositions obtained from modeling chemical equilibrium were used to predict dew points of the reacting mixture and to establish the region of T and P where the gas-phase reaction could be carried out. To avoid condensation, an increase in pressure must be accompanied by a temperature increase. Moreover, the larger the methanol concentration in the feed mixture is, the higher is the required temperature.

Ni(CH3COO)2,23−25 carbodiimides,26 tantalum alkoxides,27 and niobium complexes28−30 also catalyze the reaction; nevertheless, almost all previous catalytic experiments have been reported in the liquid phase and/or under high pressure conditions (supercritical conditions) showing disadvantages related with high cost of the starting materials, the difficulty in the catalyst-product separation due to the homogeneous nature of the catalyst and rapid catalyst deactivation. On the other hand, basic heterogeneous catalysts (K2CO3, CH3OK, KOH),17,19,31−34 solid acid−base catalysts such as zirconia,35,36 and modified zirconia by ceria37−41 or acidic compounds H3PW12O4−ZrO242 or phosphoric acid H3PO4− ZrO243,44 or ZrO2−KCl45 promote catalytic activity. Heteropoly acids (H3PW12O40−CexTi1−xO2 and H3PW12O40− Ce x Zr 1 − x O 2 ), 4 6 − 4 8 CeO 2 , 4 9 Al 2 O 3 −CeO 2 , 5 0 Ga 2 O 3 / CexZr1−xO2,51 metal oxide−Ce0.6Zr0.4O2,52 ZrO2−MgO,53 ZrO2/SiO2, and SnO2/SiO254 are also active materials for the DMC formation from methanol and CO2. In this group of catalysts, the reaction was carried out at pressures above 4 MPa, and similarly to that using homogeneous catalysts, batch operations at high pressure can increase operational cost in the process when pumping and compression to elevated pressure or thick walled vessels for high pressure are required. Nevertheless, a gas-phase process carried out at moderate conditions would greatly facilitate process control, catalyst recovery, and would reduce both operational and capital costs. Few catalytic studies have been reported in batch operation at low pressure (0.12−0.5 MPa), where catalysts such as Cu1.5PMo12O40,55 CeO2 with acetonitrile as dehydrate56 and heteropolyoxometalates57,58 have been probed but without a

INTRODUCTION The interest in the production of dimethyl carbonate (DMC), a compound cataloged as a “green chemical”, has been growing over the past decade. DMC is an environmentally friendly raw material of wide versatility as well as a possible substitute of highly corrosive or toxic reagents in organic synthesis, such as dimethyl sulfate, chloromethane, and phosgene. Moreover, DMC can act as a methylating and carbonylating agent or as an intermediate in the production of higher carbonates, polyurethanes, isocyanates, polycarbonates, and other fine chemicals.1 Furthermore, due to its high oxygen content and reduced environmental impact, DMC has also emerged as a potential substitute for methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), used as an oxygenating fuel additive (i.e., octane enhancer).2 The direct synthesis of DMC from methanol (MeOH) and carbon dioxide (CO2), reaction I, is an attractive route to replace the traditional synthesis via phosgenation of MeOH.3 2CH3OH + CO2 ⇌ (CH3O)2 CO + H 2O


Several catalysts have been reported for the one-step synthesis of DMC:4−7 organometallic compounds based on Sn(IV) such as n-R2Sn(OMe)2 (R = Me, Bu),8 series of nbutyl(alkoxy) stannanes,9−12 decakis(diorganotin(IV)) oxoclusters13 and immobilized14−16 were applied successfully where DMC yield reported was between 30 and 88% in these systems. The high performance had been partly attributed to the fact that reaction I becomes thermodynamically favorable as the system pressure increases, such as described by Cai et al.17 and Leino et al.6 in theoretical studies of the dependence of ΔGrxn with pressure. Some strategies as the in situ water remotion from reaction system or the inclusion of coupled reactions have been addressed for overcoming thermodynamic limitations. In this way, the reaction had also been carried out in the presence of dehydrates, additives, or promoters such as ortho esters,18,19 acetals,20 2,2-dimethoxypropane,21 or molecular sieves22 to minimize the water concentration in the reaction system. © 2012 American Chemical Society

