Molecular Orbital Calculations on the Interaction of Veratryl Alcohol

Nov 30, 1999 - Thomas Elder1 and David C. Young2. 1 School of Forestry, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849. 2 Alabama Research and Education ...
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Chapter 7

Molecular Orbital Calculations on the Interaction of Veratryl Alcohol with the Lignin Peroxidase Active Site 1

Thomas Elder and David C. Young


Downloaded by UNIV OF LEEDS on October 17, 2016 | Publication Date: November 30, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0742.ch007



School of Forestry, Auburn University, Auburn, A L 36849 Alabama Research and Education Network, Nichols Research Corporation, Auburn, A L 36849

Ab initio calculations for the lignin peroxidase active site and veratryl alcohol have been performed at the STO-3G level using the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation for open-shell species. These results are interpreted in terms of edgewise interactions between the catalyst and substrate.

During the recent past, considerable interest has been focused on the white rot fungusPhanerochaete chrysosporium and the lignin peroxidase enzyme ( E C . 1.1 L I . ) thereof, as a catalyst for lignin oxidation. Such reactions have various potential industrial applications including biobleaching of pulp and the removal of chlorinated organics from waste waters (I). To date, three x-ray diffraction solutions of the lignin peroxidase structure have been deposited with the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, with accession numbers pdbllga (2) (Figure la), pdblllp and pdblqpa. The active sites of all three structures are quite similar, with the only consistent geometric differences occurring in the vinyl pendant groups. Lignin peroxidase, with an iron protoporphyrin I X prosthetic group coordinated to a histidine (Figure lb), initially reacts with hydrogen peroxide to produce compound I (3). Due to the isolated nature of the lignin peroxidase active site and the size of the lignin macromolecule, veratryl alcohol, a secondary metabolite of Phanerochaete chrysosporium has been proposed as a mediator that undergoes an initial enzymatic oxidation and subsequently oxidizes the lignin polymer (4). Compound I, a cation radical with three unpaired electrons, is proposed to oxidize veratryl alcohol by a single electron transfer mechanism resulting in the veratryl alcohol cation radical and Compound Π, which is neutral with two unpaired electrons, as summarized in Figure 2a. Furthermore, the geometry of interaction between the


© 2000 American Chemical Society Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Figure 1. a) Schematic of the x-ray structure of lignin peroxidase, with the heme-group highlighted, b) the lignin peroxidase active site used in this work.

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Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Figure 2. a) Oxidation reaction of veratryl alcohol, b) Proposed reaction geometry from reference (5).

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189 substrate and active site has been discussed in studies of cytochrome C peroxidase and guaiacol (5), wherein a co-planar, edgewise approach has been proposed (Figure 2b). Due to the general biological significance of the metalloporphyrins and the enzyme systems in which they occur, including lignin peroxidase, these compounds have been extensively studied using the methods of theoretical chemistry. This has been reviewed for the iron porphyrins by Loew (6), with particular attention to the varying oxidation states that may be exhibited, the calculation of electronic absorption spectra, and dynamic aspects of binding to the iron complexes. The heme group has also found application as a model system for the active site of peroxidase enzymes (7, 8) with complementary work reported for a number of substrate molecules (9,10). Work on the active site of peroxidase enzymes has involved cytochrome P450 (11-13) and, notably, the electronic absorption spectra, spin densities, and proton transfer reactions of cytochrome c peroxidase (14-16). The calculations have been largely executed using a version of INDO (intermediate neglect of differential overlap), a semi-empirical molecular orbital method, that has been specifically parameterized for transition metals and the prediction of spectral properties (17). Recently, results from density functional theory (DFT) calculations on a peroxidase model have been reported by Kuramoehi et al. (18). This work characterized the electronic structure of compounds I and Π, using a triple-ζ basis set, and calculated Môssbauer spectrum parameters that agreed well with experiment. Related research has applied restricted Hartree-Fock and complete active space SCF calculations to iron porphyrin-pyridine complexes (19, 20). Using the crystallographic structure for the lignin peroxidase active site, the current work reports on unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) calculations for the openshell compounds I and Π, and the veratryl alcohol cation radical at ab initio levels of approximation. The UHF method constructs orbitals describing the α and β electrons of free radicals separately and is a more general solution to the electron density problem than the restricted calculations (21). The U H F calculations are more rapid to perform than the restricted methods, but may suffer from the problem of spin contamination (i.e. spin states other than the one specified may be mixed into the solution, possibly leading to energies that are too low and unrealistic spin densities (22)). Methods Given the structural similarities among the three available lignin peroxidase structures, the structure of Poulos et al. (2) was selected as basis for the current work. The heme and coordinated histidine (His-176), were extracted for subsequent calculations. As a first step, an oxygen was added to the iron center of the active site and the whole structure was relaxed using the Universal Force Field (23). This was done to relieve any crystal packing forces that might have been distorting the structure, and to provide a reasonable Fe-0 distance. The optimized structure was found to be not dissimilar to the original, maintaining slight puckering and non-planarity within the porphyrin system. Next single-point UHF/STO-3G calculations were performed, for compound I (charge=+l, multiplicity=4) and compound II (charge=0, multiplicity=3). In order to verify the identification of a reasonable electronic ground state, and insure

