More Active Hormones Possible - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - TORONTO.-Addition of a methyl group in the 17-position of many hormones results in interesting changes in hormonal activity. These chang...
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Addition of at methyl group at the 17-position on a steroid skeleton may cause sub­ stantial increases in hormonal activity, University of Western Ontario's C. R. Engel tells the annual meeting of the Chemical Institute of Canada

More Active Hormones Possible Successful 1 7 - m e t h y l a t i o n m a y increase activity of a d r e n a l cortical h o r m o n e s over n a t u r a l c o m p o u n d s TORONTO.-Addition of a methyl group in the 17-position of many hor­ mones results in interesting changes in hormonal activity. These changes are often substantial increases, as with the 17-a-methyl derivative of progesterone, which is about t w o to three times as active as trie natural hormone when administered by injection. These facts have aroused interest in possible effects of 17-methylation of adrenal cortical hormones, reports Charles T. Engel, University of Western Ontario. Interest was: increased by importance of such steriods as cortisone and 17hydeoxycorticosterone, which also pos­ sess a substituent (hydroxyl group) in the 17-a position, Engel told the Chemi­ cal Institute of C a n a d a . Engel and George Just chose 17 amethyldesoxycorticosterone and the 17 homolog of 17-isodesoxycorticosterone as the first representatives of this new group. · Starting material was a steroid which already h a d the a-/?-unsaturated 3 ketonic function, "typical of the hor­ mones of the testes, the corpus luteum, and the adrenal cortex." Desoxycorticosterone was converted to a mixture of 21-tosyloxypiogesterone and 21-chloroprogesterone; tosylate could be separa­ ted by rapid chromatography. In presence of potassium methylate, 21-chloroprogesterone undergoes a Faworsky rearrangement affording 9 0 % yields of a mixture of two epimeric methyl 8 4 -3-l