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Modification of Proteins - American Chemical Society

TRrom Pre-Colombian times to the present, the development of Mexico has been ... for many people of Mexico and Central America: in the rural areas it ...
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9 The Role of Lime in the Alkaline Treatment

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of Corn for Tortilla Preparation AUGUSTO TREJO-GONZALEZ, ALEJANDRO FERIA-MORALES, and CARLOS WILD-ALTAMIRANO Department of Food Research, Center of Research and Teaching for Agricultural and Food Engineering, University of Guanajuato, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico

Several variables were studied during the lime treatment of corn (nixtamalization) for preparing tortillas: time, tempera­ ture, and lime concentration; incorporation of water and calcium by the corn grain; chemical analyses of the resultant flours; and SEM observations of corn grain sections at various stages of alkaline treatment. Lime treatment improved the nutritive value of corn by increasing the availability of lysine in the glutelin fraction of the protein. The gelatinization of starch was the most important physi­ cal-chemical event occurring during the period of lime treatment. The calcium taken up by the corn grain during treatment appears to be bound to the starch grains. Starch isolated from lime-treated corn took up approximately three times more calcium than starch isolated from untreated corn. Calcium can be replaced by the divalent cation mag­ nesium. Substitution of corn by other starch-containing foods (wheat, broadbean, garbanzo, potato, and rice) was studied also. The combination of these foods with corn resulted in tortillas with better nutritional and organoleptic qualities, reaching protein and lysine contents of 14.4% and 4.04 g/100 g protein, respectively.

TRrom Pre-Colombian times to the present, the development of Mexico has been linked intimately with the cultivation and consumption of corn. The domestication of corn terminated nomadism i n Mesoamerica and resulted i n the establishment of the first human settlements, which ©

0065-2393/82/0198-0245$05.00/0 1982 American Chemical Society

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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evolved eventually to achieve a level of cultural and scientific develop­ ment whose excellence amazed its own and foreign peoples. Corn was so important to the Mesoamerican societies that it was deified, Cinteotl, being the Aztec goddess of maize and Y u m Kaax, the Mayan god of maize and vegetation. A w i l d progenitor of corn, known to have existed 7000-8000 years ago, was cultivated over 5000 years ago (1). The intensification of cornbased agriculture was linked closely to the development of the following innovation i n corn-processing technology: the alkaline treatment, specific­ ally lime treatment [called nixtamalizacion in Spanish, derived from the Nahuatl word for lime-treated corn prepared as dough, nixtamal (2)]. The lime treatment of corn was so important that it is considered to have differentiated the indigenous societies and have influenced their respective development (3). Figure 1 demonstrates that the centers of civilization that reached a high level of organization and achievement coincided w i t h those i n which lime treatment of corn was practiced. Corn is recognized generally as deficient i n the essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan, and i n niacin, the pellagra-preventing Β vitamin, synthesized from tryptophan. L i m e treatment results i n denaturation of the corn protein, particularly the glutelins, making them more readily digestible (4). Since the major proportion of the lysine and tryptophan residues are found i n the glutelin fraction, lime treatment enhances the availability of these two essential amino acids. Therefore, the alkaline treatment with lime results in a product of greater biological value than corn prepared by other cooking methods. F o r that reason, lime treatment of corn is considered to have influenced the development of the Meso­ american societies because it permitted dietary dependence on a single cultivated crop (3). Other corn-consuming societies not practicing lime treatment were required to greatly supplement the corn diet to prevent malnutrition. Today corn remains the most important source of calories and protein for many people of Mexico and Central America: in the rural areas it supplies approximately 70% of the caloric intake. In terms of overall yearly consumption, about 186 kg of corn per capita are consumed i n Mexico (5). Stated i n another way, of the 16.7 million hectares of cultivated arable land i n Mexico, over 7.2 million hectares are dedicated to cultivating corn (6). M u c h work has been carried out on the nutritional benefits derived from the lime treatment of corn (7,8). Although this aspect is very important, an understanding of the overall physical-chemical changes occurring i n the corn, which determine the mechanical and sensory properties of the resultant food products, is also essential. Such informa­ tion can lead to modification of the traditional lime treatment process to

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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Alkaline Treatment of Corn


