most widely used mass spectrometer in the world

ice, research, and development. The company manufactures ... tric Co. (Toshiba) to manufacture and distribute Beckman products in Japan. The new compa...
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most widely used mass spectrometer in the world

NEWS Industry Items American Instrument Co., Inc., has provided a grant to American University of Washington, D. C , to establish a research program in the field of vibronies—molecular vibration in the electronic spectra. Object will be to determine values of fluorescent and phosphorescent qualities of certain molecules. The grant will consist of annual cash contributions plus equipment. Analytical Measurements, Inc., has moved to new facilities at 490 Morris Ave., Summit, N. J. The new plant combines all manufacturing, sales, service, research, and development. The company manufactures pH equipment. Atomic Energy Commission is withdrawing as a supplier of routine activation analysis services because this service is now available at a number of research and commercial laboratories. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory will provide special activation analysis to private concerns when such service is not otherwise available. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, Calif., has formed a jointly-owned company with Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co. (Toshiba) to manufacture and distribute Beckman products in Japan. The new company, with headquarters in Tokyo, will be called BeckmanToshiba, Ltd. Bendix Corp. (Cincinnati division) has acquired a 46-acre tract of land for construction of a new plant. Operations now being carried out in four buildings in Cincinnati will be consolidated in the new building which should be ready for occupancy by the end of the year. This division makes scientific instruments, particularly radiation measurement devices. Cahn Instrument Co. has completed new quarters at 15505 Minnesota Ave., Paramount, Calif. The new plant is five times the size of the old one. The company manufactures balances. Coleman Instruments, Inc., has begun construction of an addition to its manufacturing and office facilities at Maywood, 111. The addition will be used primarily for production of some of its new instruments. Delmar Scientific Laboratories, Inc., a subsidiary, is also increasing its production space. Cryogenics, Inc., has moved its management, administrative, and marketing staffs to larger facilities at 5821 Seminary lid., Alexandria, Va. This will free space at the company's field facility

CEC's Type 21-103C is t h e world-standard for mass spectrometers. Over 90Ç-Î of t h e A P I Catalog of Mass Spectra was obtained on t h i s mass spectrometer. Used by virtually every major petroleum, petrochemical, and chemical testing laboratory, the 21-103C analyzes any substance having a significant vapor pressure at or below 350°C. It is t h e most versatile analytical i n s t r u m e n t ever built—offers greatest accuracy available (1/V) and the highest




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