Modernization of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine - American

order to achieve a meaningful standardization. 32. © 2003 American ... Xiang shi (use or reinforce each other), potentiation or synergism; enhancemen...
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Chapter 2

Modernization of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

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Yuh-Chiang Shen, Wen-Fei Chiou, Guei-Jane Wang, Cheng-Jen Chou, and Chieh-Fu Chen National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China

Multiple drug composition and mechanism is the most unique character in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The mechanisms of action of TCM which produce biological effects are: 1). summation effect of one active component on different parts of the body, 2). summation effect of various active components acting on the same or a different part of the body, and 3). drug metabolism and interactions in the body. Compared with synthetical drugs, which usually contain a single chemical compound, TCM, or plants extract, contains many different chemicals. Plant extracts come from natural sources and it is well known that their quality are highly variable depending on the species and strains of the plant, geographical location, soil and culture conditions, growing conditions, climate and weather conditions, harvesting, part of the plant used, the solvent used to extract the plant, method of extraction (temperature, pressure, batch size, amount of solvent, filling height, velocity of flow), and storage. Even if all the above variables are well controlled, there are still some realistic problems, such as some active principles being unknown or only partially understood, the different modes of action being unclear, the lack of pharmacokinetic data, and the lack of stability and clinical studies under controlled conditions. It is our experience that plant extracts may be functionally variable even though the chemical profile seems rather uniform. Thus, to perform both chemical and pharmacological fingerprinting may be the only way to define the composition and functional uniformity of plant extracts in order to achieve a meaningful standardization.


© 2003 American Chemical Society In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

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Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) postulates seven modes by which natural products can elicit pharmacologic effects, one when an agent is used alone, six when several are used concurrently. In the latter instance, the combined products in a prescription can interact with each other to augment or reduce potency or intrinsic activity with respect to beneficial or harmful effects. The six modes of drug interaction in Traditional Chinese Medicine can be interpreted by modern pharmacological terms (1,2): Xiang m (need each other), additive or synergistic enhancement of pharmacologic action by two or more substances with similar properties. Xiang shi (use or reinforce each other), potentiation or synergism; enhancement of therapeutic action by substances with different properties. Xiang wei (mutual respect or restraint), inhibition or reduction of pharmacologic effects by two or more substances with properties in common. Xiang wu (multual dislike), inhibition or reduction of an effect of one drug by another with an opposing action. Xiang sha (kill each other), the specific nullification of the effect of one compound by another agent by competitive antagonism, such as between agonist and antagonist compounds. Xiang fan (oppose each other), incompatibility, not suitable for combination because severe adverse effects may result. The composition of medical prescription according to status of 1. the principal, one or several drug(s) which produce therapeutic effect, 2. minister(s) which accelerate the therapeutic effect of the principal, 3. assistant(s) which assisting towards accomplishment of the principal, 4. convey, that directs or leads the principal drug to the proper channel (site of action or receptor). Above are major principles guiding the formation of Chinese medical prescription, Fang-Ji. Thus, multiple drug composition and mechanism is the most unique character in TCM. The mechanisms of TCM which produce therapeutic effects are: 1). summation effect of one active component on different parts of the body, 2). summation effect of various active components acting on the same or a different part of the body, and 3). drug interactions in the body.

