Molasses as a Source of Vitamin B

determination of the amount of vitamin B: purified casein,. 20 percent; filtered butter fat, 5 per cent; salt mixture, 185,2. 3.7 per cent; various am...
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February, 1925


Molasses as a Source of Vitamin B' By V. E. Nelson, V. G. Heller, and E. I. Fulmer IOWASTATECOLLEGE, AXES,IOWA

HE general opinion prevails that molasses as a food is of value from the energy standpoint only. This is to


A had the following composition: purified casein, 20 per cent; salt mixture, 185,=3.7 per cent; yeast, 5 per cent; various amounts of molasses from 5 to 20 per cent; and the remainder of the ration to 100 per cent was composed of dextrin. Discussion of Results

be expected from the analysis, since the greater portion of the solid matter is composed of sugar and only a comparatively small amount is crude protein (calculated as N X 6.25). It was deemed advisable to ascertain the degree of concentraA summary of the data concerning the vitamin B content tion of vitamins in this material because of the wide use of molasses in animal feeds and in the human dietary. The data of these Droducts is given in Table I and the several charts. so obtained should not only NOMENCLATURE FOR CHARTS aid in ascertaining the true The vitamin A and B contents of Lane and beet molasN, normal curve of growth value of certain diets, but ses and sorghum have been determined. Cane molasses P, designates young they should also contribute 0 , female is much richer in vitamin B than either beet molasses or to our information concern8 ,male sorghum. The rate of growth of animals on various levels ing abundant stores of the of these products was determined. Curves of growth and The data show that there vitamins for chemical idenreproduction data illustrate the comparative vitamin B tification, a problem of conis considerable difference in concentration of the materials tested. Blackstrap, beet the vitamin B content of siderable importance to the molasses, and sorghum furnish no detectable amounts of cane and beet molasses and chemist. Since the vitavitamin A when included in the diet to the extent of 20 sorghum. Cane molasses m i n s cannot be determined per cent. (blackstrap) is much richer chemically at the present This work represents four samples of cane molasses, in this vitamin than either time, the only means availthree of beet molasses, and two of sorghum. The cane beet molasses or sorghum. able to reveal their presence molasses used in all experiments was the crude product and concentration is the soFive per cent of the cane moknown as blackstrap. lasses provided a sufficient called biological method, which involves the use of amount of vitamin B for small laboratory animals under carefully controlled conditions. growth at slightly below normal rate. Two litters of 12 young were born on this level of intake, but they all died between the Experimental fifth and the twelfth day after birth, although perfectly Vigorous rats weighing from 50 to 70 grams each were used. normal when born. When placed on beet molasses at this Prior to being placed on the experimental diets the animals level the rats gave curves of growth very much below those had received a good growing ration adequate for normal obtained from cane as the sole source of vitamin B. The growth and reproduction generation after generation. This curves of growth for the animals on 5 per cent of beet molasses ration has been used successfully in this laboratory for the are not given, but from Figure 4 it can be seen that even 10 past five years. The following basal diet was used for the per cent of beet molasses failed to provide for normal growth; determination of the amount of vitamin B: purified casein, in fact, the animals failed to grow on this level of beet molasses 20 per cent; filtered butter fat, 5 per cent; salt mixture, 185,* after the second month. When the amount of cane molasses 3.7 per cent; various amounts of molasses or sorghum from in the diet was increased to 7.5 per cent, the curve of growth 5 per cent up to and including 25 per cent; and the remainder was normal and the number of young born was greater than of the ration to 100 per cent was composed of dextrin. 'The on the 5 per cent level. I-Iowever, not a single one of the 30 purified casein was prepared from the commercial product by young was reared. washing for several weeks with water acidified with acetic acid Better results were obtained when 10 per cent of cane moRATION Per cent Cane: 5 7.5 10 15 Beet: 5 10 15 25 Sorghum: 10 15 20

Females 3 3 7 22 3 4 8 3 3




Received October 11,1924. McCollum and Davis, J . B i d . Chem., 19, 245 (1914).

