Molecular structure of the chlorine difluoride and chlorine tetrafluoride

Chi-Kin Law, Siu-Hung Chien, and Wai-Kee Li , Yu-San Cheung. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2002 106 (46), 11271-11276. Abstract | Full Text HTML...
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1658 (11) C. F. Bender and H. F. Schaefer, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,92, 4984 (1970). (12) G. M. Schwenzer, S.V. O'Neil, H. F. Schaefer, C. P. Baskin, and C. F. Bender, J. Chem. Phys., 80,2787 (1974). (13) S.V. O'Neil, H. F. Schaefer. and C. F. Bender, J. Chem. Phys., 55, 162 (1971). (14) C.F. Bender and E. R. Davidson. J. Phys. Chem., 70, 2675 (1966). (15) B. Rosen, "Spectroscopic Data Relative to Diatomic Molecules", Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1970. (16) D. R . Stull and H. Prophet, JANAF Thermochemical Tables, 2nd ed, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.. 1971. (17) (a) C.F. Bender, H. F. Schaefer, D. R. Franceschetti, and L. C. Allen, J. Am. chem. SOC.,04, 8888 (1972); (b) P. J. Hay, W. J. Hunt, and W. A. Goddard, Chem. Phys. Left., 13, 30 (1972): (c) J. F. Harrison, Acc. Chem. Res., 7 , 378 (1974); (d) V. Staemmler. Theor. Chim. Acta, 35,

(18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)

309 (1974); (e) for an experimentally based discussion of the singlettriplet separation, see H. M. Frey and G. J. Kennedy, J. Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun., 233 (1975). C. F. Bender, P. K. Pearson. S. V. O'Neil, and H. F. Schaefer, J. Chem. Phys., 56, 4626 (1972). S.V. O'Neil, P. K. Pearson, H. F. Schaefer, and C. F. Bender, J. Chem. Phys., 58, 1126 (1973). S. V. O'Neil. H. F. Schaefer, and C. F. Bender, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 71, 104 (1974). C. W. Bauschlicher, H. F. Schaefer, and C. F. Bender, research in progress. G. S.Hammond, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,77, 334 (1955). H. F. Schaefer. Chem. Br., 11, 227 (1975). C. W. Bauschlicher, unpublished work.

Molecular Structure of the C1F2 and C1F4 Radicals. A Theoretical Study' Steven R. Ungemach and Henry F. Schaefer III* Contributionfrom the Department of Chemistry and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. Received July 2, 1975

Abstract: CIF2 and CIF4 are two interesting inorganic radicals whose quantitative molecular structures have not been determined experimentally. A priori electronic structure theory has been used in the present research to predict the structures of these radicals and their positive and negative ions. Self-consistent-field theory has been employed in conjunction with both minimum and double {basis sets. For ClF2 more extended basis sets were used in addition. The CIF2+ ion has a bent (bond angle 97.4') structure quite similar to that of the isoelectronic SF2 molecule, while CIF2- is linear. CIF2 is predicted C2" with bond length 1.72 8, and bond angle near 148'. Both minimum and double { basis sets predict CIF4+ to be square pyramidal, in contrast with the known stucture of the isoelectronic SF4 molecule. Finally, both CIF4 and CIF4- are predicted to be planar. However, these structural predictions are qualitatively altered when chlorine 3d functions are added to the basis set. Electronic structures are discussed in terms of orbital energies and Mulliken populations.