Figure .1. Localization of pre-Colombian corn-consuming societies (3). Corn treatment: no alkali treatment (O); alkali treatment with lye or wood ashes (Π); alkali treatment with lime (Φ). improve the quality and nutritional value of the derived foods. The work presented here strives to further our understanding of lime treatment as a traditional food-processing technique. The Lime Treatment Process: Nixtamalization Lime Treatment of Corn for Tortilla Preparation. The lime treat­ ment of corn for tortilla preparation consists of the following (see Figure 2 ) : a 3:1 mixture of lime water (1.3%, w / v ) and dry corn grains is

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Tapwater (3:1, water:corn) Lime (1.3%, lime:water) Cooking Time:

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13 min 92 C






I j I

pH 11.25

, , .._ Washed with Tapwater To Reach pH 8.5



Attrition Mill Dryer TORTILLA FLOUR ^


Made into Flat Cakes Cooked at 185 C, 4 min


Preparation of corn tortillas.

heated to boiling until the pericarp is loosened. The cooked corn (Nixtamal) then is allowed to stand at room temperature for 8 to 12 h , after which the cooking liquor (Nexayote) is removed and the corn is washed with water until the p H of the rinse water decreases to 8.5. The washed corn then is milled forming the dough ( M a s a ) . The basic tortilla is made from a quantity of dough sufficient to form a disc about 10 cm i n diameter and 0.3 cm i n thickness. This is cooked on a hot plate at 185 °C for 15 s on one side, 30 s on the other, and then returned to the original side to repeat the cooking until the steam produced within the tortilla is sufficient to inflate it. I n commercial tortilla preparation

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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Alkaline Treatment of Corn


the dough may be dried and ground to produce a flour that subsequently is rehydrated for tortilla elaboration. Parameters of the Lime Treatment Process. Parameters of lime treatment that can be varied and greatly affect subsequent tortilla quality are: (1) the corn grain, in particular the endosperm type and pericarp thickness and composition; (2) temperature and time of cooking; and (3) the concentration of the lime water. Corns of the same variety with different endosperm types required varying periods of time to achieve the same degree of cooking (loosening of the pericarp) as shown in Table I. The soft endosperm type, Opaque-2, requires much less cooking at the same temperature than the hard endosperm type. The hardness of the endosperm, determined by the ratio of amylopectin to amylose in the corn starch (9), greatly influences the plasticity of the doughs prepared from the lime-treated corn (see Table I ) . The time required for cooking the corn with lime water, however, apparently depends on characteristics other than endosperm type—most probably composition and thickness of the pericarp: distinct lime treatment conditions are required for different corn varieties, as illustrated in Tables H a and b. In addition, for a given corn variety ( normal or dent corn ), it is possible to carry out the lime treatment process under widely differing conditions of time and temperature: from 70° to 92°C, with cooking periods from 13 to 70 min, and with or without a steeping period. The criteria applied to determine the adequacy of the lime treatment conditions were the mechanical and sensory properties of the resultant tortillas, including extensibility, plasticity, flexibility, softness, inflatability, smoothness, flavor, and odor. Different alkali processes have been and are applied to corn, includ­ ing the use of lye in hominy preparation and the use of wood ashes for preparing arepas. However, lime, as a source of alkali, is the most important technique currently used for the processing of corn for human Table I.

Characteristics of the Lime Treatment of Corns with Different Endosperm Types" Treat­ ment Time (min)

Tempera­ ture (°C)

Residual Water (mL)

Dough Moisture (%)



















Corn Type"

α 6

Dough Plasticity

Preparation for the lime treatment: 500 g corn + 1000 m L water + 21 g lime. Normal, modified, and opaque corns of the variety Veracruz 181 X Old Group 2.

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



Table Ha.

Endo­ sperm Type

Corn Variety Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO on February 19, 2015 | Publication Date: April 1, 1982 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1982-0198.ch009

Characteristics of Doughs Prepared from Lime-Treated Corns" Treatment Time (min)

Dough Yield (g)

Dough pH

Rinse Water pH













Palomero Reventador Toluqueno






"Conditions for the lime treatment: 200 g corn + heated to 9 2 ° C . Initial p H of limewater: 12.4.

Table l i b .

400 m L water +

6 g lime,

Characteristics of the Cooking Liquor from Lime-Treated Corns 0

Volume Cooking Liquor (mL)



Soluble Solids (%)

Cal­ cium (mg)

Hemicelluloses (%)












Palomero Reventador Toluqueno




Corn Variety

"Conditions for the lime treatment: 200 g corn + heated to 92 C. Initial p H of limewater: 12.4.


