Modification of Solid Electrodes in Electroanalytical ... - ACS Publications

be shuttled from one site to the next through multilayered poly- meric films, and ... porting each other on a phone-call basis among practitioners in ...
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Chapter 22

Modification of Solid Electrodes in Electroanalytical Chemistry, 1978-1988 Brenda R. Shaw

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on April 4, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch022

Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, C T 06268 In 1978 the intentional formation of films of electroactive polymers on electrode surfaces marked the beginning of a new era in electroanalytical chemistry. The theory created to describe and explain their behavior has led to further advances in the design of surface layers, and in turn, to additional theoretical models. Early work was primarily with polymer films. Later work involved use of solid-state materials and more sophisticated microscopic assemblies. The everexpanding role of ultramicroelectrodes in studies of modified electrodes is also discussed. Modification of electrodes with monolayers and biological macromolecules is discussed briefly in the context of multilayered films, but their individual histories are not included. The focus of this ten-year, conceptual history is on the development of multilayered electrode coatings and related microstructures; 135 references are included. Electroanalytical chemistry entered a new era in 1978 with the publication of the first paper on polymer-modified electrodes by Miller and Van De Mark (1). In the decade that followed, a foundation was provided for the creation of devices in which electron transfer will be controlled on a molecular level; and selectivity and sensitivity will rival that of redox enzymes in vivo. Electroanalytical chemists have begun to think differently. Measurement of micromoles and microcoulombs using classical microelectrodes has been replaced by thoughts of detecting tens of molecules, ions, and electrons with "organized molecular assemblies" at the surfaces of ultramicroelectrodes. This transformation occurred because electrons were shown to be shuttled from one site to the next through multilayered polymeric films, and finally to species in solution, some distance from the surface of the electrode. This mechanism is similar to that for a redox enzyme linked to an electron transport chain. Substrate species can also enter the polymeric phase and exchange

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Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on April 4, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch022

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Modification of Solid Electrodes


electrons with species within the film. These new possibilities led to design of new methods and applications, and improved the understanding of electron transfer processes. Theory developed to describe these processes mathematically opened electroanalytical minds and laboratories to prospects of intricate control of interfacial electron transfer on a molecular level. Electroanalytical chemistry had expanded its realm once again. Concurrent advances in the use and understanding of ultramicroelectrodes (vide infra) led to studies of electron transfer in unusual phases: gases (2), solids (3), and electrolyte-free solutions (4). The eventual exploitation of knowledge gained in electrode modification and ultramicroelectrodes will lead to creation of near-molecularly-sized electrodes with chemical properties built in to control electron transfer to a degree that was previously unimaginable. Electroanalytical advances have always been coupled with advances in physical electrochemistry (5). Theoretical constructs were expanded immediately upon introduction of polymermodified electrodes, and new theoretical descriptions provided a framework for expanding the concept of a modified electrode. The cycle continues with theoretical and experimental efforts supporting each other on a phone-call basis among practitioners in the field. The factual history of modified electrodes is readily available in reviews (6-15) and a myriad of original research papers. The purpose of the present paper is to tell the story of "what has happened in the life and development of [electroanalytical chemists]...," over the ten-year period 1978-1988, and to show that the metamorphosis of thought among electroanalytical chemists will prove to be "something important enough to be recorded" (quotations are from Webster's definition of HISTORY, Guralnik, D. B., Ed., Webster's New World Dictionary, The World Publishing Co.: New York, 1970; pp. 665-6). Although some attempt was made to select examples from a number of the research groups who have made the most extensive and significant contributions in the field, this is not a comprehensive review of the subject area, or of its contributors. A conceptual history of the body of knowledge about modified electrodes developed by electroanalytical chemists in the past decade is presented using illustrative examples. From Dirty Electrodes to Covalent Attachment Before examining the detailed development of the field of modified electrodes in the past decade, it is useful to consider the general foundations of this work in earlier decades. Before the 1970's clean, inert surfaces were considered ideal; chemical reactivity was undesirable, as indicated by the appellation "ideally polarizable electrode" for the theoretical electrode surface, which did nothing but transfer electrons by an outersphere-like mechanism through the pristine and well-behaved double layer.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Adsorption and polymerization ("electrode fouling") were known to occur and known to influence electron transfer, but were generally to be avoided. Strategies for eliminating polarographic maxima proliferated, based first on black magic, and later on an increased understanding of adsorption phenomena. Adsorption and electropolymerization ("fouling") often interfered severely with analysis or mechanistic studies (and they still do). However, the ingenuity of analytical chemists is at its best in the face of such disasters. Each of these processes is now exploited extensively in the study of modified electrodes. Theory developed to describe adsorption of monolayers formed the basis for new theories required to describe electron transfer at intentionally modified electrodes (16,17). After making use of the intrinsic nature of the electrode surface, the next step was to try to outdo nature by purposely adsorbing, and finally covalently attaching species to the surfaces of electrodes to effect the desired electrode kinetics or analysis. Adsorption of olefins (18) and silanization (19) were early examples of this work. Optically active phenylalanine was also covalently bonded to carbon electrodes and used to reduce 4-acetylpyridine to the corresponding, and optically active, alcohol (20). Matsue, Fujihira, and Osa used cyclodextrins as surface-attached inclusion compounds to obtain stereoselectivity in organic electrosynthesis (21,22). A bis(bipyridyl)LL' ruthenium(II) complex bound via an amide linkage to a pendent alkylamine group on a silanized platinum electrode was reversibly oxidized and reduced during cyclic voltammetry (23). Silanization of electrode surfaces in the presence of water led to covalently attached films that were polymeric (24). Work with clean surfaces and surfaces coated with submonolayer or monolayer amounts of species adsorbed or covalently attached, either intentionally or unintentionally, is not only indispensable to workers in the area of modified electrodes, but is an ongoing and vital research area in itself. However, the present paper will focus only on multilayer modification of electrode surfaces, and new modification techniques that are based on understanding gained from use of multilayered films. Polymer-Modified Electrodes The field of polymer-modified electrodes was established with the publication of five papers in 1978 (1,25-8). These were by Van De Mark and Miller (1,25), Merz and Bard (26), Doblhofer, Noelte, and Ulstrup (27), and Nowak, Schultz, Umana, Abruña, and Murray (28). These workers reported the intentional adsorption of electroactive polymers to the surfaces of solid electrodes. For example, a film of poly(vinylferrocene) on the surface of a solid electrode exhibited chemically reversible electro-oxidation that was consistent with a surface coverage of at least 20 monolayers (26). In this and contemporaneous reports, electron transfer was shown to occur among sites in a rather complex and thick film on the surface of an electrode. New theory had to be developed to explain these electron transfer events. Experiments and theoretical studies were carried out to address questions generated by