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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190 an open-shell structure with minimal spin contamination, the wave functions were varied by exchanging selected molecular orbitals representing the α-electrons. STO3G calculations were also done for the neutral, closed-shell veratryl alcohol (Figure lb) and the cation radical, using HF and UHF methods respectively. For examinations of the interaction between veratryl alcohol and the lignin peroxidase active site, the reaction geometry proposed by DePillis (5) was approximated, and distances between the groups were set at about 5 and 10 Â. Charge was maintained at +1 and the multiplicity was kept at 4. Single-point UHF/STO-3G calculations were performed on these complexes. All molecular orbital calculations were performed using Gaussian 94, Revision E2 (24) on a Cray-C90, maintained in Huntsville, Alabama by the Alabama Supercomputer Authority. Unichem, licensed from Oxford Molecular, running on a Silicon-Graphics Indigo2 workstation in the Department of Chemistry at Auburn University, was used as a graphical interface. Results Compound I. The properties of the various states of compound I, identified by exchanging the specified molecular orbitals are as indicated in Table 1. While the exchange of the H O M O and L U M O (orbitals 207 and 208) gave the lowest energy, not unexpectedly, an increase in the spin contamination was also found. Furthermore, exchanging 206 with 208 resulted in unrealistic values for both charge and spin density. (The theoretical spin density for this compound is 3.75).

Table I. Properties of Compound I E(UHF) (hartrees) original state 207 exchanged with 208 207 exchanged with 209 206 exchanged with 208

-3,661.97327 -3,662.04833 -3,661.91515 -3,661.95976

4.76 19.61 5.03 17.44

Charge Fe


1.25 1.25 1.19 1.27

-0.50 -0.50 -0.47 -0.03


Spin density Fe 4.70 4.73 0.91 -0.93

Spin density 0

-0.85 -0.87 1.05 1.77

Both the initial calculation and the 207-209 exchange resulted in lower spin contamination, with the latter state having a slightly higher energy. Based on Mulliken charges (Table 1, Figure 3a,b), these two states are quite similar. In both cases, the iron possesses a large partial positive charge, while the coordinated oxygen has a large partial negative charge. These values are in qualitative agreement with the literature. Given these results, however, it must be borne in mind that charge calculations are extremely dependent on the basis set that is used (25). The current values are presented only for internal comparison. Furthermore, it has been documented that the use of more sophisticated basis sets does not lead to converging Mulliken charges (25), such that the use of higher levels of theory offers no readily apparent advantage over the minimal basis set used in the current work.

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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191 It can be seen, however, that there are striking differences between these two states with respect to the spin density (Table 1, Figure 4a,b). Restricted open-shell calculations on related model compounds resulted in values of 1.10-1.91 for iron and 0.06-0.89 for the oxygen, with most of the values toward the upper end of this range (19,20). Unrestricted density functional theory calculations gave values of 1.15-1.24 and 0.98-0.99, for the iron and oxygen, respectively. Based on these results, it would appear that the state arising from the exchange of orbitals 207 and 209 is more consistent with the literature, indicating an appreciable level of spin density on the oxygen. Furthermore, as can be seen from Figure 4b, this state also has substantial spin density on the meso-carbons, possibly supporting the edgewise reaction geometry proposed in the literature (2,5). Preliminary restricted open-shell calculations on the lignin peroxidase active site have resulted in spin densities that are in accord with the literature, and will be reported elsewhere. Concomitant with the range of spin densities reported for iron porphyrin compounds is a controversy over the nature of the ground state of compound I, as manifested by orbital symmetry. The two states, designated ai„ and a ^ in the porphyrin literature (6), have been found to be energetically similar (a difference of 0.15eV has been reported from density functional calculations), and sensitive to substituents on the porphyrin ring, and the nature of the axial ligand (6). The orbital plots .from the current calculations (Figure 4c, d) are consistent with the previously reported symmetries, such that the original, lower energy, structure is a2u, while the state identified by 207-209 exchange, is ai„. Compound Π. The reduction of compound I, by the abstraction of an electron from veratryl alcohol results in compound Π, with an energy of -3661.96781 hartree. A n electronic state was identified with a spin contamination value of 2.13, which compares favorably with the theoretical value of 2.0. Perhaps owing to the low < S value, the spin densities for the iron (0.97) and oxygen (1.01) compare favorably with the recent literature (Yamaguchi et al. 1997). Graphically, it can be seen that the spin density, while concentrated on the Fe=0 bond, is also present on the porphyrin ring (Figure 5b), albeit to a smaller extent than in Figure 3b. This might be interpreted in terms of the lower number of unpaired electrons in compound Π. As also might be expected, the partial positive charges on the meso-carbons are smaller upon reduction (Figure 5a). A perturbation in the H O M O can also be seen (Figure 5c).