400 m L water +

7.5 6 g lime,


Table III.

Characteristics of the Cooking Liquor (Nexayote) ' Characteristic

pH Total solids, ppm Soluble solids, ppm Ash solids, ppm Soluble organic nitrogen, ppm Calcium, ppm B O D , 5-day, ppm Total sugars, ppm T o t a l hemicelluloses, ppm Turbidity, Jacks units Color, units β

Amount or Value 11.0 28,000 17,000 8,200 75 9,600 6,415 14,500 8,460 201 2,450

F r o m the lime treatment of Palomero Reventador Toluqueno.

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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Alkaline Treatment of Corn


consumption. The chemical characteristics of lime water are such that the concentration of the lime always exceeds the saturation point of calcium hydroxide, which is 0.15% under ambient conditions. The lime concentrations used for tortilla preparation may range from 0.8% (7) to 2.1%, as reported here, w i t h an initial p H value of 12.4. After cooking, the p H of the residual lime water is approximately 11.0. To remove excess lime after cooking, the corn must be rinsed adequately with water until the p H of the rinse water approaches 8.5; otherwise the resulting dough and tortillas would be alkaline i n taste. Typical characteristics of the residual lime water, or cooking liquor, are shown i n Table III. This cooking liquor is a rich organic medium and a very contaminating effluent from the tortilla factories. Physical and Chemical Changes Occurring in the Corn Grain as a Result of Lime Treatment General Changes in Corn Grain Composition. Samples of 18 varie­ ties of corn, including hybrids and native varieties from distinct geo­ graphical areas of Mexico, were studied (see Figure 3 and Table I V ) . From Tables V and V I the most notable differences between the untreated and lime-treated corns are demonstrated: an increase i n mineral content and decreases i n total protein, crude fiber, and ether extract.

Figure 3. The 18 corn varieties used to study the nixtamalization proc­ ess. Variety names correspond to those indicated in Table IV. In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



Table IV.

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Variety Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Moisture Content and Endosperm Type of Corn Varieties

Variety Name

Zone of

V-15 (Toi. 68) VS11.F2. (68) Zapalote Chico (69APL) Zapalote Grande (69APL) Native of Copital H-507.F2. C . de Villagran (65) H-220.F2. (65) Celaya 11.F2 (66R) H-366.F2 (66R) Chalco, small (58-68) H-28 (67) Chalco (68) H-129 (68) Cacahuacintle Sweet corn Palomero Reventador Toluqueno Commercial popcorn Table V.


Endo­ sperm Type


Mois­ ture

humid temperate humid temperate humid temperate humid temperate dry tropics dry tropics Bajio, rainy season Bajio, rainy season Bajio, rainy season Bajio, rainy season central highlands central highlands central highlands central highlands central highlands central highlands humid temperate

hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard soft hard

6.7 6.2 7.1 7.5 7.3 7.1 6.8 7.1 5.7 6.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.8 6.8 7.5 6.6

humid temperate



Composition of Untreated Corn Varieties

Variety Number

Total Protein (%)

Crude Fiber (%)

Ether Extract (%)

Ash (%)

Calcium (mg/kg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

10.2 10.1 11.5 11.8 10.2 8.7 11.5 10.0 11.2 11.0 11.5 11.4 10.9 9.4 9.1 12.9 14.0 13.3

2.2 2.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.5 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.5 1.8 2.9 2.2 2.8

5.0 5.7 5.9 6.6 3.9 2.5 5.4 5.8 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.7 5.4 5.8 2.2 3.9 6.8 4.6

1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.7 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 2.9 1.5 1.7 1.6

80 80 70 70 70 70 80 80 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 70 60 90







In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



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Table VI.

Alkaline Treatment of Corn


Composition of Lime-Treated Corn Varieties

Variety Number

Total Protein (%)

Crude Fiber (%)

Ether Extract (%)

Ash (%)

Calcium (mg/kg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Average

9.9 9.8 11.3 10.5 9.2 8.5 11.4 9.8 10.8 10.4 10.2 11.3 10.5 9.3 9.0 12.7 13.4 12.8 10.6

1.9 2.1 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.1 1.9 2.2 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.2 1.5 2.6 2.0 2.1 2.0

4.8 4.9 5.0 5.5 4.5 4.9 5.0 5.2 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.8 5.3 5.2 0.9 3.0 5.0 3.7 4.5