puter-simulated or observed frequencies. In any case, their For some time now the interhalogen compounds have result of 140 f 19' implies a measurably bent tribeen known to have a rich and interesting c h e m i ~ t r y . ~ ?final ~ atomic molecule. This result is of particular interest since it However, for the most part, this chemistry has been limited contrasts with Nelson and Pimentel's conclusion,' also to molecules with closed-shell ground states, hence an even based on matrix isolation spectroscopy, that the related Cl3 number of electrons. For example, consider the chlorine radical is linear. It should also be noted that CIF2 has been fluorides ClF,, which are the subject of the present rehypothesized as an intermediate in a number of chemical search. Of these, the even-electron molecules CIF, ClF3, reactions, and a value of the heat of formation, -19 f 2 and ClFs are long-lived a t room temperature and have a t kcal/mol, has been determined.'* least reasonably well-defined physical proper tie^.^ Moreover, the structures of all three are known. CIF has a bond Our initial interest in ClF2 and ClF4 was due to the proposal of Krogh and PimentelI3 that the H2 CIF3 system distance of 1.628 A and a dipole moment of 0.88 A might yield a chain-branching chemical laser. Their propos(C1+F-).4,5 ClF3 has a dipole moment of 0.56 D6 and is a all3 led to an interesting exchange between SuchardI4 and planar T-shaped molecule' Pimentel,ls and in turn to molecular beamI6 and flow sysc1 1.698" tem" studies of the H ClF3 HF ClF2 reaction. F' F' (1) While the flow experiments give no evidence of product HF 8 7 . h 1 a1,5g8 a t mean collision energies of 1-2 kcal/mol, the beam experF iments (carried out at -10 kcal/mol collision energy) d o yield HF as an observable product. Although less precisely determined, the shape of ClFs is Quite recently, Morton and Preston have detected C1F4 thought to be a square pyramid,* with apical and basal as a product in the fluorination of C12 or HCI by hypofluoC1-F bond distances of 1.62 and 1.72 A. rite photolysis.'* Based on the observed ESR spectrum, In contrast, relatively little is known about interhalogens Morton and Preston concluded that CIF4 is a planar molewith an odd number of electrons. In fact, in their recent recule belonging to the point group D4h and having a 2A1g view Downs and Adams3 indicate, except for two or three ground electronic state. Semiempirical theoretical studies of reported observations, "interhalogen radicals are the C1F4 have been reported by Gregory.I9 Using several varisubject more of speculation than of first-hand evidence". Of ants of the C N D O and I N D O schemes, Gregory in each specific interest here are the ClFz and C1F4 radicals. ClF2 case predicts CIF4 to be planar or slightly nonplanar with a was first prepared by Mamantov and coworker^,^ who have very small (1-4 cm-I) inversion barrier. assigned the vibrational frequencies'O vl = 536 cm-' (symThere have been a number of experimental studies of the metric stretch), v 2 = 242 cm-' (bending), and v3 575 positive and negative ions of ClF2 and CIF4. Both the ClF2' cm-' (asymmetric stretch). Based on their assignments and CIF2- ions have been observed experimentally by Mamantov et al. determined the C1F2 bond angle to be 136 Christe and co-workers.20~2'Based on the infrared and f 1 5 O or 144 f 1 5 O , depending on whether they used com-




Journal of the American Chemical Society



/ March 31, 1976



1659 Raman spectra of ClF2+ AsF6-, the CIF2+ bond angle was limited to a range of 90-120'. Following qualitative Walshtype arguments22 the ClF2+ bond angle is predicted to be very close to that of SF223(98.3'), and this does appear to be the case. The same arguments predict ClF2- to have a structure similar to ArF2, which if made would presumably be linear and symmetric like This qualitative prediction of a D,h structure for ClF2- is consistent with Christe and Guertin's observation21 of only a single infrared stretching vibration. Both the ~ i b r a t i o n a and l ~ ~ I9F N M R 2 6 spectra of CIF4+ have been taken and both are consistent with a structure similar to that of the isoelectronic SF4 molecule

aging result, it is in fact characteristic of the Hartree-Fock approximation to fail to predict binding in systems (such as the interhalogens) where the dissociation energies are small. An accurate prediction of the dissociation energies of ClF2 and ClF4 would require the use of configuration interaction (CI) or some other technique to describe electron correlation, the instantaneous repulsions between pairs of electrons. Although such C I methods have been applied38 to molecules as large as KrF2 and XeF2, they are beyond the scope of the present research.

