Molecular Simulation of Carbon Capture in a Series of Isoreticular

Zn(dcIm)2. 652. 1.184. 0.396 (46.9). 93. Zn(4me5alIm)2. 864. 0.991 .... and calculated (open symbols)low pressure CO2 adsorption isotherms for the...
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Chapter 3

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Molecular Simulation of Carbon Capture in a Series of Isoreticular Zeolitic Imidazolate Materials Yao Houndonougbo* Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Eastern Washington University, 226 Science Building, Cheney, WA 99004, USA *E-mail: [email protected]

The combustion of fossil fuels has led to atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases, which continuously increases the threat of global warming. Carbon-capture technologies are promising solutions for reducing the release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The high porosity, high thermal stability, and unusually high chemical stability of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs) make them promising materials and ideal candidates for carbon-capture applications. Here, we present simulation results of CO2 adsorption up to 80 bar in a series of five isoreticular ZIFs, which allow the direct assessment of the role ZIF functionalization in CO2 adsorption. The calculated adsorptions agree well with experimental data. The simulation results suggest that electrostatic interactions produced by the ZIF frameworks, the symmetry of their functionalization, and the free volume are controlling factors to consider in the optimization of ZIFs for CO2 adsorption. The principal CO2 adsorption sites in the ZIFs are also reported.

Introduction The majority of the energy needs of the world (about 85%) is currently supplied by fossil fuels (1). The successful development of carbon capture and © 2013 American Chemical Society In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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separation technologies is thus essential for achieving the goal of reducing the release of CO2 greenhouse gases in the atmosphere while continuing to meet the world’s increasing energy demands. Post-combustion carbon capture from flue gas is one of the approaches being actively pursued for controlling greenhouse gas emission because of the potentiality for retrofitting the existing fleet of power plants (2). The common industrial methods used for CO2 capture from gas mixtures are solvent absorption, cryogenic separation, membrane processes, and solid sorbents adsorption (3). Separation by solid–sorbents adsorption, as compared to other methods, offers potential advantages, such as reduced environmental impact and workable pressure (1–300 bar) and temperature (298 K) operating conditions (4–6). One of the most used industrial solid sorbent gas separation processes is the pressure swing adsorption (PSA), which is based on high-pressure adsorption and low-pressure desorption (6–8). Most studies on the PSA process have focused on zeolites (7, 9–13) and porous carbon (11, 12, 14, 15). For the traditional PSA, the regeneration of sorbents is difficult to achieve using zeolites, while using porous carbons improves regeneration, but exhibit lower selectivity relative to zeolites (9, 16). Recently, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as a new class of porous materials that offer great potentialities for adsorption and separation applications (17–21). They are highly crystalline materials formed of metal ions linked by bridging organic ligands. MOFs have received much attention because of their high porosity, very high surface area, and potential of tailoring pore sizes and chemical environment to particular properties (19, 22). However, the chemical, mechanical, and thermal stabilities of many MOFs present a real challenge for industrial applications (19, 23, 24). Zeolitic Imidazole Frameworks (ZIFs) are a subclass of MOFs with high porosity that are based on the tetrahedral network of zeolites in which the silicon is replaced by a transition metal and the oxygen by imidazolate. ZIFs have potential for CO2 capture and separation processes because of their high thermal and unusual chemical stability, varieties of framework pore, and functionalization (25–28). We have recently reported the synthesis of ZIF-25, -71, -93, -96, and -97 using zinc(II) acetate and 4,5 substituted imidazolate links (29). The synthetic procedures produced a series of ZIFs with the same zeolite RHO topology that differs only by their imidazole functional groups (Figure 1). In that study, we also combined experimental and computational methods to investigate the enhancement of CO2 adsorption uptake in the ZIFs at lower pressures up to 1 bar. Since processes for removing CO2 from flue gases operate at different conditions, both high and low pressures CO2 capture studies are needed for the selection of optimal capture materials. Herein, we used molecular simulation to investigate the CO2 adsorption capacity at high pressure up to 80 bar in ZIF-25, -71, -93, -96, and -97. Because the ZIFs structures considered here are different in their chemical functional groups, this work presents an opportunity to study the role of their functionalization on the adsorption capacity of CO2.

