MOREHOUSE-COWLES, INC. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

Giant Crystals in Mexican Cave Face Dehydration. In a cave below a mountain in the Naica mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, gypsum ...
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What's News in Milling? "KNOW-HOW"

Area Flow Meter

Metal-tube Vareameters are used at temperatures and pressures be­ yond the range of glass-tube type for handling hazardous materials. Water capacities range from 1 to 400 gallons per minute and air ca­ pacities from 4.2 to 1680 standard cubic feet per minute. Meters are

tion. Self-lapping, self-cleaning sliding gate seats help minimize maintenance. Five control ranges are available from 3 to 170 p.s.i. Prices range from $73 to $450, de­ pending on valve size and material of construction. Dept. IEC, OPWJordan, 6013 Wiehe Rd., Cincin­ nati 37, Ohio. 303


Giant Radiation


A whole body counter sensitive to very low levels of gamma radia­ tion is offered. Counters are being used for rapid accurate determina­ tion of natural or minute amounts of induced radioactivity in samples up to 500 pounds. Price ranges about $50,000. Dept. IEC, Metrix, Inc., P. O. Box 223, Deerfield, III. 304



In chemical milling o p e r a t i o n s h a v e t o b e right f o r best results— 1.

The equipment


The w a y it is used



The o v e r a l l thing t h a t ties them b o t h t o g e t h e r is " k n o w - h o w " . W h a t ' s so new a b o u t t h a t ? Nothing except that Morehouse-Cowles representatives continuously run into cases w h e r e one or both a r e w r o n g . A n d then the news is b a d — q u a l i t y a n d volume suffer, costs skyrocket.

Alarm System for Flow Control

Because o f the " k n o w - h o w " g a i n e d f r o m b r o a d e x p e r i e n c e with the most p o p u l a r mill o f its t y p e on the m a r k e t , t h e y h a v e b e e n a b l e t o p r o d u c e spectacular improvements in m a n y instances. Production rates a r e b e ­ ing u p p e d f r o m 2 t o 1 0 times on products like t h e s e —

• Ceramic Materials • Chemicals • Chocolate Products

• Coatings • Confectionery Fillings

• Cosmetics • Fertilizers and Insecticides • Food Pastes • Greases & Lubricants

• Mustard • Paints, Varnishes, Etc. • Paper Coatings • Peanut Butter • Petroleum Products • Pharmaceuticals • Printing Inks • Textile Dyes & Finishes • Tobacco Products

. , . and hundreds of other products requiring grind­ ing, dispersing, mixing, emulsifying, homogeniz­ ing, disintegrating. If your product requires milling, it may pay you well to consult with a MorehouseCowles milling expert. New Super Series Morehouse Mills plus the most "know-how" have brought about a new day in milling. Write us today about your problem.

MOREHOUSE-COWLES, INC. 1150 San Fernando Road Los Angeles 69, Calif.

Representatives in Principal Cities Convenient Lease and Time-Payment Plans Please send me information on use of Morehouse Mills in processing (product)



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Unique device senses slow down in pressure whether it is sirup, liq­ uid, or water. Any failure in sup­ ply immediately actuates an alarm bell. Internal diaphragm is of

supplied with ASA 150- and 300pound flanges. They are available in a variety of materials to handle a wide range of industrial chemi­ cals. T h e meter is priced from $150 to }1600 depending on size, mate­ rials of construction, and optional equipment. Dept. IEC, Wallace & Tiernan Inc., 25 Main St., Belle­ ville 9, N. J. 302

Back Pressure


No. 165 Series back pressure reg­ ulator is stocked for immediate de­ livery in V 4 - to 2-inch sizes. Valves are suitable for 250 p.s.i. at 500° F. in ductile iron and bronze bodies, and 300 p.s.i. at 600° F. in stainless steel and cast iron bodies. Valves are suitable for steam, water, air, gas, oil, or chemical service. They are designed to maintain a con­ stant back pressure or to relieve pressure at a given set point. Selfcontained valve gives tight shutoff and accurate control during opera­

Circle No. 28 on Readers' Service Card 84 A



durable neoprene. Alarm system can be equipped with auxiliary electrical outlet for remote mon­ itoring. Alarm sells for $85. Dept. IEC, Terriss-Consolidated Indus­ tries, 22 Wooster St., New York 13, Ν. Υ. 305

Phototransistorized Proportional Controller If extreme precision is required in controlling temperature, the ob­ vious solution is a proportional con­ troller by means of which fluctua­ tions in the controlled variable can