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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Comparison of Synthetic Drugs and TCM Compared with synthetic drugs, an exact chemical compound, TCM, or plant extracts contain different chemicals. The side effect of a drug is strongly affected by its dosage. The greater the amount of a chemical that must be used to produce the therapeutic effect, the greater is the chance of a side effect. Traditionally, herbal medicine is almost never used as single chemical, but in a mixture form. If a mixture of chemicals containing a small percentage of the so-called active principle has activities equal to or greater than the single chemical alone, the chance of side effects will be less in the use of the extract than the single chemical. Therefore, a mixture is a much safer form of treatment than single chemicals. This provides a logical explanation as to why TCM and natural medicine have fewer side effects than pharmaceutical drugs. It also explains why, although 30-50% of pharmaceuticals are plant in origin, they have side effects for they lost the advantage of being in a mixture form as used traditionally. Hosoya and Yamamura studied the time course of antitussive action of various combinations of ephedra, in the original prescription (composed by Ephedra herba, Armeniacae semen, Glycyrrhziae radix and Gypsum fibrosum), and found that antitussive effect of the original prescription is best among six kinds of combination (3). However, plant extracts come from natural sources and their quality are highly variable depending on the species and strains of the plant, geographical location, soil and culture conditions, growing conditions, climate and weather conditions, harvesting, part of the plant used, the solvent used to extract the plant, method of extraction in large quantity (temperature, pressure, batch size, amount of solvent, fill height, velocity of flow), and storage. The herbal drug Evodia rutaecapar (E.R.) is one that we studied most intensively. It was reported by Takagi that the content of synephrine was much higher in unripe fruit of E.R. then in ripe fruit (4). The alkaloids, flavonoids, acetophenones and other compounds not only vary from the fruit of different species of Evodia but also vary among different parts of the plant (5). Thus, lack of meaningful standardization is the universal problem in natural medicine development. There is not only product inconsistency among brands, but also inconsistency from batch to batch within the same brand. This then leads to the lack of consumer protection in the traditional functional food and nutraceutical industry. Thus, herbal preparations cannot be patented for composition and therapeutic use and cannot be used for clinical trials. Therefore, they cannot be developed into new drugs. Even if all the above variables are well controlled, there are still some realistic problems. We found that the Rbi content of same species of American Ginseng is different (0.4-2.6%), and the immuno-stimulation effect is not related to the content of Rb, (Table 1).

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

35 Table I. Biological Effects of Different Sources of the Same Species of North American Ginseng American Ginseng samples A

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Immunostimulation Rbi content (% of raw material) (% of control) 0.4 1.6 2.6 1.9 1.1

1,623 5,271 5,679 10,481 4,936

The relaxant effect of Panax ginsengs on rabbit corpus cavernosum is not related to the major gensinosides (Rbi, Rc, Re, Rgj) (Figure 1). Thus, some active principles are unknown or only partially understood. The three alkaloids isolated from Evodia retaecapar, dehydroevodiamine (DeHE), evodiamine (Evo) and rutecapine (Rut) have different modes of action on different target tissues, even though their structures show only minor differences (scheme 1 A). The modes of action of these three compounds include inhibition

Concentration (mg/ml) Figure 1. Relaxation effects of ethanol crude extract isolatedfrom Korea red ginseng, total ginsenosides, partially purifiedfraction 3 (F3), and Rgj on phenylephrine-precontracted rabbit corpus cavernosum strips. Values are means ά&.ΕΜ. from 7-9 experiments.

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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of the cardiac and vascular smooth muscles, activation of endothelial cells (6,7), inhibition of macrophages (8) and a neuroprotective effect (9). However, there is little data on the effect(s) of other active components, and especially, their interaction. Thus, the different modes of action are still unclear. Under such conditions, the lack of pharmaco-kinetic data, and the lack of stability and clinical studies under good clinic practice are inevitable.

Quality Control of TCM It is our experience that plant extracts may be functionally variable even though the chemical profile seems rather uniform. The guidance document entitled "Guidance for industry Botanical Drug Products" from the Food and Drug Administration of the Uunited States serves to delineate a possible path for researchers and industry to follow for botanical drug development and commercialization. This document further shows an appreciation of the valuable experience of historical use of botanical drugs and the difference between them and synthetic drugs. However, two points should be seriously considered. 1. Logically, chemical fingerprinting plus pharmacological fingerprinting are perhaps the best way, at this time, to provide assurance of product quality and consumer protection. 2. Batch-to-batch consistency should be in place at the earliest stage of drug development so that one can have confidence in the data from pre-clinical and clinical studies. Without the assurance of consistency in such preparations, data from all the studies are not comparable and rather meaningless. TLC, HPLC, GC/MS, and LC/MS are good analytic instruments to identify chemical fingerprints. For pharmacological fingerprinting, the pharmacodynamic and the pharmacokinetic evidences should be considered. All measurable changes of physiological, biochemical, and immunological parameters can be used to check the biological effect of plant extracts. If the pharmacokinetics of the major bioactive component(s) are known, we can design the ideal dosage regimen which keeps the blood concentration of active components safely between a therapeutically effective and a toxic concentration. Pharmacokinetic data, such as bioavailability, also can be generated for quality control of plant extracts. Microdialysis probes have been used in our Institute, for the on-line determination of drug concentration in the brain, bile duct, and blood for the pharmacokinetic studies of herbal bioactive component(s).