Triatomic Structures In analogy37 with OF2 and SF2, the expected ground state electron configuration for ClF2+ is la12 2a12 Ib22 3al2 4a12 2b22 lbI2 5a12 3b22 6a12 2b12 7 a I 24bz2 la22 5b22 8a12 3b12 (3)

For the purpose of determining force constants, Christe and S a w ~ d n yhave ~ ~ hypothesized the following CIF4+ structure: r(CI-Feq) = 1.59 A, r(Cl-Fax) = 1.66 A, B(F,,-ClFeq) = 97'. The same research group2' has studied the anion ClF4- and concluded that it has a square-planar structure. The primary goal of the present theoretical research was to make a priori predictions of the structures of ClF2+, ClF2, CIF2-, ClF4+, ClF4, and ClF4-. Although structures for all six of these species have been proposed, none has been precisely determined. In addition, we are interested in the electronic structure per se, and for this reason report orbital energies and Mulliken populations. Previous a b initio calculations on the closed-shell species ClF2+, ClF2-, ClF4+, and ClF4- have been reported by Guest, Hall, and Hillier.28 They employed a minimum basis augmented by a set of d functions on the central Cl atoms. Such a basis has the d i ~ a d v a n t a g eof~ ~being unbalanced; that is C1 d functions are far less important (as we shall show for ClF2) than additional s and p functions on C1 and F. Assuming fixed C1-F distances of 1.66 A, Guest et al. predicted the bond angles of the above four ions. Details of the Calculations All work reported here was carried out a t the self-consistent-field (SCF) level of theory. For the most part, two basis sets were used. The first was a minimum basis set (MBS), Le., Is, 2s, 2p,, 2p,, 2p,, 3% 3p,, 3py, 3p, Slater functions on chlorine and Is, 2s, 2p,, 2p,, 2p, functions on fluorine. Standard four-Gaussian least squares fits30 to each Slater function were used. This simple basis set is usually adequate for geometry predictions, although there are some notable exception^.^^,^^ A more reliable basis set is the double (DZ) basis, essentially twice as large as the MBS. W e have used Dunning's contracted Gaussian DZ basis sets for C133and F34in the present work. In general, geometry predictions made at this level of theory are quite accurate.32 The computations were carried out on the Datacraft 6024/4 minicomputer using the Cal Tech-Ohio StateBerkeley version of POLYATOM3' and the program GAUSSIAN 70.36 Representative times for ClF4- were 35 min using the MBS and 92 min using the D Z basis set. The latter time does not include the 38 min required to generate the list of nonzero unique integrals; however, this step is required only once, with all additional calculations using the same list. On the basis of the single-configuration SCF results obtained here both ClF2 and ClF4 are predicted to be unbound relative to their separated atom limits. For example, with the largest basis set employed, ClF2 is predicted to lie 1.91 eV above C1 F F. Although this may appear a discour-


+ +

Similarly, in analogy with ArF2, the linear CIF2- ion should have as its lowest electron configuration 1ag2 2ag2 1au2 3ag2 2au2 inU4 4~ 5ug2 3au24uu227ru4 17rg437ru46ag2 (4)

To allow a direct comparison with the CIF2+ orbital occupancy, this


result may be resolved into point group


la12 2a12 lbz2 3a12 2b22 4a12 lb12 Sal2 6a12 3b22 4b22 7a12 2b12 la22 5bz2 8a12 3b12 gal2 ( 5 ) Hence, the logical ground state electron configuration for neutral CIF2, assuming a bent structure, is Sal2 3b22 6a12 2b12 7a12 4b22 laz2 5bz2 8a12 3bl2 9a1

*AI (6)

Assuming a linear structure, this orbital occupancy becomes

. . . 5og2 3uu24au2 27ru4 17rg43 r U 46ag

22g+ (7)

Since there are no AB2 molecules with 21 valence electrons whose geometry has been precisely determined, one cannot readily use Walsh's rules to predict whether ClF2 is bent or linear. Recall that 20 valence-electron molecules are generally bent ( ~ 1 0 0 ' bond angle), while 22 valence-electron molecules are linear. Although electron configurations 6 and 7 are the logical first choice for the ground state of ClF2, the 3bl and 9al (or, for the linear configuration, 37ru and 6ag) orbitals might be nearly degenerate.38 In this case the configurations

