Molecular Modeling for the Macintosh - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Molecular Modeling for the Macintosh

Harness the p o w e r of y o u r Macintosh with MacSPARTAN Pro a n d discover the future of chemical research a n d education. Construct o r g a n i c , organometallic a n d inorganic molecules. O b t a i n transition states from a n extensive database. Perform calculations using molecular mechanics a n d semi-empirical, Hartree-Fock a n d density functional quantum chemical methods. Display multiple model styles. Calculate energies, dipole moments a n d atomic charges. Display electron densities, spin densities, electrostatic potentials, a n d molecular orbitals. Search conformations, determine equilibrium a n d transition state geometries, a n d evaluate vibrational frequencies. O r g a n i z e everything in a convenient spreadsheet. A f f o r d a b l e . Powerful. Versatile. Accessible. From industry to a c a d e m i a . Research to teaching. Visit to learn h o w MacSPARTAN Pro can help y o u r chemistry.


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