Molecular Weight and Ionic Characteristics of Olive Cell Wall

Ana Jiménez, Rafael Guillén, Coral Sánchez, Juan Fernández-Bolan˜os, and Antonia Heredia*. Instituto de la Grasa, CSIC, Apartado 1078, 41012 Sevilla, ...
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J. Agric. Food Chem. 1996, 44, 913−918


Molecular Weight and Ionic Characteristics of Olive Cell Wall Polysaccharides during Processing Ana Jime´nez, Rafael Guille´n, Coral Sa´nchez, Juan Ferna´ndez-Bolan˜os, and Antonia Heredia* Instituto de la Grasa, CSIC, Apartado 1078, 41012 Sevilla, Spain

The changes that occur during olive fruit (Olea europaea arolensis) processing (high pH treatment and fermentation) in the pectic fractions and hemicelluloses B of the cell wall have been studied. The amount of neutral arabinans in the cell wall and the composition of this fraction did not change, but there was a great decrease in the molecular weight [from higher than 400 000 in unprocessed fruit (UF) to 70 000 in processed fruit (PF)]. The water-soluble acidic polysaccharides almost disappeared, losing mainly their galacturonic acid-rich portions. The most important change that occurred in the oxalate-soluble rhamnogalacturonans was a decrease in their degree of esterification (from 75.44% and 35.42% for the peaks in UF to 28.42% for the peak in PF). Their composition and molecular weight were not greatly affected by processing. The molecular weights of the main polysaccharide components of the hemicelluloses B (xyloglucans, galactoglucomannans, and arabinoxylans) decreased greatly, although their sugar compositions remained almost stable. Keywords: Olive; cell wall; processing; polysaccharides; molecular weight; degree of esterification INTRODUCTION


Pectic polysaccharides are important determinants of fruit texture. In view of their physiological significance (their capacity to lower cholesterol levels and bind bile acids, polyvalent cations, and water, etc.), renewed attention has been focused on these compounds. Their effects on cholesterol levels and their binding capacity depend in part on the structure of their galacturonan components: degree of esterification (DE), insertion of rhamnose units, presence of neutral side chains, etc. (Goldberg et al., 1989). The other group of noncellulosic polysaccharides of the cell wall, the hemicelluloses, has a very important role in maintaining the wall structure, uniting pectins and cellulose. Small changes in their structure, therefore, even changes that affect only the molecular weight (as occur in fruit ripening and softening), inevitably produce losses in cell wall rigidity and, as a consequence, in fruit texture. Olive fruits (Olea europaea arolensis) are very important in the economy and diet of Mediterranean countries, including Spain. Because of their bitterness, a technological process is needed to make them edible as “table olives” (Ferna´ndez-Dı´ez, 1985). Changes in pectic polymers have been described in other processes such as canning (Chitarra et al., 1989), lactic fermentation (Howard and Buescher, 1990), and heat treatment (Feng et al., 1989), but very little is known about changes due to alkaline treatment. Furthermore, hemicelluloses have never been studied in relation to textural changes during vegetable processing. In a previous paper (Jime´nez et al., 1994a), the “Californian black ripe olive” process and the alterations produced in the cell wall structure have been described. In the present study, the structural changes in the pectic fractions (acidic and neutral) and hemicelluloses B arising from the “Spanish green olive” process have been studied. Knowledge of the nature of these changes would help in understanding the complex changes in firmness that take place during the processing of all plant products, especially olive fruits.

