Molecular-Scale Description of SPAN80 Desorption from a Squalane

Dec 7, 2017 - Figure 5. Negative adsorption of the squalane for the highest loading of SPAN80. Here the squalane (center-of-mass) density profile for ...
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Molecular-Scale Description of SPAN80 Desorption from a Squalane−Water Interface L. Tan,† L. R. Pratt,*,† and M. I. Chaudhari‡ †

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118, United States Center for Biological and Engineering Sciences, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185, United States

ABSTRACT: Extensive all-atom molecular dynamics calculations on the water−squalane interface for nine different loadings with sorbitan monooleate (SPAN80), at T = 300 K, are analyzed for the surface tension equation of state, desorption free-energy profiles as they depend on loading, and to evaluate escape times for adsorbed SPAN80 into the bulk phases. These results suggest that loading only weakly affects accommodation of a SPAN80 molecule by this squalane−water interface. Specifically, the surface tension equation of state is simple through the range of high tension to high loading studied, and the desorption free-energy profiles are weakly dependent on loading here. The perpendicular motion of the centroid of the SPAN80 headgroup ring is welldescribed by a diffusional model near the minimum of the desorption free-energy profile. Lateral diffusional motion is weakly dependent on loading. Escape times evaluated on the basis of a diffusional model and the desorption free energies are 7 × 10−2 s (into the squalane) and 3 × 102 h (into the water). The latter value is consistent with desorption times of related lab-scale experimental work.


unavailable. NaDOSS provides one example: The molecular theory of electrolyte effects on the thermodynamics, structure, and dynamics of aqueous solution interfaces is a longstanding3−5 and current research target.6 As another example, the specific structural and dynamical description of the ethoxylated chains comprising the TWEEN80 headgroup, and the contrast to the SPAN80 case, is not available, although this is an area of significant recent interest.7−11 In building basic molecular theory, it is natural to study the effects arising from the several components separately and then to address their various interactions.12,13 Here we study the solution interface between water and a model oil phase, with SPAN80 over a wide range of loadings. We follow the work of Reichert and Walker14 in adopting squalane as the model oil phase, although they studied TWEEN80 without SPAN80, and water with nonzero NaCl electrolyte concentration to correspond to seawater. The dynamical measurements of the tensions of these interfaces by Reichert and Walker14 provide a clear motivation for the work that follows, but focusing first on adsorption/desorption of SPAN80 supports a goal to disentangle kinetic and equilibrium effects. 15 In fact, TWEEN80 is expected to leach from crude oil into salt water more rapidly than does SPAN80.2

COREXIT 9500 is the dispersant standardly used in response to oil spills.1 Confronting molecular-scale theory, the formulation of COREXIT 9500 has evolved to address issues identified by decades of experience.2 Therefore, this material provides context for development of theory, in addition to experiment and simulation, that might lend molecular insight into the structure and function of oil−water−surfactant systems. COREXIT 9500 includes sorbitan monooleate (SPAN80, Figure 1), an ethoxylated sorbitan monooleate (TWEEN80), the ionic surfactant sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate (NaDOSS), and alkane solvent (NORPAR 13).1 Each of these components, and their proportions, have been chosen to achieve design characteristics.2 In each case, statistical mechanical theory that would provide a quantitative molecular-scale description is

Special Issue: Benjamin Widom Festschrift Received: October 18, 2017 Revised: December 7, 2017 Published: December 7, 2017

Figure 1. Chemical structures of squalane (upper) and sorbitan monooleate (SPAN80, lower). © XXXX American Chemical Society


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b10336 J. Phys. Chem. B XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Figure 2. System for interface simulations, here squalane molecules (middle layer) and water molecules (top and bottom) and 0 (left), 5 (mid), and 50 (right) SPAN80 molecules loaded at each interface. The mid frame corresponds to the dilute loading boundary of Figure 3, ΓSP ≈ 0.3/nm2 (black dashed line). Other cases were composed similarly but with different numbers of SPAN80 molecules. See also ref 20

