Modified Ehrenfest Formalism for Efficient Large-Scale ab initio

Mar 20, 2009 - Umberto De Giovannini , Hannes Hübener , and Angel Rubio. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2017 13 (1), 265-273...
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J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2009, 5, 728–742

Modified Ehrenfest Formalism for Efficient Large-Scale ab initio Molecular Dynamics Xavier Andrade,*,† Alberto Castro,‡ David Zueco,§ J. L. Alonso,¶ Pablo Echenique,¶ ´ ngel Rubio*,† Fernando Falceto,| and A Nano-bio Spectroscopy Group and European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF), Departamento de Fı´sica de Materiales, UniVersidad del Paı´s Vasco UPV/ EHU, Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV, and DIPC, Edificio Korta, AV. Tolosa 72, E-20018 San Sebastia´n, Spain, Institut fu¨r Theoretisch Physik, Freie UniVersita¨t Berlin, Arnimallee, 14, Berlin 14195, Deutschland, Institut fu¨r Physik, UniVersita¨t Augsburg, UniVersita¨tsstraβe 1, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany, Instituto de Biocomputacio´n y Fı´sica de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI), UniVersidad de Zaragoza, Spain, and Departamento de Fı´sica Teo´rica, UniVersidad de Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna 12, E-50009 Zaragoza, Spain Received December 1, 2008

Abstract: We present in detail the recently derived ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) formalism [Alonso et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008, 101, 096403], which due to its numerical properties, is ideal for simulating the dynamics of systems containing thousands of atoms. A major drawback of traditional AIMD methods is the necessity to enforce the orthogonalization of the wave functions, which can become the bottleneck for very large systems. Alternatively, one can handle the electron-ion dynamics within the Ehrenfest scheme where no explicit orthogonalization is necessary, however the time step is too small for practical applications. Here we preserve the desirable properties of Ehrenfest in a new scheme that allows for a considerable increase of the time step while keeping the system close to the Born-Oppenheimer surface. We show that the automatically enforced orthogonalization is of fundamental importance for large systems because not only it improves the scaling of the approach with the system size but it also allows for an additional very efficient parallelization level. In this work, we provide the formal details of the new method, describe its implementation, and present some applications to some test systems. Comparisons with the widely used Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics method are made, showing that the new approach is advantageous above a certain number of atoms in the system. The method is not tied to a particular wave function representation, making it suitable for inclusion in any AIMD software package.

1. Introduction In the last decades, the concept of theoretical atomistic simulations of complex structures in different fields of ´ .R.). * E-mail: [email protected] (X.A.); [email protected] (A † Universidad del Paı´s Vasco. ‡ Freie Universita¨t Berlin. § Universita¨t Augsburg. ¶ BIFI. | Universidad de Zaragoza.

research (from materials science, in general, to biology) has emerged as a third discipline between theory and experiment. Computational science is now an essential adjunct to laboratory experiments; it provides high-resolution simulations that can guide research and serve as tools for discovery. Today, computer simulations unifying electronic structure and ion dynamics have come of age, although important challenges remain to be solved. This “virtual lab” can provide valuable information about complex materials with refined resolution in space and time, allowing researchers to gain

10.1021/ct800518j CCC: $40.75  2009 American Chemical Society Published on Web 03/20/2009

