Molecular structure and polymerization mechanism of poly (vinyl

New Insight into the Formation of Structural Defects in Poly(Vinyl Chloride). Jindra Purmova, Kim F. D. Pauwels, Wendy van Zoelen, Eltjo J. Vorenkamp,...
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Macromolecules 1984,17, 2501-2507


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Molecular Structure and Polymerization Mechanism of Poly(viny1 chloride-co-carbon monoxide)l Lyle D. Wescott, Jr.,*+Gilbert0 M. Villacorta,t Frederic C. Schilling, Irene M. Plitz,g and William H. Starnes, Jr.* AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974. Received April 4,1984 ABSTRACT Vinyl chloridecarbon monoxide copolymers, prepared by free-radical initiation at 50 “C, are shown to contain the branch structure