. . . 5a12 3b22 6a12 2b12 7a12 4b22 la22 5b22 8a12 3b1 gal2

2BI (8)


. . . 5ag23uu24uu22 s u 4 17rg437ru36ag2



should be given theoretical consideration as well as (6) and (7). Table I summarizes our geometry predictions for ClF2+, ClF2, and ClF2-. For the ions, the minimum and double c basis sets yield qualitatively similar results. Consistent with Walsh's rules, CIF2+ is found to have a structure similar to that of SF2.23In fact the double { CIF2+ bond angle differs by only (97.4 - 98.3') = 0.9' from that of SF2. The C1-F bond distance in CIF2+ is predicted to be 1.70 A, 0.07 A

Ungemach, Schaefer

/ Molecular Structure of CIF2 and ClF4 Radicals

1660 Table 11. Molecular Structure Predictions for ClF,+, ClF,, and ClF,-

Table I. Molecular Structure Predictions for ClF,+, ClF,, and CIF,-


Basis set


Electronic state

'A1 'AI 'A, ('Zg+) 'B, (*nu)



Extended Polarized C1

'B, 'A, 'A,


Total energy

r(Cl-F), if

Bond angle, deg

-654.0763 -657.7177 -654.3749 -654.2353 -658.1439 -658.11 04 -658.1455 -658.1868 -654.2418 -658.3305

1.72 1.70 1.83 1.79 1.83 1.82 1.83 1.72 1.87 1.93

98.2 97.4 Linear Linear 145.2 Linear 145.2 148.8 Linear Linear

longer than that in diatomic ClF, but essentially identical with the two equivalent bond lengths in the T-shaped C1F3 molecule. As anticipated, ClF2- is predicted to be a linear s mmetric ion. The C1-F bond distance is quite long (1.93 relative to the known bond distances of ClF, CIF3, and ClFS. Minimum basis set SCF methods predict the ClF2 radical to be linear, while the double { results suggest a bent molecule with bond angle 145.2'. The double { barrier to linearity is substantial, 7.7 kcal/mol. This clear conflict is particularly distressing due to the absence of a solid experimental determination of the structure of any triatomic molecule with 21 valence electrons. Although we would of course favor the double { result in vacuo, it was decided that further calculations were necessary for an unambiguous determination of the structure. The entry in Table I labeled "Extended" basis set refers to a calculation in which a more flexible contraction of the 2p functions was employed. Thus while the double { basis may be labeled Cl(12s 9p/6s 4p), F(9s 5p/4s 2p), the extended basis is Cl(12s 9p/6s Sp), F(9s 5p/4s 3p). For the fluorine atom the Gaussian p functions are contracted 41 in the double { set, and 31 1 in the extended basis. The effect of this more flexible basis is to allow for a more correct description of the distortion of the C1 3p and F 2p orbitals within the molecular framework. However, as Table I shows, this extended basis set provides a n identical geometry prediction and an energy lowering of only 0.0016 hartree. This is, of course, quite a compliment to the contraction schemes of Dunning for the C1 and F atoms. Also shown in Table I is an entry labeled "Polarized Cl". This refers to the addition of a set of d-like functions (d,,, d,, d,,, d,, d,,, and dyz), with orbital exponent (Y = 0.6, to the C1 atom. In this regard we note that in triatomic species such as ClF2, polarization functions on the central atom (C1 here) are far more important than those on the terminal atoms ( F here).39 Further, d functions on fluorine are usually relatively unimportant in any case. Thus it seems likely that a basis including one set of d functions on chlorine will recover most of the energy lowering due to polarization functions in ClF2. As Table I shows, the lowering relative to double { is substantial, 0.0429 hartree. However, there is only a 3.6' increase in the predicted bond angle, thus strongly reinforcing the double ( and extended basis predictions that CIF2 is significantly bent. This conclusion is consistent with Mamantov's experimental estimatelo of 140 f 19' for the ClF2 bond angle. A final point of particular interest is the fact that the polarized C1 basis yields a bond distance fully 0.1 1 A shorter than the double {results. This general trend is well known40 but the ma nitude is quite large here. The polarized C1 value of 1.72 is much closer to the observed bond distances of ClF, ClF3, and



