Molecular Rearrangements. XXIII. The Mechanism of Hydride Shift

Molecular Rearrangements. XXIII. The Mechanism of. Hydride Shift during Hydrolyses of Certain Substituted. Norbornyl Tosylates1*2. Clair J. Collins an...
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Molecular Rearrangements. XXIII. The Mechanism of Hydride Shift during Hydrolyses of Certain Substituted Norbornyl Tosylates1*2 Clair J. Collins and Ben M. Benjamin

Contributionf r o m the Chemistry Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831. Received October 31,1966 Abstract: The hydrolyses of 2-exo-hydroxy-2-phenyl-3-exo-tosyloxynorbornane (2) and its 5,6-exo-dideuterio analog 2a have been studied. Five products (3,4,5,6, and 7) were identified and shown to be present in combined yields of 88-92 %. Hydride shifts accompanying the rearrangements take place by discrete, sequential 1,2 shifts, and not through face-protonated, nortricyclonium-type ions.8 The products of 6,1-, 1,2-, and 6,2-hydride (or deuteride) shifts have all been identified. The formation of 5-deuterio-3-phenylnortricyclenol-3 (4a) takes place with stereospecific loss of the 5-exa-deuterium of 2a. Confirmatory experiments (1) with tosylate 2c (containing an endo-3-deuterium) and (2) with 7-phenyl-7-syn-hydroxy-2-norbornyl tosylate (14) and its 5,6-endo-dideuterio analog 14a were also performed. Tosylates 2 and 14, upon hydrolysis, produce 3, 4, 5, and 6 in yields which are identical within experimental error. Tosylates 2 and 2a give different yields of the products, in a direction which is in accord with the anticipated hydrogen-deuterium isotope effect.


n connection with our investigation of the pinacol rearrangement of 2-phenylnorbornane-2,3-cis,exodiol (1)3 and its deuterium-containing isomer la,4 A

D &:H

HOH @ Ph

Ph 1


it seemed evident that a study of the solvolytic behavior of the two tosylates, 2 and 2a, might answer some of the



questions concerning the mechanism of hydride migration in norbornyl-type intermediates. The manner in which such hydride shifts occur has been questioned lately,j-’ Winstein preferring an “edge-protonated” transition state A to the “face-protonated” model B originally proposed by Roberts.8 Neither the results of Berson and Grubb6nor our studies4 on the pinacol rearrangement of l a answered the question definitively, for the introduction6 of a substituent in the 2 position of a norbornyl derivative destroys the threefold symmetry of the presumed face-protonated intermediate (1) Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corp. (2) Paper XXII in this series: C. J. Collins, B. M. Benjamin, and M. H. Lietzke, Ann., 687, 150 (1965). (3) C. J. Collins, Z. K. Cheema, R. G . Werth, and B. M. Benjamin, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,86, 4913 (1964); see also D. C. Kleinfelter and P. yon R. Schleyer, ibid., 83, 2329 (1961). (4) B. M. Benjamin and C. J. Collins, ibid., 88, 1556 (1966); preliminary reports of this work appeared: 88, 1558 (1966); Tetrahedron



( C , R = phenyl4 or methyl6) formed from it; thus the reactivity of the carbon t o which the substituent is attached could be so affected that a discrete shift of hydrogen (or deuterium) to an adjacent carbon might be allowed. In this event, either the edge-protonated or the face-protonated intermediate could produce the same experimental result. Although the phenyl and hydroxyl groups in 2 also destroy the symmetry of the intermediate, here the substituents are remote from the reaction site, and the effect upon the reactivities of the three carbons involved in the charge distribution should be less. It does not appear easy, with present techniques, to use deuterated 2-norbornyl tosylate to study hydride shifts, since solvolyses would lead t o inseparable mixtures of isotope position isomers of norborneol or norbornyl esters. The problem, therefore, reduces to one of separation of the various products of deuterium or of hydrogen migration of an appropriately labeled norbornyl derivative, and we hoped that solvolysis of 2a would provide us with such separable products. Methods and Results Hydrolysis of 2 in aqueous acetone at 100” (see Experimental Section) yielded the four diols 3, 5, 6, and 7 plus 3-phenylnortricyclenol-3 (4), which were

Letters, 5477 (1966).. (5) J. A. Berson “Molecular Rearrangements,” Vol. 1, P. de Mayo, Ed., Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1963, pp 139-155. (6) J. A. Berson and P. W. Grubb, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,87, 4016




&b 3






11965). -, (7) A. Colter, E. C. Friederich, N. J. Holness, and S. Winstein, ibid. 87, 378 (1965). (8) J. D . Roberts and C. C. Lee, ibid., 73, 5009 (1951); J. D. Roberts, C. C. Lee, and W. H. Saunders, Jr., ibid., 76, 4501 (1954).

Journal of the American Chemical Society / 89.7 1 March 29, 1967



1653 separated by column chromatography (on alumina). The total combined yield of these products was 89%. The yields of 3-6 were determined by isotope-dilution methods using phenyl-labeled (with carbon-14) 2 as the reactant. Compound 7 was not determined in this fashion since it was isolated and characterized long after the completion of the isotope-dilution experiments (Dr. Benjamin S . Benjaminov, unpublished work). The yields are shown in Table I. The structure of 4 was demonstrated by independent synthesis from nortricyclenone and phenylmagnesium bromide. The diol 6 was also synthesized independently from norbornenone (8) by the sequence 8 9 --t 6 (plus 10). Products 3 and 5 were identified from their nmr and infrared




that the 7-hydroxyl of 11 first reacts with lithium aluminum hydride t o give a complex which intramolecularly reduces to yield the diol 12. Diol 3 was converted to the tosylate 14 which was in




turn submitted to the same conditions of hydrolysis as had been used for tosylate 2. The same products 3, 4, 5, and 6 were obtained, and their yields as determined by isotope-dilution methods (starting with 14 labeled in the phenyl with carbon-14) were identical, within experimental error, with the yields of these products obtained upon hydrolysis of 2. The results are also summarized in Table I. exo-5,6-Dideuterionorbornanone-2 (17) was synthesized (by the sequence 15 + 16 + 17) and then


spectra (see later in this section) and by certain of their chemical reactions. Diol 3 with the two hydroxyls



HO, 17 3.