2 >

Veratryl alcohol. Semi-empirical results have been reported for the electronic structure of both veratryl alcohol and its cation radical (26). In the interest of consistency and in order to allow direct comparisons with the porphyrins, however, STO-3G ab initio calculations have been completed and will be reported here. Results for Mulliken charge and orbital plots are shown in Figure 6a,b and c. As was the case for the proposed reaction channel in compound I, veratryl alcohol generally exhibits small partial negative charges, with the exceptions being positions 3 and 4 with methoxyl substituents. Although the partial positive charges involved are small, invoking coulombic forces to account for the interactions of the reactants might be questionable. It can be seen, however, that veratryl alcohol has a large, well

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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Figure 3. Mulliken charges for a) a2u state, b) a i state, for Compound I. u

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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Figure 3. Continued

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. u

Figure 4. Spin density for a) a^ state, b) a i state, H O M O for c) a2u state, d) aiu state, for Compound I.

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distributed HOMO, that may be capable of overlap with the porphyrin. The ab initio energy was found to be -565.11094 hartree Veratryl alcohol cation radical. The Mulliken charges found for the veratryl alcohol cation radical are similar to the ground state (Figure 6d), and as has been reported in the previous semi-empirical work, the SOMO (singly occupied molecular orbital) (Figure 6e) of the cation radical is similar to the H O M O of the ground state. The spin density of the cation radical is as might be expected from resonance structures, with the bulk of the unpaired density present on C - l , C-3, C-5 and the C-4 oxygen (Figure 6f), and a UHF energy of-564.98216746 hartree. Interactions between lignin peroxidase active site and veratryl alcohol. The structures used to study the interaction of veratryl alcohol and the heme active site are as indicated in Figures 7 and 8. Using the a state for compound I, the oxidation reaction is found to be exothermic at a level of 0.13424 hartrees (84.234 kcal/mole). In comparing the charge differences as the veratryl alcohol approaches the heme, there appear to be few large changes among the positions that are getting closer to each other. It is interesting to note, however, that the coordinated oxygen has gone from having a large partial negative charge to a slight partial positive charge as the separation decreases (Figure 7a, 8a). There are obvious changes occurring as a function of distance in both the spin density (Figures 7b and 8b) and spatial distribution of the H O M O (Figures 7c and 8c). The increase in unpaired density on the veratryl alcohol at the smaller separation may be indicative of the electron loss that occurs in the oxidation reaction. Also, at the closest approach the H O M O plot shows a distortion towards the veratryl alcohol. 2u

Conclusions In the current work, the lowest energy state for the lignin peroxidase active site is found to exhibit the a. symmetry that has been previously identified and reported in the literature for related compounds. Furthermore, when the catalytic site and veratryl alcohol substrate are in close proximity, an increase in spin density can be observed within the veratryl alcohol, indicative of the single electron transfer reaction. From a methodological standpoint, the results for the lignin peroxidase active site, obtained by the use of the UHF approximation, are the basis for a comparison with other theoretical methods. It is apparent from this work that the transition metals, with partially filled d-orbitals and range of possible oxidation states, are intrinsically difficult to address using theoretical methods. The identification and verification that a specified electronic state has been found for an organometallic complex is a non-trivial undertaking. Furthermore, for the compounds in question in this paper, the literature is replete with results that vary with computational methods. While this is initially disturbing, it should be no more surprising than the well-accepted differences in molecular weights of polymers that are found by different analytical methods. Ongoing work will be concerned with a systematic comparison of theoretical methods and structure-activity relationships for varying catalysts. 2vi

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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Figure 5. Compound II a) Mulliken charges, b) spin density, c) HOMO.

Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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Figure 5. Continued

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Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Figure 6. Veratryl alcohol a) Mulliken charges, b) H O M O , c) L U M O , veratryl alcohol cation radical d) Mulliken charges, e) SOMO, f) spin density.

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Glasser et al.; Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Figure 6. Continued

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Figure 7. Interunit separation ~5Â a) Mulliken charges, b) spin density, c)HOMO

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Figure 7. Continued

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a Figure 8. Interunit separation ~10Â a) Mulliken charges, b) spin density, c)HOMO.

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Figure 8. Continued

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