Journal of the American Chemical Society



Species ClF,+ ClF,

Basis set

Electronic state


'A1 !A1



'Ai (2Alg)

'B, ('Big) 2 A l ('A,g) *B1('B,g) ' A , ('Alg) ' A l ('A,g)

Total energy

r(Cl-F), A

Apex angle, deg

-851.1882 -856.2678 - 85 1.437 2 -851.3418 -856.7535 -856,6734 -851.3222 -856.9899

1.78 1.76 1.82 1.92 1.83 1.92 1.88 1.88

148.4 143.5 Planar Planar Planar Planar Planar Planar

ClFS, and is probably more realistic than the double { prediction. In attempting to understand the shape of the CIF2 radical, there are a t least three factors which bear consideration. It is the subtle interplay of these factors22 which determines the structure of ClF2. (a) During the symmetrical bending of linear C1F2 an increase in electronic stability is achieved by the delocalization of the 3a, lone pairs (LP) of electrons. These LP's are primarily localized in the space of the chlorine 3p, and 3py AO's in linear ClF2. In CzUClF2 the 37r, MO becom'es the 8al and 3bl orbitals. Associated with the delocalization is a decrease in the energies of the latter orbitals. (b) In linear C1F2 the 6ag M O is a singly occupied nonbonding orbital. As ClF2 assumes a CzUstructure the 6ag M O becomes the gal orbital. The latter MO possesses a significant amount of chlorine 3p, character ( z axis is taken as the axis of rotation). Consequently, electron density is placed in the shrinking region of space between the two already negatively charged fluorine atoms. This situation contributes to the overall electronic instability of CzUClF2. In fact, fully occupying the 9al M O forces a species such as ClF2- to assume a more stable linear geometry. (c) Finally, it should be noted that bending ClF2 (for fixed C1-F separation) monotonically increases the nuclear repulsion energy. This adds to the electronic instability of bent ClF2. Evidently, the delocalization of the 3a, LP's is sufficiently stabilizing so as to compensate for the instability brought about the last two processes mentioned above. Hence, CzU C1F2 is more favorable energetically. The expected first excited state of ClF2, qualitatively described by electron configuration 8 or 9, has also been studied. Both minimum and double { basis sets predict this state to be linear and hence of 2JIu symmetry. This result is in accord with Walsh's rules, since the doubly occupied 9al orbital is characteristic of linear systems with 22 valence electrons. Further, the predicted bond distance for this excited electronic state is comparable to that of the 2Al ground state. One important feature for which the minimum and double {calculations differ markedly is the excitation energy AE(2Al 211,).For the minimum basis we find AE = 0.1396 hartree = 3.08 eV, whereas the double { separation is only 0.0335 hartree = 0.91 eV. The double {result is certainly the more trustworthy and we conclude that the first excited state of C1F2 is quite low lying.


Five-Atom Structures If we assume an analogy between ClF4+ and the isoelectronic SF4 molecule, then the ClF4+ electron configuration should be41

laI2 2a12 lbz2 3al2 lb12 4a1*5al2 2b22 2bl2 6ai2 3b22 3bl2 7a12 8ai2 9a12 4bz2 4b12 la22 5bZ2 10a12 l l a t 2 2az2 12at2 6bz2 13a12, 14a12 (10)

/ March 31, 1976

1661 Table 111. Orbital Energies for Chlorine Fluoride@ ClF,+ l a , -105.417 2a, -26.732 lb, -26.732 3a, -11.130 2b, -8.596 4a, -8.594 lb, -8.590 5a, -1.997 3b, -1.951 6a, -1.501 2b1 -1.084 7a, -1.078 4b, -1.065 la, -1.041 5b, -0.991 8a, -0.958 3b, -0.878