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 8945

January 16, 2012 May 27, 2012 May 29, 2012 May 29, 2012 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


significantly increase of DMC yield compared with gas-phase reaction in continuous reaction system. Heterogeneous catalysts reported for gas-phase synthesis, Ni−Cu/MoSiO(VSiO),59 Cu−KF/MgSiO,60 H3PO4−V2O5,61 Cu−Ni/VSO,62 Cu−(Ni,V,O)/SiO2 with photoassistance,63 Cu−Ni/C64 (C = graphite,65 MWCNTs,66 AC,67 TEG,68 graphite oxide, 69 GNS 70 ), Rh/ZSM-5, 71 CuCl 2 /AC, 72 Co1.5PW12O4073 and Cu−Ni/diatomite74 in which the reaction was carried out at low pressure (0.1−1.2 MPa), moderate temperatures (353−500 K) and continuous flow, seem less productive compared to the homogeneous reaction. These studies have remarked that DMC obtained from reaction I is drastically limited by the chemical equilibrium leading to very low DMC yields partly due to the low methanol conversion at equilibrium,18,35,75 but no deep studies about the limit of MeOH conversion had been done. Zhao et al.76 presented a first approach to estimate the gasphase equilibrium conversion considering ideal-gas behavior. Moreover, Zhao and co-workers made some assumptions in the estimation of thermodynamic data which are not accurate, that is, in calculating the entropy of DMC they used the group CO−(O)(C), which is not present in DMC, instead of the group CO−(O)(O) and did not consider the possible partial condensation of the reaction mixture at equilibrium conditions. Thence, the calculated gas-phase equilibrium conversion may differ significantly from the actual value. An accurate description of the equilibrium conversion is the starting point to improve carbonate yield in a continuous or semicontinuous process where water vapor is removed from the reactor, for example, by a coupling of reaction and separation through membranes in a catalytic membrane reactor (CMR). Taking into consideration that this approach will be facilitated if the reaction is conducted in the gas phase, this study presents a more accurate modeling of chemical equilibrium in order to theoretically determine the best conditions (temperature, pressure, and feed composition) to conduct the gas-phase reaction at (or close to) equilibrium conversion. Specifically, the nonideality of the mixture is considered, and the limits of temperature and pressure to prevent partial condensation are evaluated. As a result of integrating the chemical equilibrium model and gas phase behavior, which have been studied independently, we report the equilibrium dew pressure assuming a single reaction (reaction I) in the gas phase.

Table 1. Thermodynamic Data of Pure Substances Involved in the Direct Synthesis of DMC77 gas species

ΔH0f (kJ mol−1)

ΔG0f (kJ mol−1)

−201 −393.51

−162.3 −394.38

239.9 213.8

−241.8 −571.0

−228.6 −466.85b

188.8 366.01b

methanol carbon dioxide water DMC

S0 (J mol−1 K)

Cp (J mol−1 K)a 44.1 37.1 33.6 128.12b,c


Between 273 and 433 K. bEstimated in this work by Benson group contribution. cAverage between Cp (298 K) and Cp (500 K).

Table 2. Heat of Formation of DMC by Benson’s Method


Benson’s group

number of groups Nk

group contributiona ΔH0f,k (kJ mol−1)


CH3−(O) O−(CO)(C) CO−(O)(O)

2 2 1

−42.4 −179.71 −126.8

−84.8 −359.4 −126.8

Values reported by Steele et al.79

The experimental value reported by Steele and co-workers for the contribution of CO−(O)(O) group to the enthalpy of formation of DMC (−126.8 kJ mol−1) is very close to the value estimated from computational chemistry simulations (−125.7 kJ mol−1) by Khan et al.80 The error associated to ΔH0f is around 0.05%. Therefore, in order to estimate the ideal-gas standard free energy and ideal-gas heat capacity of DMC, the entropy value for CO−(O)(O) group contribution reported by Khan et al.80 was considered. The estimation of standard molar entropy (S0298K) depends not only on the constituent groups (S0k), but also on molecular symmetry, associated to S0s term in eq 1. S 0(298 K) =

∑ Nk(Sk0) + Ss0



This symmetry entropy, given by eq 2.

S0s ,

is independent of temperature and

Ss0 = R ln(Noi) − R ln(Nts)


where Noi, is the number of optical isomers of the molecule, being 1 if the molecule has no optical isomers, which is the case with DMC; Nts is the total symmetry number, being 18 for DMC. More details on how to obtain Nts values are given by Poling et al.78 Finally, ΔG0f,298K is calculated by means of eq 3 and eq 4.