Recent analyses16,17 of the use of COREXIT dispersants following the Deepwater Horizon accident have emphasized the time scales for adsorption/desorption from petroleum droplets. Eventually,17 ∼40% of the dispersant used was applied at the seabed. Injection of dispersant is expected to lead to smaller droplets,16 and that droplet size distribution leads to times of 4.6−10 h for ascent of droplets from the pared wellhead roughly 1500 m to the sea surface.16 For comparison, hysteresis times of 4 h have been documented in measurements of the surface pressure of SPAN80 involving the water−air interface.18 That hysteresis might be due in part to loss of the surfactant into the water during compression/expansion cycles,18 but rearrangement of surfactant molecules at the interface was also suggested. The most important step in determining desorption rates is to establish the free -energy profile for the process. Here we obtain free energies of desorption of SPAN80 from the water− squalane interface, stratifying the free-energy changes with a standard windowing approach and exploiting parallel tempering19 to investigate sampling sufficiency for the individual strata. The windowing not only provides the free-energy profile for the desorption but also the free energy for the transfer of a SPAN80 molecule from water to squalane. Time scales are dominating concerns for the simulations also. We do not expect to observe direct equilibration of the adsorbed SPAN80 with the bulk solution. (Nevertheless, see ref 20.) Thus connecting the surface tensions evaluated in the standard way to bulk solvation characteristics is not attempted. Correlation of those surface tensions over a realistic range of imposed adsorptions, or loadings, obviates that difficulty. Figure 2 shows three cases with 0, 5, and 50 SPAN80 molecules adsorbed at each interface. Preceding simulations studied SPAN80 micelles in the context of drug delivery applications.21 The present report is restricted to planar interfaces. Methodological specifics for the present calculations are collected in the final section, except where they are pertinent to an isolated facet of the results. Here we treat all-atom models exclusively. The helpful work of Huston and Larson15 documents the impressive variety of results that can be obtained with available coarse-grained models for closely related systems. Important work on escape times of nonionic surfactants from hydrophobic surfaces and from micelles has featured coarse-grained MD models.22

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Surface tensions were obtained standardly as detailed below from molecular dynamics simulations for nine surface loadings (Figure 3). When the adsorption ΓSP vanishes, the surface tension (Figure 3) agrees well with experiment,14 and the surface tensions decrease with increasing ΓSP, as expected. Comparing the standard MD results with parallel tempering values (Figure 4) shows consistent behavior and remarkable

Figure 3. Surface tension variation with surface adsorption, scaled by the mean-square radius of gyration of a SPAN80 molecule in bulk squalane, ⟨R2g⟩1/2 = 0.757 nm. The red disks are the data from parallel tempering simulations, whereas the blue triangles are the data from standard MD simulation. nSP = 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 50 SPAN80 molecules/interface with two interfaces present with this setup. ΓSP is evaluated as nSP divided by the cross-sectional area of the system. (See Methodological Specifics Section.) The statistical uncertainties indicated by the shaded regions are 95% confidence intervals obtained by a bootstrap technique based on surface tensions extracted at 1 ns intervals along the 100 ns trajectory for each case. The hollow dot and red arrow indicate the experimental value for the bare water−squalane interface;14 simple added electrolytes at the ionic strength of seawater raise this value by ∼3 mN/m.14 The black vertical dashed line at ∼0.3/nm2 indicates a boundary for dilute loading at ΓSP⟨R g2⟩ = 3 /10 , obtained from considering that ⟨R2g⟩ = 3r2/5 for a uniform sphere of radius, r, and ΓSP = 1/(2 3 r 2) if those spheres were closely packed in a plane. The highest loading here corresponds roughly to the experimental ΓSP on the water−dodecane interface at the critical micelle concentration of SPAN80 in dodecane.23 The red line is the least-squares fit to the parallel tempering results. B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b10336 J. Phys. Chem. B XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Figure 4. Dependence of surface stress compressibility factor on surface loading. The ordinate is the surface tension difference Δσ ≡ σ(Γ) − σ(Γ = 0), scaled as indicated with β = 1/kBT. The statistical uncertainties indicated by the shaded regions are 95% confidence intervals obtained by a bootstrap technique as in Figure 3. The horizontal dashed line corresponds to the red line of Figure 3, leastsquares fit to the parallel tempering results. The vertical dashed line indicates a boundary for dilute loading, corresponding to the setup of Figure 2.

