More propylene oxide is on the way. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Oxirane Chemical Company Plant, Bayport, Texas

More propylene oxide is on the way. Propylene oxide, propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol will flow from new plant early in '69. When this revolutionary Bayport, Texas, plant goes on stream, an important new merchant supply of propylene oxide and propylene glycols will become available. Over 160 million pounds of propylene oxide willflowannually from this strategically located plant now nearing completion. This plant utilizes a breakthrough in direct oxidation to produce propylene oxide. ARCO will have the flexibility to provide both oxide and glycols. Terminal locations and complete distribution facilities will be available. ARCO is vitally interested in discussing your present and future supply requirements now. For details and a product bulletin, write Wayne D. Kuhn, Product Sales Manager, at the address below or see the ARCO salesman when he calls. C ^ ARCO CHEMICAL COMPANY Division of AtlanticRichfieldCompany, 260 S. Broad St., Phila., Pa. 19101. ^


ARCO Chemical Company is the sales agent for Oxirane Chemical Company.