METHODOLOGY Thermodynamic Data. Thermodynamic data of CO2, MeOH, and H2O are already available.77 However, this is not the case for DMC. Therefore, the gas phase standard free energy (Gibb’s function) and heat capacity for DMC were estimated with Benson’s group contribution method.78 Estimation of the standard thermodynamic properties of ideal gases by Benson’s method has shown good agreement with experimental values for a large number of organic molecules, and gives lower deviations compared with other methods reported in the literature.78 Thermodynamic data of the species involved in this study, including DMC (see calculations below), are shown in Table 1. Standard Free Energy Calculation (ΔG0f ) for DMC. 0 of DMC as ideal gas was estimated from its ΔHf,298K constituent groups using ΔH0f,k,298K group contribution values reported by Steele et al.,79 giving a value of 571.0 kJ mol−1 (see Table 2).

ΔGf0(298K ) = ΔHf0(298K ) − 298K[S 0(298K ) − Sel0(298K )]


where Sel0 =

∑ Ne(Se0)







Values of for each group and for elements are listed Table 3. From the group contribution data listed in Table 3, the estimated value of ΔG0f (298K) for DMC as ideal-gas is −466.85 kJ mol−1. The gas phase ΔH0rxn and ΔG0rxn of reaction I at 298 K, calculated from the stoichiometric numbers and the heat and 8946 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

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Table 3. Group Contributions78

extrapolation, within certain limits, to higher temperatures and prediction of the vapor behavior at different reaction conditions. UNIQUAC89,90 model was considered for calculating activity coefficients in the liquid phase; parameters were taken from the literature.82,91,92

C0p,k ΔH0f,k

group (k)


298 K


298 K

CH3−(O) O−(CO)(C) CO−(O)(O)a element (e)

−42.19 −180.41 −125.68 Ne

127.1 35.12 65.6 S0e

C H2 O2

3 3 3/2

6 130 205

298 K

400 K

500 K

25.87 11.64 27.73

32.80 15.86 32.34

39.35 18.33 36.48

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Validation of Fluid Phase Equilibria Modeling Approach. Binary Subsystems. A review of experimental dew points (P−y data) has been made by selecting results from binary systems at low or moderate pressure.82,92−99 Experimental dew points for the different binary systems were then compared with those calculated using the γ − ϕ approach with binary interaction parameters listed in Table 4 and Table 5; the

Values for CO−(O)(O) reported by Khan et al.80

Gibbs free energy of formation of reactants and products, are −17.29 and 23.53 kJ mol−1, respectively. These values indicate that the gas phase reaction is exothermic and nonspontaneous at room temperature (298 K). To obtain ΔH0rxn and ΔG0rxn at different temperatures, data of molar ideal-gas heat capacities, C0p, were used. For DMC a cubic correlation was used to fit the data estimated by Benson’s method between 298 and 500 K. Then an expression for the Gibbs free energy change of the reaction as a function of temperature was obtained by combining the Gibbs−Helmholtz equation with Kirchoff’s law.81 Finally, the equilibrium constant K was calculated from the Gibbs free energy at each temperature. Chemical Equilibrium Modeling. The effects of the initial concentration of MeOH, pressure, and CO2/MeOH feed ratio on equilibrium conversion in the temperature range between 298 and 433 K were analyzed. For the direct synthesis of DMC, equilibrium conversion can be related to the equilibrium constant as shown in eq 5: aDMCa H2O Keq(T ) = 2 aMeOHaCO2 =

1 2 X (1 4 eq

Table 4. Temperature Dependence of Binary Interaction Parameters kij and lij79 kij





k12 = −0.04889 + 0.000142T k21 = −0.32186 + 0.001202T

l12 = 0.11655 − 0.00049T l21 = 0.0034067 − 3 × 10−5T

298 to 313

CO2 (1) + water (2)

k12 = 3.06296 − 0.009680T k21 = −0.35981 + 0.000859T

l12 = 0

323 to 353


k12 = −0.00432 + 0.000010T k21 = −0.03110 + 0.000080T

l12 = 8.2567 × 10−5 + 1.47 × 10−6T l21 = 0.0002787 − 2.67 × 10−6T

310 to 330

methanol (1) + water (2)

k12 = −0.61880 + 0.001570T k21 = −0.39211 + 0.000815T

l12 = 0

313 to 333

k12 = −0.03545 + 0.000282T k21 = 0.03595 − 0.000035T

l12 = 0

k12 = −0.34043 k21 = −0.0796

l12 = −9.22 × 10−5 l21 = 1.942 × 10−4

DMC (1) + water (2)a


l21 = 0

CO2 (1) + DMC (2)


yMeOH,0 (1 − Xeq )2 ΘCO2 − 2 Xeq 0 0 ⎞ ⎛ ϕ̅ ϕ ̅ O ⎞ ⎛ (ϕMeOH )2 ϕCO ⎛ P0 ⎞ DMC H 2 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ×⎜ ⎜ ⎟ 2 0 0 ) ϕCO ̅ ̅ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ϕDMCϕH O ⎟⎠ ⎝ P ⎠ ⎝ (ϕMeOH