Figure 6. Potential of the average force on the centroid of a SPAN80 headgroup ring in the case of the bare water−squalane interface. ⟨R2g⟩1/2 = 0.757 nm. The standard stratified sampling approach used 150 windows to cover the whole z range (Figure 2). Calculations for each window ran for 30 ns. w(z) is reconstructed by the weighted histogram analysis method. The blue band depicts a 67% confidence interval estimated pointwise on the basis of a bootstrap resampling of our results. The energy barrier from interface to squalane phase is ∼15 kcal/mol and the energy barrier from interface to bulk water is ∼32 kcal/mol, which are similar to the energy barrier of Figure 7.

simplicity over our whole range of loadings. The highest loading here corresponds roughly to the experimental ΓSP on the water−dodecane interface at the critical micelle concentration of SPAN80 in dodecane.23 ΓSP for our highest loading is a factor of ∼3 higher than the estimated maximum surface coverage for TWEEN80.14 Ultralow tensions are not obtained with SPAN80 at water−dodecane interfaces; in this respect the present results are consistent with those experiments.18 The simple behavior here reflects the negative adsorption of the squalane at the water equimolar surface in concert with positive adsorption of the SPAN80 (Figure 5). This compensation

Desorption free-energy profiles were obtained for the unloaded case (nSP = 0/interface) and our strongly loaded case (nSP = 50/interface). The free-energy profiles (Figures 6 and 7) are remarkably similar for the two cases. The desorption free-energy barrier from interface to squalane phase is ∼14 kcal/mol and the free energy barrier is ∼32 kcal/mol from interface to bulk water. To analyze the kinetics of the desorption process, we assume that the motion of the centroid of a SPAN80 molecule

Figure 5. Negative adsorption of the squalane for the highest loading of SPAN80. Here the squalane (center-of-mass) density profile for the bare (blue dashed) and strongly loaded (black solid) cases is set relative to the water equimolar dividing surface, the vertical dotted line. The adsorption of SPAN80 is Γ ≈ 3.3/nm2 (positive) here. Again, ⟨R2g⟩1/2 = 0.757 nm is the value for a SPAN80 molecule in bulk squalane.

Figure 7. Potential of mean force for the strongly loaded water− squalane interface (Γ ≈ 3.3/nm2). The abscissa is the z coordinate of the centroid of a SPAN80 molecule headgroup ring, scaled by the mean-square radius of gyration ⟨R2g⟩1/2 = 0.757 nm of a SPAN80 molecule in bulk squalane. The standard stratified sampling approach used 190 windows to cover the whole z range. Calculations for each window ran for 60 ns. w(z) is recomposed by the weighted histogram analysis method. The blue band depicts a 67% confidence interval estimated pointwise on the basis of a bootstrap resampling of our results. These results show that an energy barrier from interface to squalane phase is ∼14 kcal/mol and the energy barrier from interface to bulk water is ∼32 kcal/mol. The superposed oscillation with length Δz ≈ 2⟨R2g⟩1/2 suggests that the enhanced density of the SPAN80 headgroup contributes some packing structure to this interface, in comparison with the results of Figure 6.

moderates changes in the hydrocarbon character of the interfacial contact here. Nevertheless, the superposed oscillation with length Δz ≈ 2⟨R2g⟩1/2 evident in Figure 7 in comparison with the results of Figure 6 suggests that the enhanced density of the SPAN80 headgroup contributes some packing structure to this interface. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b10336 J. Phys. Chem. B XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


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here (Figure 9) but slows slightly with increasing interface loading.