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on April 4, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch022

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Modification of Solid Electrodes

the performance of the new electrode coatings: 1. What effect does polymer morphology have on electron transfer? How is the morphology of the film affected by choice of solvent? 2. What is the mechanism of charge transfer through the film? What factors control the rate of charge transfer? How is charge compensated within the polymeric film? 3. How can parameters be selected to optimize performance of the system for a given application, such as electroanalysis or electrocatalysis? 4. How will polymer morphology and proximity of electroactive sites affect the energetics of electron transfer? Intense activity aimed at answering these questions led to publication of hundreds of papers, which collectively demonstrated the tremendous prospects for such multilayered films in controlling electron transfer. This work continues steadily today. Polymers offer the full range of familiar reactions useful to analytical chemists: separation (i.e. partitioning between solution and polymeric phases), derivatization, ion-exchange, acid-base, coordination, precipitation, and redox. The redox reactions may involve simple electron transfer, which is useful in characterizing the films themselves; they may also be used to mediate or catalyze electron transfer reactions. A tremendous and impressive variety of polymers has been examined. In some polymers, such as poly(vinylferrocene), the monomeric units are intrinsically electroactive. In other polymers, monomeric units may serve as ligands for metal ions. Oyama and Anson (29,30) showed that Ru(III) (EDTA) was bound via coordination to poly(vinylpyridine). Anson and co-workers also showed that electroactive ions could be bound to oppositely-charged polymers, as in the case of ferricyanide and protonated poly(vinylpyridine) (31), or hexammineruthemium (III) by poly(vinylsulfate) (32). Useful reviews of work done at The University of North Carolina present the evolution from covalent attachment of pyridine and bipyridine ligands to surfaces of electrodes, through physical adsorption, of poly(vinylpyridine) and related polymers, to electropolymerization of metal complexes containing vinylpyridine and vinylbipyridine ligands (33,34). The Influence of Polymer Morphology on Electron Transfer. Polymer morphology and proximity of electroactive species have a strong influence on charge transfer within polymeric films. Electroactive sites may be segregated into hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains as in Nafion (the trade name for DuPont's poly(perfluorosulfonic acid) cation exchange resin), for example. The local environment provided by the various regions of the polymeric film has a strong influence on the formal potential of redox species found within it (35). Changing the oxidation state of sites within the polymer will also change morphology, which causes dynamic changes in the polymer during oxidation or reduction processes. Charging of a neutral polymer such as poly(vinylferrocene) via partial oxidation may lead to structural changes or changes in redox potential for the remaining