2.1 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.9 2.2 2.3 2.3

900 900 1140 1090 1130 1280 980 1240 1690 1630 1030 1030 1260 1160 1430 1600 1400 1280 1230

Absorption of Water and Calcium by the Corn Grain. The absorp­ tion of water and calcium by corn of the variety Palomero Reventador Toluqueno with a heating period of 13 min at 92°C was studied. The absorption of water as a function of time indicated a very rapid initial uptake (during the first 30 min) (see Figure 4). The corn continued to absorb water until by 135 min after heating, the absorbed water was 105% of the initial weight of the corn. The absorption of calcium by the corn grain follows a similar pattern, although it occurred over a much longer period of time (see Figure 5). Calcium was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry i n corn grains after 12 h of steeping. The calcium content of the lime-treated corn grain was about 4.5 times that of the untreated grains (640 and 140 m g / k g , respectively). Scanning Electron Microscope Observations of Corn Grain Sections. Scanning electron micrographs ( S E M s ) of corn grain sections fractured perpendicularly to the long axis were prepared. These illustrate changes in the structure of the endosperm during the nixtamalization process. Figure 6 shows a close-up view of the untreated corn grain, indicating the arrangement of the starch grains enveloped by glutelins. Observations of the same area i n corn grains with 4 and 8 h of steeping at room temperature are shown i n the micrographs (see Figure 6). It is evident from these micrographs that the main structural changes are occurring i n

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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TIME ( min )

Figure 4.

The absorption of water by lime-treated corn (Palomero Re­ ventador Toluqueno).

the starch granules as a result of gelatinization. In the lime treatment process starch gelatinization occurs i n the presence of calcium ions i n alkaline medium at room temperature. Calcium Content of Starch Isolated from Lime-Treated Corn. Starch is the major component of the corn grain and derived products (see Table V I I ) . To explore i n more detail the distribution of calcium after the nixtamalization process, calcium was measured in starch isolated from untreated and lime-treated corn. These analyses (see Table V I I I ) indicated that calcium was fixed or bound i n some way to the starch. There was approximately 2.9 times more calcium i n starches isolated from lime-treated corns than i n starches isolated from untreated grains. Figure 7 shows micrographs of isolated starches. The Requirement of a Divalent Alkaline Earth Metal. L i m e treated corn produces a dough whose functional properties depend on the pasting characteristics of starch. The hydroxides of different alkaline earth metals were tested to determine whether they could replace calcium in the nixtamalization process. It was not possible to prepare tortillas with adequate sensory or mechanical properties from corn treated w i t h

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.




In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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Figure 6. SEMs of untreated and lime-treated corn (Palomero Reventa­ dor Toluqueno): A and B, untreated corn, 130X magnification; C and D, lime-treated corn, 4 h of steeping, 130X magnification Ε and F, limetreated corn, 8 h of steeping, Ε at 60X and F at 130X magnification. the monovalent alkaline cations sodium or potassium. Using magnesium hydroxide resulted i n a product similar to that obtained with calcium hydroxide. Analysis of the cation contents of such corn grains indicated that magnesium displaced calcium i n the alkali-treated grains, although the total cation content of magnesium hydroxide grains was less than that of lime-treated or calcium hydroxide-treated corn (see Table I X ) . Changes in the Protein Fractions of Corn Grains. Changes in the starch component determine the principal mechanical properties of dough

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.




Alkaline Treatment of Corn

Table VII. Average Composition of Dough Prepared from Lime-Treated Palomero Reventador Toluqueno Corn a

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% of Dough

Moisture Ether extract Crude fiber Protein (Ν X 6.25) Ash Nitrogen free extract Calcium (milligrams/killigram corn) Available lysine (grams/100 g protein) Total free sugars (as glucose)

9.0 5.0 2.0 10.2 2.2 70.6 640 2.9 2.6

Dry weight basis.


Table VIII. Calcium Content of Starch Isolated from Different Corns" Corn Type

Untreated Corn

Lime-Treated Corn

(mg Ca/kg dry weight starch) Palomero Reventador Toluqueno (hard endosperm)







Opaque-2 (soft endosperm) Cacahuacintle (soft endosperm) 1

Prepared with method from Ref. 10.

Figure 7. SEMs of starch isolated from untreated and lime-treated corn (Palomero Reventador Toluqueno): A, starch from untreated corn, 110X magnification; B, starch from lime-treated corn, 75 X magnification.

