More Zirconium Output Due - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 12, 2010 - Two new producers of zirconium are rushing plant completions to meet production deadlines. Chem. Eng. News , 1957, 35 (23), pp 86–89...
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M o r e Zirconium Output D u e T w o new* p r o d u c e r s of z i r c o n i u m a r e rushing completions t o m e e t p r o d u c t i o n d e a d l i n e s

Remarkable performance for size and weight have gained t h e s e p u m p s fame. They demonstrate that pump size (from 1/30 to 1/5 H.P.) can be proportionate to the job handled to keep costs down.

^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ M I C . LA & STIRRE RS

A H E NEXT 90 days will tell whether there will be two new producers of zirconium. So says General Clinton F . Robinson, president of Carborundum, the only present commercial producer of zirconium from private facilities. Robinson notes that if the new pro­ ducers stumble, t h e Atomic Energy Commission might pick up its option for an additional 300,000 pounds of metal a year from Carborundum's new plant at Parkersburg, W. Va. Besides Carborundum, two other firms—National Distillers and National Research—have contracted to supply zirconium to AEC. Original timetable, specified in the call for bids, had a Januarv 1, 1957 delivery date for first pro­


duction, b u t when contracts were signed, delivery dates were stretched out. National Research, which re­ ceived a $22,750,000 five-year supply contract for 3.5 million pounds at $6.50 a pound, has teamed u p with Columbia-Southern to deliver by Sep­ tember 1. National Distillers has a July 1 deadline for starting contract de­ liveries. ί Columbia-National Corp. (for­ merly the N R C Metals Corp.) was wholly owned b y National Research un­ til a one-half interest was recently sold to Pittsburgh Plate Glass. PPC's sub­ sidiary, Columbia-Southern, will con­ tribute technolog\ And operating know-how, particulaih m chloimations

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