Modified Ehrenfest Formalism

understanding about the microscopic and physical origins of materials behavior: from low-dimensional nanostructures to geology, atmospheric science, renewable energy, (nano)electronic devices, (supra)molecular chemistry, etc. Since the numerical approaches to handle those problems require “large-scale calculations” the success of this avenue of research was only possible due to the development of highperformance computers.1 The present work addresses our recent developments in the field of first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. Before getting into the details, we would like to frame properly the work from a historical perspective. Molecular dynamics (MD)2 consists of “following the dynamics of a system of atoms or molecules governed by some interaction potential; in order to do so, one could at any instant calculate the force on each particle by considering the influence of each of its neighbors. The trajectories could then be traced by allowing the particles to move under a constant force for a short-time interval and then by recalculating a new force to apply for the next short-time interval, and so on.” This description was given in 1959 by Alder and Wainwright3 in one the first reports of such a computeraided calculation,4 though the first MD simulation was probably done by Fermi et al.5 for a one-dimensional model solid. We can still use this description to broadly define the scope of MD, although many variants and ground-breaking developments have appeared during these fifty years, addressing mainly two key issues: the limitation in the number of particles and the time ranges that can be addressed, and the accuracy of the interaction potential. The first issue was already properly stated by Alder and Wainwright: “The essential limitations of the method are due to the relatively small number of particles that can be handled. The size of the system of molecules is limited by the memory capacity of the computing machines.” This statement is not obsolete, although the expression “small number of particles” has today of course a very different meaningslinked as it is to the exponentially growing capacities of computers. The second issuesthe manner in which the atomic interaction potential is describedshas also developed significantly over the years. Alder and Wainwright used solid impenetrable spheres in the place of atoms; nowadays, in the realm of the so-called “classical” MD, one makes use of force fields: simple mathematical formulas are used to describe atomic interactions. The expressions are parametrized by fitting either to reference first-principles calculations or experimental data. These models have become extremely sophisticated and successful, although they are ultimately bound by a number of limitations. For example, it is difficult to tackle electronic polarization effects and one needs to make use of polarizable models, whose transferability is very questionable but are widely used with success in many situations. Likewise, the force field models are constructed assuming a predetermined bond arrangement, disabling the option of chemical reactionsssome techniques exist that attempt to overcome this restriction,6 but they are also difficult to transfer and must be carefully adapted to each particular system.

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The road toward precise, nonempirical interatomic potentials reached its destination when the possibility of performing ab initio MD (AIMD) was realized.7,8 In this approach, the potential is not modeled a priori via some parametrized expression, but rather generated “on the fly” by performing accurate first-principles electronic structure calculations. The accuracy of the calculation is therefore limited by the level of theory used to obtain the electronic structuresalthough one must not forget that underlying all MD simulations is the electronic-nuclear separation ansatz and the classical limit for the nuclei. The use of very accurate first principles methods for the electrons implies very large computational times, and therefore, it is not surprising that AIMD was not really born until density-functional theory (DFT) became maturessince it provides the necessary balance between accuracy and computational feasibility.9 Of fundamental importance was the development of gradient generalized exchange and correlation functionals, like the ones proposed by John Perdew,10-12 that can reproduce experimental results better than the local density approximation.13-15 In fact, the whole field of AIMD was initiated by Car and Parrinello in 1985,16 in a ground-breaking work that unified DFT and MD and introduced a very ingenious acceleration scheme based on fake electronic dynamics. As a consequence, the term AIMD in most occasions refers exclusively to this technique proposed by Car and Parrinello. However, it can be understood in a more general sense, including more possibilities that have developed thereaftersand in the present work, we will in fact discuss one of them. The new scheme proposed below will benefit from all the algorithm developments and progress being done in the CP framework. As a matter of fact, the most obvious way to perform AIMD would be to compute the forces on the nuclei by performing electronic structure calculations on the groundstate Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surface. This we can call ground-state Born-Oppenheimer MD (gsBOMD). It implies a demanding electronic minimization at each step, and schemes using time-reversible integrators have been recently developed.17 The Car-Parrinello (CP) technique is a scheme that allows to propagate the Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals with a fictitious dynamics that nevertheless mimics gsBOMDsbypassing the need for the expensive minimization. This idea has produced an enormous impact, allowing for successful applications in a surprisingly wide range of areas (see the special number in ref 18 and references therein). Still, it implies a substantial cost, and many interesting potential applications have been frustrated due to the impossibility of attaining the necessary system size or simulation time length. There have been several efforts to refine or redefine the CP scheme in order to enhance its power: linear scaling methods19 attempt to speed-up in general any electronic structure calculation; the use of a localized orbital representation (instead of the much more common plane-waves utilized by CP practitioners) has also been proposed;20 recently, Ku¨hne and co-workers21 have proposed an approach which is based on CP, but which allows for sizable gains in efficiency. In any case, the cost associated with the orbital orthonormalization that is required