84 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 1. (a) Structures of the LTA cavity in ZIF-25, -71, -93, -96, and -97. A yellow sphere represents the free space within the cavities. The sphere represents the free space within the cavities. Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. (b) Representations of the Imidazolate-type linkers in the ZIFs.Force Fields (see color insert)

Models and Simulation Methods ZIF Structures The periodic building unit of the RHO topology ZIFs consists of an α-cavity (also sometimes referred to as an LTA cavity) of 16.8 Å that is composed of twelve four-membered rings, eight six-membered rings, and six eight-membered rings. The α-cavities are connected through double eight-membered rings of 4.8 Å in a body-centered cubic arrangement (26). The structural and physical properties of the ZIFs studied in this work are given in Table 1. 85 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Table 1. Structural and physical properties of the RHO topology ZIFs considered in this work ZIF


BET surface area (m2 g−1)

Density (g cm−3)

Free volume (cm3 g−1) (%)





0.532 (45.6)





0.396 (46.9)





0.414 (41.0)





0.460 (45.0)





0.369 (36.8)

The intermolecular interactions of all molecules studied in this work are represented by pairwise additive Lennard–Jones (LJ) 12–6 potentials and Coulombic interactions of partial charges:

where rij, εij, σij, qi, and qj are the separation, LJ well depth, LJ atomic diameter, and partial charges, respectively, for interacting atoms i and j. The cross-interaction parameters εij and σij were calculated using the Lorentz–Berthelot combining rules (30). The CO2 molecule was modeled using a rigid three-sites model with the EPM2 potential parameters developed by Harris and Yung (31), which was optimized to give good agreement with the experimental vapor–liquid coexistence curve (31–33). For the ZIF atoms, LJ interaction parameters from the Universal Force Field (UFF) (34) were used. The UFF has been used for similar systems with some success in recent simulations of gas adsorption and separation in other ZIFs (35, 36). Because of the considerable discrepancy between simulation and experiment in ZIF-96, we have also used LJ parameters taken from the Optimized Potentials for Liquid Simulations–All Atom (OPLS–AA) force field (37, 38) for ZIF-96. All the Lennard–Jones parameters are listed in Table 2. The electrostatic interactions between gas molecules and the ZIF framework were modeled using framework charges computed with the REPEAT algorithm (39), based on density-functional-theory calculations of electrostatic potentials, following the procedures described in our earlier work (29). The details associated with the calculation of the BET surface area can be found in reference (29). Densities are based on the crystal structure. The free volumes were calculated using the PLATON program (48) with a probe radius based on the carbon dioxide kinetic diameter (3.3 Å).

86 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

Table 2. LJ potential parameters for carbon dioxide and ZIFs Species Carbon dioxide

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ZIF-96 imidazolate ring (OPLS)

ZIF-96 functional groups (OPLS)


ε/kb (K)


















































Molecular Modeling Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations (GCMC), as implemented in the program Monte Carlo for Complex Chemical Systems (MCCCS) Towhee (40), were employed to calculate the isotherms and adsorption thermodynamics. The initial structures of the ZIFs were constructed from the atomic coordinates given in our previous work (29). The 1×1×1 unit cells of the ZIFs (Figure 1a) were adopted in the simulations. The ZIFs used in the simulations were modeled as rigid frameworks and gas-phase fugacities were calculated using the Peng–Robinson equation of state (EOS) (41), with parameters taken from the NIST Chemistry WebBook (42) and with the standard chemical potential calculated within the model for each temperature studied using NPT simulation at 1.0 bar. We have verified by direct NPT simulation at a few sample pressures that the errors introduced by the use of this EOS are not significant (the maximum deviation is less than 1%). A cutoff radius of 12.8 Å was applied to the nonbonded Lennard–Jones interactions and standard long-range corrections were employed (43).

87 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

Results and Discussion

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CO2 Adsorption Experimental and Molecular Simulations at Low Pressure CO2 adsorption experimental data from reference (29) and simulation results at 298 K at pressures up to 1 bar for the five studied ZIFs are plotted in Figure 2. The simulation results using one unit cell for the ZIFs are similar to the results obtained in our previous work where 4 unit cells were employed (29). With the exception of ZIF-96, the simulation results based on the UFF force field are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data but slightly overestimate the CO2 uptakes in ZIF-25, -71, and -97. In the case of ZIF-93, the predictions are in excellent agreement with the experimental results. As was pointed out in our previous work, the notable UFF underestimation of CO2 adsorption in ZIF-96 is likely due to the use of a fixed single potential for each element, irrespective of bonding, to describe the short-range vdW interactions.