T (K)

CO2 (1) + methanol (2)

DMC (1) + methanol (2)

− 0.5yMeOH,0 Xeq )


l21 = 0

313 to 358

l21 = 0

370 to 350


Interaction parameters for the low DMC concentration side of the eutectic point.


where ΘCO2 = yCO2,0/yMeOH,0. Fluid Phase Equilibria Modeling. Because this work is concerned with liquid−vapor equilibria at low and moderate pressures, we have used the γ − ϕ approach (activity coefficient for the liquid phase; fugacity coefficient for the vapor phase) in order to evaluate dew points at P, T and molar compositions in gas phase derived from chemical equilibrium model. Previous reports82,83 showed that both Soave−Redlich−Kwong equation of state (SRK EoS)84 with the Huron and Vidal mixing rules85 modified by Michelsen86 (MHV2), and Peng−Robinson− Stryjek−Vera equation of state (PRSV EoS)87 with the van der Waals one-fluid (1PVDW) mixing rules,78,88 reasonably predict VLE of different binary subsystems from the quaternary CO2− MeOH−H2O−DMC mixture at high and low pressures. Since an analysis at moderate pressures is considered in this work, PRSV−1PVDW EoS was selected to describe the gas phase behavior. Moreover, Piñero et al.83 reported the binary interaction parameters as a function of temperature, allowing

results are shown in Figure 1 to Figure 6. The calculation routine was developed using MATLAB R2008b; the average Table 5. Reported UNIQUAC Binary Interaction Parameters82 i


Aij (cal mol−1)

Aji (cal mol−1)

CO2 CO2 CO2 methanol methanol DMC

methanol water DMC water DMC water

502.12 1546.5 −4971.1 + 22.49Ta 781.604 1033.29 − 2.78Tb 817.58c

131.709 994.997 −2893.6 + 8.89Ta −435.901 −1878.06 + 5.99Tb 114.42c

Estimated in this work by fitting with ASPEN Plus V7.3 software. Values reported by Ma et al.91 cValues reported by J. de la Torre et al.92 a b

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Figure 3. Experimental (points) and calculated (solid lines) P−y profiles for the CO2−H2O system at different temperatures. The AAD for P ranged from 9.4% (393.15 K) to 25.9% (298.15 K), whereas the AAD for y was below 0.8% (see the table in Supporting Information).

Figure 1. Experimental (points) and calculated (solid lines) P−y profiles for the CO2−MeOH system at different temperatures. The AAD for P ranged from 7.6% (313.15 K) to 19% (291.15 K), whereas the AAD for y was below 0.5% (see the table in Supporting Information).

Figure 4. Experimental (points) and calculated (solid lines) P−y profiles for the MeOH−H2O system at different temperatures. The AAD for P ranged from 0.3% (333.15 K) to 6.9% (298.15 K), whereas the AAD for y ranged from 1.1% (298.15 K) to 14.7% (333.15 K) (see the table in Supporting Information).

Figure 2. Experimental (points) and calculated (solid lines) P−y profiles for the CO2−DMC system at different temperatures. The AAD for P ranged from 23.5% (313.15 K) to 26.6% (333.15 K), whereas the AAD for y was below 0.3% (see the table in Supporting Information).

agreement is quite satisfactory, even though some discrepancies occur as noted below. Experimental and calculated P−y profiles for the CO2− MeOH system at different temperatures are shown in Figure 1; a good agreement with the experimental data at intermediate temperatures (298−313 K) can be observed. However, slight deviations occur at 291.15, 323.15, and 348.15 K. On the other hand, as shown in Figure 2 the predictions for the CO2−DMC system are not quite as good. The deviations become more relevant as the temperature increases. The largest average absolute deviation for pressure is 26.6% at 333.15 K. These deviations are likely caused by the fact that the proposed model cannot satisfactorily represent this binary system. Indeed, according to previous studies96,100 the ϕ − ϕ approach would be more appropriate. For other binary subsystems, the model proposed in this work predicts well the experimental data. However, it is expected that the impact of the possible deviations in the estimation of the CO2−DMC on the

absolute deviations (AAD%) for pressure and vapor phase composition are defined as: ΔP 1 = P n


