Molecular Design Ltd

The personal database manager for chemists. Created by a team of chemists who, collectively, ... that data on any of the IBM family of personal comput...
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hemBase™ The personal database manager for chemists. Created by a team of chemists who, collectively, represent over 728 years of lab experience. Chemists who realize that a chemist's place is in the lab. Not hunting through files. That's why ChemBase works the way you think. Graphically. With structures. Let's say you need to find a specific group of related compounds.

Normally that might take hours searching through files and notebooks. But ChemBase can store all that data on any of the IBM family of personal computers. And it understands chemistry. Bonds. All 103 elements. Isotopes. Valence. Even reaction transformations. In seconds, it races through your data. Recognizes what you want. And displays the results. In customized forms and tables. And ChemBase is just one of our family of chemistry software

tools. Used by thousands of chemists worldwide. Making us the leading supplier of chemistry software. For details about ChemBase, write or call Molecular Design Limited, 2132 Farallon Drive, San Leandro, CA 94577, (415) 895-1313. Because every chemist needs experienced help around the lab.

Molecular Design Ltd

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