MPS-500 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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MPS 500 some things you will want to know about this new low-cost vinyl plasticizer what it is

MPS-500 is a stabilized, chlorinated ester of a fairy acid, in which ulic chlorine content is controlled to give best balance between compaubiiity a n d plasticizing efficiency.

its chief advantages

MPS-500 is lower in cost t h a n most primary plasiicizers. I t shows excel­ lent compatibility with vinyl chloride polymers a n d copolymers, is higi^Jy p e r m a n e n t a n d flame retardant.

qualities it can impart to your product

Flame retardance High resistance to water, oil, gasoline High p e r m a n e n c e on heating

Excellent electrical properties High tensile strength at high flexibility Low migration

what you can use it for

T r a n s p a r e n t and opaque films Upholstery and d r a p e r y Shoe soles

Electrical insula lion Hose covering Organisol and Plasdso! formula dons Softener for nitrite rubbers

B U L L E T I N 35 gives vou properties of MPS-500; comparisons with other piasticizers; detailed test data; typical formulations a n d uses. Write today, on your company letterhead, £o? a copy.

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