lived 0 0

24 155 0


died 12 30 17 7

Young not cared for 0

Growth curve




0 0 Minuri signs denote growth below the normal rate.

until free from ash constituents and vitamins. The butter fat was filtered through a hot water funnel in order to remove casein and sodium chloride. Dextrin was prepared by moistening starch with 1per cent citric acid solution and autoclaving the mixture at 20 pounds pressure for about 3 hours. The diets used for the determination of the amount,of vitamin 2



3 14 0 0


8 3 Plus signs denote normal or better than normal growth. 26


Males 1 1 2 8 2 2 2 2 1 1 3

Table I Total Litters young 2 12 5 30 8 41 24 168

lasses was incorporated in the ration. The growth curves were better than normal and a considerable number of young were weaned. Animals have been carried through the third generation on this level of cane molasses. The curves show that when beet molasses is fed a t this level, growth is far below the normal rate and only one litter consisting of three young was born. All of the young on 10 per cent beet molasses died before they were weaned. The data so far given would lead




one to believe that higher levels of cane molasses would give even better results, especially from the standpoint of reproduction and rearing of the young. This is actually the case. Fifteen per cent of cane molasses gives a growth curve better than normal, but more significant is the effect of this level

Figure 1-Curves

Vol. 17, No. 2

beet product, none were reared. The curves of growth on the 25 per cent beet molasses level show that the deficiency is actually one of a shortage of vitamin B and not a toxicity factor, since the addition of 5 per cent of yeast causes an immediate resumption of growth.

Figure 2-Curves

of Growth on 5 Per cent Cane (Molasses)

Obtained on 7.5 Per cent Cane Molasses

260 230 200





d /40 .*



80 50 Figure 3-Results

of Fifth Generation on 15 Per cent Cane (Molasses)






B I 4 %


Figure P B e e t Molasses a t a Level of 10 Per cent
















80 50

50 Figure 5-Beet

Molasses a t a Level of 15 Per cent

on the production and rearing of young. In the case of cane molasses more young are born a t this level, and the mortality is low since 155 young were weaned out of the 168 that were born. Fifth generation animals have been carried through on 15 per cent of cane molasses. The results show that cane molasses (blackstrap) is a very good source of vitamin B. I n contrast to the results obtained on 15 per cent of cane molasses are the data obtained on 15 per cent and 25 per cent of beet molasses. Although the animals grew on the latter for a considerable time, the curves of growth gradually flattened out. Although a few young were born on these levels of

Figure &-Beet

Molasses a t a Level of 25 Per cent. Added a t Point X

5 Per cent Yeast

The sorghum used in these experiments was purchased locally. From the chart it will be seen that the animals grew for one month on sorghum as the sole source of vitamin R , and then the curve of growth tended to fall. At the point X , 5 per cent of yeast was added and an immediate resumption of growth resulted, showing that the failure t o grow was due to a deficiency of vitamin B. The results obtained on reproduction using cane molasses as the sole source of vitamin B are different from those obtained by Nelson, Heller, and Fulmer3 in previous work with 3

J . B i d . Chrm., 57, 415 (1923).


February, 1925

yeast as the only source of this vitamin. It was shown that yeast is a good source of vitamin B and that reproduction was possible on levels of yeast corresponding to 1.5 per cent and more, but that the mortality of the young was high even when yeast composed as much as 8 per cent of the ration. On the latter quantity of yeast the mortality was 75 per cent. 260 230



zoo /70


2 .M /4u


// 0


source of vitamin B produce more litters, more young to the litter, and rear a far larger percentage than do the females on yeast as the only source of this vitamin. Nelson, Heller, and FulmerS have stated that it is unnecessary to assume a new vitamin for reproduction, as claimed by Evans and B i ~ h o pbut , ~ just why cane molasses i s better than yeast for the rearing of young we are a t a loss to explain. It is a significant fact that not only was growth, reproduction, and rearing of young abnormal on beet molasses but the mothers after birth oi the young became very emaciated and died. The curve illustrating the behavior of the animals on 25 per cent of beet molasses shows t8hatgrowth was resumed at the normal rate when yeast to the extent of 5 per cent was incorporated in the ration, but no young were produced. In the case of the sorghum at the 20 per cent level, growth was also below normal, and when yeast to the extent of 5 per cent of the ration was added growth was resumed at the normal rate; some young were born and reared. Acknowledgment

80 50 Figure 7-Results

Obtained o n 20 Per c e n t Sorghum. Yeast Added a t P o i n t X

5 Per c e n t

Apparently, yeast is richer in vitamin B than cane molasses, but the results on reproduction and rearing of young are not so good with yeast. The females on cane molasses as the sole

The writers desire to thank Carl S. Miner, of The Miner Laboratories, Chicago, Ill., and C. U. Snyder & Co., Mobile, Ala., for their conperation and generosity in supplying some of the materials necessary for this work. Thanks are also due the Fleischmann Company for supplying the yeast. 4

Science, 66, 650 (1922).

Compensation of Temperature and Instrument Factors in Determination of Alcoholic Content' By E. A. Vuilleumier DICKINSON COLLEGE, CARLTSLD, PA.

HI< regulations of the Internal Revenue Department require that the alcoholic content of liquids be reported in terms of the temperature of 60" F. (15.56' C.) referred to water as unity a t the same temperature, and most alcoholometric tables are made up on this basis. Obviously, it is desirable that the specific gravities of distillates be determined a t exactly this temperature. Frequently, however, this is not practicable, and in such a case a temperature correction, which varies with the alcoholic percentage, must be introduced. This correction may have a large influence upon the final result, and is especially important (though not greatest) in the analysis of liquids of low alcoholic content. The specific gravity a t 15.56' C. of a distillate containing 0.5 per cent alcohol by volume is 0.9992, referred to water as unity at the same temperature. But pure water itself has a value of 0.9992 at 20' C., and of 0.9980 at 25' C., referred to water at 15.56' C. If the temperature corrections were not introduced, these specific gravities would seem to indicate an alcoholic content of 0.5 and 1.3 per cent, respectively. The need for adjusting the temperature of the alcoholic distillate to the standard temperature, as well as the complication of introducing temperature corrections, can readily be eliminated. The procedure is 40 determine the specific gravity of the distillate at any convenient temperature, referred to water a t the same temperature. This makes it possible for the results to be applied directly to the alcoholometric tables. Probably the most convenient apparatus for determining the specific gravity of distillates is the Mohr-Westphal 1

Received September 21, 1924.

balance. Unfortunately, so far as alcoholometry is concerned, these instruments appear to refer to water at 4" C. I t is possible to correct the instrument to the standard temperature by adding 0.00096 to the readings. If, however, the temperature of the distillate is not 15.56' C., a second temperature correction is necessary. Finally, a given instrument may not have been accurately adjusted for 4" C., and this necessitates a third correction. All three difficulties can be eliminated a t the same time by taking readings with water and the distillate a t the same temperature. The difference between the two readings subtracted from unity gives the *tablespecific gravity of the distillate. Thus, if the water reading is 0.9980, and the distillate reading is 0.9974, the difference is 0.0006. This value subtracted from 1.0000, or 0.9994, is the table value of the distillate, and corresponds to 0.4 per cent alcohol by volume. The method of compensation described above, although not absolutely rigid mathematically, is well within the limits of experimental error.


Increased Imports of Bromine Compounds

-4review of the imports of bromine and its compounds entered for consumption in the United States shows that importations in 1923 were valued at $19,062 and increased considerably in the first nine months of 1924, particularly in the third quarter, to $157,466, according to the Chemical Division of the Department of Commerce. Increased importations are attributed to the demand for bromides required in the production of tetraethyl lead, used as an anti-knock compotind in gasoline engines.