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in any CP-like procedure is a potential bottleneck that hinders its application to very large-scale simulations. Another possible AIMD strategy is Ehrenfest MD, to be presented in the following section. In this case, the electronnuclei separation ansatz and the Wentzel-KramersBrillouin22 (WKB) classical limit are also considered; however, the electronic subsystem is not assumed to evolve on only one of the electronic adiabatic statesstypically the ground-state one. Instead the electrons are allowed to evolve on an arbitrary wave function that corresponds to a combinations of adiabatic states. As a drawback, the time-step required for a simulation in this scheme is determined by the maximum electronic frequencies, which means about 3 orders of magnitude less than the time step required to follow the nuclei in a BOMD. If one wants to do Ehrenfest MD, the traditional “groundstate” DFT is not enough, and one must rely on timedependent density functional theory (TDDFT).23 Coupling TDDFT to Ehrenfest MD provides with an orthogonalizationfree alternative to CP AIMDsplus it allows for excited-states AIMD. If the system is such that the gap between the groundstate and the excited states is large, Ehrenfest MD tends to gsBOMD. The advantage provided by the lack of need of orthogonalization is unfortunately offset by the smallness of the required time step.7,13 Recently, some of the authors of the present article have presented a formalism for largescale AIMD based on Ehrenfest and TDDFT, that borrows some of the ideas of CP in order to increase this time step and make TDDFT-Ehrenfest competitive with CP.24 This article intends to provide a more detailed description of this proposed methodology: we start, in section 2 by revisiting the mathematical route that leads from the full many-particle electronic and nuclear Schro¨dinger equation to the Ehrenfest MD model. Next, we clear up some confusions sometimes found in the literature related to the application of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem, and we discuss the integration of Ehrenfest dynamics in the TDDFT framework. Section 4 presents in detail the aforementioned novel formalism, along with a discussion regarding symmetries and conservation laws. Sections 5 and 6 are dedicated to the numerical technicalities, including several application examples.

2. Ehrenfest Dynamics: Fundaments and Implications for First Principles Simulations The starting point is the time-dependent Schro¨dinger equation (atomic units25 are used throughout this paper) for a molecular n N system described by the wave function Φ({xj}j)1 ,{XJ}J)1 , t): n n ˙ ({xj}j)1 ˆ Φ({xj}j)1 iΦ , {XJ}NJ)1, t) ) H , {XJ}NJ)1, t)

ˆ :) H


∑ 2M1 J ∇J2 - ∑ 21 ∇j2 + ∑ |RJ -J KRK| + J


:) -

∑ ∑ J

(2) where all sums must be understood as running over the whole natural set for each index, unless otherwise specified. MJ is the mass of the Jth nucleus in units of the electron mass, and ZJ is the charge of the Jth nucleus in units of (minus) the electron charge. Also note that we have defined the nuclei-electrons potential Vˆn-e(r,R) and the electronic Hamilˆ e(r,R) operators. tonian H The initial conditions of eq 1 are given by Φ0 :) Φ(x, X, 0)


and we assume that Φ(x,X,t) vanishes at infinity ∀t. Now, in order to derive the quantum-classical molecular dynamics (QCMD) known as Ehrenfest molecular dynamics from the above setup, one starts with a separation ansatz for the wave function Φ(x,X,t) between the electrons and the nuclei,26 leading to the so-called time-dependent selfconsistent-field (TDSCF) equations.7,27 The next step is to approximate the nuclei as classical point particles via short wave asymptotics or WKB approximation.7,22,27 The resultant Ehrenfest MD scheme is contained in the following system of coupled differential equations:27 ˆ e(r, R(t))ψ(x, t) iψ ˙ (x, t) ) H


¨ J(t) ) MJR -

∫ dx ψ*(x, t)[∇JHˆe(r;R(t))]ψ(x, t),

J ) 1, ...,N (4b)

where ψ(x,t) is the wave function of the electrons, RJ(t) are the nuclear trajectories, and we have used dx to indicate integration over all spatial electronic coordinates and summation over all electronic spin degrees of freedom. Also, a semicolon has been used to separate the r from the R(t) in the electronic Hamiltonian, in order to stress that only the latter are actual time-dependent degrees of freedom the system. The initial conditions in Ehrenfest MD are given by ψ0 :) ψ(x, 0)


where the dot indicates the time derivative and we denote as rj, σj, and RJ, ΣJ the Euclidean coordinates and the spin of the jth electron and the Jth nuclei, respectively, with j ) 1,..., n, and J ) 1,..., N. We also define xj :) (rj,σj) and XJ :) (RJ,ΣJ), n N and we shall denote the whole sets r :) {rj}j)1 , R :) {RJ}J)1 , n N x :){xj}j)1, and X :){XJ}J)1, using single letters in order to simplify the expressions. The nonrelativistic molecular Hamiltonian operator is defined as