CIF, la, 2a, lb, 3a, 2b, 4a1 1bl 5a1 3% 6a1 2bl 7a, 5b, 1% 5b2 8% 3b I gal

-105.029 -26.361 -26.361 -10.746 -8.214 -8.210 -8.208 -1.604 -1.593 -1.166 -0.718 -0.709 - 0.7 25b -0.693 -0.668 -0.590 -0.553





10, -104.732 2 0 ~ -25.994 10, -25.994 30, -10.450 -7.916 20, Inu -7.912

l a , -105.551 lb, -26.700 le -26.700 2a, -26.700 3a, -11.252 2e -8.718 4a, -8.714 5a, -2.005 3e -1.934 2b1 -1.900 6a, -1.547 4e -1.114 7a, -1.104 lb, -1.057 5e -1.021 3b1 -1.001 6e -0.978 la, -0.976 8a, -0.927 4b, -0.818

la,, -105.209 lblg -26.390 le, -26.390 2alg -26.390 3alg -10.916 2eu -8.381 la,, -8.376 4alg -1.674 3e, -1.629 2b1g -1.608 5aIg -1.258 4e, -0.810 2a,, -0.799 lb,g -0.748 le, -0.723 lb,, -0.714 5e, -0.697 la,, -0.690 3a,, -0.618 3b,g -0.575 6alg -0.552

l a l g -104.972 lb,g -26.083 le, -26.083 2alg -26.083 3alg -10.677 -8.139 2% la,, -8.135 4alg -1.381 -1.340 3% 2blg -1.322 5alg -1.018 4% -0.549 2a,, -0.530 lb,g -0.455 leg -0.434 lb,, -0.426 5% -0.415 lazg -0.400 3a,, -0.363 3b1g -0.350 6alg -0.274

40, 30, 40, 2nIJ

-1.256 -1.249 -0.884 -0.416 -0.383





-0.268 -0.250


0 The results were obtained from double f basis calculations at the predicted equilibrium geometries of the respective species. this orbital is energetically out of order relative to ClF,+.

ClF4- on the other hand is expected to be square planar,27 and, if analogy with XeF4 is appropriate, should have electron c ~ n f i g u r a t i o n ~ ~ laIg2 leu4 2alg2 lblg2 3alg2 2eu4 la2u24alg2 2blg2 3eu45alg2 4eU42azu2 lb2g2 leg4 lb2u25eU4la2g2 3blg2 3azU26alg2 (11)

Table IV. Mulliken Population Analyses for the Chlorine Fluorides

c1 F

Should ClF4- be a square pyramid, its electron configuration would become, after resolution43 of the D 4 h result, c1

s P Total s P Total s

la12 le4 2a12 lb12 3a12 2e4 4a12 Sal2 2b12 3e4 6ai2 X 4e4 7a12 1b22 5e4 3b126e4 la22 4b12 8ai2 gal2 (12)


According to the ClF4- calculations of Guest,28 the totally symmetric 6211, orbital is significantly higher (-0.1 hartree) than the other occupied valence orbitals. Hence the ground electronic state of the ClF4 radical should be of 2Alg symmetry (if square planar) or 2Al symmetry (if a square pyramid). The symmetry of the first excited state of CIF4 will be related to the nature of the second highest occupied orbital. GregoryIg has suggested from C N D O calculations that the . . . 3a2,, 6alg2 configuration corresponds to the first excited state for the square-planar case. Table I1 summarizes our geometry predictions for ClF4+, CIF4, and ClF4-. The present minimum basis result for ClF4+ agrees with that of Guest et aLZ8 in predicting a square-pyramidal structure. Further, our more reliable double treatment of ClF4+ also predicts a C4u structure, with a similar apex angle. Thus there would appear to be a deviation from Walsh's rules,22 which requires CIF4+ to have a structure analogous to SF4. T o further pursue this anomaly, Radom and S ~ h a e f e rhave ~ ~ made a comparable study of SF4 itself. They find the minimum basis to predict a square-pyramidal SF4, but the double set to yield a C2" structure in good qualitative agreement with experiment. Thus our first conclusion is that minimum basis sets can give qualitatively erroneous predictions of the shapes of AB4 molecules. Second, it appears likely that the equilibrium structures of the isoelectronic molecules SF4 and ClF4+ are very different. However, a near Hartree-Fock study (including d functions on C1 and F atoms) may be necessary to solidify our second conclusion. Should the addition of chlorine 3d functions have a qualitative effect on the geometry of ClF4+, this could be perhaps the first unequivocal