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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Anti-inflammatory Effect of Radix Stephania tetrandra (RST) In this paper we discuss the work, done in our Institute, regarding the development of the Chinese herbal drug Fang-Ji {Radix Stephania tetrandra) as an anti-inflammatory functional food or as a pharmaceutical, an example both for pharmacological and chemical fingerprinting. The Chinese herbal drug, Fang-Ji, is used for the treatment of hypertension and some symptoms related to inflammation. Fang-Ji is the dry roots of Chinese herbal plants that come from two different Families including (1) Menispermaceae: Stephania tetrandra S. Moore, Cocculus trilobus (Thunb.) DC. and Sinomenium acutum (used in Japan) (2) Aristolochiaceae: Aristolochia weslandi and Aristolochia heterophylla. The main chemical constituents in the roots of S. tetrandra are the alkaloids tetrandrine (Figure 2B), fangchinoline (Figure 2B), cyclanoline (Figure 2C), oblongine (Figure 2C), menisine, and menisidine; those in Cocculus trilobus are trilobine (Figure 2D), isotrilobine, magnoflorine (Figure 2D), trilobamine, coclobine, menisarine, and normenisarine. Aristolochia weslandi and Aristolochia heterophylla contain aristolochic acid (Figure 2E) that is notorious for its nephrotoxic and carcinogenic effects. Among these components, tetrandrine is the most well studied one as a calcium entry blocker of plant origin. Multiple pharmacological effects by tetrandrine have been reported, including an analgesic effect, anti-arrhythmic and anti-ischaemic effect, anti-hypertension action, and anti-tumor and anti­ inflammatory functions. The article dealing with the cardiovascular pharmacology of tetrandrine, including anti-portal hypertension, was reviewed (10). With closely related but different chemical structures, we wondered if tetrandrine and other active components found in Fang-Ji displayed similar pharmacological effects. In this paper, we focus on the anti-inflammatory effects of the crude extract of S. tetrandra, tetrandrine, and its relative active compounds. We had reported that tetrandrine can inhibit the Mac-1 (CD1 lb/CD 18) upregulation and adhesion by human neutrophils, possibly through impediment of calcium influx and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production (//). Further, we examined the anti-ischaemic effect by tetrandrine in an animal model and found that tetrandrine can ameliorate ischaemia-reperfusion injury of rat myocardium through inhibition of neutrophil priming and activation (12). As tetrandrine and fangchinoline are the active principles in S. tetrandra, we prepared various specially processed crude extracts from radix S. tetrandra (RST) and compared the bio-activity using an in vitro acute inflammatory cellular model. We found that the anti-inflammatory effect of RST extracts varied by different extracting methods with the ethanolic preparations being the most potent ones (Figure 3). The anti-inflammatory effects by ethanolic preparations (RST) were as potent as tetrandrine (Tet) and fangchinoline (Fan) in the prevention of phorbol-12myristate-13-acetate (PMA)-induced ROS production (Figure 4) and adhesion (Figure 5) by human neutrophils. These effects of RST extracts, Tet and Fan

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


Figure 2. Chemical Structure of alkaloids isolatedform Evodia rutaecapar (A), Stephania tetrandra (B, C), Cocclus trilobus (D) and aristochic acid (E).

A r i s t o l o c h i c acid


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control PMA RST/H 0 RST/H 0/EtOH 2

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~~Γ~ —τ— "Τ" 40 60



Superoxide anion production (EB fluorescence intensity)

Figure 3. Effects of various RST extracts on superoxide anion (0 ) production by PMA-stimulated human neutrophils. Samples were pretreated with various^ RST extracts (100 μ^ί) at 37 °Cfor 10 min. PMA (100 ng/mL)-induced Of (EB) production was measured by a flow cytometer (FACSCalibur™) 20 min after addition of PMA (100 ng/mL). *P < 0.05 as compared with samples treated with PMA alone. Values are means ±S.E.M. from 6 experiments. RST/H 0, RST extracted by water only; RST/H 0/EtOH, RST extracted by ethanol after water extraction; RST/EtOH, RST extracted by ethanol only; RST/EtOH/H O RST extractd by water after ethanolic extraction; RST/EtOH/ CH Cl RST extractd by CH Cl after ethanolic extraction; RST/CH Cl RST extracted by CH Cl only; RST/CH Cl /EtOH RST extracted by ethanol after CH Cl extraction; RST/CH C1 /H 0), RST extracted by water after CH Cl extraction. 2





















In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.