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




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unoxidized electroactive species (36). These effects can lead to complex electrochemical behavior for films that are relatively simple in their primary structure and composition. The morphology of polymer films is determined partially by the surrounding solution. Several groups have studied the role of both solvent and supporting electrolyte in controlling charge transport through films (35-40). Charge transport is more facile through films that interact favorably with solvent to become swollen and porous. Nonswelling solvents lead to collapse of the film to form a resistive layer that impedes penetration of electrons, electrolyte ions, or substrates. Though highly swollen films are ideal for electron transfer, they can dissolve when composed of linear polymers. Crosslinking. Crosslinked polymer films allow swelling without dissolution. Since films of polymers are often prepared by casting linear polymers from solution, crosslinks are usually introduced after film formation. Incorporation of highly charged ions, such as ferricyanide automatically leads to crosslinking of cationic polymers such as protonated poly(vinylpyridine) (PVPH+) since the anion binds to multiple ion-exchange sites. Other strategies include deposition of a suspension of crosslinked polymer (41), radiofrequency plasma polymerization (42), gamma (43) or ultra-violet (Funt, L.R.; Hoang, P.M., 161 st Electrochemical Society Meeting, Abstract 599, May 9-14, 1982.) irradiation, chemical (44) or electrochemical reaction (45), or electro-co-polymerization of bifunctional monomers (46). Slabs of crosslinked polyacrylamide gels containing copolymerized vinylpyridine have been prepared, sliced with a microtome and applied intact to the surface of an electrode (£7). Crosslinking is now routinely considered when semi-rigid structure or longevity of a film is important. Electroanalysis and Electrocatalysis. Polymer-film electrodes can revolutionize electroanalytical techniques because of their ability to provide a matrix for selective pre-concentration of analytes, and to immobilize high concentrations of electrocatalysts. Many reports have appeared to demonstrate such effects. For example, Guadalupe and Abruña reported preparation of copolymers of vinylferrocene with vinylpyridine or vinylbipyridine (48). The ferrocene groups facilitated electron transfer that led to precipitation of the polymer at the surface of the electrode. The bipyridyl groups could be used as coordination sites, while pyridyl sites could be protonated to incorporate specific negatively charged chelating ligands. These films were used to analyze for iron and copper complexes in solution. In practice, relatively few analytical techniques make use of polymer-modified electrodes because of the mechanical instability of the films, and difficulty in regenerating the films either conveniently or reproducibly. Disposable modified electrodes provide one way around this problem. Also, the considerable knowledge gained so far with films is applicable to the renewable modified carbon paste and composite electrodes described in a later section.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

22. SHAW

Modification of Solid Electrodes


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Prospects for efficient electrocatalysis are the strongest driving force behind the development of modified electrodes. Ascorbic acid is often used to test new catalytic systems because of its overpotential, amenability to electrocatalysis, and biological importance. Plasma polymerized poly(vinylferrocene) (49) and pentachloroiridate bound to protonated plasma polymerized poly(vinylpyridine) (50) were each shown to serve as electrocatalysts for oxidation of ascorbic acid. Several other examples of electrocatalysis are described in later sections, but these are only a small sample of work going on in this field. Theory. Since electrocatalysis is one of the major uses for modified electrodes, theoretical work has centered around optimization of electrocatalytic processes. When electron transfer between catalyst and substrate is slow, it is useful to increase the concentration of catalytic sites at the surface of the electrode. When this is done via adsorption of a catalyst-containing polymer, the thickness and permeability toward substrate and electrolyte of the polymeric film will help determine the efficiency of electrocatalysis (51,52). The theory of electron transport through polymer films at the surfaces of electrodes has blossomed under the guidance and development of Savéant and his group, and many others (51-60). Savéant's major contribution was to provide a general, mathematical description of charge transfer during electrocatalytic oxidation or reduction of a substrate in solution. The rate of electron transfer to a substrate in solution may be limited by any one, or combinations, of the following processes. 1. Heterogeneous electron transfer to or from electrode. 2. Electron self-exchange among catalyst sites within the polymer film, or physical diffusion of catalyst. 3. Crossing of the solution/polymer interface by substrate. 4. Permeation of substrate through the polymer film. 5. Cross-exchange reaction in which catalyst transfers electrons to or from the substrate within the polymer film, or at the polymer/solution interface. The first step is generally fast because of the potential selected to achieve electrocatalysis under steady-state conditions. Any of the remaining steps may be rate limiting. Optimization of the electrocatalytic process relies upon determining the rate-limiting process(es), and varying the composition, morphology and thickness of the film to enhance electron transfer, with the aid of the mathematical description. Buttry and Anson showed that this theory could be applied qualitatively to redesign an inefficient electrocatalytic system (61). Although cobalt porphyrins adsorbed to the surface of an electrode serve as electrocatalysts for reduction of oxygen, the reduction process could not be sustained when the porphyrin was incorporated into a Nafion film. The rate was slow due to poor electron self-exchange within the film. This rate was increased dramatically by adding hexammineruthenium(II) to the film to serve as the electron shuttle, thereby increasing the [mediated] "self" exchange rate.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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How do electrons traverse the polymeric layer at the surface of the electrode? Electrons may "hop" (41) or move by "redox conduction" (62-4), or electroactive species that carry the electrons from site to site may deliver them from one region of the film to another by physical diffusion. Daums-Ruff theory was shown to apply to polymer films in 1981 and 1982 (61,65,66). This theory accounts for contributions to electron transfer by both diffusional and exchange mechanisms. Nafion, a polymer known to form hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains (67), was shown by Buttry and Anson to transport electrons partially by "single-file" diffusion of electroactive species as they competed for ion-exchange sites within the polymeric film (68). The heterogeneity of Nafion domains is important in applications such as the electrocatalytic system described above, and represents one of the earliest moves toward architectural design of microstructures at the surfaces of electrodes (vide infra). Control over electron transfer may also be obtained by clever selection of electroactive species. Facci and Murray incorporated both hexachloroiridate(III/IV) and hexacyanoferrate(II/III) into copolymeric films containing protonated pyridyl groups (66). The formal potential for the iridium couple is more positive than that for the iron couple. Therefore, Ir(IV) can mediate oxidation of Fe(II), and Fe(II) can mediate reduction of Ir(IV). Facci and Murray observed that the cross-exchange contribution to electron transfer [eg. Ir(IV) + Fe(II) Ir(III) + Fe(III)] could be turned on and off by controlling the redox state of the iridium. Without the cross-exchange reaction, diffusional electron transport was the only mechanism available, and the rate of electron transfer was much slower. However electrons move, there must be concomitant motion of electrolyte ions, and there is often polymer, catalyst, or substrate motion as well (^£). Therefore, effective diffusion coefficients obtained using common transient techniques may not reflect the steady-state phenomena described by the model of Saveant and co-workers. Attempts to separate the roles of electron exchange from other processes have been successful. Majda and Faulkner used luminescence quenching to measure rates of electron transfer independently of the motion of electrolyte ions (70). More recently, steady-state electrochemical methods have been used. Pickup, Kutner, Leidner, and Murray used sandwich electrodes (71). Chen, He, and Faulkner presented a similar method for obtaining effective diffusion coefficients for polymer-bound species, by experiments designed to examine lateral diffusion from a disk to a concentric ring electrode (44). Their data show that diffusion coefficients are two orders of magnitude larger than those predicted by chronocoulometric experiments. The new steady-state methods reported above are good news since theoretical descriptions all depend upon accurate values for effective diffusion coefficients under steady-state conditions. Films containing pyridyl groups have been used to test the theoretical constructs. Van Koppenhagen and Majda (47), and

