Modern chemical processes

College. Third edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York,. 1950. xviii + 541 pp. 13.5 X 18 ... technical terns in common use in the various enginee...
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PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY The present volume contains data on the following additional syntheses: 9-acetylanthracene; 3-aminopyridine; p-aminotetra- Russell R. Williams, J r , Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Uni. phenylmethane; n~rasparticacid; bensoylcholine iodide and versity of Notre Dame. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New chloride; n-butylaaetylene; 8-carbethoxy-7,~-diphenylvinyl- York, 1950. ix f 3 0 7 pp. 81 figs. 25 tables. 15 X 22 cm. $3.75. acetie acid; cblomacetonitrile; trar&?-chlorocyclopentanol; Tiit: term "Suclmr Chemietry" in the tirlr of thr Iwnk is uwd 4,4'-dichlorodihutyl ether; diethyl eia-A4-tetrahydrophthalate and diethyl eis-hexahydrophthalete; 1,4diiodobutane; ethane- in its 1mxdc;r smw, that is to irtcludtt tlruse topics sometimre dithiol; ethylenimine; 5+thyl-2-methylpyridine; ethyl phenyl- more restrictively classified as nuclear chemistry (reactions of cyanoacetate; fumaronitrile; glutaric acid; hexahydro-1,3,5- nuclei and the pmperties of resulting nuclear species), tracer tripropionyl-s-triszine; 2-iodothiophene; Zmercrrptobenzimida- chemistry, and radiation chemistry. The author states in the preface that the book "is intended to serve as the basis for a one zole; methanesulfonyl chloride; N-methyl-2,Mimenthoxyhenzylamine; l-methyl-3-ethyloxindole;methyl 6-thiodipropianate; semester lecture course for advanced undergraduates and graduAs such it will undoubtedly be welcomed by many 1-naphthaldehyde; o-nitroacetophenone; phenylaeetylene; t ~ a w ate students!' l-phenyl-1,3-hutsdiene; rr-phenyl-a-carbethoxyglutaronitrile;or teachers responsible far giving an elementary course in nuclear chemiat,rv. phenylglutaric anhydride; phenylsuccinic acid; Z&pyrazinediThe C s t five chapters (slightly over one-half of the book) cover carboxylic acid; 1,2,3,4,-tetrahydrocarbaaole;cis-A4-tetrahydrophthalio anhydride; tetraphenylarsonium chloride hydrochloride; the subjects that are, strictly speaking, nuclear physics hut which o-tolualdehyde; vanillic acid; vinyl lmrate tendother vinyl ester8 form a necessary background for an understanding of the chemical Since this series began in 1921 these annual issues have become phenomena related to nuclear properties and processes. Topics a necessary part of every chemical library here and abroad. This such as nuclear structure, nuclear decsy, bombardment reactions, latest volume, for all practical purposes, is identical in quality, etc., are presented from an empirical point of view and at times in a verv abbreviated manner. The last four oha~tersdeal with fornl, aplwxmncc, and workmanbhi~~ to other ~ , n v i u umcmbcrsof ~ and include surh suhjcct+H R tlar vhemiwl the series. Many organic rl.rmizts will be glad to note that a r the pla~norner~a of nurlwr can soon cxrrrr Collert~vrV A m c I11 of this itn~ortsntrom- i*Jntion of urwtablo nuclidcr, chcmiclrl con%~quenws rcxetiurla, rlcn~iculcfkcts of nuclcilr rad'atior~~, and ilnalytical pilatiou. applications of nuclear chemistry. RALPR E. DUNBAR The principal difference between this book and others covering N o n ~ xDAIOTA STATE COLLE~E the same general field is the placing of a greater emphasis on the FIRQO.NORTID A ~ W chemical aspects of the subject. Many chemistry teachers will welcome this shift of emphasis and will 6nd this book particularly A GERMAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY FOR CHEMISTS suited to their needs. On the other hand. the reviewer is auite aertain that, there will be msnv who will fekl that the backmdund Austin M. Patterson, Professor Emeritus of Chemidry, Antioch College. Third edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1950. xviii 541 pp. 13.5 X 18 cm. $5. for a course a t the graduate level. THISdictionary, which first appeared in 1917, has become part KENNETH STREET. JR. U N ~ V E B ~OC TY C*L,~ORNI.& of the standard furniture of a chemical laboratory. The third BS~X~LE c*,.,ronu,* Y. edition is nearly twice the size of the first. It has been brought thoroughly up to date and follows the latest nomenclature prac-





By the Editors of Industrial a n d Engineering Chemistry and technical staffs of cooperating industrial organizations. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1930. 222 pp. 21 X 29 cm. $4.

the strange intricacies of aforeign language. GERMAN-ENGLISH TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING DICTIONARY Louis De Vries, Professor of Modern Languages, Iowa State College. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Ino., New York, 1950. xiv 928 pp. 16 X 23.5 om. $20.


THIS is a comp~hensivedictionary giving exact definitions of technical terns in common use in the various engineering fields and in chemical technolow. It includes tcrrna u r d in such indusrric~H I aluminum, autonlobile, i n d o n pictures, petrolcum, iron dnd o w l , p:~per,trdlca, and many others. Numerous outstanding technical librarians and educators assisted in its preparation.

BEGINNING in February, 1948, one of the editors of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry has cooperated with members of the technical staff of some organieation to describe comprehensively s. new plant or process, replete with excellent illuatrationa and 5owsheets. In this volume have been collected the 23 articles appearing in 1948 and 1949. Of these, six' describe inorganic processes, and seventeen describe organic processes. All represent new, up-to-the-minute plants and processes. These articles should be useful to students to supplement the older and less com~letematerial found in textbooks. Thia hook., dewite the repetition of ~n:~tcri;,l, will save nuch wrar and e a r on the journsls ~ n for ~ itself l in dccerviug of a place on the library aldf.