bH 12

syn t o each other was oxidized with chromic acid to the ketone 11 which, when treated with lithium aluminum hydride in ether, was converted predominantly to the diol 12, in which the 2-hydroxyl group is now




converted to the diol l a and the tosylate 2a by methods previously recorded. Tosylate 2a was subjected to hydrolysis under the same conditions used for the hydrolyses of 2 and 14, and once again the yields of each product were determined by the isotopic dilution method. The yields of the four products are given in the last row of Table I (including 7a and b which was isolated after the isotope-dilution experiments). The distribution of deuterium in each product, as determined by analysis of the pertinent nmr spectra, was found to be as follows.


endo. The diol 5 could also be oxidized to a ketone 13 which, when treated with lithium aluminum hydride, was converted t o a mixture of diols consisting predominantly of the original diol 5. These results for the reduction with lithium aluminum hydride of the ketones 11 and 13 are consistent with the structures of their precursors, 3 and 5, respectively; thus the phenyl group in 13 offers more steric hindrance to attack of the reducing agent upon the carbonyl group than the hydroxyl in structure 11. Further there is the possibility



6a, b Table I Starting material 2

14 2a

Yield of product, 43.5(3) 45.5(3) 53.5(3a)

25.9(4) 26.5(4) 17.5(4a)


12.5(5) 3.6(6) 3.6* (7) 11.3(5) 4.2(6) b ( 7 ) 13.4(5a) 3.8(6a) b ( 7 )

By weight. Compound 7 was isolated and identified after all of the isotope-dilution experiments were completed. b Diol 7 was isolated, but its yield was not determined.

7a, b

In order to learn more about the mechanism of the loss of a single deuterium atom during formation of 4a, diol 3a was converted t o the tosylate 14a, which was





Collins,Benjamin / Norbornyl Tosylate Hydrolyses

1654 ORNL-OWC. 66-3558



, ! ,


,,!.,.. ' . , . ! , , :



! , .





' . , . 1

Finally the isotope position isomer 2c was hydrolyzed under the usual conditions and the products 312, 4c, Sc, 6c and d, and 7c and d were isolated. The positions occupied by the deuterium atoms in 312, 4c, and 5c were as shown in the appropriate structural formulas. Compounds 6c and d and 7c and d each consisted of the two isotope position isomers in the approximate ratio 6 d : 6 ~= 7 d : 7 ~= 9 : l .

x Ph

Discussion Nmr Spectra. We previously reported4 in part some nmr spectral data for compounds 3, 4, 5, and 6. Further discussion is given here and the available constants are summarized in Tables I1 and 111. Integration of the nmr spectrum of 5 indicated five aromatic hydrogens at 6 = 7.38 ppm (downfield from TMS), a single hydrogen at 3.56 ppm, two exchangeable hydrogens at 1.86 ppm, two hydrogens at 2.4 ppm, and the remaining six hydrogens as a complex series of peaks between 2.2 and 0.9 ppm (Figure 1). The one-proton /I resonance at 3.56 ppm appeared as a broad multiplet in deuteriochloroform solution. When a trace of acid was added to increase the hydroxyl hydrogen exchange rate, the signal appeared as a sharp quartet indicating the presence in compound 5 of the HCOH grouping. The pattern was simplified t o a doublet by double irradiation first of 1.46 ppm and again at 1.78 ppm. That the splittings d o not arise from coupling with a Figure 1. The nmr spectrum of 7-syn-phenylnorbornane-7-anti,- bridgzhead hydrogen was shown when the appearance 2-exo-diol (5) and its 1-deuterio (5c) and 3-endo,6-endo-dideuterio of the quartet was not altered by double irradiation in (Sa) isomers recorded at 60 Mc/sec as approximately 20% solutions the 2.4-ppm region where the signals for the bridgehead in deuteriochloroform. The aromatic region is not shown. hydrogens appear. The splittings are typical of the couplings of an endo proton with adjacent endo and exo proton^.^ Since it has been demonstrated that then subjected to the same conditions of hydrolysis endo-hydrogens of norbornyl derivatives are not coupled as were employed for 2, 2a, and 14. This time the with bridgehead hydrogen^,^' H, was assigned the yields of products were not determined, since we were endo configuration. The set of four sharp signals at interested primarily in whether the phenylnortricyclenol (4) so obtained had lost one of its deuterium atoms, as in 4a, or still possessed both of the original deuteriums. In fact, 4a was once again obtained, thus lending credence t o the conclusion (see Discussion) Hx that 2 and 14 hydrolyze through the same intermediates. 1.78 ppm is assigned to the endo-3 hydrogen (Hb) and Neither 2 nor 14 underwent internal rearrangement to the broadened multiplet at 1.48 ppm to the exo-3 hythe other. drogen (Ha). Analysis of the foregoing ABX systemlo gives the following constants: Avab = 25.5 cps, J,, HO, ,Ph = 3.5 cps, Jbx = 8.5 cps, and Jab = 13.8 cps. These values are consistent with other observation^.^ The absence of fine structure in the components of the quartets for both the endo-2 and endo-3 protons suggests that the 7-anti position is also substituted.'' The ap4c 3c pearance of the exo-3 hydrogen at higher field strength 2c than its endo-3 counterpart, though contrary to usual HO, ,Ph observation^,^^^'^ is consistent with combined positive anisotropic effects of the ~ i s - 2 - O H ' ~and the 7-syn-

-+EH D



D 5c



6d 6c

(9) (a) P. Laszlo and P. von R. Schleyer, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 85, 2709 (1963); (b) ibid., 86, 1171 (1964); (c) F. A. L. Anet, Can. J . Chem., 39, 789 (1961); (d) R. Frazer, ibid., 40, 78 (1962). (10) J. A. Pople, W. G. Schneider, and H. J. Bernstein, "High Resolu-

tion Nuclear Magnetic Resonance," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.,1959, p 132. (11) A 1-3-cps coupling constant between endo protons and 7-anri protons is expected: J. Meinwald and Y.C. Meinwald, J. Am. Chem.

H& o:

Soc., 85, 2514 (1963).




Journat of the American Chemical Society / 89:7

(12) (a) J. I. Musher, J . Mol. Phys., 6, 93 (1963); (b) W. C. Wang and C. C. Lee, Can. J . Chem., 43 (1964). (13) J. C. Davis, Jr., and U. Van Auken, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 87, 3900 (1965).