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Modification of Solid Electrodes


Chen, He, and Faulkner (44) used crosslinked copolymers of vinylpyridine. In the former case, pyridine was protonated to provide a crosslinked, anion-exchanging matrix for incorporation of ferricyanide, which served as an electrocatalyst for oxidation of ascorbic acid; in the latter case, the pyridine groups were used as sites for crosslinking via reaction with 1,2-dibromoethane. The copoymerized styrene sulfonate provided sites for binding of tris(2,2'-bipyridine)osmium (III/II). Both groups varied several parameters to test the Saveant theory (44,47,72). Both showed that with some assumptions, the theory described the systems very well.

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Designer Surfaces Experimental confirmation of the theory of electron transfer with polymer films, and the ramifications of this new knowledge demonstrate that there is a tremendous opportunity to control interfacial electron transfer via surface and thin-film chemistry. The ideal, polarizable electrode, once an icon for electroanalytical chemists, now serves as a hypothetical support for molecularscale "organized assemblies" that carry out the business of controlled electron transfer. Examples of early prototype assemblies are given below. Miller and Majda examined lateral electron transport among electroactive species by an approach different from that reported above (73,74). They prepared an insulating support for immobilization of electroactive species that consisted of a film of alumina with cylindrical pores leading to the surface of the electrode. Here electroactive species associated with thin films of PVPH+ or self-assembled bilayers along the inner walls of the cylindrical alumina surface showed electroactivity that resembled thin-layer behavior. The diameter of the cylindrical pores through the alumina was large enough (in the range of 200-1500 angstroms) to allow ready access of electrolyte ions to the modification layer. Leddy and Vanderborgh showed that deposition of Nafion into the cylindrical pores of Nucleopore polycarbonate membranes enhanced mass transport of electroactive cations to the surface of the electrode by an order of magnitude (75). It appears that morphological changes on the 0.01-0.1 micron scale can lead to chemical effects on the atomic/molecular/ionic level for this and other systems. It will take some time to understand the factors controlling such features of a microstructure. Interfacial chemical and physical interactions control such phenomena, and are some of the most difficult to examine experimentally. Returning to the concept of lateral electron transport, the Majda group also observed electron transfer at the air-water interface when a line electrode was placed in contact with an electroactive Langmuir-Blodgett film at the surface of a trough (76). Although this system does not constitute a modified electrode, it demonstrates that charge transport can be fed from an electrode across an extended, highly structured interfacial zone, some distance from the electronically conductive electrode.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Current and potential control over such processes are still maintained, via the redox states of electroactive species in the twodimensional phase in electrochemical contact with the electrode, despite the considerable distance that is traversed by the electron. Diffusion control of the charge transfer event was also observed. This move from the modification of electrodes to the modification of nonconducting surfaces in contact with electrodes is also seen in systems in which electrodes are modified using nonconductive particles. For example, Zak and Kuwana showed that the basic surface of alpha-alumina imbedded in glassy carbon electrodes caused catalysis of the electrooxidation of catechol and other organic species requiring loss of a proton for their oxidation (77). Similar results were obtained by Shaw and Creasy (78) using alumina or layered-double hydroxides in composite electrodes (vide infra). Results described above show that it is possible to control or monitor electron transfer that occurs among electroactive sites on non-electronically conductive surfaces. This knowledge may be exploited in the future design of microstructures, as well as in understanding electron transfer at surfaces, such as biological membranes. This focus on lateral electron transfer along interfaces came directly from a drive to understand electron transfer within polymeric coatings on electrodes. The nuance is in the geometric dimensionality of electron transfer, and its spacial/direction separation from the electrolyte ion motion required to compensate charge. This separation of the direction of electron transfer from that of ion motion leads to freer mobility of solution species to electroactive sites, while maintaining electrochemical control over redox states. Studies carried out using porous aluminum oxide films and Langmuir-Blodgett films show that lateral charge transport perpendicular to the electrode and along a surface with adsorbed electroactive species is indeed possible, and will likely be shown to have mechanistic features in common with electrocatalysis at electrodes modified with nonconducting solids. These concepts also apply to charge propagation at the surface of modified carbon paste and modified composite electrodes described below. The Concept of Molecular Design Sometime in the past decade, probably around 1982-1984, the collective imagination of electroanalytical chemists absorbed the connections among such diverse areas as solid-state chemistry, fabrication of solid-state devices, semiconductors, polymer morphology, surface and interfacial chemistry, membrane chemistry and technology, biochemistry, and catalytic mechanisms. Before the advent of electrodes modified with multilayers of polymers, these areas of endeavor were each distinct within the electroanalytical mind. Once charge transport could be observed in such a simultaneously simple and complex system as a redox polymer film, the relevance of charge transfer in biological systems, and at the surfaces of solids and membranes, became apparent. A 1984

