More milestones for green products and green ... - ACS Publications

Dec 17, 2008 - This fall, California passed landmark green chemistry legislation; the U.S. EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) Program recognized i...
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More milestones for green products and green chemistry


his organization because “we’re move farther down the path, he This fall, California passed landnot chemists, and having a third says. The 40-plus organizations mark green chemistry legislation; party look at [our building prodthat have endorsed the working the U.S. EPA’s Design for the Enucts]...really helps sort through group’s principles have commitvironment (DfE) Program recogthe issues related to decisions ted to identifying the chemical nized its 700th green product; the that need to be made.” For exconstituents of the materials they annual Greenbuild International ample, he says identifying plasproduce and/or use, assessing the Conference and Expo, showcasing tic products that meet fire safety hazards of those chemicals, and environmentally sound construccodes in addition to ustion technologies, drew a ing the safest possible record 28,000 people; and flame retardants “is a bit a group of influential of a challenge.” businesses and nongovBy collaborating to inernmental organizations crease the size of the mar(NGOs) announced a colket for innovative laboration to develop products, the working products built around group also helps member safer chemicals and susorganizations influence tainable materials. All of the marketplace, says these developments attest Kathy Gerwig, environto green chemistry’s exmental stewardship officer panding influence in the for the nonprofit Kaiser U.S. Permanente, the U.S.’s A fundamental tenet of Many of the 700 products certified as having the safest poslargest integrated health green chemistry is to sible ingredients by the U.S. EPA Design for the Environment’s Product Recognition Program can be used in people’s care provider. The organiavoid toxic and hazardhomes. zation is committed to ous chemicals to the avoiding the most hazardous avoiding products that can be greatest extent possible in both chemicals, Rossi explains. hazardous to people’s health in educational and industrial setA major incentive for the accepits hospitals and facilities, but “as tings, and the discipline’s growtance of green products has been large as we are, and as much as ing acceptance is “revolutionary,” the runaway success of the U.S. we buy, we cannot alone drive says Mark Rossi, research direcGreen Building Council’s the market for all of the products tor of the NGO Clean Production (USGBC’s) Leadership in Energy for which we’re looking for safer Action (CPA). CPA supports and Environmental Design (LEED) alternatives,” she says. California’s Green Chemistry system for rating a building’s Rossi and Williams agree that Initiative, which Rossi says is greenness, points out Howard efforts like the DfE’s Product playing an important role by Williams, vice president of ConRecognition Program, which is requiring the collection of data struction Specialties, Inc., and a conducted in partnership with on chemical toxicity, calling working-group member. In addithe nonprofit NSF International, for restrictions on the most haztion to attracting steadily increasare important for helping busiardous substances, and promoting crowds to the USGBC’s nesses and consumers identify ing research into safer annual Greenbuild conferences green products. “There is a fair substitutes. this year’s attendance was 25% amount of ‘greenwashing’ in the Thus far, the building and conabove 2007’ssthe program is acmarketplace” involving unsubstruction, cleaning product, celerating the adoption of buildstantiated claims of chemical health care, pharmaceutical, elecing products designed to be as safety and environmental stewtronic, and retail industries have environmentally and chemically ardship, Williams says. The govmade the most progress toward responsible as possible, Williams ernment is arguably the ideal implementing green chemistry, says. One requirement of LEED is entity to assess greenness and although that success is “uneven,” that the chemicals off-gassing certify claims, adds a DfE Rossi says. CPA spearheaded the from adhesives, paints, finishes, spokesperson. creation of the Business-NGO and carpeting must be carefully Working Group for Safer Chemi—KELLYN BETTS scrutinized, he explains. cals and Sustainable Materials, Williams says participating in announced on October 29, to help the working group is helpful to these industriessand otherss 556 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / February 1, 2009


 2009 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 12/17/2008