⎡ P exp − P cal ⎤ i i ⎥100 ⎢⎣ Piexp ⎥⎦

∑⎢ i=1

Δy 1 = y n

⎡ y exp − y cal ⎤ ∑ ⎢ i exp i ⎥100 ⎢ ⎥⎦ yi i=1 ⎣ n


where n is the number of experimental data points and the superscripts exp and cal, represent experimental and calculated pressure and vapor composition values, respectively. The results indicate that the γ − ϕ method can reproduce experimental dew points with deviations below 5% for vapor composition. As can be observed from Figure 1 to Figure 6, the 8948 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

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(more than 80% mol), suggesting that CO2 and condensable vapors could be recovered and recycled if the direct synthesis of DMC would be carried out in a continuous process. The accuracy of the dew points calculated for the MeOH− H2O subsystem, Figure 4, is very good with pressure AAD < 7% for all temperatures simulated; similar good agreement have been reported when the system was simulated with SRK− MHV2 model.82 Regarding the MeOH−DMC system, Figure 5, small deviations between experimental and predicted results, mainly at high temperatures and high MeOH concentrations, are observed. However, results for this system are quite satisfactory, with pressure AAD less than 7.6%. In the DMC−H2O system, Figure 6, the available P−y experimental data is reproduced with satisfactory accuracy. A small deviation to the left of the eutectic point is observed. Nevertheless, the calculated eutectic point matches up correctly with that measured by J. de la Torre et al.92 Ternary Subsystem. Because the aim of the thermodynamic model is to predict the dew point of the quaternary reaction mixture, the accuracy of the model was tested against data of the ternary system CO2−MeOH−DMC at 10 bar and 313 K reported by Piñero et al.83 As shown in Figure 7, there is good

Figure 5. Experimental (points) and calculated (solid lines) P−y profiles for the MeOH−DMC system at different temperatures. The AAD for P ranged from 1.5% (391.15 K) to 7.6% (337.35 K), whereas the AAD for y ranged from 2.0% (391.15 K) to 23.7% (337.35 K) (see the table in Supporting Information).

Figure 6. Experimental (points) and calculated (solid line) T−y profiles for the DMC−H2O system at 101.3 kPa. The AAD for T was 0.1% and the AAD for y was 4.2% (see the table in Supporting Information).

simulation of the quaternary mixture will be unimportant since, as it will be shown below, the equilibrium conversion of methanol achieved in the reaction is low, therefore the concentration of DMC will be very small compared to that of methanol or CO2 which would exert a larger influence on the behavior of the quaternary system. The ability of the model to predict the CO2−H2O system, Figure 3, is very good, considering all range of temperatures (298.15−393.15 K) and CO2 vapor concentration (0.84−1) used for the fitting. At higher temperatures some deviations are observed. Note that subsystems involving CO2, can only be correlated with experimental data at pressures below 70 bar because the γ − ϕ method fails to describe the phase behavior of binary mixtures near the critical region. As several authors have reported for similar subsystems,93−95,101−104 the ϕ − ϕ model is more appropriate for evaluating the phase behavior at higher pressures. In the range of temperature and pressure where the model was evaluated for CO2−MeOH, CO2−H2O, and CO2−DMC binary subsystems, CO2 predominates in the vapor phase

Figure 7. Predicted phase equilibrium diagram of the ternary system (CO2−MeOH−DMC) at 313.15 K and 10 bar.83 Dashed lines represent the VLE curve calculated with a γ − ϕ method; VLE tie lines are represented as solid lines.

agreement between predicted data with a ϕ − ϕ method used by Piñero and co-workers and those calculated in this work with the γ − ϕ approach using the same EoS and mixing rule for the gas phase. Some discrepancies occur at high concentration of DMC in the liquid phase, perhaps due to the inaccuracy in the interaction parameters determined for the binary CO2−DMC. Results obtained in this part of the study show that the γ − ϕ approachfugacity coefficients evaluated by the PRSV− 1PVDW and activity coefficients with the UNIQUAC modelis able to correctly predict dew points of the different binary and ternary subsystems in the quaternary CO2− MeOH−H2O−DMC mixture at low and moderate pressures. The next part of this study is aimed at evaluating the dew point 8949 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