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on April 4, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch022

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Modification of Solid Electrodes


report by Faulkner in Chemical and Engineering News reviews the field of "Chemical Microstructures on Electrodes" (79). The work accomplished to date on electrochemistry at electrodes modified with sophisticated assemblies is just the first evidence that dreams will come true. The next two decades will yield exciting progress as electroanalytical chemists learn to exploit chemical, biological, and geological systems for our own purposes. Any material that can point an electron in a particular direction, or stop one from following a particular undesirable path may be put to work in devices designed for selective and sensitive analysis, and electronic, synthetic, and energy systems. The remainder of this discussion will focus on the applica­ tion of new concepts of electron transfer to new electrode modi­ fication methods. These include use of conductive polymers, solid inclusion compounds and other nonconducting solids, biolo­ gical macromolecules, and composite materials. Theoretical descriptions do not exist yet for the majority of these systems. A sidetrip into the area of ultramicroelectrodes is necessary to appreciate the possibilities for exploiting modified electrodes. Ultramicroelectrodes The development of modified electrodes is now intimately linked with practical and theoretical progress in the use of ultrami­ croelectrodes, electrodes with dimensions in the μm range. A good introduction to the subject of ultramicroelectrodes is available (80), and several new papers in this field appear each month. There are practical advantages of these electrodes because of physical factors associated with the smaller size. The intro­ duction of ultramicroelectrodes allows achievement of steadystate currents in unstirred solution because of enhanced mass transport to a small electrode. This leads to improved signalto-noise ratios and better precision for analytical applications. The small surface area requires a smaller absolute number of ions for establishment of the double layer at a given potential, and the iR drop due to uncompensated resistance is diminished consid­ erably by reducing the size of the electrode. These latter effects allow use of ultramicroelectrodes in unusual environments with low conductivity as cited above. It is therefore possible to make sensors using modified ultramicroelectrodes for monitor­ ing gases and other low-conductivity media that would not be ame­ nable to analysis using larger electrodes. In addition, the trend toward miniaturization of sensors for in vivo and other applications is enhanced by advances in the use of ultramicroelectrodes. The prospects for combining the physical advantages of ultramicroelectrodes with the chemical advantages of modified electrodes are very exciting for the future of elec­ troanalytical chemistry. Modification of ultramicroelectrodes with polymers has already begun (81), and will be discussed in a later section.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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Nonconducting Solids Since the desirable properties of polymer-modified electrodes are often offset by their morphological instability, and structural uncertainty, solid inclusion compounds are being examined by several groups. These clay, zeolite, Prussian blue, layered double hydroxide, and related films offer structural rigidity and longevity when exposed to solution. In addition, rigorous selection of analytes may be obtained based on crystallographic dimensions of each of these solids, except unpillared clays. Initially, electrochemists hoped for electron transfer among species ionically bound within pores and interlayers of these inclusion compounds. This would allow shape- and size-selective electrocatalysis. No direct evidence is available in the literature to date to show net charge transfer among electroactive sites within nonconductive inclusion compounds, except in the case of Prussian blue and its analogues, where the crystalline framework itself is electroactive (82). Rudzinski and Bard (83), and King, Nocera, and Pinnavaia (84) showed that electron transfer at montmorillonite clay-modified electrodes occurs primarily among species found at the surfaces of the clay particles, not within the interlayer regions. Although theoretical studies are absent, it can be postulated that the confinement of the interlayer region hinders mobility of electrolyte ions to the extent that electron transfer is too slow to be observed on the timescale of usual electroanaytical experiments. Instead, the role of the clay appears to be to provide an ion-exchanging surface capable of storing high concentrations of electroactive species, such as catalysts or substrates (85,86). There is still the possibility of finding clay systems that do allow electron transfer from site to site within the interlayers. A preliminary report by Inoue and Yoneyama describes the electropolymerization of aniline that was previously intercalated into montmorillonite (87). The mechanism of the reaction and exact nature of the product will confirm whether or not electron transfer is facile within the clay interlayer in this case. The surface properties of other solids also have potential applications. For example, electro-oxidation of catechol was catalyzed on a layered double hydroxide, Znx2+Aly3+(OH-)2x+3y-z (Cl-) z which has a basic surface (78). Similar behavior was observed on alumina-modified glassy carbon as described above (77). Voltammetric data suggest that catechol and related hydroxy compounds adsorb to the surface of these basic solids. Charge transfer may occur across the surface of the solid among adsorbed electroactive sites. If heterogeneous electrocatalysis at the surfaces of nonconducting solids turns out to be general, the possibilities in electroanalytical and electrosynthetic applications are endless. Zeolites offer a somewhat different matrix than layered clays and layered double hydroxides; the pores are three-dimensional and the framework is rigid upon ion-exchange. (However, pillared clays (83) resemble zeolites more closely than do