:) -

J 0 from (20). For the ionic part, eq 20b, once the forces are computed,59 the Newton equations can be handled easily by the standard velocity Verlet algorithm. For the electronic part, eq 20a, the transformation in eq 33 allows us to use the standard Ehrenfest propagation methods, making our scheme trivial to implement in an existing real-time Ehrenfest code. The key part for the realtime solution of equation 20a is to approximate the propagation operator ˆ (t + ∆t, t)φ(t) φ(t + ∆t) ) U


in an efficient and stable way. From the several methods available (see ref for a review), in this work, we have chosen the approximated enforced time-reVersal symmetry (AETRS) ˆ (t), in AETRS, the propagator method. For a Hamiltonian H is approximated by the explicitly time-reversible expression


} {


ˆ (t + ∆t, t) ) exp -i ∆t H ˆ (t + ∆t) exp -i ∆t H ˆ (t) U 2 2


ˆ (t + ∆t) obtained from an interpolation from previous with H steps. For the calculation of the exponential in eq 38, a simple fourth-order Taylor expansion is used. Note that the truncation to any order of the Taylor expansion for the exponential operator implies that the norm of the vector is no longer conserved. This theoretical error must be kept below an acceptable threshold in order to ensure the preservation of the orthonormality of the orbitals. In any case, a small inevitable error will always lead to a slight change in the norm. If the norm is reduced, the method is said to be “contractive”sthis property is desirable since it leads to stable propagations, as opposed to the case in which the norm increases: in this latter case, the propagation becomes unstable. The choice for a fourth order truncation is advantageous because it is, for a very wide range of time-steps, a contractive approximation to the exponential. Moreover, the careful preservation of time reversibility is crucial to avoid unphysical drifts in the total energy. We have found (for the cases presented in this work and for our particular numerical implementation) the combination of the AETRS approximation to the propagator together with the Taylor expansion representation of the exponential, to be the most efficient approach. Our tests show that numerically the error in orthonormality, measured as the dot product between orbitals, has an oscillatory behavior and it is typically of the order of 10-10 but for some pairs of orbitals it can increase to 10-8.

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We also implemented the Car-Parrinello scheme to compare it with our approach. In this case, the electronic part is integrated by the RATTLE/Velocity Verlet algorithm as described in ref 61. 5.2. Parallelization Strategy. The challenge of AIMD of going toward very large systems and large simulation times is clearly linked to implementations that run efficiently in parallel architectures. This is the case of CP methods, that are known to perform very well in this kind of system;62 the parallelization is usually based on domain decomposition (known as parallelization over Fourier coefficients in planewave codes) and K-points. However, good scalability can only be obtained if the system is large enough to have a favorable computation-communication ratio with respect to the latency of the interconnection. This type of parallelization is also applicable to the present Ehrenfest dynamics, and on top of that, the new scheme can add a different level of parallelization: since the propagation step is independent for each orbital, it is natural to parallelize the problem by distributing the Kohn-Sham states among processors. Communication is only required once per time step to calculate quantities that depend on a sum over states: the time dependent densities and the forces over the ions. This type of sum of a quantity over several nodes is known as a reduction and the communication cost grows logarithmically with the number of nodes. The main limitation to the parallel scalability in our real space implementation was observed to come from the parts of the code that do not depend on the states (global quantities), mainly the regeneration of the ionic potential Vion )

∑ Vˆlocal J (r - RJ)



and the calculation of the forces due to the local part of the ionic potential Flocal ) J