Figure 2. Comparison of experimental (closed symbols) data from reference (29) and calculated (open symbols)low pressure CO2 adsorption isotherms for the studied ZIFs at 298 K.

Unlike UFF, the OPLS (Optimized Potentials for Liquid Simulations) all atoms (AA) force field (37, 38) was developed by computing thermodynamic and structural properties using Monte Carlo statistical mechanics simulations and distinguishes between atom types. The OPLS interaction parameters were thus used to calculate CO2 adsorption isotherms of ZIF-96 at 298 K. The results are compared to experimental data in Figure 3. The good agreement between simulation and experiment demonstrates that the OPLS parameters accurately predict CO2 adsorption in ZIF-96. The OPLS interaction parameters listed in Table 2 were therefore adopted to model ZIF-96 framework atoms. 88 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 3. Experimental (closed circles) low-pressure data from reference (29) and calculated (open circles) CO2 isotherm for ZIF-96 at 298 K. The Lennard–Jones parameter (see Table 2) used in simulations are from the OPLS force field. The simulated ZIFs CO2 adsorption values at 1.0 bar are 1.86, 1.57, 1.32, 1.25, and 0.83 mmol g–1 for ZIF-96, -93, -97, -25, and -71, respectively. These results show that the highest CO2 uptake corresponded to ZIF-96, whereas the lowest was for ZIF-71. These adsorption results at low pressure are mainly dependent on the adsorbent–guest interactions (44) that include both electrostatic and vdW interactions. The differences in these interactions are exclusively influenced by the functional groups in these ZIFs since the topology is the same for all ZIFs studied here. In addition, the contribution to the adsorption arising from electrostatic interactions is not negligible because CO2 has a significant quadrupole moment. The effect of framework electrostatic interactions on the ZIFs adsorption will be discussed later in detail below. CO2 Adsorption Molecular Simulation Predictions at High Pressure We performed GCMC simulations at 298 K to examine the adsorption uptake capacity of CO2 in the ZIFs at pressures up to 80.0 bar. In order to validate the simulation results at high pressure we compared in Figure 4 the simulated CO2 isotherm in ZIF-93 to the corresponding experimental data from reference (45), which is the only published high pressure experimental CO2 uptake for the ZIFs studied in this work. The results show a good agreement between simulation and the experimental data. These simulations can predict the high-pressure adsorption of CO2 in ZIF-93 within about 10% of the experimental value. These results further validate the accuracy of the molecular simulation predictions at high pressure in the ZIFs considered in this work. 89 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 4. Comparison of high pressure experimental (closed circles) data from reference (45) and calculated (open circles) CO2 isotherms for ZIF-93 at 298 K.

The calculated ZIFs CO2 adsorption isotherms up to 80.0 bar are shown in Figure 5. In the high-pressure region above 10.0 bar, the highest observed CO2 uptake is for ZIF-96, followed by ZIF-25, ZIF-93, ZIF-97, and ZIF-71. We found the CO2 uptake capacities at 80.0 bar to be 11.60, 10.83, 9.30, 7.96, and 7.85 mmol g–1 for ZIF-96, -25, -93, -97, and -71, respectively. These results show a different adsorption order at high pressure than at low pressure (Figure 2). This can be explained by the fact that the amount adsorbed at high pressure is predominantly influenced by surface area and free volume, while the adsorption at low pressure is dominated by framework interactions with CO2 molecules (44). Consequently, ZIF-25 shows the second highest uptake at high pressure while displaying one of the lowest at low pressure. This result reflects the fact that ZIF-25 has the highest free volume.

