Most Amino Nitrogen per Pound - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Most Amino Nitrogen per Pound Because of their low equivalent weight, Methylamines offer more amino nitrogen per pound than other comparable aliphatic amines. Low price and high nitrogen content make Rohm & Haas methylamines ideal raw materials for producing rubber accelerators, herbicides, photographic developers, dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals, quaternary ammonium salts and surfaceactive agents. When you specify Rohm & Haas methylamines, you get (1) high quality through 20 years of production experience, (2) a dependable supply from 2 plants at separate locations, (3) technical service on handling these amines. Rohm & Haas monomethylamine, dimethylamine a n d trimethylamine are available in aqueous or anhydrous form—in tankcars, drums, or 5, 25, 50 and 100-pound cylinders.



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