Molecular Addition Compounds of Dinitrogen Tetroxide. V.1 The

Reactions in liquid dinitrogen tetroxide: Molecular addition compounds with donor molecules. Harry H. Sisler. Journal of Chemical Education 1957 34 (1...
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Vol. 76


Molecular Addition Compounds of Dinitrogen Tetroxide. V.l The Ternary System 1,4-Dioxane-Tetrahydropyran-Dinitrogen Tetroxide B Y BETTYJ. GIBBINS,~ GUNTHER L. EICHHORN3 AND HARRY H. SISLER RECEIVEDMARCH6. 1954 The ternary system 1,4-dioxane-tetrahydropyran-dinitrogen tetroxide has been studied and it has been shown that no ternary compounds are formed. This finding supports the belief previously expressed in the fourth paper of this series that the binary compound hTz04.1,4-dioxane has a bicyclic structure. Freezing point-composition phase diagrams for the sysIntroduction tems listed above were constructed by methods described In the first paper in this series,l one of the au- in a previous publication of this series.' Briefly, the freezing thors and his co-workers reported the formation of points of various mixtures were determined by cooling curves the molecular addition compounds NzO4.1,4-C4HsO2 measured by a Micromax self-recording potentiometer with copper-constantan thermocouple, using a completely en(map.45.2') and N204.2C6H100(m.p. -56.8"). In aclosed cell equipped for continuous magnetic stirring. Alan effort to explain the relatively high melting though mixtures containing more than 80 mole per cent. point of the complex N&4.1,4-C4H802, two alterna- tetrahydropyran were slowly oxidized by dinitrogen tetroxtive structures were proposed : (a) indefinitely ex- ide, the effects of the reaction were minimized by not warming the mixtures a n y higher than necessary and by frequently tended chains composed of alternate dioxane and taking fresh samples. It is believed t h a t the ternary phase dinitrogen tetroxide molecules and (b) a bicyclic diagram has not been appreciably affected by this factor. configuration formed by the coordination of each of Results the oxygen atoms of one dioxane molecule to a different nitrogen atom of one dinitrogen tetroxide Complete freezing point-composition phase diamolecule. grams were constructed for the systems listed in A study of the ternary system 1,4-dioxane-tetra- Table I. Pertinent portions of the diagrams were hydropyran-dinitrogen tetroxide was undertaken constructed for the additional systems listed in Tato compare the stabilities of the binary compounds ble 11. Each complete curve contains two minima Nz04.1,4-O(CHzCHz)z0and Nz04.2C~,HloOover a and the one maximum listed in Table I. large concentration range, to investigate the possiTABLE I bility of the formation of a ternary compound, and thereby to obtain information which might help to MAXIMAOF TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION CURVES determine which, if either, of the proposed struch'204, RIax. t e m p , System mole % tures for the binary 1,4-dioxane compound is cor50.0 43.5 rect. The assistance of the Ordnance Corps, U. S. 50.0 40.0 Army, through a contract with The Ohio State 50.0 37.0 University Research Foundation, is gratefully ac50.0 31.75 knowledged. O C

Experimental Preparation of Materials.-The 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydropyran and dinitrogen tetroxide were purified by methods described in a previous publication of this series.' Mixtures containing fixed mole ratios of the ethers were prepared by combining the calculated weights and were treated in the same way as the pure ethers previously described. Procedure.-The procedure followed was t o study sections of the ternary system represented by vertical planes from one corner and intersecting the opposite face at regular intervals. Since mixtures with a fixed tetrahydropyran/ dioxane mole ratio are easily prepared and stored, it was convenient to study systems containing fixed ratios of tetrahydropyran t o dioxane and varying amounts of dinitrogen tetroxide. Sections corresponding to tetrahydropyran t o sioxane ratios of 10/90, 20/80, 30/70, 40/60, 50/50, 60/40, 10/30, 80/20, 88/12, 90/10, 92/8 and 96/4 were studied. I n addition it was found desirable to investigate portions of systems containing fixed tetrahydropyran t o dinitrogen tetroxide mole ratios and variable amounts of dioxane. Systems studied in this group included those in which the tetrahydropyran-dinitrogen tetroxide ratio was 94.1/5.9, 91.8/8.2, 86.6/13.4, 77.2/22.8, 65.1/34.9 and 54.2/45.8. (1) T h e first four papers in this series, are, respectively, B. Rubin, H. Sisler and H. Shechter, THISJOURNAL, 74, 877 (1952); D. Davenport, H. Burkhardt and H. Sisler, ibid., 76, 4175 (1953); F. Whanger and H. Sisler, ibid.,76, 5188 (1953); H.Ling and H. Sisler, ibid.,76, 5191 (1953).