Vˆlocal ∫ dr dF(r) J (r - RJ) dr


As these expressions depend on the atoms index J, a complementary parallelization in atoms is used to speed-up these code sections. For example, to generate the ionic potential, each processor generates the potential for a subset of the atoms and then a reduction operation is performed to obtain the total ionic potential. Once this auxiliary parallelization over atoms is taken into account, it results in a very efficient scheme, similar to K-point parallelization for periodic systems, where, as long as there are enough states to distribute, the scaling is linear even with slow interconnections (as a rule of thumb, for our implementation 10-15 orbitals per processor are required for a good efficiency). In the case of CP, due to orthogonalization between states the evolution is not independent, so this parallelization scheme is more complex to implement and requires more communication, making it much less practical. In our implementation, we have combined this parallelization over states with real space domain decomposition (see ref 54 for details). This dual parallelization strategy also has the advantage that allows us to decompose the two levels

of complexity, the size of the region of space simulated and the number of orbitals, that increase when we move to study larger systems. Below we address the relative gain in performance of the code once this second level of parallelization is used. To avoid as much as possible issues related to different software packages, we decided to implement the two schemes, CP and Ehrenfest, in the same code. Although this might not be the best parallel implementation of CP that is available in the community, it allows a direct assessment of the impact of this extra level of parallelization. Given the simplicity and the high level nature of parallelization over states, it is expected that this gain will be transferable to other implementations.

6. Applications: Model and Realistic Systems 6.1. Two Band Model. To illustrate the properties of the new scheme, and also to compare it to CP in a complementary manner to the calculations in the rest of the manuscript, we apply it to a model system. The simple toy model we use is based on the one used in the work by Pastore et al. to test CP.63 Its equations of motion are produced by the Lagrangian µ ˙ 1 1 ˙2 (θ θ - θ˙ 2θ1) + MRR˙2 + MGG 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 G K (R - R0)2 - KG(G - G0)2 + [cos(θ1 - R) + 2 R 2 2 cos(θ2 - R)] (41)

Ltoy )

where θ1 and θ2 correspond to electronic degrees of freedom, R corresponds to the nuclear motion, and G mimicks the gap. The parameters MR, KR, R0, and G0 have been taken from the experimental values for the N2 molecule (interpreting R as the length of the N-N bond). The dynamics produced by (41) has been then compared to the analogous CP one [obtained by simply changing the θ-kinetic energy by (µCP/2)(θ˙ 12 + θ˙ 22)] and to the gsBO reference [defined by setting µ ) 0, and θ1 and θ2 to the values that minimize the potential energy in (41), θ1 ) θ2 ) R]. In all simulations, the initial conditions of R and G have been increased a 10% from their equilibrium values ˙ (0) ) 0, and the initial R0 and G0, we have set R˙(0) ) G electronic coordinates have been placed at the gsBO minimum (for CP, θ˙ 1(0) ) θ˙ 2(0) ) 0). To compare the approximate nuclear trajectory R(t) to the gsBO one RBO(t), we define dR :) 100/∆R{(1/T)∫T0 [R(t) RBO(t)]2 dt}1/2, where ∆R is the maximum variation of R in the gsBO case. In Figure 1a, we show that this distance smoothly decreases to zero as µ f 0 for our model. In Figure 1b, in turn, we compare the gsBO force on R to the one obtained from the new method averaging over a intermediate time between those associated to the electronic and nuclear motions. The distance dF between these forces (defined analogously to dR), also goes to zero when µ f 0. Now, we estimate the relation between the maximum time step allowed by the fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical integration of the equations of motion and the error, given

Modified Ehrenfest Formalism

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Figure 1. (a) Distance dR from the R-dynamics produced by (41) to the gsBO one as a function of µ. (inset) gsBO R-trajectory [broken (black) line] and the approximate one for dR ) 10% [solid (blue) line]. (b) Distance between the averaged force on R produced by (41) and the gsBO one. (inset) gsBO force [broken (black) line] and the approximate one for dF ) 10% [solid (blue) line]. (c) Dependence on µ (and µCP) of the distance dR and of the maximum time ∆tmax step (inset) for both the new scheme [solid (blue) line] and CP [broken (red) line]. (d) Error/time step profile for both the new dynamics and CP [same colors as in part b].