Effect of Framework Electrostatic Interactions on CO2 Adsorption To examine the effect of framework electrostatic interactions on the CO2 adsorption variations for the different ZIFs, we calculated the adsorptions without considering the framework charges. The percentage deviation between the adsorbed amount with and without framework charges is shown in Figure 6. The adsorption of CO2 at low pressures is significantly dependent on the electrostatic interactions between the ZIF frameworks and CO2 molecules. In the current RHO series, the imidazolate is functionalized at the positions 2 and 4 leading 90 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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to isoreticular ZIFs with symmetric, ZIF-25 and -71, and asymmetric, ZIF-93, -96, and -97, functionalized frameworks (see Figure 1). As can be seen in Figure 6, the magnitude of the effect of framework charges on CO2 adsorption is not equivalent for all the ZIFs. For the frameworks with asymmetric functionalization (ZIF-93, -96, and -97), the insertion of framework charges leads to an increase of up to 60% at low pressure, whereas for symmetric functionalized ZIFs (ZIF-25 and -71) the increase is only about 10%. This can be explained by the cancellation of electrostatic interactions in the symmetrically functionalized ZIFs (ZIF-25 and -71) leading to the negligible effect of framework charges, whereas the non-cancellation of electrostatic interactions in the asymmetric functionalized ZIFs (ZIF-93, -96, and -97) results in an enhanced adsorption (29). This effect of electrostatic interactions between the CO2 and the ZIFs decreases when the pressure increases and the role played by the symmetry of the functionalization becomes nearly negligible at high pressures (Figure 6). This can be related to the importance of CO2–CO2 interactions when the pores become nearly filled at high pressures (46).

Figure 5. Simulated high-pressure CO2 adsorption isotherms for ZIFs at 298 K. The error bars have been removed for the sake of clarity.

91 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 6. Deviations between the amounts of CO2 adsorbed in the ZIFs with and without framework charges at 298 K. Isosteric Heats of Adsorption The isosteric heat of adsorption can be related to the heat released during the adsorption process. It characterizes the surface energetics of a solid. Thus, the isosteric heat of adsorption is an important thermodynamic property for the design of adsorption processes. To study CO2-sorbent energetic interactions, we have calculated using GCMC simulations the isosteric heat of adsorption Qst directly from the fluctuations in the total energy of the simulated system using Equation 2 (47):

where Φ, N, T, and R are the potential energy of the adsorbed phase, the number of molecules adsorbed, temperature, and gas constant, respectively, and the angle brackets á...ñ denote averaging. Equation 2 can be computed directly during the GCMC simulation. The calculated isosteric heats of adsorption at 298 K are plotted in Figure 7. The values of Qst decrease to a minimum for all the ZIFs. This behavior is different for all the ZIFs and can be attributed to the degree of energetic heterogeneity in the ZIF adsorption sites. Figure 7 shows that ZIF-97 is highly heterogeneous. Its isosteric heat of adsorption decreases from a very high value of 30.2 kJ mol–1 to a minimum value of 17.7 kJ mol–1. ZIF-93 and ZIF-71 also exhibit significant energetic heterogeneities for CO2 adsorption as their isosteric heat of adsorptions dropped from 26.5 to 19.8 kJ mol–1 and from 22.5 to 16.8 kJ mol–1, respectively. The weakly heterogeneous materials are 92 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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ZIF-96 and ZIF-25 with Qst values that decrease from 22.5 to 20.3 kJ mol–1 and from 19.6 to 18.1 kJ mol–1, respectively. Among the ZIFs, ZIF-97 has the highest Qst at low CO2 loading. This is because ZIF-97 has the lowest free volume among all the studied ZIFs, which increases the interaction between CO2 and the framework, thus leading to the highest binding energy. The trends of the isosteric heat of adsorption observed in the studied ZIFs suggest that at low pressure CO2 adsorbed at a high-energy site and, when the pressure increases, CO2 molecules preferentially occupy a lower energy site, as will be discussed further in the following section. It is also noticeable from Figure 7 that, after reaching the minimum, Qst gradually increases with coverage. This reverse trend can be attributed to the increasing importance of CO2–CO2 interactions when more CO2 molecules are adsorbed at high pressure.

Figure 7. Isosteric heat of CO2 adsorption at 298 K for the studied ZIFs.

CO2 Adsorption Sites Simulations can provide information about the preferred adsorption sites and thus CO2 adsorption mechanism in the ZIFs frameworks. We have computed the center of mass (COM) of CO2 probability distribution to gain insights into the nature of these adsorption sites. Two-dimensional distributions at 1.0, 6.0, and 80.0 bar are presented in Figure 8. These figures reveal strong CO2 densities located near the six-membered ring window of the α-cavities, the connecting double 8-rings, and the inner surface of the α-cavities near to the four-membered ring, consistent with the high-binding-energy sites results of reference (49). At low pressure, CO2 molecules are mainly adsorbed between the ZIFs linkers in the six-membered ring window of the α-cavities making this site the primary adsorption site. A secondary population also appeared in the connecting double 8-rings and at the inner surface of the α-cavities near to the four-membered ring. With increasing pressure, CO2 begins to populate these two sites and distribute throughout the connecting double 8-rings and the α-cavities. 93 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 8. Probability density projected in the XY plane of the center of mass (COM) of CO2 in each ZIF at 298 K and 1.0, 6.0, and 80.0 bar. The scale bar represents the CO2 probability density in number of molecules per Å3. Atom colors: zinc, silver; carbon, cyan; nitrogen, blue; oxygen, red; chlorine, ochre. Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. (see color insert)