( 2 ) Taken in part from the dissertation submitted by B. J. G . in partial fulfillment of t h e requirements for t h e Ph.D. degree a t T h e Ohio State University. (3) Post Ph.D. Fellow a t Ohio State University, Summer, 1952. Now a t Louisiana State University.

50.0 46 45 44 42.5 42.0 41.0 41 .O

28.5 22,75 16.5 8.25 - 2.75 - 6.25 -13.0 -29.25

The freezing points and compositions of the binary eutectic mixtures were determined from the minima and are listed in Table 11. Figure 1 was constructed by plotting the compositions of these binary eutectic mixtures on an equilateral triangle whose corners represent the three components of the system. The resulting diagram is a projection of the ternary phase diagram on its triangular base. The compositions of the ternary eutectic mixtures were determined from the intersections in Fig. 1, and are listed in Table 111. Their freezing points were obtained from plateaus in the experimental cooling curves. A three-dimensional model of the ternary phase diagram was constructed by combining phase diagrams for the systems listed in Table I1 with previously reported' diagrams for the binary systems lj4-dioxane-dinitrogen tetroxide and tetrahydro-

Sept. 20, 1954




NZO4, mole % ’

11.0 10/90 CsHioO/C4HsOz 89.0 10/90 C5HioO/C,HsOz 10.5 20/80 CsHioO/C~HsOz 88.0 20/80 C,HioO/GHsOz 11.0 30/70 CsHioO/C4HsOz 30/70 C~HIQO/CIHSOZ 8 6 . 0 10.5 40 /60 CSHio0/C4HsOz 85.0 40/60 C~HioO/C4HsOz 12.5 50/50 C5HioO/C4HsOz 50/50 CEHIOO/C~HSOZ 8 4 . 0 60/40 C ~ H I O O / C ~ H ~ O Z1 0 . 5 81.5 60 /40 C5H100/C4HsOz 11.0 70/30 CsHioO/C4HB02 70/30 C ~ H I O O / C ~ H S O Z7 9 . 0 11.0 80/20 C5HioO/C4Hs02 73.0 80/20 CsHioO/C4HsOa 10.5 88/12 CsHioO/C4HiOz 68.5 88/12 CsHioO/C4HsOz 9.5 90/10 CsHioO/C4HsOz 66.5 90/10 C5HioO/GHsOz 10.0 92/8 C~HioO/GHsOz 66.5 92/8 CJlioO/C4Hs02 96/4 C S H ~ O O / C ~ H S O1~0 . 0 96/4 C S H ~ O O / C ~ H S O Z5 9 . 5




0.5 -17.5 - 4.25 -18.25 - 9.0 -19.0 -14.0 -18.75 -20.0 -20.0 -24.5 -22.0 -32.0 -24.25 -48.75 -28.75 -66.0to -31.0 -86.0to -33.0 -86.5t0 -35.0 -88.0to -44.0


Fig. 1.-The

system N~O~-C~HloO-O(CHrCHz)nO.