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



Table IX.

Calcium and Magnesium Content of Corn

Corn Treatment



Magnesium ( mg/kg)

Untreated L i m e treated M g (OH) treated C a (OH) treated

225 1000 200 1065


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935 1000 1510 800

° Chalco corn, normal endosperm. 1.3%, w/v. 6

from lime-treated corn. Changes in the protein component of lime-treated corn determine the principal nutritional benefits derived from the process. Protein fractions from untreated and lime-treated corns were determined by modifying the classic grain protein extraction procedure (see Table X ) . It is apparent that the nixtamalization process results i n a decrease of protein that is extractable as either albumins, globulins, zein, or glutelins. The decreases in the globulin and glutelin fractions were most notable. Correspondingly, protein that wasn't extractable i n one of these fractions —residue—increased notably i n the lime-treated corns. These results corroborate data indicating a decrease i n total grain protein, but an increased availability of lysine as a consequence of the lime treatment process (see Table X I ) (lysine values for the opaque corns are high and may indicate the presence of an interfering compound i n the opaque corns (12). There has been some concern about the effect of alkaline conditions on the formation of toxic amino acids i n corn, particularly lysinoalanine (13). However, since lysinoalanine was found in very small amounts i n foods prepared under more rigorous conditions than those applied tradi­ tionally, and since the lime treatment of corn has been a processing Table X.

The Distribution of Nitrogen in

Protein Fraction (mg


Corn Type




Untreated Opaque-2 Modified Normal

3.10 1.55 1.90

2.53 2.91 1.55

1.47 1.18 2.51

Lime Treated Opaque-2 Modified Normal

2.72 2.46 2.05

0.26 0.59 0.40

1.25 0.30 0.58

° Method from Ref. 11.

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.




Alkaline Treatment of Corn

Whole Endosperm Protein and Available Lysine in Untreated and Lime-Treated Corns

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Corn Type

Whole Endosperm (mg N/g)

Available Lysine (g/100 g protein)

Untreated Opaque-2 Modified Normal

14.24 16.48 17.60

6.50 2.60 1.40

Lime Treated Opaque-2 Modified Normal

13.60 15.52 15.68

9.01 3.25 4.50

° Method for available lysine from Ref. 12.

technique used for hundreds of years i n Mesoamerica, and since lysino­ alanine is specifically toxic to rats but not to other mammals, it is likely that the small amounts of lysinoalanine and lanthionine resulting from the traditional lime treatment process of corn have no important physiological consequences i n humans (14,15). Lime Treatment of Other Grains, Legumes, and Rootcrops. Be­ cause changes in the starch component determine the principal mechan­ ical properties of dough prepared from lime-treated corn, it seemed reasonable that knowledge derived from the study of lime-treated corn could be extended to other starch-containing foods, such as cereals, legumes, roots, and tubers. The potato can be taken as an example, and divalent cation incorporation (see Table X I I ) and S E M s (see Figure 8) indicate that similar changes occur i n this starchy food as occur i n corn as a result of the lime treatment process.

Endosperm Protein Fractions of Corn Flour Protein Fraction (mg







Whole Endosperm

0.14 0.64 1.76

5.26 3.39 4.29

12.51 9.68 12.02

1.73 6.80 5.58

14.24 16.48 17.60

0.00 0.32 1.60

4.82 1.13 1.12

9.06 4.91 5.86

4.54 10.61 9.82

13.60 15.52 15.68

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



Table X I I . Calcium and Magnesium Content of Potato Tubers Calcium Potato Treatment Untreated Lime treated" M g ( 0 H ) treated C a ( O H ) treated 2

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Magnesium (mg/kg)


250 1630 350 2550

500 490 1560 540

"1.3%, w/v. Tortillas prepared from mixtures of corn w i t h wheat, broadbean, rice, chickpea, and/or potato were studied. These mixes resulted i n tortillas of very similar mechanical and sensory properties as those pre­ pared from corn alone. However, the contents of protein and available lysine were i n many cases higher (see Table X I I I ) . Such mixtures provide an efficient way to improve the quantity and quality of protein i n tortillas.

Figure 8. SEMs of untreated and lime-treated potato tuber: A and B, untreated potato tuber, A at 30X and Β at 300X magnification; C and D, lime-treated potato tuber, C at 12 X and D at 55 X magnification.

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.