March 29, 1967


Table 11. Chemical Shifts of Phenylnorbornanediolsa ~









-2.44 (br) -2.42 (br) 2.61 (br 2) 2.67 cur)


3.80 (4) 3.56 (4)

2.14 (br2) 1.46 (br) 2.34 (4) 2.06

1.97 (4) 1.78 (4) 1.55 (m) 2.11


6d Id

.. ..




4N2.44 (br) ~2.42 (br) 2.37 (br) 2.51 (br)

exo-51.22 (m) 2.05 (br)



endo-50.83 (m) 1.17 (m) 4.27 (br 2) 3.98 (4)

exo-6- endo-61.22 (m) 2.05 (br) 1.55 (m) 1.57 (m)

0.83 (m) 1.17 (m) 3.04 (8) 1.60 (m)







1 94 (10) 2.2or 2.47

1.55 (m) 2.2or 2.47

Chemical shifts are reported in ppm downfield from tetramethylsilane standard at 0 ppm; values in pareiithcses refer to the multiplicity of the signals: br, broad; m, multiplet; 2, doublet; etc. In benzene solution. In deuteriochloroform solution. d In pyridine solution, The solutions were about 20% (w/v). All signals are slightly concentration dependent because of the anisotropic effect of the benzene substituent.

Table 111. Spin-Spin Coupling Constants of Phenylnorbornanediolsa J

exo-3,endo-3 exo-3,endo-2 endo-3p1do-2 exo-6,1 endo-6,anti-7 endo-6,endo-5 endo-6,exo-6 endo-3,syn-7 syn-7,anti-7 syn-7,4 syn-7,l exo-5.endo-6 exo-3,4 a


-12.82 2.5 7.4 5.4 -12.2

3.8 4.1

5 -13.8 3.5 8.5


3.7 4.0




-14.5 3.9 2.3 7.0 -13.0 3.0 -10.0 1.5 1.5

6.8 -11.5 -9 3.6

See footnotes b, c, and d of Table 11.

phenyl. The configurations of the phenyl and the remaining hydroxyl group of 5 were confirmed as follows: the location of the signal (1.65 ppm) for the two exchanging hydroxyl hydrogens is at extremely high field relative to other norbornanols and diols in comparable concentrations. The expected position of the hydroxyl peak is 3.5-4.5 ppm. In a 20% solution of 5 in chloroform (which does not contain an exchange catalyst) the tertiary hydroxyl signal appears at 2.3 ppm and the secondary hydroxyl signal is at 0.9 ppm. Apparently the large upfield shift is caused by a strong ne; ghboring magnetic anisotropy, which can be ascribed to the presence of the phenyl and can be understood by inspection of molecular models. The plane of the phenyl group when in the 7-syn position is disposed directly above the 2 and 3 positions. The 2-exohydroxyl group will then rotate within the diamagnetic region of the ring current.’* It is likely that the residence time of the O H hydrogen is longer toward the phenyl group than away from it because of hydrogen bonding to the w electrons. This spatial relationship will contribute to the upfield shift. Inspection of the infrared spectrum of 5 in dilute solutions revealed a strong, free O H band at 3622 cm- and a bonded OH band as a shoulder at 3605 cm-’. The latter absorption did not change in intensity relative to the C H stretching bands. Hydrogen bonding to phenyl in similar favorable cases has been demonstrated by Schleyer. ‘5 The latter (14) L. M. Jackman, “Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry,” Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, N. Y . , 1959, p 125. (15) P. von R. Schleyer, D. S. Trifan, and R. Dacskai, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,80, 6691 (1958).

steric relationship of the phenyl group is also indicated by the course of the reduction of ketone 13 with lithium aluminum hydride. Finally the broad featureless signals at 2 ppm are assigned to the exo-5 and exo-6 hydrogens, which are deshielded by the 7-OH group, and the sharper signals at 1.10 and 1.24 ppm are due to the endo-5 and endo-6 hydrogens. In the spectrum of 5c the intensity of the signal for the bridgehead hydrogens is reduced to 56% of the value expected for two hydrogens. The intensity of all other signals is unaltered. The only change in line shape because of removal of coupling with the bridgehead hydrogen is observed in the 2-ppm region, where the signals for the exo-5 and exo-6 hydrogens occur. It has been pointed out before4 that in the spectrum of compound 5a the signal for the endo-3 hydrogen at 1.68 ppm is absent and the quartet at 3.56 ppm due to the endo-2 hydrogen has collapsed to a doublet. It is also seen by inspection of Figure 1 that the signals due to the endo-5 and endo-6 hydrogens of compound 5a are reduced in intensity. Actually, from the integrated intensity of these signals it was shown that there is only one hydrogen at these two positions. There is no criterion for distinguishing between the signals for hydrogens at the endo-5 and endo-6 positions. However, because one deuterium has already been located at endo-3 and because it is not possible from mechanistic considerations to place both deuterium atoms on the same side of the molecule, the endo-6 configuration was assigned to the second deuterium. The structure of 3 was deduced in a similar way. In deuteriochloroform solution two signals are observed for hydroxyl groups: a sharp single peak at 4.72 ppm for the tertiary O H , and a doublet, J = 9.0 cps, at 4.32 ppm for the secondary OH. In the presence of a trace of acid the two hydroxyl resonances merge into a single sharp peak and a signal at 3.78 ppm becomes a quartet with splittings of 5.8 and 3.8 cps. The quartet was observed to collapse to a sharp singlet upon double irradiation of the two-hydrogen multiplet at 1.99 ppm. These signals are assigned to the methylene hydrogens at C-3. The fact that double irradiation of the bridgehead hydrogens at 2.36 and 2.56 ppm and the upfield signals between 1.5 and 0.8 ppm caused neither partial collapse nor sharpening of the quartet pattern is evidence that the hydrogen giving the signal at 3.78 ppm occupies an endo configuration and that the 7-anti position is substituted. From infrared studies of compound 3 in the hydroxyl absorption region two intense bands were found at 3630 and 3575 cm-I. The Collins, Benjamin / Norbornyl Tosylate Hydrolyses

1656 O R N L - D S G 66-3559






, . . :, , . , . :.