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Modification of Solid Electrodes


ordinary clays.) In 1978 pressed pellets of zeolite NaA were examined electrochemically at elevated temperature (320°C) where they are solid ionic conductors. No electroactive species was added and no solvent was used; the intrinsic irreversible electroactivity was of interest (88). In 1980 a cesium-selective potentiometric electrode was prepared using the zeolite mordenite (89). Zeolites also have been employed as host materials to provide chemical stability for electroactive species used in solidstate electrochemical cells (90). The first report of a zeolitemodified electrode per se used for dynamic techniques appeared in 1983 by Pereira-Ramos, Messina, and Perichon (91). This work was undertaken to examine the prospects of using electrolytic methods for supporting finely divided metal particles on zeolites. A year later electroanalytical and electrochemical aspects of zeolite-modified electrodes were discussed by Murray, Nowak, and Rolison (92). Use of zeolites shows considerable promise for future electrocatalytic applications, and possibly for selected analytical methods. Recent work has focused on mechanistic and electrocatalytic possibilities, as well as analytical aspects (93-6). Although there is no direct evidence so far of electron transfer deep within zeolite channels, such evidence will probably be forthcoming by careful design of the system. As with clays, a major factor is charge compensation upon electron transfer within the solid state structure. In cases where electroactive species may diffuse freely into and out of the zeolite during electrochemical experiments, it is difficult to demonstrate charge transfer within the cavities of the zeolite. However, Li and Mallouk (95), and Persaud, et al. (97) have demonstrated trapping of charge by zeolite-bound species generated via electrochemical and photochemical processes, respectively. These results are very promising, and demonstrate the great prospects for use of zeolites as templates for developing highly sophisticated structures for control of electron transfer. A serious difficulty in developing theoretical models for electroactivity at films like those described above, is the heterogeneity and random distribution of particle sizes. In addition, the means of holding solid particles to the surface of an electrode can interfere with charge transport in a way that is difficult to describe mathematically. Films of colloidal clay particles can be cast to form smooth, rather robust films, but non-lamellar solids and larger particles are not as easily held at the surface of an electrode. Improvements in this area are discussed below. Empirical techniques, eg. simplex optimization, may be used to optimize the performance of modified electrodes for which no theoretical model is yet available (96). Improvements in microstructural design of electrodes modified with solids will make it possible to obtain mathematical descriptions similar to those that have been so successful in the case of polymer-modified electrodes as described above.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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Composite Electrodes Conductive plastics were prepared at least as early as the 1950's by incorporating electronically conductive materials such as conductive carbon black or metallic particles into a polymeric matrix. There is a precipitous drop in resistivity in these composite materials upon reaching a critical concentration of the electronically conductive particles (98). An unmodified composite surface may be treated mathematically as a partially blocked electrode, or as a random array of ultramicroelectrodes (99-105). These electrodes demonstrate the high signal-to-noise ratio expected for ultramicroelectrodes, yet give a larger absolute signal because of the large number of electrode sites. Several groups have reported work with polymer films that resemble composite materials in that conductive particles are dispersed within the film. These include TTF-TCNQ (106), carbon (107), and metallic particles (108-12). In 1980 Doblhofer and Durr reported "polymer-metal composite thin films on electrodes" (108). Wrighton's group deposited platinum particles into viologen-containing films for electrocatalytic generation of hydrogen (109). Liu and Anson used hexammineruthenium(II/III) as a mediator to poise the potential of colloidal platinum particles dispersed within a Nafion film (110). Kuwana's group has also been active in dispersing metallic particles within polymeric films (111). For example, poly(vinylpyridine) films prepared by three different methods were exposed to acidic solutions of potassium hexachloroplatinate. The hexachloroplatinate was exchanged into the protonated PVP film where it was reduced electrochemically. Coche and Moutet used precious metal microparticles dispersed in a viologen-containing polymer on high-surface area carbon felt for electrochemical hydrogenation of nitrobenzene and olefinic and acetylenic compounds on the mmol scale (112). Mixtures of conductive particles with an electrode modifier have also been carried out using carbon paste electrodes. A recent example is the incorporation of PVP, which was protonated and exposed to ferrocyanide (113). The PVP-modified carbon paste electrode behaved similarly to a surface-modified electrode. The advantage of such a system is that the surface could be renewed simply by exposing a fresh layer of modified carbon paste by mechanically removing the surface layer. A recent advance that combines some of the attributes of surface-modified electrodes, modified carbon paste electrodes, and arrays of ultramicroelectrodes is the use of modified composite electrodes. Composite electrodes can be prepared from monomers of electroanalytical interest, including vinylferrocene (114) and vinylpyridine (Park and Shaw, submitted). For example, vinylpyridine was copolymerized with styrene and divinylbenzene (DVB) in the presence of carbon black to give a chemically modified, shiny, black plastic electrode material. Such electrodes may be polished to renew the surface, and give reproducibilities in the range of 1-2$. Their properties depend upon the loading of vinylpyridine and on the degree of crosslinking, but their behavior is largely similar to that of other types of electrodes modified with PVP.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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22. SHAW