of C5HloO and C4H802, C4H802 and N Z O ~ G H S O Z , C6H100 and N204.C&O2, C5H100 and Nz04. 2C6H100,NzO4C4HsO2and Nz04.2CsHlo0, N104. -90.0 2C5Hlo0 and N204, and Nz04 and N204.C4H802, respectively. Points B, C and G represent ter-90.0 nary eutectic mixtures of C4Hs02, CaHloO and NzO4.C4H8O2;of C6H100, NzO4GH802 and N2042C6Hlu0; and of Nz04, N204.C4H~02and N204. Mole %, dioxane F.P., ‘C System 2C5Hl002,respectively. 9 4 . 1 / 5 . 9 C~HioO/N204 8.8 -67.5 Figures 1 and 2 indicate that there is no ternary 91.8/ 8 . 2 CsHioO/NzO~ 7.0 -74.5 compound formation under the conditions of this 86.6/13.4 CaHioO/NnOi 2.8 -84.0 experiment. The existence of a ternary compound 77.2/22.8 CsHioO/Nz04 1.9 -67.5 would have been indicated by a peak or slope change 6 5 . 1 / 3 4 . 9 CsHioO/NzOa 1.2 -57.0 on the surface of primary crystallization. So many 5 4 . 2 / 4 5 . 8 CsHioO/NzOa 0.7 -64.5 points on the surface were determined that it is extremely unlikely that such a slope change and a TABLEI11 complete curve of binary eutectic crystallization TERNARY EUTECTIC MIXTURES could have been missed. TetraDinitrogen Figure 1 also indicates that the field of primary Dioxane, bydropyran, tetroxide, mole % mole % mole % F.p., crystallization for the compound Nz04,1,4-O(CHzCH&O is by far the largest on the diagram, whereas 10.0 - 8 7 . 5 to - 9 0 . 0 85.0 5.0 that of N204.2C5H100 is extremely small. Consider- 8 7 . 5 to - 9 0 . 0 87.0 10.0 3.0 ing the similarity of the molecular structures of 52.0 - 6 5 . 0 t o -67.0 47.75 0.25 1,4-dioxane and tetrahydropyran, one would not pyran-dinitrogen tetroxide and with the diagram expect the ethers to differ much in their tendency for the system dioxane-tetrahydropyran. The eu- to form addition compounds with dinitrogen tetroxtectic in the binary dioxane-tetrahydrofuran sys- ide, unless the structures of the two compounds tem was found to be -51’ a t approximately 13.1 differ greatly. Thus it is believed that the strucmole yo of dioxane. A sketch of the ternary dia- tures of the two compounds are considerably difgram is shown in Fig. 2. The model is a right trian- ferent, that of the dioxane compound yielding a gular prism with an equilateral triangle as the base. higher stability. The concentrations of the three components, in The curves on the faces of the prism (Fig. 2) mole percentages, are plotted on the base, and the indicate that under the conditions of this experifreezing points, in degrees centigrade, are plotted ment the only binary compounds formed are those perpendicularly to the base. with the empirical formulas N204.2C~HlO0and NZO~.O(CHZCH~)~O. Furthermore, viscosity and Discussion molecular weight determinations‘ have shown that In the sketch of the ternary phase diagram (Fig. the dioxane compound exists as a monomer a t 2) ABCET, DFBA, FIGCB, INHG and CGHE temperatures just above its melting point. represent the surfaces of primary crystallization for It is believed that each of the oxygen atoms in tetrahydropyran, lI4-dioxane, dinitrogen tetroxide. the 1,4-dioxane molecule, a Lewis base, shares one dioxane, dinitrogen tetroxide and dinitrogen tetrox- of its unshared pairs of electrons with one of the ide.2 tetrahydropyran, respectively. The curves nitrogen atoms of the dinitrogen tetroxide molecule, AB, FB, BC, CE, CG, HG and GI represent the a Lewis acid. In the “boat” form of the 1,4-dioxcurves of binary eutectic crystallization for mixtures ane molecule, the “effective” oxygen to oxygen dis-90.0




Vol. 7(i



Fig. 2.--The

system N&-doixane-tetrahydropyran.

tance and the orientation of the orbitals occupied by an unshared pair of electrons on each of the ether oxygen atoms is such that it appears reasonable that these orbitals can form bonds with two “pi” orbitals of the nitrogen atoms in the dinitrogen tetroxide molecule. If some rehybridization occurs a t the nitrogen atoms, the “effective” interatomic distances and orientations of the bonding orbitals are even more favorable for the formation of such a bicyclic structure. It is, however, difficult to see how the “chair” form of the 1,4-dioxane molecule

could form such a structure with dinitrogen tetroxide. Although electron diffraction data4 indicate that free 1,4-dioxane exists in the “chair” form, it seems probable that the activation energy for the conversion is of about the same magnitude for 1,4dioxane as for cyclohexane, and if this is true, the “chair” form of the 1,4-dioxane molecule could readily be converted to the “boat” form during compound formation. The fact that tetrahydropyran does not form a stable addition compound (4) I.. 0 . Rrockway, Rev. Modern Phys., 8, 231 (1930).

Sept. 20, 1954


with a mole ratio of one to one may be because the tetrahydropyran molecule cannot act as a bidentate group and form such a bicyclic structure with dinitrogen tetroxide. The fact that neither a stable dinitrogen tetroxide. 2( 1,4-dioxane) nor a stable ternary compound is formed may be due




to the high stability of such a bicyclic structure for the compound N204.1,4-dioxane. I n such a structure there are no bonding orbitals on the nitrogen atoms available for coordinating a second ether molecule. COLUMBUS, OHIO


Equilibrium Constants for the Formation of Complexes between Metal Ions and Amines Containing



RECEIVED OCTOBER 13, 1953 The complexes of copper, nickel, cobalt(I1) and zinc with methyl 2-aminoethyl sulfide, bis-(2-aminoethyl) sulfide, 1,8diamino-3,6-dithiaoctane and bis-(2-aminoethyl) disulfide have been studied. Formation constants were calculated for the complexes of nickel and copper with methyl 2-aminoethyl sulfide, those of nickel and cobalt( 11) with bis-(2-aminoethyl) at 30". Formation constants were sulfide, and those of nickel, copper and cobalt( 11) with 1,8-diamino-3,6-dithiaoctane also obtained at 0 and 50' for complexes of nickel with each of the ligands for which constants were obtained a t 30' and for the complex of cobalt(I1) with bis-(2-aminoethyl) sulfide. From the data at different temperatures AH and A S values were calculated for the reactions involved. I n all cases the sulfur-containing amines give less stable complexes than the analogous polyamines containing no sulfur.

