More than just a powerful solven - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - More than just a powerful solven. Chem. Eng. News , 1968, 46 (27), p 18. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v046n027.p018. Publication Date: June 24, 1968...
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More than just a powerful solvent GAF M-Pyrol-N-methyl-2pyrroiidone —is a strong solvent f o r many r e s i n s and other materials. But it is also remarkable for its versatile ability to put many processes on their best behavior. Stable structure—Its lactam structure imparts an unusual degree of thermal and c h e m i c a l stability that permits its use over extended oeriods. Physical properties—Its low order of t o x i c i t y simplifies handling and use. Low viscosity facilitates heat transfer and flow. Its high boiling point, low freezing point and noncorrosiveness combine ia simplify processing and minimize ooeratind costs. Solvent uses—Selective solvent for acetylene; butadiene recovery; removal of hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds from sour gas and removal of air pollutants from stack gases; sol-

vent for cuprous cyanide in the Rosenmund-von Braun synthesis of aromatic nitriles; recovery of aromatics from mixtures in petroleum refining; decolorizing petroleum oils and waxes. Its high solvenc/for numerous difficultly soluble resins makes M-Pyrol an efficient solvent for spinning, surface coating, stripp i n g , c a s t i n g and solvent welding operations. And, since it is miscible with so many common solvents, including water,

M-Pyrol enables the processor to bridge many compatibility problems and achieve optimum volatility and solvency patterns. Reaction promoter—As a mildly alkaline compound and highly efficient solvent, M-Pyrol improves reaction rates and stimulates high yields in many syntheses in which acid is liberated. It thus offers a successful commercial route in certain reactions that would otherwise be difficult or uneconomic. Exampies: alkylation, ethynylation, vinylation, the preparation of carboxylic acids and derivatives, carbohydrate reactions, and others. For further information on M-Pyrol and the opportunities ii u i i e r s



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