Modification of Solid Electrodes

More recently bundles of carbon fibers have been immobilized in copolymers of vinylferrocene or vinylpyridine with crosslinked polystyrene. Alternatively, the fibers were coated by electroco-polymerization of vinylferrocene and divinylbenzene before immobilization in crosslinked polystyrene. These electrodes are also polishable and present an array of polymer-modified ultramicro disk electrodes to the solution (Creasy and Shaw, submitted). Particles may also be incorporated into composite-type electrodes. Zeolites have been incorporated into carbon paste (91,94) and TTF-TCNQ has been incorporated into polymer paste (115). Solid crosslinked-polystyrene-composite electrodes modified with alumina, layered double hydroxides, and zeolites were shown to have useful analytical and electrocatalytic properties (78). Although the surfaces of such composite electrodes are very complicated, it should be possible to describe these systems mathematically by adding partitioning, diffusional, and migrational terms to existing models used for unmodified composite electrodes discussed above. The major advantages over other systems utilizing solid particles are the improved reproducibility, longevity, and increased control over morphology of the particlemodified surface. Because modified composite electrodes are rigid and polishable they will be generally useful as "surface" modified electrodes in practical macroscopic sensors and detectors. Wang and co-workers showed the high selectivity and sensitivity of positively-charged PVP-coated electrodes via a charge-exclusion mechanism (116). The electrodes were used in detectors for high pressure liquid chromatography and flow injection analysis. The major drawback of coated electrodes is that the films often will not stand up to flowing solvent, due to partial solubility. Strategies to remedy this problem are available by changing the chemistry of the polymer itself. However, use of composite electrodes employing analogous chemical characteristics provides a prospective generic solution to the problem, which should allow more rapid development of a variety of sensors and detectors. For example, the crosslinked PVP composite electrode described above has the same electrochemical properties as a coated electrode, but is polishable, and not susceptible to dissolution in flowing streams, even in the presence of organic solvents. This new class of electrodes and their miniaturized descendants (Shaw, Wang, and Creasy, work in progress) will serve well in electrochemical detectors and sensors of the future. Although films of polymers played a pivotal role in the advancement of concepts in electroanalysis that dominate the field today, the often-fragile, resistant, and nonrenewable films are not likely to revolutionize practical analytical methods. Instead, variations on the theme that make use of new understanding of electron transfer itself will take over. The monotypic mercury electrode of electroanalysis past will be joined by a bazaar of compact sensors and detectors used solo or in combination with separation methods.