headgroup ring may be described by the Smoluchowski equation ∂ ∂⎛ ∂ ⎞⎟ P(z , t |z 0) = D ⎜βw′(z) + P(z , t |z 0) ⎝ ∂t ∂z ∂z ⎠


where P(z, t|z0) is the conditional probably density for the centroid of a SPAN80 molecule headgroup ring to arrive at z after a time t from an initial location z0.24 Motions parallel to the interface, in the x and y directions, are separable in this description. We will use this basis to evaluate the mean first passage time for the escape of a SPAN80 molecule from the interface. This description uses w(z) obtained above but also requires the kinetic parameter D, a self-diffusion coefficient. To evaluate D, we ran another standard MD simulation preserving sufficient time resolution. Specifically, we extracted a windowed configuration from the strongly loaded interface simulation, then extended the MD simulation for 100 ns with configurations saved every 10 fs. The first 20 ns of this trajectory was discarded as further aging, and we naturally used results for all SPAN80 molecules present. The centroid of a SPAN80 headgroup ring is followed with δz = 0 locating the minimum of w(z) (Figure 7). The centroid of a SPAN80 molecule headgroup ring wanders near the minimum of w(z), and we linearize w′(z) ≈ κδz. The Langevin equation δz(̇ t ) + βκDδz(t ) = R(t )


where R(t) is the random-force exhaustively discussed elsewhere,25 then corresponds to eq 1. Establishing the necessary force constant by βκ⟨δz2⟩ = 1 gives 2

⟨δz(0)δz(t )⟩ = ⟨δz 2⟩e−Dt / ⟨δz ⟩


Figure 9. Lateral diffusive motion of the SPAN80 ring centroid and its dependence on loading. The plotted blue marks are estimates of the time derivative of the solid lines. Lateral diffusion coefficients are slightly larger than the perpendicular coefficient (Figure 8), but interfacial crowding has the expected effect of slowing the diffusion slightly.

The observed displacement time-correlation-function (Figure 8) relaxes exponentially, confirming the basic kinetic

With this value of D, we adapt the theory of first passage times25 to ⎛ 2π ⟨δz 2⟩ ⎞ ⟨τ ⟩ = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ D ⎠



e βΔw(z)

dδz 2π ⟨δz 2⟩


where Δw(z) = w(z) − wmin and δz is the displacement from the minimum at δz = 0 to the barrier configuration. We then find (Figure 7) the mean first passage time of 0.07 s, from the interface to the squalane phase, while the mean first passage time from the interface to bulk water is ∼3 × 102 h. Differences in the barrier shapes in the two directions play a role in determining that value because the ratio of these times is a factor of ∼4 less than the naive ratio of eβΔw‡ ≈ e18. The estimated time 0.07 s for dissolution of the SPAN80 into the squalane is short enough that the SPAN80 components of COREXIT can be regarded as at equilibrium in petroleum droplets in Earth environmental applications and in many dynamical lab-scale experiments. This suggests the intriguing behavior of hydrotropes (a compound acting as surfactant at low concentration and as cosolvent at high concentration):31−33 three component (water + oil + hydrotrope) systems. The hydrotrope analogy has obvious imperfections here, and indeed34 “...there is little to suggest from this study that hydrotropes differ in association behavior from regular surfactants.”

Figure 8. Autocorrelation function for z-displacement of the centroid of a SPAN80 headgroup ring at the strongly loaded interface. The black dashed line is the function Ae−t/τ1 + (1 − A)e−t/τ2 fit to the primitive results (blue dots). A = 0.12, τ1 = 0.12 ns, and τ2 = 2.46 ns.