Experimental Bjerrum4 has shown that the formation of complexes between metal cations and ammonia or amBis-(2-aminoethyl) sulfide, bis-(2-aminoethyl) disulfide,'6 ines is a stepwise process. Further, he has shown methyl 2-aminoethyl sulfide and 1,8-diamino-3,6-dithiaochow measurements of the hydrogen ion concentra- tanel8 were prepared according t o published methods and purified. tions of solutions containing amines and salts of carefully The general procedure involved the titration of 100 ml. complex-forming metals may be used to determine of solution, 1 Ad in neutral electrolyte (either KCI or KXOr) the successive formation constants and the compo- and containing known concentrations of metal salt and minsition of the coordinatively saturated complex ion.5 eral acid. The titrant was either pure amine or a standardaqueous solution of amine. I n the case where the There are presently available data on ammoniaI4 ized amine was in the form of the acid salt, a weighed amount of monoamines,6 ethylenediamine,4J propylenediam- the salt was placed in the solution to be titrated and a standardized solution of sodium hydroxide was the titrant. d i e t h ~ l e n e t r i a m i n e , ~triethylenetetram~~ The PH measurements were made with the Beckman ine,*tlO 1,2,3-propanetriamine,11 tris-(2-aminoModel G PH meter using a glass electrode with a saturated ethyl)-amine,12 and N-alkylethylenediarnine~.~~~~~ calomel electrode as the reference electrode. A nitrogen This paper reports the results of a study of the atmosphere was maintained over all the solutions titrated formation constants of complexes of copper, nickel, and the titrant was protected from atmospheric carbon diby means of a soda lime tube. Measurements were cobalt and zinc ions with methyl 2-aminoethyl sul- oxide made a t 0 i 0.1", 30 i 0.1"and 50 i 0.1". The 30 and fide, bis-(2-aminoethyl) sulfide and 1,B-diamino-3,6- 50' baths were regulated by means of thermoregulators controlled by mercury switches. The 0" bath was obtained by dithiaoctane. (1) This investigation was carried out under contract N6-onr 26913 between T h e Pennsylvania S t a t e University and T h e Office of Naval Research. (2) A portion of a thesis presented by Ely Gonick in partial fulfillment of t h e requirements for t h e degree of Doctor of Philosophy, August, 1951. (3) University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania. (4) J. Bjerrum, "Metal Ammine Formation in Aqueous Solution," P . Haase and Son, Copenhagen, 1941. (5) For definition of terms and method for t h e calculation of constants see G. A. Carlson, J. P. hIcReynolds and F. H. Verhoek, THIS JOURNAL, 67, 1334 (1945). ( 6 ) R. V. Bruehlman and F. H. Verhoek, i b i d . , 7 0 , 1401 (1948). (7) H. B. Jonassen, R. B. LeBlanc and R. M . Rogan, ibid., 72, 4968 (1950).

(8) H. B. Jonassen, G. G. Hurst, R . B. LeBlanc and A. W. Meibohm, J . P h y s . Chem., 66, 16 (1952). (9) J. E. Prue and G. Schwarzenbach, Helv. Chim. A d a , 33, 985 (1950). (10) G.Schwarzenbach, i b i d . , 33, 974 (1950). (11) J. E. Prue and G . Schwarzenbach, ibid., 33, 995 (1950). (12) J. E. Prue and G . Schwarzenbach, i b i d . , 3 3 , 963 (1950). (13) F. Basolo and R. K. hlurmann, THIS JOURNAL,74, 5243 (1952). (14) H. Irving, Report No. BRL/146, May. 1951. Presented a t

Discussions on Coordination Chemistry held by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited a t Welwyn, Herts, September, 1951.

means of a stirred water-ice mixture. Aqueous solutions of the acids and metal salts used were prepared and analyzed by means of generally accepted methods. The pH meter was standardized both before and after the titrations against buffer solutions prepared from National Bureau of Standards buffer salts. I n the titrations it was found that equilibrium was obtained in most cases as rapidly as the solution could be stirred atid the heat of reaction dissipated to the bath. From twenty to forty PH readings were taken in each titmtion. The acid dissociation constants of the amines were determined in similar titrations substituting barium ion, a noncoordinating ion, for the coordinating metal ions.

Data and Results Dissociation Constants of the Amines.-The results are given in Table I. Complexes of Sulfur-containing Amines.-The measurements of pH and calculation of fi and A yield the results which are recorded as formation curves in Figs. 1-3. From these curves the formation constants given in Table I1 were calculated. (15) E. J. Mills, Jr., and M . T. Bogert, THISJOURNAL, 62, 1173 (1940). (16) E. Gonick and W. C. Frrnelius, submitted for publication.