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




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Conductive Polymers and Nonmetal Conductors The examples of composite electrodes and composite films above represent an extension of the electrode itself into the chemically modified interphase with the solution. Another means of extending the dimensions of the electrode is by using films of conductive polymers (117), such as electropolymerized poly(pyrrole) (118), in electrode modification, or by simply replacing the electrode with a conducting polymer or semiconductor. This allows expansion of the intrinsic surface chemistry that is available from electrode materials. Much of the work done with conductive polymers follows the same trends as that with non-conductive polymers, so will not be described here. There will be important roles for conductive polymers as sophisticated microstructures are designed. One example of early work in this area is the use of poly(pyrrole) as a support for montmorillonite at the surface of electrodes, and in free-standing films (119). Also Kittlesen, White and Wrighton reported in 1984 that electropolymerized poly(pyrrole) and poly(N-methylpyrrole) could be prepared at electrodes with widths of only 1.4 microns (120). These electrodes were part of an ultramicroelectrode array used to demonstrate the possibility of combining surface chemistry with microelectronics technology to prepare microsensors. Since the conductivity of poly(pyrrole) (and many other conductive polymers) depends on redox state, the authors suggest that miniaturized redox sensors may be prepared from systems such as theirs. Biological Macromolecules The modification of electrodes with enzymes and other biological macromolecules was well underway before 1978, and a detailed history of this field is beyond the scope of the present paper. A brief discussion of biological systems is given, however, to place them in context with other modification layers. A recent review by Frew and Hill (121) discusses past and future strategies for design of electrochemical biosensors. Topics discussed were enzyme electrodes, electron transfer mediators, conducting salts, electrochemical immunoassay, enzyme labels, and cell-based biosensors. In general, the bioactive molecule or cell is immobilized in proximity to an electrochemical transducer and exposed to the analyte solution for real-time analysis. The specialization that is built into molecular microstructures in biological systems will be exploited more fully in the coming decade. Present systems make use of enzymes (122) and antibodies, or combinations of these in immunosorbant electrochemical assays (123). Recently, several species of algae were examined by Gardea-Torresdey, Darnall, and Wang for their ability to bind Cu(II) ion from solution (124). The algae were first mixed with carbon paste and used in a preconcentration step. These alga-modified electrodes were selective for copper in the presence of other metal ions and allowed detection of Cu(II) in the micromolar range with a reproducibility of 5% (r.s.d.).

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

22. SHAW

Modification of Solid Electrodes


Work with algae described above shows that the most simple to the most complex (antibody/antigen with enzymic amplification) biological systems provide ready-made microstructures and molecular systems for coupling to electrodes for highly sensitive and selective electroanalytical methods. Coupling of modified-electrode and microelectrode techniques is already leading to modified microelectrode sensors such as the pH microelectrode reported by Oyama et al. (125).

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Modified Microelectrode Arrays or Electrochemical "Devices" Murray and his group showed in 1984 that bilayer polymeric films and films sandwiched between two electrodes may be used as diodes or triodes via "redox conduction" that is potential dependent (126,127). Since then, Wrighton's group has carried this concept into the microscopic realm. As discussed above, microelectronic technology was used to prepare arrays of ultramicroelectrodes. These were modified using electrochemical techniques such as electropolymerization or electrodeposition (120,128,129). A device prepared by depositing poly(vinylpyridine) over an array of ultramicroelectrodes was sensitive to pH in a solution containing ferri- and ferro-cyanide (128). Protonation of the PVP led to binding of the redox couple. This in turn yielded redox conduction between source and drain terminals of the device held at a potential difference of 100 mV. When pH was raised to a value of 9, too high for protonation of poly(vinylpyridine), the device "turned off" due to the loss of the redox couple. This field is in its infancy with the future open to growth in new directions. The geometric dimensions of electronic devices and molecular assemblies are moving closer together. As this trend continues it will be possible to prepare solid-state sensors for detection of small numbers of atoms, molecules, and ions in gases, liquids, and in some solids, as well as in living systems. Just Imagine What does the future hold for modified electrodes? Three major areas of electrochemistry will continue to make use of modified electrodes. First, specialized microstructures can be prepared to gain increased understanding of electron transfer in solutions and polymers, along surfaces, and in biological systems. Second, electroanalysis will benefit as devices are created for detection of minute amounts of species in various environments in "the field" and at the outflow of miniaturized devices used for separations. Third, all of this improved understanding can be put to use in electrosynthesis and energy systems. The control that will become possible over electrochemical reactions should make it economically beneficial to prepare both high-value, and bulk chemicals by new electrochemical methods based on modified electrodes (112,130, Osa, T.; Akiba, U.; Segawa, I.; Bobbitt, J. M. Chem. Lett., accepted.) or using fluidized bed systems in which modified ultramicrospherical electrodes are suspended in solution

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



between feeder electrodes (131-4), or ultramicroelectrodes are supported on zeolites (135) or other solid materials. Energy systems, especially fuel cells, will also benefit from the increased efficiency of electrocatalytic processes. Acknowledgment The author wishes to acknowledge Dr. Johna Leddy, Queens College, City University of New York, for her contribution to this paper via useful discussion. Reviewers' comments were also helpful. Literature Cited

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RECEIVED August 18, 1988

Stock and Orna; Electrochemistry, Past and Present ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.