description of eq 3. The slight deviation from exponential relaxation (Figure 8) could be due to the linearization w′(z) ≈ κδz. The self-diffusion coefficient is 1.7 × 10−6 cm2/s, a factor of ∼10 less than the self-diffusion coefficient for liquid water, and about half of the self-diffusion coefficient of propylene carbonate.26 Experimental results for diffusion coefficients of nonionic surfactants range from 1 × 10−6 to 8 × 10−6 cm2/ s.27−30 The present value corresponds to relaxation times ⟨δz2⟩/D of ∼2 ns (Figure 8). Lateral diffusion is slightly faster D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b10336 J. Phys. Chem. B XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that loading only weakly affects accommodation of a SPAN80 molecule by this squalane− water interface. Specifically, the surface tension equation of state (Figure 4) is simple through the range of high tension to high loading studied, and the desorption free-energy profiles are weakly dependent on loading here (Figures 6 and 7). The free energy of transfer of a SPAN80 molecule from water to squalane is about −19 kcal/mol. The perpendicular motion of the centroid of the SPAN80 headgroup ring is well-described by a diffusional model near the minimum of the desorption free-energy profile (Figure 8). Lateral diffusional motion is weakly dependent on loading (Figure 9). Escape times approximated on the basis of a diffusional model and the desorption free energies are 7 × 10−2 s (into the squalane) and 3 × 102 h (into the water), where the latter value is consistent with irreversible adsorption observed by recent experimental work14 on a related system. It is clear that chain entanglement is not a primary concept with SPAN80. We expect desorption of SPAN80 from the water−squalane interface, with tensions down to σ ≈ 35 mN/ m, to be under thermodynamic control with the time scale of 102 h for washing with an aqueous solution. Therefore, we expect that SPAN80-like surfactants are features of dispersanttreated interfaces for the whole of those transits of droplets from wellhead to sea surface associated with the Deepwater Horizon event.

achieve high resolution for w(z), 150 windows were used to cover the whole z range in unloaded system, while 190 windows were utilized to cover the whole z range in strongly loaded system. Because of the different complexity between the two cases, the extent of the MD trajectory/window differed. Trajectories ran for 30 ns/window in unloaded case, of which the last 10 ns was used for analysis. The calculations extended to 60 ns/window in the strongly loaded case with the last 30 ns analyzed.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

L. R. Pratt: 0000-0003-2351-7451 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract No. DEAC04-94AL8500. The financial support of Sandia’s LDRD program and the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (Consortium for Ocean Leadership Grant SA 12-05/GoMRI002) is gratefully acknowledged. This work was performed, in part at Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. DOE’s Office of Science by Los Alamos National Laboratory (Contract DE-AC52-06NA25296) and Sandia National Laboratories.

METHODOLOGICAL SPECIFICS The GROMACS35 4.6.7 molecular dynamic simulation package was used for all calculations. The chain molecules were represented by OPLS-AA force field,36 and the SPC/E model37 was chosen for water. The Nosé−Hoover thermostat38−40 maintained the constant temperature and Parrinello−Rahman barostat41 kept pressure at 1.0 atm. Long-range electrostatic interactions were treated in standard periodic boundary conditions using the particle mesh Ewald method with a cutoff of 1.0 nm. The chemical bonds involving hydrogen atoms were constrained by the LINCS algorithm.42 In evaluating surface tensions, we applied standard MD simulation and checked the sampling sufficiency with parallel tempering calculations. Nine different surface loadings were investigated, with nSP = 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 per interface. The squalane phase included 75 squalane molecules and was bounded by a water phase of 1000 water molecules. For the highest loading (nSP = 50/interface) and unloaded (nSP = 0/ interface) cases, a larger system of 100 squalane molecules and 3000 water molecules was simulated. We expanded the system for those two cases to accommodate a consistent comparison for desorption free-energy evaluations. Our standard procedure carried out an energy minimization calculation and density equilibration, followed by a 100 ns production run with constant particle number, pressure, and temperature (NPT) conditions. The parallel tempering calculations used 48 replicas spanning the 260−450 K temperature range. Trajectories ran for 50 ns and the resulting exchange probability between neighboring temperatures was ∼20%. We utilized the windows sampling approach to evaluate the desorption free-energy profile. To generate initial configurations for each window, we placed one more SPAN80 in the water phase. A pulling force was applied to the centroid of the SPAN80 headgroup ring to pull it across the whole system. To


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b10336 J. Phys. Chem. B XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX