Molecular Design for New Positive Electron-Beam Resists - American

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Molecular Design for New Positive Electron-Beam Resists Yukio Nagasaki Department of Materials Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo, Noda 278, Japan

Two types of new polymers were prepared for a positive resist toward an electron-beam (EB) exposure. Poly(silamine) telechelics, possessing alternating organosilyl and amino units in the main chain and sec-amino groups at both ends, were mixed with triisocyanate compound followed by coating on silicon wafer using spinner, submicron thickness of the poly(silamine) crosslinked film was obtained. On electron-beam irradiation of the poly(silamine) films, degradation of the film took place. However, the developed depth was only 30% even at a 1,000 |μC cm EB-dose and no thickness change occurred at higher doses, indicating that the charged polymer due to the EB-dose may prevent further cleavage of the polymer film. Actually, when LiClO was doped into poly(silamine) gel, the film was developed almost completely at 2,000 μC cm , supporting the charge-up mechanism. As another positive EB resist, 2-phenylallyl-ended poly(α-methylstyrene) (PAMS) was prepared via an anionic living polymerization technique. The obtained polymer was susceptible against an EB to form active species at the 2-phenylallyl chain end. The formation of the active species initiated a depolymerization of poly(αmethylstyrene) chain. Therefore, PAMS could be one of the candidates for the positive EB resist. The lithographic performance of the PAMS film was estimated by sensitivity characteristic curve. The Dp and the y of the PAMS film were ca. 420 μC cm and 4.2, respectively. -2




The miniaturization of microelectronic devices has been progressing rapidly for the last twenty years. For example, the accumulation of integrated circuits in an ultra-large-scale-integration (ULSI) progresses four times per every 3 - 4 years. (7)


© 1 9 9 8 American Chemical Society Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


For the fabrication of a further fine pattern, a high performance resist polymer must be developed. The primary demand for the high performance resists is, of course, to improve resolution. One of the important factors to improve resolution is the type of irradiation sources. In other words, a resist having a high sensitivity toward a shorter wavelength radiation ( U V -» deep U V -> X-ray, electron beam(EB)) is required for fabrication of future integrated circuit devices. One of the other important points to improve the resist performance is to investigate a novel polymeric system which is susceptible to the irradiation sources as stated above. W e have recently been studying synthesis of organosiliconcontaining polymers for negative EB-resist having high R I E resistivity. (2) One of the organosilicon-containing polymers prepared so far, poly[4bis(trimethylsilyl)methylstyrene] showed high resolution parameter (y = 4 - 8 ) and moderate sensitivity. (3) W e have started very recently a new molecular design for development of high performance positive EB-resists.(4) For development of a new high performance resist, new polymers possessing a R3 R R R i i new structure must be examined. N>-HSIH HJHVJi Poly(silamine), (5) which was synthesized R through anionic polyaddition reactions between Poly(silamine) divinylsilanes and diamines in the presence of a lithium catalyst, has unique repeating units, viz., alternating organosilicon and amine units in the main chain. Recently, we found that poly(silamine) degrades when exposed to E B . This is attributable to susceptibility of lone pairs at amino groups toward electron-beams. Another important point of poly(silamine) is its high silicon content. Organosiliconcontaining polymers(6,7) are being considered as one of the candidates for materials with high resistance to O reactive ion etching ( 0 R I E ) , the mechanism of which is as follows: (8,9) When the etching starts, the surface of the S i containing polymer reacts immediately with oxygen to form a thin S i 0 layer on the surface. The thin S i 0 layer thus formed prevents further etching by 0 R I E . Such organosilicon-containing polymer resists, however, have several problems. For example, the organosilicon group itself does not show a high sensitivity to E B exposure. T o improve this sensitivity, the introduction of EB-sensitive groups into the polymer by certain techniques such as copolymerization must be done. Such a design often decreases other characteristics such as the resolution and etching resistance. Thus, we started to study poly(silamine) as a positive E B resist, which wasexpected to provide high sensitivity and high etching resistance. One of the other approaches to prepare positive CH -] resists is to utilize CH -C CH -C=CH depolymerization tendency. Polymers having a low ceiling temperature (T ) have been investigated for the positive 2-Phenylallyl-ended poly(a-methylstyrene) type resist utilizing their 4














Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


depolymerization characteristics.(70) For example, poly(phthalaldehyde) ( P P H A ) , which shows the T of ca. -40 °C, can be depolymerized by acid treatment due to the high sensitivity of acetal repeating units toward acid hydrolysis. Thus, the P P H A film can be positive photo-resist when it is coupled with a photo-acid generator. (77) Poly(a-methylstyrene) ( P M S ) is one of the other well-known polymers which undergoes depolymerization at ambient temperature due to the low T (ca. 0 °C). (12) P M S is suitable as a resist because o f its l o w thermal flow due to its high glass transition temperature (Tg = 1 3 0 °C) However, its sensitivity against EB-exposure is not high enough. Ito and his coworkers pointed out easier depolymerization of a cationically synthesized P M S , when the polymer coupled with an acid generator was irradiated with U V . (13) They explained that such an easier depolymerization tendency of the cationically synthesized P M S was attributable to the co-end group. It is known that the CD-end group of the cationically synthesized P M A became not only unsaturated group but also benzyl alcohol and ether by chain transfer reaction and/or termiation reaction. These end groups are susceptible to acid attack to form cationic species at the end of polymer chain. These reactions made the polymer depolymerize much easier that that prepared by the anionic polymerization. c


Thus, a structure of polymer end group often drastically change the characteristics of the polymer, e.g. depolymerization tendency i n the case o f P M S . Our idea was to synthesize uniform size P M S possessing a EB-susceptible double bond at the end of the polymer chain through the anionic polymerization technique. According to this idea, we prepared several types of uniform size P M S with end reactive group such as 2-phenylallyl, 2-tolylallyl and 2-phenyl-3,3-difluoroallyl groups.(/4) The end-reactive P M S derivatives thus prepared were susceptible against certain stimuli such as heating, acid and base treatments. For example, the onset temperature of the thermal degradation of P M S derivatives with a 2phenylallyl end group was more than 50 °C lower than that o f hydrogen-terminated polymer.(75) In this review, two approaches to positive E B resists are described. Experimental Synthesis of Poly(silamine). Synthesis of poly(silamine) was described i n our previous papers.(4). Briefly, i n a 100-mL round-bottomed flask equipped with a three-way stopcock, tetrahydrofuran ( T H F ; 12.23 m L ) , 3,6-diethyl-3,6-diazaoctane (1.35 g; 15 mmol), butyllithium (0.48 m L ; 0.75 mmol) and dimethyldivinylsilane (3.7 g; 15 mmol) were placed v i a syringe. After the mixture was allowed to react at 50 °C for 1 d, 5 m m o l of D A O was added to the solution and reacted for one more day. After a small amount of methanol was added to quench the reaction, the low boiling materials were removed by evaporation, then the remaining viscous liquid was washed three times with 100 m L of dimethylformamide ( D M F ) each to remove the low molecular weight ( M W ) compounds completely. Y i e l d was ca. 90% The polymer thus obtained was analyzed by gel permeation chromatography ( G P C ) , ' H N M R , differential scanning calorimetry ( D S C ) and termogravimetric analysis ( T G A ) .

Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


Synthesis of 2-Phenylallyl-ended Poly(a-methylstyrene). Synthesis of poly(amethylstyrene) having an end double bond was described i n our previous papers(15,16). Briefly, to the reactor (100 m L flask equipped with three-way stopcock), T H F (6.6 m L ) , sec-butyllithium (0.34 m L ; 0.26 mmol) and 1 gave the polymer having a sec-amino-group at both ends. The obtained telechelic poly(silamine) I can be crosslinked by tri-functional isocyanate. For example, when telechelic poly(silamine) I was mixed with Colonate HL® (Japan Polyurethane C o . Ltd.) in T H F , the mixture gelled within 1 min. This reaction can be applied to the poly(silamine) I gel preparation on a Si-wafer. Within one minute after the polymer I was mixed with the tri-isocyanate, the mixture was spincoated on the Si-wafer to form the poly(silamine) I thin film gel, the thickness of which was ca. 2,000 - 7,000 A. 0


Using the obtained crosslinked poly(silamine) I thin film, the characteristics toward EB-exposure were investigated. After the EB-exposure followed by methanol development, the thickness of the film decreased, indicating positive characteristics. It is rather surprising to us that water was a much better developing solvent than methanol, indicating that the fragmented polymer became charged by the EB-dose making it a water soluble material. Figure 5 shows sensitivity characteristic curve of the poly(silamine) I gel film which was developed by methanol. A s can be seen in the figure, the film thickness started to decrease with an EB-dose less than 10 \iC c m , indicating higher « poly(sUam ne) sensitivity of the poly(silamine) I J film against E B than that of IV. | However, the developed thickness ^ attained was only 30% even at a ^ 1,000 \iC cm' EB-dose. In the dose « region higher than 1,000 nC c m , the e poly (si 1 amine) 0.4 remaining film thickness increased + LiC104 again, indicating that the charged polymer due to the EB-dose may .2 0.2 prevent further cleavage of the Actually, when polymer film. doped into LiC10 was 1000 10 100 poly(silamine) I gel, the film was Dose / pC-cnr developed almost completely at F i g . 5 Sensitivity characteristic curve of 2,000 \iC c m -2, supporting the closslinked poly(silamine) I developed by charge-up mechanism. water (Open Plot: without L i C 1 0 dope; Therefore, developed polyClose Plots: Doped with LiC10 (silamine) homologues can be one of ( [ N y [ L i ] = 40); F i l m thickness = 4,000 A) the promising candidates for positive type lithographic material. 2









2-Phenylallyl-ended Poly(a-methylstyrene) as Positive EB-Resist Preparation of End-Functionalized Poly(a-methylstyrene). It is well known that M S can be polymerized by the anionic polymerization technique without any side

Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


reactions such as termination or chain transfer reactions.(26) In our previous paper, we revealed that organosiliconcontaining a-methystyrene derivative, 4bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl-amethylstyrene (SMS), can be polymerized i n the same manner as M S to form a living polymer.(70) The end-modification of the living p o l y S M S by 2-phenylallyl bromide (PAB) proceeded almost quantitatively. The anionic polymerization and the end modification of M S by P A B proceeded similarly to that of S M S . Figure 6 shows a G P C curve of the P M S obtained by the end-modification reaction with P A B . The obtained P M S exhibited 25 20 15 a very low M W D ( M w / M n = 1.06) even Ve/mL after the end modification reaction. It F i g . 6 G P C profile of 2-phenylallylshould be noted that the end modification ended poly(a-methylstyrene) ( P A M S ) agent, P A B possesses both carbonhalogen and carbon-carbon double bonds in the same molecule, which has several possibilities of side reactions such as dimerization of the prepolymers and oligomerizations of the coupling agent with the prepolymers when it treated with the prepolymer. The M n of the obtained polymer was 19,000. The extent of the end-modification was analyzed by *H N M R as shown i n F i g . 7. A s can be seen i n the figure, the two singlet signals appearing at 5.0 and 5.3 ppm were assignable to two olefinic protons at the end of the polymer. B y









0 Sin ppm

F i g . 7 *H N M R spectrum of 2-phenylallyl-ended poly(amethylstyrene)

Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


comparison of these signals with phenyl protons in each repeating unit, 2phenylallyl group was confirmed to have been introduced almost completely to the P M S end. Degradation Tests of PAMS. The degradation behavior of 2-phenylallyl-ended PMS, P A M S , was investigated by TGA. The hydrogenterminated P M S started to degrade at 310 °C as shown in F i g . 8. When the 2phenylallyl group was 500 introduced into the end of the polymer chain, the onset Tenperature / °C temperature of the degrada­ tion shifted to the lower F i g . 8 Thermogravimetric analysis of 2-phenylallyltemperature side. This fact ended poly(a-methylstyrene) (solid line) and can be explained in the hydrogen-ended poly(a -methylstyrene) (dotted line) following way. The high temperature induced the cleavage reaction of the end-double bond to form a radical species, which initiated the depolymerization reaction of the poly(cc-methylstyrene) derivatives as shown i n Scheme 3. The whole T G A profile of P A M S shifted to lower temperature field, indicating quantitative end-modification of the polymer which agreed well with the N M R data.