, ,







, , ,

















x OH






. ,




/ Y








I ,







Figure 2. The nmr spectrum of 7-anri-phenylnorbornane-7-syn,2-exo-diol (3) and its 1-deuterio (312) and 5-endo,6-endo-dideuterio isomers recorded at 60 Mc/sec as approximately 2 0 z solutions in deuteriochloroform. The aromatic region is not shown.

low-frequency absorption is typical of strong hydrogen bonding and indicates that the two hydroxyl groups are oriented facing each other, a condition which is satisfied by the exo-2,syn-7 relationship. In the n m r spectrum of the deuterated diol 3c, the signal at 2.36 ppm for the 1-bridgehead proton virtually disappears; no more than 12 % of its intensity remained (Figure 2). The signals at 0.92 and 1.1 ppm for the endo-5 and endo-6 hydrogens are absent in the spectrum of 3a. The spectrum of 3 in benzene solution appears somewhat different from that in chloroform. The signals for the two bridgehead hydrogens overlap; the exo-3 and endo-3 hydrogens give signals which are no longer coincident and, therefore, appear as an AB part of an ABX system while the X portion of the system (endo2 hydrogen) is a nicely resolved quartet and therefore the constants can be calculated.'" It is interesting to note that in benzene solution each member of the quartet due to endo-2 hydrogen is further split by the 1-bridgehead hydrogen giving a coupling constant of 0.6 cps.16 This splitting is no longer present in the spectrum of 3c which has deuterium substituted at the 1-bridgehead. A similar coupling between endo-3 hydrogen and 4-bridgehead hydrogen is not observed in either compound. The other measurable constants are recorded in Tables I1 and 111. In the higher field region the signals for the hydrogens at the 5 and 6 positions appear nearly the same whether in chloroform or in benzene solution. Compound 6 is nearly insoluble in chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. Its spectrum in dimethyl sulf(16) Coupling between endo hydrogen and bridgehead hydrogens in norbornyl compounds is usually not observed; see ref 9c.




8 ppm

Figure 3. The nmr spectrum of 2-exo-phenylnorbornane-2-endo,5-exc-diol ( 6 ) and its 3-exo-deuterio (6d) and 5-endo,7-anti-dideuterio (plus 10% 3-endo-deuterio) isomers recorded at 100 Mc/sec as approximately 20% solutions in pyridine. The hydroxyl and aromatic regions are not shown.

oxide-& solution is not amenable to analysis. However, in this solvent the signals for the endo-5 hydrogen, 4.27 ppm, and the hydrogen at C-7 and syn to the secondary hydroxyl group (syn-7 hydrogen), 1.94 ppm, are isolated and clearly identifiable. In this solution the aromatic hydrogens can be used for an internal integration standard. Compound 6a and b dissolved in DMSO-d6 gives a spectrum showing 0.23 hydrogen at endo-5 and 0.12 hydrogen at 7-syn. It is clear that a small amount of deuterium should be found at another position in the molecule since the starting material 2a had about 0.12 hydrogen at the exo-5 and exo-6 positions. The same results were obtained for spectra of 6a and b in pyridine solution (Figure 3 ) recorded at 60 and 100 Mc/sec.17 The relative integrated area for the overlapping exo-3 hydrogen and 1-bridgehead hydrogen signals represented 1.93 hydrogens. Integration of the spectra of 6c and d showed 0.26 hydrogen at the exo-3 position and 3.90 hydrogens for the total integrated area of syn-7, anti-7, exo-6, and endo-3 hydrogens. In pyridine solution the spectrum (Figure 3) of 6 can be analyzed. Data are recorded in Tables I1 and 111. Assignments were confirmed by spin decoupling. The hydrogens at endo-5, exo-6, and anti-7 form an AMXY system which can be analyzed by first-order methods. It is interesting t o note the combined deshielding effects of the exo-5 hydroxyl and eildo-2 hydroxyl on the endo-6 hydrogen which gives the signal at 3.04 ppm. Another feature is the accidental near(17) We are indebted to Dr. H. W. Patton, Dr. V. W. Goodlett, and J . T. Dougherty, Tennessee Eastman Co., Kingsport, Tenn., for obtain-

ing the lOO-Mc/secspectra and for the decoupling experiments.

Journal of the American Chemical Society / 89:7 / March 29, 1967


tures H-I and H-I1 which depict the only rational “face-deuterated” or “-protonated” species derivable during hydrolysis of 2a. It is inconceivable t o us that H-I could ever yield products (e.g., 6a and 7b) containing deuteriums in the bridgehead positions. Similarly, H-I1 does not appear capable of yielding products other H-I H-11 than those possessing deuteriums on adjacent carbons. coincidence of the signals for exo-3 hydrogen and 4It is, of course, possible to depict a complicated series of bridgehead hydrogen. These two hydrogens are events by which either H-I or H-I1 could be transformed strongly coupled in an ABX system involving endo-3 to any of the products shown in Chart I. Such schemes, hydrogen. Because the signals for endo-3 hydrogen however, have no precedent and seem t o us so improbappear in the upfield region where they overlap with able and prohibited as to be unworthy of serious conanti-7 hydrogen and exo-6 hydrogen, and because the sideration. It is thus our opinion that only a series of 4-bridgehead hydrogen is further coupled with the C-7 discrete hydride shifts as formulated in the structures D, hydrogens, most of the splittings are obscured and the F, and G through “edge-protonated” intermediates (or only measurable coupling constant is Jezo-),endo-3 transition states) such as E are compatible with the pres= 14.5 cps. The remaining measurable splitting in ent results. this system is 5.4 cps (not a calculated coupling constant). From double irradiation experiments maximum decoupling of syn-7, exo-3, endo-5, and endo-6 hydrogens was obtained when w2 was at 1.55 ppm. This frequency was thus assigned t o anti-7, endo-3, and exo-6 hydrogens. In our preliminary report the spectrum of 4 was discussed. The two-proton signal at 1.07 ppm was assigned to the C-5 methylene hydrogens and the threeproton signal at 1.23 ppm to the 1, 2, and 6 hydrogens on the three-membered ring. In the spectrum of 4a the signal at 1.07 ppm had an integrated intensity equivalent to one hydrogen. The deuterium remaining in 4a was originally at exo-5 of 2a. When 2c was hydrolyzed the isolated 4c gave a spectrum in which the signal at 1.23 ppm had a relative intensity equivalent to two hydrogens. Therefore, the deuterium is in the three-membered ring and assignment of it t o the 2 position is consistent with the proposed mechanism. Mechanistic Implications. It is possible to explain the production of compounds 3-7 upon hydrolysis of the tosylate 2 by invoking the formation of three nonclassical ionic intermediates (or their classical counterparts) which interconvert through hydride shifts. Product formation alone, however, tells us nothing about the mechanism by which these hydride shifts occur. It is only when we consider the positions occupied by the deuterium atoms in the products 3a-7a and b formed on hydrolysis of 2a that it becomes clear that hydrogen (and deuterium) migration must take place in discrete 1,2 shifts to an adjacent carbon atom. Given in Chart I is the most economical mechanism, we think, which will still explain the results of hydrolysis of 2a. The ion D formed initially can (1) react with entering hydroxyl to yield the diol 3a; (2) undergo 5,4 shift of its exo-5 deuterium to yield the “edge protonated” intermediate E; or (3) undergo 5,3 shift of its endo-5 hydrogen to yield the ion G-I. Intermediate E can eject a deuteron to yield the phenylnortricyclenol 4a, or proceed to ion F by further migration of deuterium. Ion F can react with solvent to yield 5a, or it can undergo migration of a hydrogen to produce ion G-11. It is clear that G-I and G-11, except for the position of one deuterium atom, are identical ions, and these must be the precursors of the diols 6a and 6b (and 7a and 7b), respectively. It is the formation of 6a and b and 7a and b which makes a “face-protonated” intermediate untenable. Consider, for example, the struc-