The above analyses of CO2 adsorption sites in the ZIFs explain the trends in the isosteric heat of adsorption (Figure 7). The decrease of Qst with increasing CO2 coverage can be attributed to the predominant filling of the highest-energy sites in the six-membered rings at lower pressure and, when the pressure increases, the filling of the lower-energy sites in the double 8-rings and at the inner surface 94 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

of the α-cavities (Figure 8). The filling of empty space within the pores mainly reverses this trend due to the interaction between CO2 molecules, emphasizing the importance of the ZIFs free volume for the adsorption at high pressures.

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Summary Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) are a new class of porous materials that show great promise as a possible alternative to zeolite and other nanoporous materials for gas adsorption. ZIFs are considered suitable candidates for carbon dioxide adsorption. A vast number of different ZIFs can be designed by changing the linker groups. The rational design and computational screening of ZIFs materials are of great importance for CO2 adsorption applications. In our previous work, experimental measurements supported by computational modeling have been used to study the origins of variations in CO2 adsorption in a newly synthesized series of isoreticular ZIFs with different functionalities. However, the studies were done at low pressures (up to 1 bar). In this work, Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations (GCMC) simulations of CO2 adsorption in this series of ZIFs were performed up to 80 bar to investigate the factors influencing the uptake capacity in the ZIFs. The predictive power of molecular simulation depends on the accurate description of the interactions between atoms. Quantum mechanics would be the best method to accurately calculate atomic interactions. However, these calculations are limited because of their high computing time requirements. Therefore, molecular simulations were predominantly performed using force field. First, the performance of the UFF parameters for the ZIFs was evaluated by comparing the calculated adsorption results with the experimental data. The simulations reasonably reproduced the experimental data for all the ZIFs except for ZIF-96. The discrepancy for ZIF-96 was attributed to the failure of the UFF force field to represent the van der Waals (vdW) interactions for the nitrile and amine functional groups on the ZIF-96 imidazolate link because the vdW parameters of the UFF force field are fixed for each element in the periodic table regardless of bonding environment. A good agreement with experimental data was obtained for ZIF-96 by using the optimized potentials for liquid simulations–all atoms (OPLS–AA) force field, which takes into account the atom type and chemical environment. We then compared high-pressure simulation results with the corresponding experimental adsorption for ZIF-93 and the good agreement between the two sets of data validated our simulation models at high pressures. For the computational screening of newly synthesized or hypothetical ZIFs, the transferability of force fields is indispensable for an accurate prediction of their properties. The transferability of force fields available in the literature maybe accessed by comparing simulation results to available experimental data of representative ZIFs structures. In the case where adequate experimental data is not available, more expensive first-principles calculations can be used to develop transferable first-principles-based force fields. Numerous efforts have been made to develop such first-principles-based force fields for the adsorption in the ZIFs (50–53). 95 In Novel Materials for Catalysis and Fuels Processing; Bravo-Suárez, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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The results of the GCMC simulations for the RHO ZIFs studied here showed a different order of CO2 adsorption capacity at high pressures from that observed at low pressures. The analyses of isosteric heat of adsorption and adsorption sites revealed that at high pressures the CO2 molecules are adsorbed principally in the low-binding-energy sites and occupied the empty space in the pore, highlighting the importance of the ZIFs free volume. The enhancement of CO2 adsorption at low pressures due to framework charges is significantly dependent on the symmetry of the functionalization as was previously found in reference (29), while this dependency is nearly negligible at high pressures. The results of this work suggest that one needs to consider the symmetry of the functionalization and the free volume to obtain high CO2 uptake in the ZIFs at both low and high pressures, respectively.

Acknowledgments The author would like to thank Dr. William Morris, Dr. Omar M. Yaghi, Dr. Mark Asta, and Dr. Brian B. Laird for helpful discussions. This material is based upon work supported as part of the Molecularly Engineered Energy Materials, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award Number DESC0001342. This work made use of the High Performance Computing resources provided by the Eastern Washington University.

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