Monday Afternoon - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 29, 2012 - Monday Afternoon. Anal. Chem. , 1985, 57 (8), pp 902A–904A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00285a751. Publication Date: July 1985. ACS Legacy Archive...
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News Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Bacterial Identification. T. M. Rossi, C. W. Moss, I. M. Warner, Emory U Applications of Constant Energy Synchronous Luminescence Spectrometry. L. A. Files, J. M. Kerkhoff, J. D. Winefordner, U of Florida Cyclodextrin-Enhanced Aqueous Peroxyoxalate Chemiluminescence. E. J. Woolf, M. L. Grayeski, Seton Hall U Fluorescence Studies of Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes in Mixed Aqueous-Organic Solvents. G. Patonay, N. A. Shapiro, I. M. Warner, Emory U Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Excited by Active Nitrogen. T. Yu, J. D. Winefordner, U of Florida Evaluation of ac Stabilization of dc Arc Lamps for Spectroscopic Applications. P. B. Oldham, G. Patonay, I. M. Warner, Emory U Philadelphia's Tourist Center is located in the Penn Center-City Hall area Comparison of Noise Characteristics between UV-Visible and IR Interferometers. M. Richmond, R. Williams, Ohio U Reaction Rate Method Insensitive to Changes in Rate Constant. P. D. Wentzell, S. R. Crouch, Michigan State U Environmental Effect on the Fluorescence of Crude Oil. A. Sharma, Y. Vihar Fluorescence of Flavones and Bioflavones. A. Sharma, Y. Vihar Spectrophotometry Determination of Traces of Uranium. P. G. Ramappa, U of Mysore Fluorescence Spectroscopy Posters Comparison of Circular Dichroism and Fluorescence-Detected Circular Dichroism for Biologically Active Compounds. M. Thomas, G. Patonay, I. M. Warner, Emory U Nondestructive Tablet Determination by Room-Temperature Phosphorimetry. W. J. Long, S. Y. Su, H. T. Karnes, Virginia Commonwealth U Fluorescence Fingerprinting of Marine Algae. P. B. Oldham, E. Zillioux, I. M. Warner, Emory U Determination of CaMo0 4 and CaWÛ4 by Time-Resolved Luminescence Spectroscopy. Ë. F. Paski, M. W. Blades, U of British Columbia

Monday Afternoon Infrared Microspectroscopy Arranged by P. Roush Applications of Infrared Microscopy, Instrumental and Sampling Considerations. R. W. Hannah, Perkin-Elmer Applications of Microscopic-FTIR Sampling Techniques for the Analysis of Polymer Systems. F. M. Mirabella, Northern Petrochemical Co. Application of Recent Developments in FT-IR Microsampling Techniques to Polymeric Materials. M. A. Harthcock, Dow Chemical Qualitative Analysis of Polymers and Other Types of Samples Using FT-IR Microspectroscopy. N. Smyrl, Martin Marrietta, Inc. Industrial Problem Solving by Microscopic FT-IR. E. Miseo, L. Guilmette, Arthur D. Little, Inc. FT-IR Microspectrophotometry as a Failure Analysis Tool. J. Shearer, Shearer Consulting, Inc. Forensic-Related Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy. J. Genova, Dade County Crime Laboratory Infrared Microscope Spectroscopy in Biomedical Research: The Closer You Look, the More You See. J. Brasch, F. M. Wasacz, Battelle Columbus Laboratory Comparison of On-Line and OffLine FT-IR Microscopy. F. L. Baudais, H. Buijs, Bomem, Inc.


Advances in Plasma Spectrometry— Instrumentation Arranged by A. Montaser and D. W. Golightly FT-ICP-AES: Fourier Mode Data Evaluation. M. L. Parsons, Arizona State U; L. M. Faries, B. A. Palmer, R. S. Lyon, Los Alamos National Laboratory Signal-to-Noise Ratio Characteristics of an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Fourier Transform Spectrometer. S. Marra, G. Horlick, U of Alberta Isotopic and Elemental Assay of Plutonium by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Multielement Emission Spectrometry (ICP/ AMES). M. C. Edelson, E. L. Dekalb, R. K. Winge, V. A. Fassel, Iowa State U Spectral Characteristics of a New Spectrometer Design for Atomic Emission Spectrometry. V. Karanassios, G. Horlick, U of Alberta Time-Multiplexed Multiple Entrance Slit Spectrometer for Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. L. D. Benton, K. W. Busch, Baylor U Progress Report on the Generation and Characterization of an Annular Helium-Inductively Coupled Plasma for Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. S.-K. Chan, A. Montaser, George Washington U Evaluation of a Reduced-Pressure Helium ICP as a GC Detector for Halogenated Compounds. K. A. Wolnik, F. L. Fricke, C. J. Seliskar, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Spectroscopic Studies of Magnetically Confined Plasmas Generated by a Unidirectional Capacitive Discharge in a Graphite Fiber Bundle. E. T. Johnson, R. D. Sacks, U of Michigan Progress in Theta Pinch Emission Spectroscopy. A. Scheeline, U of Illinois Surface Analysis Photoelectron Microscopy. O.H. Griffith, U of Oregon Time-Resolved Photothermal Refraction. W. A. Weimer, N. J. Dovichi, U of Wyoming Surface Analysis of Filter Papers Used in Room-Temperature Phosphorimetry. M. Andino, M. Kosinski, J. D. Winefordner, U of Florida Characterization of Thin Films and Interfaces by Surface Analytical Techniques: Microprobe Methods, RBS and SIMS. J. Clabes, IBM

News Data Analysis Techniques Ap­ plied to Surface Analytical Prob­ lems. A. Proctor, U of Pittsburgh Solid-State NMR of Synthetic and Biopolymers Arranged by A. D. English Computer Simulation of Spin Dynamics. J. S. Waugh, F. S. Bouregas, MIT Dipolar Rotational Spin-Echo NMR Studies of Motion in Poly­ mers. Ε. 0. Stejskal, J. Schaefer, J. R. Garbow, Monsanto Multinuclear NMR Studies of Molecular Dynamics of Fibrous Proteins. D. A. Torchia, NIH Solid-State NMR of Biological Systems. S. J. Opella, U of Pennsylva­ nia Determination of Molecular Ori­ entation of Solid Polymers with High-Resolution 13C NMR. P. M. Henrichs, Kodak NMR Approach to Pseudosolid Polymer Properties. Gel Swelling. Disentanglement Relaxation in a Melt. J. P. Cohen-Addad, CNRS Gas Chromatography New Polysiloxane Stationary Phase for Analysis of Volatile Pri­ ority Pollutants. R. R. Freeman, J&W Scientific Use of Capillary GC Retention Index Library for Qualitative Analysis and Analytical Technique Development. S. Stephenson, J. Sprouse, A. Varano, Sadtler Research Laboratories Characterization of GC Station­ ary Phases: Considerations for Ac­ curate Determination of Retention Indices. M. A. Hepp, M. S. Klee, Smith Kline & French Labs; M. A. Kaiser, Du Pont Model for Optimization of Capillary Columns for Process Gas Chromatography. R. Villalobos, R. Annino, The Foxboro Co. GC/MS Characterization of Mi­ croorganisms. S. L. Morgan, R. S. Whiton, A. Fox, U of South Carolina Modern Use of Megabore Col­ umns. W. Jennings, U of California Capillary Gas Chromatography with MIP-Polychromator Detec­ tion. A. H. Mohamad, J. A. Caruso, U of Cincinnati High-Speed GC Using an Electri­ cally Heated Cold Trap Inlet Sys­ tem and Short Lengths of Open Tu­ bular Column. R. D. Sacks, B. A. Ewels, U of Michigan

EDB Determination in Wheat Using Headspace Gas Chromato­ graphic Analysis. D. R. Erney, U.S. Food and Drug Administration High-Resolution Gas Chroma­ tography with the Valveless Live Column Switching System in a Dual-Oven GC. A. Heim, ES Indus­ tries Computer-Aided Chemistry Posters Custom-Made Analytical Labo­ ratory Sample Management System for the IBM PC Utilizing dBASE II. S. Matthes, Bureau of Mines Integrated Computerized Analy­ sis of Method Validation Experi­ ments. J. Fenton, West Chester U ANALIS, an Interactive Comput­ er System for Laboratory Sample Management. M. A. Floyd, F. W. Postma, R. W. Morrow New Unfolding Code for a Multisphere Neutron Spectrometer. D. Chang, U of Missouri Microcomputer Software for Lab Management and Supervision. T. K. Blumenthal, G. B. Hirsch, M. M. Blumenthal, Ganit System, Inc. Networking in the Chromatogra­ phy Laboratory Using Computing Integrators and an IBM PC. T. A. Rooney, Spectra-Physics Computer-Assisted Weighing Station for a Grain Wet-Milling Analytical Laboratory. C. K. Finger, L. E. Fitt, CPC International Inc. Evaluation of the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh in Laboratory Applications. R. Williams, Ohio U Microprocessor-Regulated Con­ stant Power or Temperature Isoe­ lectric Focusing Power Supply. E. Kuzior, L. Allen, D. Mincey, Youngstown State U Lock-In Amplifiers and Boxcar Averages: How They Really Work. E. Voigtman, J. D. Winefordner, U of Florida New Analytical Techniques and Methods Posters Microwave Oven Method Utiliz­ ing HNO3-H2O2 Digestion to Pre­ pare Botanical Materials for Ele­ mental Analysis by ICAP. R. T. White, G. E. Douthit, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Development of a Luminescence Microprobe for Chemical Identifi­ cation. T. E. Doyle, J. L. Alvarez, V. A. Deason, EG&G Idaho, Inc.


Ion-Molecule Reactions of Sput­ tered Species: Principles and Ap­ plication. R. B. Freas, M. M. Ross, J. E. Campana, Naval Research Labo­ ratory Detection and Identification of Bacteria by Means of Fluorescence Decay Lifetimes. R. A. Dalterio, W. H. Nelson, J. Sperry, U of Rhode Island Matrix Effects in Thermal Lensing Spectrometry. C. M. Phillips, S. R. Crouch, G. E. Leroi, Michigan State U Analysis of Metals and Compact­ ed Samples by Hollow Cathode Plume Mass Spectrometry. F. L. King, Jr., R. K. Marcus, W. W. Harri­ son, U of Virginia Laser Doppler Velocimetry for Particle Size Analysis. F. Zarrin, N. J. Dovichi, U of Wyoming Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Chemical Processes. R. M. Belchamber, D. Betteridge, M. P. Collins, T. Lilley, B. P. Research Centre High-Performance Optically Op­ timized GC/IR Light Pipe System. D. Kuehl, Bio-Rad, Digilab Division Thermal Lens Detection of Pro­ teins Separated by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. K. Peck, M. D. Morris, U of Michigan Rotationally Cooled-Laser Ionization-TOF Mass Spectrometry (RC-LI-TOF/MS-LIF) Dynamic High-Resolution Molecular Analy­ sis Instrumentation. R. L. M. Dobson, S. J. Weeks, A. P. D'Silva, V. A. Fassel, Iowa State U Ion Chromatographic Separation and Conductivity Detection of Su­ gar Alcohols. J. B. Nair, M. F. Delaney, R. Day, Boston U Trace Elements in Philately. R. S. Boikess, G. S. Hall, Rutgers U

Tuesday Morning Plasma Spectroscopy— Instrumentation Arranged by A. Montaser and D. W. Golightly Development of a Source for Spark Microanalysis. J. C. Cousins, A. Scheeline, U of Illinois Direct Solids Analysis by Hollow Cathode Plume Atomic Emission. R. K. Marcus, F. L. King, Jr., W. W. Harrison, U of Virginia Atomic Emission from a Highly Efficient, Low-Power, Microwave Plasma. B. A. Burns, C. B. Boss, North Carolina State U