by dR. The first, denoted by ∆tmax, has been defined as the largest time step that produced trajectories for all the dynamical variables of the system with a distance less than 0.1% to the “exact” trajectories. In Figure 1c, we can see that, although ∆tmax grows more slowly in our method than in CP (as expected from the discussion in section 4.3), the behavior of the error (dR) is better for the new dynamics introduced here. These two effects approximately balance each other yielding the error/time step relations depicted in Figure 1d, where the new scheme is shown to behave similarly to CPMD for a significant range of values of dR. We stress however that, to actually compare the relative performance of both methods the numerical work required in each time step would have to be considered. In this sense, the more realistic simulations in the next sections are more representative. 6.2. Nitrogen Molecule. For the Nitrogen molecule (N2), we calculate the trajectories for different values of µ, using the same initial conditions as in the toy model. A time step of µ × 0.0012 fs is used, and the system is propagated by 242 fs. In Figure 2, we plot the potential energy as a function of the interatomic distance during the trajectory for each run; in the inset, we also give the vibrational frequency for the different values of µ, obtained as the position of the peak in the Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation function. It is possible to see that for µ ) 20 the simulation remains steadily close to the BO potential energy surface and there is only a 3.4% deviation of the vibrational frequency. For µ ) 30, the system starts to strongly separate from the gsBO surface as we start to get strong mixing of the ground-state BO surfaces with higher energy BO surfaces. This behavior

Figure 2. KS potential energy EKS[φ,R] as a function of the internuclear distance R in N2 molecule simulations: (bottom to top) gsBO result [broken (black) line] and µ ) 1 [solid (blue) line], 10 [solid (green) line], 20 [solid (red) line], and 30 [solid (violet) line]. (inset) Vibrational frequencies from experiment64 and calculated from the trajectory using different values of µ and a spacing of 0.35 b and a box of radius 7.6 b around each atom.

is consistent with the physical interpretation given in section 4.2.1 as for this system µmax ≈ 27. 6.3. Benzene. Next, we applied the method to the Benzene molecule. We set up the atoms in the equilibrium geometry with a random Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for 300 K. Each run was propagated for a period of time of ∼400 fs with a time step of µ × 0.001 fs (that provide a reasonable convergence in the spectra). Vibrational frequencies were

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Table 1. Selected Vibrational Frequencies (cm-1) for the Benzene Molecule, Obtained Using Different Values of µ and a Spacing of 0.35 b and a Box of Radius 7.6 b around Each Atom µ µ µ µ

) ) ) )

1 5 10 15

398 396 391 381

961 958 928 938

1209 1204 1185 1181

1623 1620 1611 1597

3058 3040 2969 2862

obtained from the Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation function. In Table 1, we show some low, medium, and high frequencies of benzene as a function of µ. The general trend is a red-shift of the frequencies with a maximum deviation of 7% for µ ) 15. Still, to make a direct comparison with experiment, we computed the infrared spectra as the Fourier transform of the electronic dipole operator. In Figure 3, we show how the spectra changes with µ. For large µ, besides the red-shift, spurious peaks appear above the higher vibrational frequency (not shown), this is probably due to a nonadiabatic effect as µmax ≈ 14 if we consider the first virtual TDDFT excitation energy. We performed equivalent CP calculations for different values of µCP and found that, as shown in Figure 3, it is possible to relate the physical error induced in both methods and establish and a relation between µ and µCP. Having established the link between µ and µCP, we address the numerical performance of our new method compared to CP. As explained in section 4.3, the maximum time step has a different behavior with the cutoff energy, or equivalently, in this case, the grid spacing (the spacing is proportional to (1/Ecut)1/2). This can be seen in Figure 4, where we plot the maximum time step both Ehrenfest and CP as a function of the grid spacing. This is important since, in order to be able to do a comparison for large number of atoms, we use a larger spacing (0.6 b or 14 Ha) than that required for the converged results previously shown (0.35 b or 40 Ha). So for the small spacing case, Ehrenfest results should be scaled by a 1.7 factor; these two values gives us a range of