P Total



Note that








5.92 9.88 15.80 4.01 5.09 9.10

5.96 10.38 16.34 3.99 5.34 9.33

6.01 10.60 16.61 3.98 5.71 9.69

5.85 9.65 15.50 4.01 5.12 9.13

5.92 9.80 15.72 3.99 5.33 9.32

6.03 9.63 15.66 3.98 5.60 9.58

Singly Occupied Orbital 0.05 0.31 0.36 0.00 0.32 0.32 (2 equiv)

0.11 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.22 0.22 (4 equiv)

demonstration of the importance of d orbitals in systems containing second-row atoms.45 The ground and first excited state of ClF4 and the ground state of ClF4- are predicted to be planar by both sets of calculations. As for the triatomic species, relatively long C1-F bond distances are predicted and these would presumably be shortened by -0.1 8, were d functions added to the C1 basis set. It is noteworthy that the excited state ClF4 bond distance is 0.09 A longer than that predicted for the ground state. The 2A1,-2B~g separation is 2.60 eV in the M B S treatment and 2.18 eV when the larger D Z basis is employed. In either case the first excited state of ClF4 is seen to be quite low lying. Electronic Structure Considerations Our discussion here is based on Tables I11 and IV, which give orbital energies and Mulliken populations for the six molecular species of interest. Except for the ClF2 4b2 orbital, the ordering via Koopmans Theorem of the occupied levels is identical for the radical and the ClF2+ ion. The same ordering is followed by the CIFz- ion although the negative charge necessarily raises all the orbital energies. The closeness of the highest fully occupied (3bl and 37,) and halfoccupied (gal and 6ug) orbitals supports our prediction that the first excited electronic state of C1F2 is low lying. For the CIF4 radical, the two highest occupied orbitals (3blg and 6alg) are very close together. It is also interesting to note that the level orderings for ClF4 and ClF4- are iden-

Ungemach, Schaefer

/ Molecular Structure of CIF2 and ClF4 Radicals

1662 tical and hence the notion of filling orbitals by the aufbau prinzip is justifiable. The most obvious conclusion drawn from Table IV is that C1 is considerably less electronegative than F. In fact, for none of the six species does the C1 Mulliken population reach the atomic value of 17. A particularly interesting result (possibly an artifact of the Mulliken analysis) is that in going from ClF4 to ClF4- the C1 population actually decreases from 15.72 to 15.66. Changes in the C1 and F s populations are in general small compared to those for the p orbitals. The half-filled orbitals of the C1F2 and ClF4 radicals are of particular interest here. For ClF2, the 9al orbital is seen to be a roughly equal combination of C13p and F 2p atomic functions. For ClF4, the results of Table IV may be compared with the conclusions of Morton and Preston18 from their EPR spectrum. They note that there is considerable C1 3s contribution to the orbital of the unpaired electron, and estimate the amount to be between 17% (assuming sp3 d 2 hydridization) and 50% (assuming sp hybridization). Comparison of their observed 35Cl hyperfine interaction with that based on the unpaired electron occupying a purely atomic C1 3s orbital suggests the lower value (17%) to be quite realistic within this model. The present Mulliken analysis suggests that 11% of the 6alg population should be labeled C1 3s. In light of the inherent imprecision of both experimental and theoretical determinations of the amount of "C1 3s character", we consider the agreement to be satisfactory. Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (GP-41509X and GP-393 17). W e thank Professor Neil Bartlett, Professor David Craig, Dr. Leo Radom, and Mr. Ole Krogh for helpful discussions. Considerable progress on this manuscript was made while H.F.S. was a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra.

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