Olive Processing. Olive fruits (O. europaea arolensis var. Hojiblanca), harvested in the province of Seville (Spain), were processed as follows: the fruits were treated with a solution of 2-2.5% sodium hydroxide (lye) for around 7 h (the lye has to penetrate two-thirds of the distance to the pit). Olives were then subjected to a rapid wash, followed by another wash which lasted 14-16 h. The fruits were then placed in a solution of 10-11% sodium chloride (brine) that reached a concentration of around 7% at equilibrium. After the lactic fermentation, which gives the olives the typical “Spanish green olive” flavor, and a period of conservation in a more concentrated brine (around 10% at equilibrium), the olives were ready for packing. Sampling. Around 500 g of olives was taken for both samples (unprocessed and processed fruit). These samples (UF and PF, respectively) were treated to isolate the cell wall material, the main pectic fractions (soluble in water and in oxalate), and hemicelluloses B. Analytical Methods. Selvendran’s method (1975) was used to isolate the cell wall material by treatments with sodium dodecyl sulfate and phenol/acetic acid/water. Cell wall material was depectinated by treatments with hot water and hot oxalate, and hemicelluloses B were extracted by sodium hydroxide (Jime´nez et al., 1994a). Noncellulosic neutral sugars were quantified by trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) hydrolysis (Ruiter and Burns, 1987), reduction, acetylation, and gas chromatography (Englyst and Cumming, 1984). The colorimetric assay of 3-phenylphenol (Blumenkrantz and Asboe-Hansen, 1973) was used for determination of uronic acids. Every determination was performed in duplicate (the coefficient of variation was less than 10%). Ion Exchange Chromatography. The main pectic fractions (water-soluble and oxalate-soluble) and hemicelluloses B were fractionated on a column of QAE-Trysacryl M (IBF) (2.6 × 40 cm). The exchanger was equilibrated in 12.5 mM imidazole-HCl, pH 7. The samples were dissolved in the same buffer. The fractions were eluted with 200 mL of starting buffer, followed by 200 mL each of 125 and 550 mM imidazoleHCl, pH 7, at a rate of 40 mL/h. Ten milliliter fractions were collected and assayed for total sugars (Dubois et al., 1956). The different peaks isolated were dialyzed, freeze-dried, and assayed for uronic acids. Their neutral sugar composition was studied by GC (Englyst and Cumming, 1984). Gel Filtration Chromatography. The molecular weights of the main peaks isolated by ion exchange chromatography were determined on a 2.6 × 70 cm column of Sephacryl S-300

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 0021-8561/96/1444-0913$12.00/0

© 1996 American Chemical Society

914 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 44, No. 3, 1996

Jime´nez et al.

HR (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Uppsala, Sweden). The buffer used was 200 mM phosphate and 500 mM sodium chloride, pH 7. The samples ran at an ascendent flow rate of 40 mL/min. The peak elution was detected by a Waters refraction index detector (R404, Millipore), and the fraction volume was 5 mL. The eluted peaks were concentrated, desalted on PD-10 columns (Pharmacia), and freeze-dried. Uronic acids and neutral sugar composition were determined. Determination of the Degree of Esterification. The samples were reduced with sodium borohydride (10 mg/mL) in 50% ethanol overnight. In this way, the de-esterified, but not the esterified, groups were reduced. The latter were quantified colorimetrically (Lurie et al., 1994). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Three fractions of polysaccharides have been fractionated by ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography (water-soluble, oxalate-soluble, and hemicelluloses B), from both unprocessed and processed fruits. The glycosyl composition of the different peaks isolated and the degree of esterification of several of them are presented and discussed. Changes in the Water-Soluble Fraction. The profiles obtained by ion exchange chromatography are presented in Figure 1; one neutral (N) and two acidic (A-1 and A-2) peaks have been isolated. As a result of processing, the size of the acidic peaks decreased in relation to that of the neutral one. Furthermore, in PF they eluted a little later than in UF. Table 1 shows the changes in yields and composition of the different peaks: in both samples, UF and PF, the neutral fraction was the major one, but in the latter the percentage was greater than 80% of the total polysaccharides recovered after ion exchange chromatography. In contrast, the acidic fractions decreased, each one representing less than 10% of the recovered material. The composition (neutral sugars and uronic acids) also changed as a result of processing (Table 1). Although the composition of the neutral fraction remained almost stable, the acidic ones were enriched in neutral sugars and depleted of uronic acids. The neutral fraction consisted basically of arabinans in both the unprocessed and processed fruits (arabinose content > 90%). Their molecular weight distribution was determined by gel filtration chromatography using Sephacryl S300. The polysaccharides from the UF eluted at the void volume of the column (MW > 400 000), while the average molecular weight of those from the PF was estimated to be 70 000. It can be concluded, therefore, that during processing there is a marked decrease in the average molecular weight of these polysaccharides. It is unlikely that this decrease could take place during lye treatment since arabinans are fairly resistant to alkaline degradation. In contrast, they are very acid-sensitive, and it is very probable that the degradation occurs during fermentation, when the fruits are exposed to a low pH (pH 400 000