comparison, since most calculations are performed in this range of precision (14-80 Ha). To compare in terms of system size, we simulated several Benzene molecules in a cell. For the new scheme, a value of µ ) 15 is used while for CP µCP ) 750, (values that yield a similar deviation from the BO surface, according to Figure 3). The time steps used are 3.15 and 7.26 a.u., respectively. The computational cost is measured as the simulation time required to propagate one atomic unit of time; this is an objective measure to compare different MD schemes. We performed the comparison both for serial and parallel calculations; the results are shown in Figure 5. In the serial case, CP is 3.5 times faster for the smaller system, but the difference reduces to only 1.7 times faster for the larger one. Extrapolating the results, we predict that the new dynamics will become less demanding than CP for around 1100 atoms, if we consider the small spacing the crossover point moves to 2000 atoms. In the parallel case, the performance difference is reduced, being CP only 2 times faster than our method for small systems and with a crossing point below 750 atoms (1150 atoms with the smaller spacing). This is due to the better scalability of the Ehrenfest approach, as seen in Figure 5c. Moreover, in our implementation, memory requirements are lower than those for CP: in the case of 480 atoms, the ground-state calculation requires a maximum of 3.5 Gb, whereas in the molecular dynamics, Ehrenfest requires 5.6 Gb while CP needs 10.5 Gb. The scaling of the memory requirements is the same for both methods, and we expect this differences to remain proportional for all system sizes. 6.4. Fullerene Molecule: C60. To end the computational assessment of the new formalism, we illustrate out method for the calculation of the infrared spectrum of a prototype molecule, C60. This time we switch to the PBE12 exchange and correlation functional since it should give slightly better vibrational properties than LDA.15 For the simulation shown below, we use a value of µ ) 5 that provides a reasonable convergence in the spectra. The calculated IR spectra are in very good agreement with the experiment (see Figure 6) for low and high energy peaks (the ones more sensitive to the values of µ as seen in Figure 3). The result is robust and independent of the initial condition of the simulation. The low energy splitting of IR spectrum starts to be resolved for simulations longer than 2 ps.

7. Conclusions

Figure 3. Calculated infrared spectrum for benzene for different values of µ, compared to CP dynamics and to an experiment from ref 65. A spacing of 0.35 b and a box of radius 7.6 b around each atom were used.

First principles molecular dynamics is usually performed in the framework of ground-state Born-Oppenheimer calculations or Car-Parrinello schemes. A major drawback of both methods is the necessity to enforce the orthogonalization of the wave functions, which can become the bottleneck for very large systems. Alternatively, one can handle the electron-ion dynamics within the Ehrenfest scheme where no explicit orthogonalization is necessary. However, in Ehrenfest, the time step needs to be much smaller than in both the Born-Oppenheimer and the Car-Parrinello schemes. In this work, we have presented a new approach to AIMD based on a generalization of Ehrenfest-TDDFT dynamics. This approach, we recall, relies on the electron-nuclei

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Figure 4. Comparison of the dependence of the time step in terms of the spacing. In the case of Ehrenfest, the time step dependence is quadratic, while for CP, it is linear.

Figure 5. Computational performance comparisons of our method, with µ ) 15 and CP, with µCP ) 750 for an array of benzene molecules with finite boundary conditions, a spacing of 0.6 b, and a box of radius 7.6 b around each atom. Performance is measured as the computational time required to propagate one atomic unit of time. (a) Scheme of the benzene molecule array. (b) Single processor computational cost for different system sizes. (inset) Polynomial extrapolation for larger systems. This simulation was performed on one core of an Intel Xeon E5435 processor. (c) Parallel computational cost for different system sizes. This simulation was performed on 32 Intel Itanium 2 (1.66 GHz) processor cores of a SGI Altix. (d) Parallel scaling with respect to the number of processor for a system of 480 atoms in a SGI Altix system. In both cases, a mixed states-domain parallelization is used to maximize the performance.

separation ansatz, plus the classical limit for the nuclei taken through short-wave asymptotics. Then, the electronic subsystem is handled with time-dependent density functional theory. The resulting model consists of two coupled sets of equations: the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations for the electrons and a set of Newtonian equations for the nuclei, in which the expression for the forces resembles, but is in fact unrelated to, the Gu¨ttinger-Hellmann-Feynman form. We have stressed the relevance of notational precision, in order to avoid this and other possible common misunderstandings.

We have shown how the new scheme preserves the desirable properties of Ehrenfest allowing for a considerable increase of the time step while keeping the system close to the Born-Oppenheimer surface. The automatically enforced orthogonalization is of fundamental importance for large systems because it reduces the scaling of the numerical cost with the number of particles and, in addition, allows for a very efficient parallelization, hence giving the method tremendous potential for applications in computational science. Specially if the method is integrated into codes that have other levels of parallelization, enabling them to scale

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Figure 6. Infrared spectrum of C60. The (blue) dashed line corresponds to the calculated one (µ ) 5 and 2 ps of time) while the black bars are the experimental values from ref 66.