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temperature and MeOH feed concentration (yMeOH,0) on the equilibrium conversion for the gas phase reaction when atmospheric pressure and stoichiometric CO2/MeOH feed ratio are considered as constant values. It can be observed that the formation of products is favored as the initial MeOH concentration increases; however, a high feed MeOH concentration implies larger amounts of MeOH vapor under controlled flow, adding complexity to the system. Figure 10 shows the effect of pressure and MeOH feed concentration (yMeOH,0), considering a reactor temperature of

for a reaction mixture of known chemical equilibrium composition, establishing the boundaries of a homogeneous gas phase reaction. Chemical Equilibrium Modeling. Equilibrium Constant. Figure 8 shows the Gibb’s free energy as a function of

Figure 8. Temperature dependence of ΔG0rxn and Keq in the direct synthesis of DMC.

temperature as well as the equilibrium constant, Keq, for the direct synthesis of DMC. Results are compared with those reported by Zhao et al.76 According to Figure 8, ΔG0rxn increases with temperature and, consequently, the equilibrium constant Keq, decreases. This trend is consistent with that reported by Cai et al.17 and Zhao et al.76 However, values in this work are expected to be more accurate because no assumptions were made regarding the CO(O)(O) group contribution: the reported value by Khan et al.80 was used. Nevertheless, experimental data for ΔGf of DMC gas is still required to validate the results obtained. Equilibrium Conversion. Since it is possible to estimate equilibrium conversions for a very large number of reaction conditions (P, T, ΘCO2, yMeOH,0), a systematic analysis will be applied where the simplest conditions are evaluated first, and then the variables P, T, and feed molar ratio, ΘCO2, will be refined in order to set better values for achieving higher MeOH equilibrium conversions. Figure 9 shows the effect of

Figure 10. Effect of feed composition and reaction pressure on equilibrium conversion, Xeq. ΘCO2 = 0.5, T = 473 K.

473 K. An increase in pressure favors MeOH conversion, reaching values above 2% at high feed MeOH concentrations. Although a temperature of 473 K was selected such that reactants and products coexist in the gas phase up to pressures near the critical region, this temperature adversely affects MeOH equilibrium conversion. Previous reports24,35,49,60 have shown that MeOH/CO2 feed ratios influence DMC production. The effect of the reactant feed ratios and temperature on equilibrium conversion is shown in Figure 11. Intermediate conditions were used: 12 bar of pressure, which has already been experimentally reported,64−66

Figure 11. Effect of CO2/MeOH feed ratios, ΘCO2, on equilibrium conversion, Xeq. P = 12 bar, yMeOH,0 = 0.1.

Figure 9. Effect of MeOH feed composition on its equilibrium conversion, Xeq. ΘCO2 = 0.5, P = 1 atm. 8950 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