Alkaline Treatment of Corn

Table XIII. Protein and Available Lysine in Tortillas Prepared from Different Mixtures of Corn, Other Grains, and Potatoes"

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Mixture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Protein (%)

Available Lysine (%)

10.2 11.1 11.2 11.6 8.3 9.0 13.6 12.3 12.9 14.4 13.5

2.87 2.82 3.41 3.91 3.00 2.89 3.92 3.48 3.51 3.85 4.04

Corn (Palomero Reventador Toluqueno) Corn-wheat Corn-broadbean Corn—chickpea Corn-rice Corn-potato Corn—wheatr-broadbean Corn-wheat—chickpea Corn-wheatr-broadbean-potato Corn-wheat-chickpea-potato Corn-wheat>-broadbean-rice-potato

Lime treatment conditions and relative proportions of starchy foods not given, patent pending. a

The protein level achieved with these mixtures of starchy foods is com­ parable with that reported for corn and soybean mixtures (see Table XIV). A n additional advantage of the lime treatment of mixtures of starch-containing foods is the possibility of substituting more abundant for less abundant foods when necessary. Distinctive Features of the Nixtamalization Process: The Role of the Alkaline Environment The concentration of lime used i n the nixtamalization process is ten times in excess of the saturation point. After cooking and steeping, about 40% of the original calcium ion remains i n the lime water suspension. Of the 60% of calcium removed, about one-third is associated with the Table XIV. Protein Content of Tortillas Prepared from Corn and Mixtures of Other Grains and Potato" Mixture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Corn (Palomero Reventador Toluqueno) Corn-soybean (10%) Corn-soybean (15%) Corn-wheatr-broadbean Corn-wheatr-broadbean-rice-potato

Protein (%) 9.5 12.9* 14.4 13.6 13.5


° Lime treatment conditions and relative proportions of starchy foods not given, patent pending. Ref. 16. Ref. 17. b 0

In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO on February 19, 2015 | Publication Date: April 1, 1982 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1982-0198.ch009



discarded pericarp, and about two-thirds is bound to the washed corn grains. The lime, as the alkaline component i n the process, serves two distinct purposes: (1) it maintains the p H of the grain-lime water mixture at 12.4, which is the level of alkalinity necessary to hydrolyze the hemicelluloses of the pericarp (18); and (2) it provides a sufficiently alkaline medium to favor the changes occurring i n the grain endosperm. One change occurring as a result of lime treatment is a change i n protein conformation, giving rise to an increased availability of lysine i n the glutelin fraction ( 3 , 4 ) . This change bears important nutritional conse­ quences for those peoples dependent on corn as a staple food. Another change occurring i n the corn grain as a result of nixtamali­ zation is that undergone by the starch component, the chemical gelatini­ zation of starch. Some salts lower the temperature at which gelatinization is initiated and the rate at which it proceeds (19). I n particular, calcium salts increase the number of starch granules gelatinized as a function of time (20). The same observations have been made b y other authors (21, 22), and although the mechanism of this chemical gelatinization is not known, some speculations have been made. A t p H values of 11.0 and higher, the amylose molecule carries negative charges, indicating that the hydroxyl groups dissociate i n that p H range permitting interaction with calcium ions (23), Also the formation of an adduct between glucose, maltose, and amylose with calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide molecules by electrostatic interaction has been suggested (24). W e have observed that the same mechanical properties of doughs prepared from lime or calcium hydroxide-treated corn were achieved when corn was treated w i t h magnesium hydroxide. It seems reasonable to consider that the elaboration of products from nixtamalized corn is based mostly on the physical-chemical changes occurring i n the starch component of the corn grain. This is substantiated further b y the fact that other starchy foods can be lime treated to yield products similar to those obtained from corn. A further beneficial feature provided by the alkaline medium during the nixtamalization process is the destruction of aflatoxins i n corn con­ taminated by Aspergillus flavus (25). Acknowledgment W e gratefully acknowledge the collaboration of D r . Richard Falk, from the Botany Department at the University of California, Davis, i n preparing the S E M s . Literature Cited 1. MacNeish, R. In "The Prehistory of the Tehuacan Valley"; Byers, D., Ed.; Univ. of Texas Press: Austin, Texas, 1967; Vol. 1, pp. 3, 114, 290. In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO on February 19, 2015 | Publication Date: April 1, 1982 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1982-0198.ch009



Alkaline Treatment of Corn


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In Modification of Proteins; Feeney, R., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.