to even more processors or to keeping the same level of parallel performance while treating smaller systems. Our approach introduces a parameter µ that for particular values recovers either Ehrenfest dynamics or BornOppenheimer dynamics. In general µ controls the tradeoff between the closeness of the simulation to the BO surface and the numerical cost of the calculation (analogously to the role of the fictitious electronic mass in CP). We have shown that for a certain range of values of µ, the dynamics of the fictitious system is close enough to the Born-Oppenheimer surface while allowing for a good numerical performance. We have made direct comparisons of the numerical performance with CP, and, while quantitatively our results are system- and implementation-dependent, they prove that our method can outperform CP for some relevant systems. Namely, large-scale systems that are of interest in several research areas and that can only be studied from first principles MD in massively parallel computers. To increase its applicability, it would be important to study if the improvements developed to optimize CP can be combined with our approach,67 in particular techniques to treat small gap or metallic systems.68 Note that the introduction of the parameter µ comes at a cost, as we change the time scale of the movements of the electrons with respect to the Ehrenfest case, which implies a shift in the electronic excitation energies. This must be taken into account to extend the applicability of our method for nonadiabatic MD and MD under electromagnetic fields, in particular for the case of Raman spectroscopy, general resonant vibrational spectroscopy as well as laser induced molecular bond rearrangement. In this respect, we stress that in the examples presented in this work, we have utilized the new model to perform Ehrenfest dynamics in the limit where this model tends to ground state, adiabatic MD. In this case, as it became clear with these examples, the attempt to gain computational performance by enlarging the value of the parameter µ must be done carefully, since the nonadiabatic influence of the higher lying electronic states states increases with increasing µ. We believe, however, that there are a number of avenues to be explored that could reduce this undesired effect; we are currently exploring the manner in which the “acceleration” parameter µ can be introduced while keeping the electronic system more isolated from the excited states.

Andrade et al.

Nevertheless, Ehrenfest dynamics incorporates in principle the possibility of electronic excitations and nonadiabaticity. The proper incorporation of the electronic response is crucial for describing a host of dynamical processes, including laserinduced chemistry, dynamics at metal or semiconductor surfaces, or electron transfer in molecular, biological, interfacial, or electrochemical systems. The two most widely used approaches to account for nonadiabatic effects are the surface-hopping method and the Ehrenfest method implemented here. The surface-hopping approach extends the Born-Oppenheimer framework to the nonadiabatic regime by allowing stochastic transitions subject to a time- and momenta-dependent hopping probability. On the other hand, Ehrenfest successfully adds some nonadiabatic features to molecular dynamics but is rather incomplete. This approximation can fail either when the nuclei have to be treated as quantum particles (e.g., tunnelling) or when the nuclei respond to the microscopic fluctuations in the electron charge density (heating)69 not reproducing the correct thermal equilibrium between electrons and nuclei (which constitutes a fundamental failure when simulating the vibrational relaxation of biomolecules in solution). We have briefly addressed these issues in section 2; as mentioned there, there have been some proposals in the literature to modify Ehrenfest in order to fulfill Boltzmann equilibrium.37,39 Currently we are also investigating related extensions to Ehrenfest to obtain the correct equilibrium in our simulations. Acknowledgment. We would like to thank A. Bastida, G. Ciccotti, and E. K. U. Gross for illuminating discussions. This work has been supported by the research projects DGA (Arago´n Government, Spain) E24/3, and MEC (Spain). P.E. is supported by a MEC/MICINN (Spain) postdoctoral ´ .R. acknowledge funding by the Spanish contract. X.A and A MEC (FIS2007-65702-C02-01), “Grupos Consolidados UPV/ EHU del Gobierno Vasco” (IT-319-07), and the European Community through NoE Nanoquanta (NMP4-CT-2004500198), e-I3 ETSF (INFRA-2007-1.2.2: Grant Agreement Number 211956), NANO-ERA Chemistry, DNA-NANODEVICES (IST-2006-029192), and SANES (NMP4-CT-2006017310) projects. Computational resources were provided by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Basque Country University UPV/EHU (SGIker Arina) and ETSF. References (1) As stated by Dirac in 1929, “The fundamental laws necessary for the mathematical treatment of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulties lies only in the fact that application of these laws leads to equations that are too complex to be solved”. (2) Ciccotti, G.; Frenkel, D.; McDonald, I. Simulations of liquids

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〈U(f1 + f2), Ug〉

) ) ) )

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