130 000

60 000

30 000

20 000

Rha Fuc Ara Xyl Man Gal Glc UA

ND ND 8 [9] 55 [64] 2 [2] 5 [6] 16 [19] 14

3 [3] ND 23 [26] 29 [33] 6 [7] 12 [13] 16 [18] 11

ND ND 19 [22] 40 [47] 8 [9] 8 [9] 11 [13] 14

ND ND 10 [12] 55 [64] 7 [8] 6 [7] 9 [11] 14

ND ND 7 [8] 60 [72] 5 [6] 5 [6] 7 [8] 17

a The data in brackets represent the molar fraction of the neutral sugars. ND, nondetected.

ticularly noteworthy. In UF their average MW was 260 000 but after processing, a range of 170 000 to 10 000 was recorded. Furthermore, the two kinds of polysaccharides that composed this fraction, were isolated: the first two peaks consisted mainly of xyloglucans, whereas the lower MW peaks consisted mainly of galactoglucomannans. The composition of the first acidic fraction of PF (Table 5) confirmed the existence of very pure arabinoxylans: their MW also decreased (ranging from >400 000 to 20 000). However, all of the peaks isolated had a very similar compositions. As discussed previously (Jime´nez et al., 1995), these polysaccharides are probably mainly affected by the activities of endogenous and/or exogenous enzymes, such as cellulases, xylanases, or even xyloglucan endotransglycosylases (XET), as well as microbial enzymes. The extreme pH values (high during lye treatment and low during fermentation) are another factor to take into account, because both of them could alter these polysaccharides. High pH values may affect them due to alkaline degradation, and a low pH could lead to

hydrolysis to some extent, as was mentioned above with respect to arabinans. Final Remarks. During olive processing two main steps are required (treatment at high pH values and a lactic fermentation). These steps lead to marked changes in the composition and structure of cell wall polysaccharides. In a previous paper (Jime´nez et al., 1995), these changes were described for the first time and each of them was correlated with the steps during processing. A hypothesis was put forward on the textural changes and their relationship with polysaccharides. Because of the lye treatment and the subsequent wash, texture decreased by about 40% of the initial value. There was a decrease in the WSF and in the pectins solubilized by delignification, and an increase in the OSF, this probably being caused by the high pH values. After reaching equilibrium in brine, the fruits recovered about 20% of the original texture. Fermentation leads to a further decrease in firmness. In this last step, only changes in hemicelluloses were quantified, which could be related to enzymatic activity and/or low pH values. The findings presented in the current paper lend support to the hypothesis put forward previously to explain the very complex changes in firmness during processing. The increase of OSF and the decrease in its DE could be caused by the high pH values during lye treatment: ester and phenolic linkages may be broken, leading to an increase in OSF and probably also affecting the hemicelluloses to some extent. Owing to the electrostatic repulsion caused by the low DE, quantified during the present work, and to the breakdown of inter- and/or intrapolymer covalent bonds, the firmness of the fruit decreases greatly. However, the texture increases when the fruits are soaked in brine: again the low DE and the high proportion of these deesterified polysaccharides could be the main factors responsible, as cations, such as Na+, present in brine may stabilize the negatively charged polymers. The rapid decrease in the pH that takes place at the beginning of the fermentation could also contribute in the same way, facilitating the recovery of firmness. The great decrease in molecular weight experienced by the hemicelluloses, observed in the present study, together with the changes in their solubility during fermentation, described previously (Jime´nez et al., 1995), could explain the loss of texture after fermentation. This effect could be due to the low pH values (