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the reaction. Here, methanol conversion is 1.61%, but the pressure of the system can still be increased without reaching the dew curve. Thus, by an isothermal increase of pressure, the dew curve can be intercepted obtaining a more favorable reaction pressure without increasing the reaction temperature. In this way, a conversion of 2.085% (see last column in Table 6) could be achieved near atmospheric pressure (1.66 bar) and room temperature. Although this conversion is low compared with other initial conditions, gas-phase production of DMC could be attractive under these mild pressure conditions. At a pressure of 12 bar and room temperature, a remarkable increase in the initial equilibrium conversion can be observed in Figure 13 panels b, c, and d, reaching values of 4.16, 4.8, and 5.91%, respectively. However, at those P and T, partial condensation of the reaction mixture will occur (i.e., equilibrium conversions are located inside L−V biphasic region). Therefore, at P = 12 bar, the temperature must be increased to reach the vapor zone (i.e., gas-phase reaction), leading to lower equilibrium conversion. The new conversion values calculated (marked with an asterisk (∗)) are 1.5, 1.99, and 3.8% for the three feed ratios and compositions shown in Table 6, respectively. It is clear that neither reaction mixture 2 nor 3 (stoichiometric and equimolar feed compositions between MeOH and CO2, respectively) are better than mixture 1 since gas-phase equilibrium conversions at noncondensation conditions are smaller. Moreover, pressure has been increased from 1.66 to 12 bar and the reaction temperature is higher. Consequently, the improvement in conversion does not offset the increase in operational costs. On the other hand, under the noncondensing conditions of mixture 4 an equilibrium conversion of 3.8% is attained, which would be more attractive to obtain DMC. Similarly, the effect of pressure, feed ratio, and temperature for mixture 5, indicate that initial excess of CO2 favors higher conversion. Although in an actual system the pressure could be increased to larger values, this variable was kept below 25 bar in order to obtain values within the scope of the proposed thermodynamic model. Under the initial conditions of mixture 5, the equilibrium conversion (Xeq0) is significantly improved to 9.49%, five times larger than conversions achieved at atmospheric pressure; however, this conversion falls to about 5% when the system is evaluated under noncondensing conditions. The conversion increase is still considerable, and the reaction temperature increase needed (from 298 to 358 K) is not quite significant. If pressure increases, the temperature of the system must also be increased such that the reaction mixture will not fall in the L−V region. Moreover, the larger the amount of MeOH in the feed mixture, the higher the temperature required for conducting the gas-phase reaction; thence it is advisible to carry out the reaction under an excess of CO2. Camy et al.82 have also investigated the number of phases existing in the reactor as a function of pressure and temperature and remarked that the vapor phase zone is restricted to high temperature and low pressure. Furthermore, the “available” vapor region increases by increasing CO2 in the reacting mixture. For a mixture containing a high concentration of MeOH or DMC, the vapor zone is very narrow and is only present at low pressure and high temperature. It is important to note that the present results are theoretical. Experimental data on VLE of the quaternary mixture will allow the extrapolation of the results to higher pressures and temperatures. Equilibrium Dew Pressure. With the aim of evaluating the boundaries of the gas phase, Figure 14 shows the dew pressure

and an initial MeOH fraction of 0.1 (from the analysis of Figure 9 and Figure 10). As can be observed in Figure 11, increasing CO2/MeOH feed ratio favors MeOH equilibrium conversion. Moreover, a large excess of CO2 (e.g., ΘCO2 = 9) may increase the equilibrium conversion significantly. The trend of equilibrium conversion with the temperature remains the same as shown in Figure 9. Once favorable inlet conditions have been determined, the effect of pressure and temperature on equilibrium conversion were evaluated; results are shown in Figure 12. Equilibrium

Figure 12. Effect of pressure and temperature on equilibrium conversion, Xeq. ΘCO2 = 0.9, yMeOH,0 = 0.1.

conversion is directly proportional to pressure and inversely proportional to temperature. However, such changes in temperature and pressure might cause condensation and thence the estimated conversions would be inaccurate if modeled at extreme conditions, i.e. high pressures and low temperatures. It is important to note that although conversions remain low, such as conventional reactions limited by chemical equilibrium, certain enhancement in conversion can be expected through new approaches, for example, using membrane catalytic reactors, in order to make the direct synthesis of DMC a more “feasible” route. Xeq and Dew Point for Quaternary Mixture. In order to establish the limits of temperature and pressure to prevent partial condensation of the reaction mixture, dew curves for several mixture compositions under chemical equilibrium were calculated, Figure 13. A hypothetical perfectly mixed continuous reactor, where the DMC reaction occurs very rapidly was considered. The conditions of P, T, and feed composition used to generate those profiles, as well as the calculated equilibrium conversion are presented in Table 6. All conversions are calculated with respect to MeOH; pressure was varied between 1 and 25 bar while the temperature was fixed at 298 K, representing the most favorable case for the reaction. Figure 13 shows the zones of coexistence of monophasic (vapor) and biphasic (liquid + vapor) state for five equilibrium conditions summarized in Table 6. The equilibrium conversions for the initial mixture composition (when no condensation is assumed) are compared with those under noncondensation conditions. Several remarks can be made from Figure 13 and Table 6. From a practical standpoint, feed conditions of mixture 1, Figure 13a, could be the simplest conditions for carrying out 8951 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

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Figure 13. p−T diagrams for five different quaternary reacting mixtures. Dew curves for initial reacting mixture (solid line) and for noncondensation compositions (dashed line). Symbols (○, *) represent the calculated equilibrium conversions under conditions shown in Table 6. The letter “L−V” refers to a biphasic state and the vapor region is marked with the letter “V”.

