Monolayers of Some Synthetic Polymers - The Journal of Physical

Publication Date: October 1954. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Phys. Chem. 1954, 58, 10, 850-853. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article'...
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MONOLAYERS OF SOME SYNTHETIC POLYMERS BY JOSEPH PARKER~ AND J. L. SHERESHEFSKY Contribution from the Chemistry Department, Howard University, Washington, D. C. Received March 6, 1064

Monolayers of fractions of polystyrene, cellulose acetate and polymethyl methacrylate were studied by means of film balance measurements. Average molecular weight values were calculated from a two-dimensional equation of state and the measurements of surface ressure and area. The molecular weights obtained in this manner were found to be in good agreement with known vayues of molecular weight of the samples of polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate, the monolayers of which were in an expanded state. Evidence is presented to show that the molecular weights of the rather condensed and incompletely spread monolayers of cellulose acetate can be determined by the monolayer methods if the molecular weight is sufficiently high to permit high energy molecular chain vibrations and if the film is.sufficiently compressed to permit chain vibrations to contribute to the total surface pressure.

Introduction The use of monolayer studies for the elucidation of the structure of complex molecules has received considerable attention in recent years.2~3 Only a limited amount of this work, however, has been applied to synthetic high polymers. Although the general composition and structure of these polymers have been determined by other methods, monolayer studies may provide a useful supplementary means of obtaining basic properties of a polymer sample such as molecular size, relative cohesive forces and average molecular weight. The equation of state for ideal gaseous films which has been derived4 from essentially the same kinetic theory considerations governing the derivation of the three-dimensional ideal gas law is

sure-area curve which approaches the area axis asymptotically indicates an expanded film while an abrupt increase in the pressure as the area is decreased indicates a condensed film. The present work was directed toward an evaluation of average molecular sizes and weights and of relative cohesive forces by measurements made on monolayers of fractions of polystyrene, cellulose acetate and polymethyl methacrylate. Experimental

FA = nRT

where F is surface pressure in dynes per centimeter, A is the film area in square centimeters, n is the number of moles of film spread, R is the gas constant in ergs per mole per OK. and T is the absolute temperature in OK. Although the molecular weight obtained from this equation is a number average molecular weight, these values may be directly compared with other average molecular weights when measurements are made on fractionated samples. In analogy to the molecular volume correction applied in modified three-dimension equations of state, a corrected two-dimensional equation may be written6 F(A

- b ) = nRT

where b is a correction for the area occupied by the molecules and is the slope of a plot of FA versus F . The intercept (at F = 0) of this plot is the value of nRT from which the value of average molecular weight may be calculated. Extrapolation of the straight-line portion of a plot of surface pressureaversusarea to zero pressure gives an area value which may be interpreted as a measure of the area occupied by the monolayer, and is referred to as the “limiting area.” In addition, cohesive forces can be estimated in relative terms from the shape of this plot. A pres(1) Based on the thesis of Joseph Parker presented to the Graduate School of Howard University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree. (2) N.K.Adam, “The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces,” Oxford University Press, London, 1941,pp. 79-92. (3) (a) S. Stallberg and E . Stenhagen, J . Biol. Chem., 143, 171 (1942); (b) H. B . Bull, ibid., 188, 27 (1950). (4) J. 8. Mitchell, Trans. Faraday Soc., 81,980 (1935). (6) Reference 2,p. 120.


Materials.-The polystyrene fraction was obtained from the Dow Chemical Company. The stated average molecular weight of the sample was 206,000 and i t was designated as fraction 5, sample #56380M. The spreading solution was made up with redistilled C . P .benzene. All three of the cellulose acetate fractions, 3, 4 and 6 were obtained from the Eastman Kodak Company. Spreading solutions were made up in redistilled C.P. acetone. The samples of polymethyl methacrylate were obtained by solvent fractionation6 of a sample of du Pont “fine crystal” Lucite. Toluene and n-hexane were used as the fractionating solvent and non-solvent, respectively. Spreading solutions of the three selected fractions, MH 1.3, MH 0.2 and ML 0.6 were made with redistilled C.P. benzene. The average molecular weights of these fractions were determined by a solution viscosity method.’ Apparatus.-Calibrated Ostwald-type viscometers were used in a water-bath kept a t 30.6 f 0.05” for the solution viscosity measurements. The constants for the viscositymolecular weight relation were taken from a paper by J. H. Baxendale, et aL,* who compared values of intrinsic viscosity with molecular weights determined by osmotic pressure measurements for solutions of polymethyl methacrylate fractions. The film balance used is similar to the balance system used by Wilhelmyg and Harkins and Anderson.Io An ordinary Ainsworth analytical balance,. capable of measurement to 0.1 mg. with a rider, was positioned on a box serving as an air thermostat tray enclosure, so that a rod suspended from the left balance arm and passing through holes in the balance floor and the enclosure top was centered over the tray. The tray enclosure box rested on three adjustable screw feet and its front consisted of a removable glass panel. A Pyrex dish with its top edges ground flat and coated with paraffin served as the tray. The barriers for sweeping the substrate surface and com ressing the films were also of Pyrex and paraffin-coated. &e barrier-moving device consisted of a tray-supporting framework which also held a calibrated screw thread upon which rode the barriercarrying fingers. The area-measuring system consisted of a scale placed along the side of the tray, a revolution counter geared to the screw shaft, and a pointer and protractor scale permitting the measurement of fractions of a revolution. A small mirror attached to the end of the central (0) L. H. Cragg and H. Hammerschlag, Chern. Revs., 89, 79 (1946).

(7) A. It. Kemp and H . Peters, Ind. Eng. Chem., 84, 1097 (1942). (8) J. H.Baxendale, S. Bywaters and M. G . Evans, J. Polymer Sci. 1, 237 (1940). (9) L.Wilhelmy, Ann. Physik, 8, 48 (1899). (10) W. D. Harkins and R. J. Meyers, J. Chem. Phys., 4, 716 (1930).



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20 18 16


E' 12 0



a 10

r+; 8

6 4


0 0.5


A, cm.2/pg. Fig. 1.-Surface pressure versus area plots: I, cellulose acetate fraction 6; 11, cellulose acetate fraction 3; 111, cellulose acetate fraction 4; IV, polystyrene fraction 5; V, polymethyl methacrylate MH 0.2; VI, polymethyl methacrylate MH 1.3; and VII, polymethyl methacrylate ML 0.6. The lower scale refers to plots I, 11, I11 and IV and the upper scale refers to plots V, VI and VI1 balance knife edge was used in conjunction with a lamp and scale arrangement to amplify movements of the balance arm. Rectangular microscope cover glasses were used as the pressure-measuring slides. A slide holding arrangement was constructed of vinyl strips and iron wire clips. On top of the holder was a short vertical length of aluminum tubing containing a set-screw permitting easy attachment to or removal from the rod suspended from the balance arm. An "Agla" calibrated micrometer syringe, obtained from Burroughs Wellcome, Inc., was used to spread the film on the substrate. The substrate was a 0.01 N HC1 solution. Procedure.-The balance system was brought to zero deflection with the suspended slides partly immersed in the clean surface of freshly made substrate by adjusting the weights on the right hand balance pan and the rider. The sum of the rider and pan weights was recorded as Rw. The film solution was then spread on the substrate surface enclosed by the sides of the tray and a fixed and a movable barrier. The weight of the film spread was computed from the micrometer syringe reading. The balance system was reset to zero deflection and the pan weight recorded as Rf. The film was then compressed by the movable barrier and values of Rfand film dimensions were recorded a t appropriate intervals. The surface ressure. F , was calculated from a relation derived from a galance of forces acting on the slides. This relation is

Results and Discussion Polystyrene.-The pressure versus area curves (Fig. 1) indicate a film in an expanded state. The limiting area, found by extrapolating this zero pressure, was about 6000 square molecule, based on the given molecular weight. This is a rather small value for molecules containing an average of 2000 styrene units each. A stretchecj out molecule would occupy about 36,000 square A., according to molecular model measure: menta. It has been shown that polystyrene and other synthetic macromolecules in solution may . take on various shapes depending upon the nature of the solvent and the molecular weight." High molecular weights and poor solvents favor the coiled form. The plane projection of a sphere 80 in diameter is inscribed by a square 6000 square A. in area. The thickness of the film a t the limiting area calculated from the bulk densityoof 1.06 g. per cc. and the weight of the film, is 88 A. Thus, if a spherical or nearly spherical molecule is assumed, the film is one molecule thick. A randomly coiled, flexible molecule could also satisfy the observed in which g is the gravitational constant in cm. per sec.a, 0 is area restrictions if the molecules are randomly surface to slide contact angle, and L is the length, in centi- matted to form a collapse-resistant film several molmeters, of the intersection line of the perpendicular planes ecules thick. This type of film might produce the of the monolayer and the slides. The area, A , in square cm. was calculated from the film dimensions and plots of FA versus F and F versus A were made.



(11) C. E. H. Bawn, "The Chemistry of High Polymers," Interscience Publishers Inc., New York, N. Y., 1948, pp. 140-178.



observed molecular weight values through the chain vibrations of the meshed molecules. At the lower pressures the polystyrene film appeared to be collapsing under compression since the pressure deflections drift back to zero in as little as three minutes. At higher pressures the deflections were more stable. It was observed that the spreading of the polystyrene films required as long as 20 seconds as compared with about 10 seconds for cellulose acetate films and less than 0.5 second for films of polymethyl methacrylate. Plots of F A versus F were linear and gave values of nRT (at F = 0) of 16 and 21 ergs for runs A and B, respectively. The corresponding molecular weights are 238,000 for run A and 246,000 for run B. The unstable low pressure regions of the plot were not used in the extrapolation to zero pressure. The agreement between the experimental and the known value (206,000) for average molecular weight makes the assumption of spherical and unmeshed molecules seem more plausible than the random mesh possibility since the former is in greater harmony with the assumptions upon which the equations of state are based. Cellulose Acetate.-The form of the pressurearea curves (Fig. 1) indicates that the cellulose acetate films are in a relatively condensed state. The results given below represent an average of the results of dqplicate experimental runs. The areas, in square A. per molecule, for fractions 3, 4 and 6 are 1300, 990 and 430, respectively, based on the given molecular weight values of 57,000, 45,000 and 29,000 for these three fractions. The corresponding film thicknesses a t the limiting area, calculated from t&e bulk density of 1.3 g. per cc., are 53,58 and 83 A. The limiting area values are from to of the area required by molecular models for a completely spread film. It seems likely that the low molecular weights and the presence of polar groups along the chain of the cellulose acetate molecules would favor crystallite formation i n monolayers of this material. One form of polymer crystallite consists of a bundle of molecular chains, well aligned near the center of the bundle, but since the center of the bundle is not necessarily the center of a constituent chain, there may be long chain parts, free, in some degree, to vibrate at the ends of the bundle. Extrapolation of FA versus F plots in the pressure region up to 2 dynes/cm. gives average molecular weight values of 162,000, 142,000 and 179,000 for fractions 3, 4 and 6, respectively. Similar extrapolation in the pressure region from 2 to 6 dynes/ cm. gives molecular weights of 56,300, 56,900 and 86,800. Except for the results for fraction 6 these molecular weights are in fair agreement with the given values. Although fractions 3 and 4 are probably incompletely spread, the thinner f3ms and disproportionately larger areas per molecule show that more spreading has taken place in these fractions than in fraction 6. Some justification for disregarding the low pressure regions in these molecular weight determinations may be found in the fact that if, at the larger areas, the film consists of isolated crystallites moving freely on the substrate surface the low pressure

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region will give rise to erroneously high molecular weights because the vibrations of the individual molecules cannot contribute to the total surface pressure. But, as these groups are brought in contact by compression the effect of individual molecules can be measured by their vibrational contributions to the total pressure. Adam and Harding12investigated films of cellulose acetate and found definite indications of incomplete spreading which is in agreement with our observations. At the same time, however, the pressure versus area curve approached the .area axis asymptotically, which implied an expanded state and a uniformly spread film. To reconcile this apparent contradiction, Adam, following a suggestion by HalleP that the vibratory motions of long chain molecules should be taken into account in the osmotic pressure theory, proposed the possibility that the vibrating molecules in the isolated groups could contribute to the pressure at large areas. Zocher and Stiebel,14discounting minor discontinuities as being due to impurities, reported that their cellulose acetate films appeared fully spread under dark ground illumination. These diverse results can be accounted for by considering first, that the film “islands” or condensed groups are numerous and quite small, consisting of perhaps only 100 or so molecules, second, that the translatory motions of these molecular groups could account for the small pressures and large molecular weights measured at the large areas, and third, that at intermediate areas the transition from the isolated group condition to the closely packed condition is smoothed out, in the pressurearea curves, by the contributory effects of molecular chain vibrations. It is in this transition region that the pressure measurement counts individual molecules rather than molecular groups. This possibly explains the improvement of the agreement between the experimental and the given values when the intermediate, rather than the low pressure, region is used in the extrapolation of the F A versus F curve to zero pressure. It is conceivable that the vibrational energy of long chain molecules in some two-dimensional films could correspond to the translational energy of gaseous films of monomeric molecules. The fact that the molecular weight of fraction 6 is high even when determined from measurements made in the intermediate pressure region may be explained by the reasonable assumption that the number of vibrational modes of a molecule in a crystallite decreases with decreasing molecular chain lepgth. Polymethyl Methacrylate.-The wide sweep and gradual approach to the area axis of the pressurearea curves of polymethyl methacrylate indicated that these films were in a considerably expanded state. The results given below represent an average of the results of duplicate runs, The limiting areas in square A. per monomer unit, calculated from the extrapolated area of the pressure-area curve and the viscosity average (12) J . B. Harding and N. K.Adam, Trans. Faraday Soc., 29, 837 (1933). (13) Von W.Haller, Rolloid 2..49, 74 (1029). (14) H. Zooher and F. Stiebel, 2. p h y s i k . Chem., 1478, 401 (1930).



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molecular weights (Table I), are 27.4, 23.6 and 27.3 for fractions MH 1.3, MH 0.2 and ML 0.6, respectively, These values are in agreement with molecular model measurements. The limiting area and the bulk density of 1.18 g. per cc. were used to calculate film thicknesses. The thickness vglues for all three fractions are between 9 and 10 A. This range of values could account for the thickness of one molecule. The magnitudes and the close agreement between different fractions, of the area of a monomer unit and of the film thickness lead to the conclusion that the polymethyl methacrylate film was probably completely spread to a layer one molecule thick with the non-polar portions of the polyTABLE I

mer chain partly lifted from the surface a t the limiting area. Molecular weights obtained from FA versus F curves are 72,500 for 7H 1.3, 32,000 for MH 0.2 and 33,200 for ML 0.6. These values agree very well with average molecular weights determined by the solution viscosity method which were 76,000 for MH 1.3, 32,600 for MH 0.2 and 30,500 for ML 0.6. A summary of the molecular weight results for the samples of polystyrene, cellulose acetate and polymethyl methacrylate is shown in Table I. Acknowledgments.-The authors wish to express their appreciation to the U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory for permitting the use of its facilities for this investigation.



Polystyrene Cellulose acetate methacrylate

Fraction no.


Mol. wt. from F A vu. F plots InterLow mediate pressure prespure regions region

242,000 162,000 142,000 179,000 MH 1 . 3 72,500 M H 0 . 2 35,700 M L 0 . 6 33,200


. ..

56,300 53,900 86,800

. ..

... ...

Mol. wt. given or obtained by 601. viscosity

206,000 57,000 45,000 29,000 7$,900 32,600 30,500


DISCUSSION F. M. Fowms.-The authors do not mention the princi a1 studies in this subject, by D. J. Crisp a t Cambridge Colloid Sci., 1947-1948). In Crisp’s studies several high polymers were spread as monolayers 5-10 A. in thickness rather than the 80 A. reported here. Dr. M. J. Schick of the Shell Development Laboratories in Emeryville also has spread many polymers to form true monolayers 5-10 8. thick, and where his studies overlapped Crisp’s the agreement was excellent. Therefore it appears that in the above work, only 10-30oJo of the polymer was spread on the water as a monolayer: Other spreading solvents should have been used.
