Most cited chemical journal in the entire world - Analytical Chemistry

Most cited chemical journal in the entire world. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (3), pp 230A–230A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00130a786. Publication Date: February 1987...
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Most cited chemical journal in the entire world


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Editor: Allen J. Bard, University of Texas Board of Editors: C.H. Brubaker, Michigan State Univ. · S.I. Chan, California Inst, of Tech. · W.R. Gentry, Univ. of Minnesota · J. Halpern. Univ. of Chicago · C.R. Johnson, Wayne State Univ. · R.L. Schowen. Univ. of Kansas · P.A.S. Smith, Univ. of Michigan · P.J. Stang. Univ. of Utah · J.K. Stille, Colorado State Univ. · D.G. Truhlar, Univ. of Minnesota · P.J. Wagner, Michigan State Univ · J.K. Whitesell, Univ. of Texas Editorial Advisory Board: A.H. Cowley, Univ. of Texas · S. Danishefsky, Yale Univ. · C.H. DePuy. Univ. of Colorado · P. B. Dervan, California Inst, of Technology · D.A. Evans. Harvard Univ. · P.G. Gassman, Univ. of Minnesota · W.A. Goddard, III, California Inst, of Tech. · A. Heller, AT&T Bell Laboratories · J.A. Ibers, Northwestern Univ. · E.T. Kaiser, Rockefeller Univ. · T.J. Meyer, Univ. of North Carolina · A.I. Meyers, Colorado State Univ. · W.H. Orme-Johnson, Massachusetts Inst, of Tech. · L.A. Paquette, Ohio State Univ. · P.M. Rentzepis, Univ. of California. Irvine · N. Sutin, Brookhaven Nat'I. Lab · N.J. Turro, Jr., Columbia Univ.


American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., NW, Washington, DC 20036 This publication is available on microfilm, microfiche, and full-text on STN international.