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Figure 4. Effects of RST extract from ethanolic fractions on superoxide anion (0 ) production by PMA-stimulated human neutrophils. Samples were pretreated with various RST fractions (100 μg/mL) at 37 °C for 10 min. PMA (100 ng/miyinduced 0 ' (EB) production was measured by aflowcytometer (FACSCalibur™) 30 min after addition of PMA (100 ng/mL). *P < 0.05 as compared with samples treated with PMA alone. Values are means ±S.E.M. from 6 experiments. RST 1st, RST extracted by first time of ethanol; RST/mix, combination of the first three time ethanolic fractions of RST; Tet, tetrandrine (100 μg/mL); Fan, fangchinoline (100 μg/mL). 2


In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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Figure 5. Effects of RST extract from ethanolic fractions on PMA-activated adhesion by human neutrophils. Samples were pretreated with various RST fractions (100 μ^Ι) at 37 °Cfor 10 min. PMA (100 ng/mL)-adhesion (BCECFfluorescence)was measured by afluorescentplate reader (Cytofluor 2300, Millipore®) with excitation at 485 nm and emission at 530 nm 30 min after addition of PMA (100 ng/mL). *P < 0.05 as compared with samples treated with PMA alone. Values are means ±S.E.M. from 6 experiments. RST 1st, RST extracted byfirsttime of ethanol; RST/mix, combination of the first three time ethanolic fractions of RST; Tet, tetrandrine (100 μg/mL); Fan, fangchinoline (100 μg/mL).

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.


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were not due to cytotoxicity, because no significant cell death (less than 2.0%) was observed after experiments (about 4 hours) (Figure 6). It is interesting to note that combination of Tet and Fan enhanced cytotoxicity more than Tet, Fan, or RST used alone (Figure 6). To determine the active principles in the RST extracts, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used, and we found that the major active components in the RST are (ng/ml) tetrandrine (0.95), fangchinoline (0.95), cyclanoline (0.95) and oblongine (1.69) (Figure 7) (13).

Control PMA + staurosporine Fan I μg/mî

Tet 1 μ^π\\ 5^ig/ml 10^tg/ml RST 1 μg/ml 5μ§/πι1

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Fan+Tet 1 + 1 μg/ml 2.5+2.5μβΛη1 5+5μ^ιτι1




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Cytotoxic Effect (percentage) Figure 6. Summary on the cytotoxic effects of RST extract, tetrandrine, and fangchinoline on PMA-activated neutrophils. Cell viability was determined by counting the vital cell by trypan blue (0.4%) exclusion assay in the end of the experiments.

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.

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In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.





















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Figure 7. Chromatogram of ethanolic extract of Radix S. tetrandra. Upper panel, peak identities (from left to right): oblongine, cyclanoline, fangchinoline, and tetrandrine.






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Cardiovascular Protective Effects of RST

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We examined the cardiovascular protective effects of tetrandrine, fangchinoline and the specially processed crude extract from radix S. tetrandra (RST). We found that the RST extract with 9% and 6% in weight being tetrandrine and fangchinoline, respectively, have potent effect on the inhibition of the electrically-induced intracellular calcium transient and protein release during calcium paradox in a single rat ventricular myocyte (14). To compare the cardioprotective effects by RST extract and its active principles (tetrandrine and fangchinoline), a Langendorff isolated perfused rat heart preparation was used. We found that RST extract and tetrandrine (but not fangchinoline) produces equal potent cardioprotective and anti­ arrhythmic effects as varapamil alone but circumventing the side effects of varapamil (15). We further studied the underlying anti-inflammatory mechanism(s) of specially processed crude extracts of S. tetrandra (SPRST) by human leukocyte and found that SPRST as well as its active principle tetrandrine and fangchinoline, can interfere with ROS production and calcium influx, through G protein modulation, to prevent Mac-1 dependent neutrophil adhesion (16). Since cyclanoline and oblongine are also effective in the inhibition of PMA-induced ROS production (our unpublished results) whether these components and/or other un-identified principles were involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of SPRST await further study.

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In Oriental Foods and Herbs; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2003.