Chart I t O





Ph A















h& ;’















L 6 indicates lined in Chart I. that both of these tosylates hydrolyze through the same intermediates. Chart II The sequential and reversible nature of hydride shifts in norbornyl systems has been speculated upon many but we believe our demonstration of the formation of 6b and 7b (Chart I) is the first clear evidence for the discrete, consecutive character of these 4c 5c 3c shifts. Their reversibility is not shown by our present t t data, for as has been pointed out7 hydride shift does not compete favorably with attack by entering group in the highly nucleophilic solvent water. Because of the low yields of 6a (ca. 0.5 %) and 6b (ca. 3.5 %) there is a vanishing probability for ion G-I1 to rearrange to an observable amount of an isotope position isomer of D, or for G-I to rearrange t o an isotopic isomer of F. Thus the products of these latter two transformations, D if formed, are present in yields so small as to elude our 7c methods of observation. We have already carried 3. out the acetolyses of 2 and 2a, and plan to perform the formolyses. Acetic and formic acids, being less nucleoHO p$JoH & ;‘OHD philic than water, should allow more complete scramD bling of the deuterium atoms during solvolyses of 2a, 6d 6c thus permitting us to observe the reversible transformac





(18) See also J. Berson in “Molecular Rearrangements,” Part I, P. de Mayo, Ed., Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1963, p 144.


(19) J. A. Berson, A. W. McRowe, and R. G . Bergman, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 88, 1067 (1966).

Journal of the American Chemical Society 1 89:7 / March 29, I967

1659 shaken and then the pipe was heated on the steam bath for 8 hr. Experimental Section It was shaken occasionally during the first 15 min. The contents Proton resonance spectra were recorded using a Varian A-60 from four such pipes were mixed and the acetone was removed nmr spectrometer equipped with a variable-temperature probe. with the aid of a rotary evaporator. The aqueous portion was Decoupling experiments were done on a Varian dual-purpose specextracted four times with 100-ml portions of ether. The ether was trometer at 56.4 Mc using the iechnique recommended in Varian evaporated and the organic residue was chromatographed on a Associates Technical Idormation Bulletin, Vol. 111, No. 3, 1962. column of alumina 2 X 90 cm. The alumina was prepared by The spectrum of compound 6 was recorded on a Varian A-100 adding 10 ml of water to 1 lb of Fisher alumina and heating it on the nmr spectrome?er.19 The A-60 spectrometer was calibraied in the steam bath 0.5 hr with occasional shaking. The alumina was usual way with a mixture of TMS (6 = 0) and chloroform (6 = eluted with 10 % ether in benzene until no more material was found 436 cps). Coupling constants are corrected t o within 0.1 cps. in the solvent. This procedure resulted in the recovery of 0.931 Chemical shifts are concentration dependent due to the anisotropy g (25%) of almost pure 3-phenyl-3-nortricyclanol(4). Pure 7of the phenyl substituent. Infrared spectral data were recorded syn-phenylnorbornane-2-exo,7-anti-diol(S), 0.609 g (15 was on Beckman IR-7 and IR-8 spectrometers. Melting points! were recovered from the alumina column by eluting it with ether. Fitaken on a Kofler hot bench or in capillary tubes and are uncornally the alumina was eluted with 5 methanol in ether. The rerected. Carbon-hydrogen analyses were perFormed by Huffman maining material, 2.475 g (61.2%), was removed. It consisted Laboratories Inc., Wheatridge, Colo. mostly of 7-anti-phenylnorbornane-2-exo,7-syn-diol(3). Crys2-endo-Phenyl-2-exo-hydroxy-3-exo-norbornyl p-Toluenesulfotallization of the last fraction from ether-hexane mixture gave 3, nate (2). To 2 g of 2-phenylnorbornane-2,3-cis,exo-diol3 in 7 ml of mp 98 ', After three additional crystallizations the melting point pyridine was added 2 g of p-toluenesulfonyl chloride. The mixture was 101 was allowed to stand at ambient temperature overnight after Anal. Calcd for C13H1602: C, 76.44; H, 7.90. Found: C, which water was added and the product was extracted with chloro76.40; H, 8.02. form. The chloroform solution was washed with dilute hydro7-syn-Phenylnorbornane-7-anti,2-exo-diol (S), fraction 2, was chloric acid, and the solvent was evaporated. The solid was cryscrystallized from hexane-ether mixture and sublimed at 0.02 mm, tallized from a chloroform-ether mixture, mp 122". In larger mp 98". scale preparations 98 yields were obtained. Anal. Calcd for C13H1602: C, 76.44; H, 7.90. Found: C, A n d . Calcd for C20H2L04S:C, 67.01; H, 6.18. Found: 76.34; H, 7.93. C, 66.95; H, 6.04. 3-Phenyl-3-nortricyclenol(4), fraction 1, was crystallized from 2-e~ido-Phenyl-2-exo-hydroxy-3-exo-norbornane-S,6-exo-d~ p-Tolhexane containing a little ether, mp 61". The nmr spectrum in uenesulfonate (2a). 5-Norbornen-2-01 (Aldrich) in ethanol solucarbon tetrachloride solution was as follows (in ppm): 7-syn hytion was deuterated over palladium-on-carbon catalyst using deudrogen, 2.13 (1 H); hydroxyl hydrogen, 2.45 (1 H); Cbridgehead terium gas produced as needed by the electrolysis of dilute D2SO4. hydrogen, 1.73 (1 H); 7-anti hydrogen, 1.29 (1 H); 1, 2, and 6 was oxidized20 to norcamphor-5,6The norbornan-2-ol-5,6-exo-d2 hydrogens, 1.23 (3 H); and 5 hydrogens, 1.07(2 H). exo-d2with chromic acid. The deuterated norcamphor was treated Anal. Calcd for C13HlaO: C, 83.83; H , 7.58. Found: C, with phenylmagnesium bromide t o give 2-exo-phenyl-2-endo83.50; H, 7.49. hydroxynorbornane-5,6-exo-d~,The latter material was treated The residues from fraction 3 was carefully crystallized from with the theoretical amount of acetic anhydride in pyridine by boil(6), ing the mixture 16 hr under a reflux condenser. The product, ether. A material, 2-exo-phenylnorbornane-2-endo,5-exo-diol melting at 162" was recovered. It was recrystallized from ethanol2-phenyl-2-norbornene-5,6-exo-d*, was recovered in the usual ether mixture, mp 163". way and after purification by vacuum distillation, it was analyzed by nmr spectroscopy as the pure liquid and as a 3 0 x CCl4 solution; Anal. Calcd for C13H160~: C, 76.44; H, 7.90. Found: C, the following data (in ppm) were obtained: aromatic hydrogen, 76.55; H, 7.97. 7.2 (5.0 H); olefinic hydrogen, 6.18 (1.00 H); 1-bridgehead hyBy careful In a separate experiment 8 g of 2 was hydrolyzed. drogen, 3.23 (1.00 H); 4-bridgehead hydrogen, 2.91 (1.00 H); 5chromatography of the product mixture on alumina, 0.162 g ( 3 3 z and 6-ex0 hydrogens and 7-syn hydrogen, 1.50 (1.27 H); and 5yield) of 7 was recovered when the alumina column was eluted and 6-end0 hydrogens and 7-anti hydrogen, 1.11 (2.97 H). The two with 0.5% methanol in ether. The compound was crystallized exo positions, therefore, contained 0.27 atom of hydrogen per from chloroform, mp 155". The melting point was not depressed mole. when mixed with a sample of 7 prepared by another method (BenThe olefin was treated with performic acid which converted it to jamin S. Benjaminov, private communication), and the nmr spectra the deuterated carbonate ester of 2-endo-phenylnorbornane-2,3- were identical. cis,exo-diol-5,6-e.uo-d~, Nmr analysis (in ppm) of the carbonate Anal. Calcd for C13H1602: C, 76.44; H, 7.90. Found: C, ester was as follows: aromatic hydrogens, 7.42 (5.0 H); 3-endo 76.28; H, 7.71. hydrogen, 4.88 (0.9s H); bridgehead hydrogens, 2.74 and 2.59 Figure 4 shows a comparison of the nmr spectra of 7, 7a and b, (2.03 H); 7-Syil hydrogen, 2.05 (1.03 H); 5- and 6-ex0 hydrogens, 5and 7c and d. In the spectrum of 7a and b one of the bridgehead and 6-endo hydrogens, 7-anti hydrogen, 0.85-1.8 (3.23 H). The 5hydrogen signals, 2.52 ppm, is missing and the intensity of thz and 6-ex0 positions, thereforz, contained 0.23 hydrogen atom highest field signals, 1.58 ppm, exo-6 and endo-6, is reduced to apper mole. proximately half. In addition the relative intensity of the signal Hydrolysis of the carbonate ester gave 2-endo-phenylnorborat 3.98 ppm, endo-5 hydrogen, is about 90% of that expected for nane-2,3-cis,exo-dio1-5,6-exo-d2. Integration of the nmr spectrum one hydrogen. Part of the signal appearing at 2.1 ppm is assigned gave the followiiig data (in ppm): aromatic hydrogens, 7.26 (5.0 to the endo-3 hydrogen. The intensity of this signal is reduced by H); hydroxyl hydrogen, 4.23 (2.00 H); 3-endo hydrogen, 3.81 approximately one in the spectrum of 7c and d. (0.99 H); 1-bridgehead hydrogen, 2.30 (1.00 H); 7-syn hydrogen, 2-exo-PhenyI-2-endo-hydroxy-S-norbornene (9). 5-Norbornen-22.06; 4bridgehead hydrogen, 1.98 (1.98 H);7-anti hydrogen, 1.1 ; 01, 10 g, in 100 ml of pyridine was slowly added to the complex 5- and 6-end0 hydrogens and 5- and 6-ex0 hydrogens, 0.8-1.0 (3.25 from 20 g of chromium trioxide in 250 ml of pyridine. The mixture H). The 5- and 6-ex0 positions were substituted with 0.25 hywas stirred for 40 min while cooling it with an ice bath. Then it drogen and 1.75 deuteriums. was stirred at ambient temperature for 4 hr. The product was The deuterated tosylate ester 2a was prepared in the same way worked. up in the usual way and the 5-norbornen-2-one was treated as the ester 2; its melting point was 122". with the Grignard reagent from 30 g of bromobenzene. After the 2-endo-Phenyl-2-hydroxy-3-exo-norbornane-3-endo-d pToluenereaction mixture was stirred and heated for 1 hr, water was added sulfonate (2c). Norcamphor was treated with DzO and NaOD to break up the complex, and the ether layer was removed by decanrepeatedly to effect exchange of the hydrogens in the 3 position. tation. The 2-exo-phenyl-2-endo-hydroxy-5-norbornene was disThe norcamphor-3-d2 was then used to prepare the p-toluenesulfotilled, bp 99" (0.1 mm). The nmr spectrum was as follows (in nate ester as described above. The ester 2c was 89% deuterated ppm): aromatic hydrogen, 7.17 ( 5 H); olefinic protons, 6.12 in the 3-endo position as shown by integration of its nmr spectrum (2 H); 1-bridgehead hydrogen, 2.98 (1 H); Cbridgehead hydroHydrolysis of 2. In a typical experiment 1.79 g of 2 and 100 ml gen, 2.80 (1 H); 3-ex0 hydrogen, 2.26 (1 H); hydroxyl hydroof acetone were placed in a Pyrex pipe. To this was added a gen, 2.12 (1 H); 7 hydrogens, 1.49; and 3-endo hydrogen, solution of 0.7 g of potassium carbonate in 100 ml of water. The 1.27 (3 H). The coupling constants (in cps) were: J3.ci0,4 = 3.87, pipe was closed with a clamp and a lead washer. The contents were 5.67, J s , l = Js.aro,a.endo = 12.36, J6.1 = 2.83, J 4 , s z= 3.11, Jj,e 0.82, J 6 , 4 = 0.88, and J7,1= 2.1. The signal for the 3-endo hy(20) D. C. Kleinfelter and P. von R. Schleyer, Org. Syn., 42,79 (1962). drogen appears as a pair of triplets, the triplet structure having



Collins, Benjamin

Norbornyl Tosylate Hydrolyses

1660 with potassium carbonate. Without further purification, the nortricyclanone was treated with the Grignard reagent from 60 g of bromobenzene. The product was worked up in the usual way and distilled at reduced pressure. The yield was 51 g of 3-phenyl-3nortricyclanol boiling between 98 and 113 '. A fraction was crystallized from hexane containing a little ether. The melting point and nmr spectrum were the same as the material from hydrolysis of 2. Isotope-Dilution Experiments. Starting with pher~yl-C'~-labeled bromobenzene and norcamphor, phenyl-labeled 2 was prepared, 2.522 & 0.011 mcuries/mole. In a Pyrex pipe was placed 2.3847 g of the tosylate together with 1.85 g of potassium carbonate, 100 ml of acetone, and 100 ml of water. The closed pipe was heated in the steam bath for 8 hr. When it was cooled and opened, the previously prepared and nonradioactive diluents were added as follows: 0.3516 g of the tricyclic alcohol 4, 0.4302 g of the syndiol 3, 0.3038 g of the anti-diol 5, and 0.1240 g of the diol 6. The mixture was made homogeneous, and the diluted, labeled products were reisolated and each was crystallized three times, dried under vacuum, and assayed for carbon-14 content. Phenyl-C~4-labeled2a, 2.426 mcuries/mole was prepared in a similar manner. The hydrolysis of 2a, 2.3144 g, was done as described above. To the reaction products were added the following nonradioactive diluents: 0.3755 g of 4, 0.3290 g of 1, 0.3041 g of 5, and 0.1130 g of 6. The products were isolated as described above. A sample of phenyl-C14-labeled 3,0.8412 g, prepared by hydroly2, was treated with 0.86 g of p-toluenesis of pher~yl-C~~-labeled sulfonyl chloride in 15 ml of pyridine. The ester 14 was isolated after the mixture was left standing a day. The ester 14 was then hydrolyzed as described before, and the product mixture was diluted with the following amounts of nonradioactive materials : 0.3066 g of 4, 0.4476 g of 3, 0.3050 g of 5, and 0.069 g of 6. The results of the dilution experiments are recorded in Table IV. Figure 4. The nmr spectrum of 2-endo-phenylnorbornane-2,5exo-diol (7) and its 3-endo-deuterio (7d) and 4,6-exo-dideuterio (7a) isomers recorded at 60 Mc/sec as approximately 20% soluTable IV. Yields of Products in Isotope Dilution Experiments tions in pyridine. The hydroxyl and aromatic hydrogens are not shown. Starting Radiocompd, activity mmoles of diluted separation of 1.94 cps probably because of coupling with the 7(mcuries/ Diluent Diluent product, Yield, anti hydrogen and virtual couplingz1to the Cbridgehead hydrogen. mole) compd wt, g mcuries/mole 2 Anal. Calcd for ClsHl,O: C, 83.83; H , 7.58. Found: C, 83.95; H, 7.69. 0,4302 1.459 43.5 2,6.652 3 2-exo-Phenylnorbornane-2-endo,5-exo-diol(6). Diborane, gen(2.522) erated externally from 6.8 g of sodium borohydride,22was passed 0.3516 4 1.202 25.9 into a solution of 20 g of 9 dissolved in 200 ml of tetrahydrofuran 0.3038 5 0.9065 12.5 and 100 ml of diglyme. The mixture was stirred for 2 hr and then 0.1244 6 0.722 3.7 worked up in the usual way.22 The product crystallized sponTotal yield 85.5 taneously in the ether extracts. It was removed by filtration; yield 0,3290 1,675 53.5 2a, 6.421 3 6.5 g, mp 162". The nmr spectrum was the same as that from hy(2.426) drolysis. The solvent fraction was concentrated and another 0,3755 4 08925 17.5 compound, 2-exo-phenylnorbornane-2-endo,6-exo-diol(lo), crys0.3041 5 0.9132 13.4 tallized. This material was recrystallized from chloroform; yield 0.1130 6 0.744 3.8 6 g, mp 128". The nmr spectrum in pyridine solution is as folTotal yield 8 8 , 2 lows (in ppm): hydroxyl hydrogens, 5.81 (2 H); 6-endo hydrogen, 1.162 45.5 0.4476 14,4.115 3 2.55 (1 H); 1-bridgehead hydrogen, 2.87 (1 H); remaining 6 hy(2.522) drogens, 1.3-2.5. 4 0.3066 1.004 26.5 Anal. Calcd for CI3Hl6O2:C, 76.44; H, 7.90. Found: C , 0,3050 0,600 11.3 5 76.01 ; H, 7.98. 0.0690 0.847 4.2 6 3-Phenyl-3-nortricyclanol(4). Norbornadiene, 162 g, was boiled Total yield 87.5 with 450 g of formic acid for 1 hr. Water was added, and the mixture was extracted with ether. The ether layer was treated with sodium carbonate solution, and then the ether was evaporated. The oily material was heated with 20% sodium hydroxide with vigorous stirring for 1 hr. The mixture was cooled and extracted 7-Phenyl-2-norbomanon-l-syn-ol (11). A solution of 1.064 with ether. There remained about 100 g of crude nortricyclanol. g of 3 in 12 ml of pyridine was added to the complex from 2 g A solution of 36 g of nortricyclanol in 50 ml of acetic acid was of chromium trioxide and 25 ml of pyridine. After 1 hr, water added to a chromic acid solution composed of 40 g of sodium was added, and the mixture was extracted with ether. The ether dichromate, 300 ml of water, 100 ml of acetic acid, and 60 ml of solution was washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, the ether sulfuric acid. Throughout the oxidation the temperature was was evaporated, and the product was crystallized from carbon maintained at 20". The reaction mixture was diluted with a large tetrachloride, mp 155". volume of water and the product, nortricyclanone, was extracted Anal. Calcd for CI3Hl4O2: C, 77.20; H, 6.98. Found: C, with ether. Acetic acid was removed from the solution by shaking 77.24; H, 7.00. it with sodium carbonate solution. The ether solution was dried The ketone, 10.35 g, was reduced with 0.35 g of lithium aluminum hydride. The product 12 was crystallized from carbon tetrachloride, mp 158'. The nmr spectrum in deuteriochloroform (21) J. I. Musher and E. J. Corey, Tetrahedron, 18, 791 (1962). solution showed a multiplet at 4.9 ppm for the 2-exo hydrogen. (22) G. Zweifel and H. C. Brown, Org. Reactions, 13, 31 (1964).

Journal of the American Chemical Society


March 29, 1967

1661 A sample of the ketone 13 weighing 0.47 g was reduced with lithium aluminum hydride. The isolated diol was crystallized from hexane-ether mixture. It was identical in every respect with the starting diol 5. Test for Internal Return. Compound 2 was subjected to hydrolysis conditions previously described for a period of 4 hr. Among the products isolated the only tosylate ester found was 2. The hydrolysis of 14 was complete after the reaction had proceeded for 1 hr. No trace of 2 or 14 could be found in the product mixture.

The shift to low field is consistent with the deshielding effect of the 7-syn hydroxyl group and the inductive effect of the 2-endo hydroxyl group. 7-Phenyl-2-norbornanon-7-unti-ol(13). The pyridine complex from 5 g of chromium trioxide was prepared. To it was added 1 g of 5. The ketone was isolated in the same way as described for 11. The product was crystallized twice from hexane-ether mixture, mp 109". Anal. Calcd for C13H1402: C, 77.20; H, 6.98. Found: C, 77.14; H, 7.01.

The Ionic Decomposition of 2-Substituted 2-Propyl p-Nitroperbenzoates. Migration to Electron-Deficient Oxygen and Anchimeric Acceleration of Peroxide-Bond Heterolysis' E. Hedaya2and S.Winstein Contribution f r o m the Union Carbide Research Institute, Tarrytown, N e w York, and the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, California. Received December 2,1966 Abstract: A number of 2-substituted 2-propylp-nitroperbenzoates have been prepared and solvolyzed in methanol solvent. The products from the p-nitroperbenzoates which were substituted with alkyl groups larger than methyl were those derived from exclusive migration of the alkyl group; these were p-nitrobenzoic acid, acetone and its dimethyl ketal, and the alcohol, olefin, and methyl ether derived from the migrating group. The amount of ether or olefin derived from the migrating group was negligible for the ethyl and isopropyl groups, but was substantial for the t-butyl or benzyl migrating groups. The relative rates of heterolysis were found to depend markedly on the 14.9; CHZCH~, 45.0; CH(CH3)2,2.94 X lo3; nature of the migrating group. They were CH3, 1; CHZCHZCJ-I~, CH2C6H5,1.63 X lo3; CH2C6H40CH3-m, 1.54 X lo3; CHzC6H40CH3-p, 5.32 X lo4; 4-camphyl, 1.42 X lo4; C6H6, 1.18 X 105; C(CH3)3,2.28 X lo5. Evidence is presented which shows that steric acceleration of ionization is negligible and that the relative rate order is best interpreted in terms of a nonclassical-type, bridged transition state which collapses to an a-alkoxy carbonium ion intermeditae. In terms of neighboring group theory, these relative rates of heterolysis or migration aptitudes can be considered measures of anchimeric acceleration of ionization. A comparison of neopentyl tosylate and t-butyl pertosylate solvolysis leads to an anchimeric acceleration factor for the methyl-substituted perester of about loz3in terms of rate. This enormous anchimeric acceleration coupled with the very large relative rate spectrum observed for the alkyl-substituted p-nitroperbenzoates imply that unrearrranged t-alkoxy cations are very unstable and that there is considerable distribution of positive charge on carbon rather than on oxygen in the transition state for perester solvolysis. The high relative rate for the 4-camphylsubstituted perester furthermore shows that tetrahedral hybridization of the migrating group is retained in the transition state. That there is, nevertheless, considerable positive charge distributed within the migrating group in the transition state was demonstrated by the substantial rate-enhancing effect of p-methoxy substitution on the benzyl migrating group. In contrast, m-methoxy substitution leads to no rate enhancement compared to benzyl and thus Arz-4 type participation for benzyl is ruled out. Furthermore, Arl-3, Arl-4, and Arz-5 styles of participation are probably unimportant on the basis of the solvolysis products and the relatively small, rate-enhancing effect of the 2-phenylethyl substituent. Finally, a comparison of the relative rates of fragmentation of the corresponding t-alkoxy radicals with the relative rates of perester solvolysis indicate that the former process is best not rationalized in terms of a bridged transition state as for the latter process.


he ionic decomposition of peresters, involving a 1,2 rearrangement of carbon to electron-deficient oxygen, has been the subject of a number of mechanistic investigations. The general features of the rearrangement were first discovered by C ~ i e g e e ,who ~ studied the decomposition of 9-decalyl peresters. A relatively polar mechanism was indicated by the nature of the products and the enhanced rate of rearrangement in polar solvents and with more acidic leaving groups. Later workers showed that ion-pair exchange with foreign did not occur and that the car(1) Research supported in part by the National Science Foundation. (2) U. S. Rubber Company Foundation Fellow in Chemistry, 19601961. Presently at the Union Carbide Research Institute. (3) R. Criegee, Ann., 560, 127 (1948).

boxylate oxygens of the leaving group did not equilibrate.4c These results were interpreted in terms of a 0





I (4) (a) P. D. Bartlett and J. L. Kice, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 75, 5591 (1953); (b) H.L. Goering and A. C. Olson, ibid., 75, 5853 (1953); (c) D. B.Denney and D. G. Denney, ibid., 79, 4806 (1957); (d) S. Winstein and G. T. Robinson, ibid., 80, 169 (1958); (e) P. D. Bartlett and T. G. Traylor, ibid., 83, 856 (1961); (f) E. Hedaya, R. L. Hinman, L. Kibler, and S. Theodoropulos, ibid., 86, 2727 (1964); (8) T. Koenig and W . Brewer, ibid., 86, 2729 (1964).

Hedaya, Winstein J 2-Propyl p-Nitroperbenzoate Decomposition