Table 6. Reacting Mixture Composition in Chemical Equilibrium feed composition

noncondensation conditions

reacting mixture composition at equilibrium


P (bar)

T (K)



Xeq %





P (bar)

T (K)

Xeq (%)

1 2 3 4 5

1 12 12 12 25

298 298 298 298 298

0.1 0.667 0.5 0.1 0.1

0.9 0.333 0.5 0.9 0.9

1.6171 4.1613 4.8065 5.9165 9.4921

0.0985 0.6479 0.4818 0.0943 0.0909

0.8999 0.3240 0.4939 0.8997 0.8995

8.0919 × 10−4 0.0141 0.0122 0.003 0.0048

8.0919 × 10−4 0.0141 0.0122 0.003 0.0048

1.66 12 12 12 25

298 400.8 389.9 340.4 358.2

2.085 1.525 1.99 3.828 5.061

8952 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

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temperature increase, which is undesirable if a large reaction extent is desired.

at different temperature and inlet MeOH/CO2 ratios for the quaternary mixture at chemical equilibrium.


S Supporting Information *

Results of average absolute deviations (AAD%) of pressure and vapor phase composition for six binary subsystems; 2D views of Figure 14 in order to facilitate its use: the figures show P vs T curves for various CH3OH/CO2 feed ratios. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +57 (4) 2198535. Fax: +57 (4) 2196565. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Universidad de Antioquia for financial support of this work through the project: 2007D360866. Also, we are grateful to Universidad de Antioquia for project CODI MDC08-1-04.

Figure 14. Effect of CH3OH/CO2 feed ratio and reaction temperature on equilibrium dew pressure for quaternary mixture.

Any point located above the surface in Figure 14 will undergo partial condensation. Therefore, the reaction pressure for a given temperature and inlet MeOH/CO2 ratio is limited by the equilibrium dew pressure of the quaternary mixture, which is indicated by the surface. It can be noted that as higher MeOH concentrations are fed, equilibrium dew pressures are lower, leading to lower equilibrium conversions, as discussed previously. Otherwise, if the MeOH concentration in the feed is decreased, a higher dew pressure is observed; however, a higher temperature is required, which would lead to a smaller reaction extent. In this way, Figure 14 is a very useful tool to determine the most convenient conditions for the gas-phase synthesis of DMC from MeOH and CO2. 2D views of Figure 14 are included as Supporting Information in order to facilitate the use of the 3D plot; the figures show P versus T curves for various CH3OH/CO2 feed ratios.

NOMENCLATURE activity coefficient binary interaction parameter in UNIQUAC model [cal mol−1] CP heat capacity [J mol−1 K−1] G Gibbs Free Energy [kJ mol−1] H enthalpy [kJ mol−1] kij,lij binary interaction parameter in 1PVDW mixing rule K equilibrium constant L liquid n number of experimental points Ne number of elements Nk number of groups P pressure [Pa or bar] P0 standard Pressure, 1 bar R universal gas constant, 8.314 [J mol−1 K−1] S entropy [J mol−1 K−1] Ss symmetry entropy [J mol−1 K−1] Se entropy of element e [J mol−1 K−1] T temperature (K) V vapor x liquid molar fraction y vapor molar fraction a Aij

CONCLUSIONS Benson’s group contribution method used to estimate ΔHf, ΔGf, and Cp for DMC showed to be a reliable approach when compared with available thermodynamic data. The direct synthesis of DMC in the gas phase is a nonspontaneous and exothermic reaction and from chemical equilibrium modeling it can be concluded that increasing pressure favors equilibrium conversion. Otherwise, increasing temperature has a negative effect on equilibrium conversion. Using reported binary interaction parameters and a γ − ϕ model, dew curves of binary subsystems for the quaternary mixture (i.e., for the CO2−H2O, CO2−MeOH, CO2−DMC, DMC−MeOH, DMC−H2O, MeOH−H2O systems) were predicted in good agreement with experimental data at mild pressure−temperature conditions, except for CO2−DMC system where results were slightly less accurate. The ability of the model to predict dew curves for the quaternary mixture at different equilibrium conditions was evaluated. From simultaneous analysis of chemical equilibrium and phase behavior it is concluded that a large excess of CO2 improves not only DMC yield but also allows running the reaction in a homogeneous gas phase without significant

Greek Letters

Δ Θ ϕ0i ϕ̅ i

change CO2/CH3OH feed molar ratio fugacity coefficient of pure specie i fugacity coefficient of specie i in the mixture


0 e eq f i,j k rxn 8953

initial element at equilibrium formation component group number in Benson’s method reaction | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 8945−8956

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