Measure Moisture with CEC
Infrared Heating Unit A cabinet, 7 " X 7 " X 1 4 5 / 8 " high, simplifies drying, evaporating, warm ing, melting, or curing laboratory samples. The Infra-Dry provides con centrated heat up to 288° C. from a 375 watt infrared bulb. A 50-ml. sample of water can be completely evaporated in 15 minutes. Heat is controlled by changing shelf position. The sample can be observed at all times as the cabinet has an open com partment. Precision Scientific Co., 3737 West Cortland St., Chicago 47, 111. 406
Choose from this full line of six basic models. CEC s 26-303 Port able Moisture Monitor continu ously measures gases from less than 1 to 1000 ppm water by vol ume. The 26-304 Moisture Monitor uses Delta Flow control to meas ure water
in hydrogen. A high Effluents from chromatography col umns can be divided into fractions on a precision time base using the instrument shown. The stationary distribution plate gives a choice of 4 , 8, 16, or 3 2 fractions per revolu tion of the upper rotating feed plate. Three interchangeable driving motors provide cycles of 8, 12, and 2 4 hours, depending on the cycle time selected. The Model BF liquid distributor is designed so that no metal parts come into contact with fluid. Durrum In strument Corp., 8 4 1 Woodside Rd., Redwood City 2, Calif. 404
The Spectrophotometer, "Autoset," for research and routine analytical work operates in the range from 2 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 νημ. The Model 3 0 with bipartite diffraction grating, dual light source, and dual phototube was de signed f o r simplified operation. It features an automatic reference setting. Wavelength accuracy is ± 0 . 5 Γημ in the UV and ± 1 . 0 rru,, elsewhere, while wavelength repro ducibility is ± 0 . 2 m μ. Bandwidth is 2 m ^ ; accessory optical slits can supply bandwidths of 1 and 5 π\μ for special applications. Coleman In struments, Inc., 4 2 Madison St., Maywood, III. 407
Gamma Ray Spectrometer
Ion Exchange
A garnit) ;i ray spectrometer uses solid-state circuits for the detection of isotopic radiation properties. The SC-530T system includes a pulse height analyzer, scaler, timer, high-voltage power supply, and linear amplifier. Several radioactive isotopes can be measured separately; isotopes can be identified according to their charac teristic radiation; and primary radia tion can be counted in the presence of scattered radiation. The system is designed to operate in conjunction with Tracerlab's automatic counting, sample changing, computing, and data record ing systems. Tracerlab, 1601 Trapelo Rd., Waltham 54, Mass. 405
Acropor ion exchange membrane is a microporous material made of ion exchange resin and a copolymer of polyvinylchloride and acrylonitrile. The membrane is formed on either fabric or filament. Weak or strong acid and base membranes are avail able. The membranes were developed to be used as electrode separators in alkaline batteries, but have potential applications in polarography, pH meas urements, and other electrornetric methods. The membranes are chemi cally resistant thermoplastics with low electrical resistance. They are fur nished slit to desired widths from x /." to 11". Gelman Instrument Co.. Chelsea, Mich. 408
pressure Moisture Monitor, 26-350 monitors gases to 6000 lb. pres sure. For the process industries, two Process Moisture Monitors, 26-310 and 26-312 monitor gas and liquids, respectively. CEC's 26-320 Solids Moisture Analyzer integrates total water from solid samples. ..normally in 20 to 25 min utes. W a n t more instrument data? Call your CEC office, or write for CEC Bulletins, Kit 3440-X4.
Analytical & Control Division
CONSOLIDATED ELECTRODYNAMICS A Subsidiary of B e l l & H o w e l l · Pasadena, California
Circle No. 24 on Readers' Service Card
VOL. 35, NO. 7, JUNE 1963 .
131 A