Scheme 3

The alkaline treatment of P M S with 2-phenylallyl end group also induced a depolymerization i n ogranic solvent. When P A M S was mixed with n - B u L i i n T H F at ambient temperature, almost all of the polymer disappeared as shown i n F i g . 9. A low molecular weight oligomeric mixture was observed instead of the starting polymer. This is i n sharp contrast to the hydrogen-terminated polymers, which remained almost completely after the reaction with n - B u L i . (77) This result indicates that butyllithium adds to the double bond at the end of the polymer chain to form the active carbanion, followed by the depolymerization reactions.

Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


Evaluation as EB resist. As stated above, the 2-phenylallyl end group i n P A M S worked effectively to generate active species at the end of polymer chain for both thermal and alkaline treatments to result i n the initiation of the depolymerizaiton. If an E B exposure works also for generation of active species at the phenylallyl end group in P A M S , the sensitivity of PMS homologues must be increased by the E B exposure. Figure 10 shows sensitivity characteristic curve for P A M S ( M n = 19,000; 30 25 20 15 M w / M n = 1.06) with EB-dose Ve/mL along with that for hydrogen terminated P M S ( M n = 21,000; F i g . 9 G P C of P A M S before (dotted line) and after (solid line) the butyllithium treatment M w / M n = 1.04). A s can be seen in the figure, both polymers showed positive character against E B dose. A s reported previously, H-terminated P M S showed very low sensitivity against E B exposure. Only 30% of the film decreased at 1,000 | i C c m dose under our conditions (developed by methanol/methyl isobutyl keton 2/3 voL/vol.). Contrary to H-terminated P M S , P A M S showed much higher sensitivity. Actually, the film was completely developed at 420 \iC cm" under the same conditions. The higher sensitivity of the P A M S film than that of H-terminated P M S may be attributable to the end 2-phenylallyl group in P A M S , viz., the end double bond scission took place much easier than that of the main chain scissions when E B was exposed to the P A M S film. The end double bond scission E B dose (log | i C cm" ) generated the active species at F i g . 10 Sensitivity characteristic curves o f 2the end of P A M S chain which induced the depolymerization phenylallyl-ended poly(a-methylstyrene) (closed circle) and hydrogen-ended poly(aof P A M S . methylstyrene) (Thickness: 6,000 A) A y value for P A M S was 2




A fairly high contrast

Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


parameter (y) may be attributable to both the low molecular motion in each segment and very narrow molecular weight distribution of the polymer. Conclusion Utilizing the anionic polymerization technique, two types o f new polymer were prepared. Poly(silamine) was decomposed by the EB-exposure, which can be developed with water. Thus, poly(silamine) is anticipated as new types o f positive water developing EB-resist having high etching resistance. 2-Phenylallyl-ended poly(a-methylstyrene) was susceptible not only to heating but also to alkaline treatment to induce degradation to monomer and/or oligomeric mixture. In the same manner, micropatterning can be obtained by the E B exposure. Since the glass transition temperature o f PAMS is high, positive E B resist having high resolution characteristic can be anticipated. Acknowledgments The authors would like to express sincere appreciation to Prof. Masao Kato, Messrs. Hideo Kimura, Noriyuki Yamazaki, Ken-ichiro Deguchi and Naoki Yamazaki, for carrying out a part o f this study. A part o f this study was supported financially by Futaha Foundation.

G., H.;

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Ito et al.; Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.