O'Laughlin, G. J. Kamin, C. V. Banks, Iowa State University,. Box 1129, Ames, Iowa. 10:40. Controlled Potential Coulometric Studies of Oxidation. Stat...
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PROGRAM Alkali Metals. J. C. Gerken, S. J . Rogers, J. W . Mausteller, MSA Research Corp., Callery, P a . 11:00 A Rapid Method for the Determination of Micro Amounts of Sulfur in Selenium. L. Acs, S. Barabas, Cana­ dian Copper Refiners, Ltd., Montreal East, Quebec, Canada. 11:20 A Recording Linear-Response Gauge for Vacuum Fusion Analysis. H . F . Waldron, Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, P . O. Box 472, St. Charles, M o . LIQUID AND GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY Tuesday Morning—Pittsburgh Room J. A. Petrocelli, Presiding

8:30 Improved Techniques in Liquid Column Chromatog­ raphy. L. E . Maley, J. L. Waters, Waters Associates, Inc., 45 Franklin St., Framingham, Mass. 8:50 Advantages and Limitations of Gel Permeation Chro­ matography. L. E . Maley, G. E . Stackhouse, J. L. Waters, Waters Assoc, Inc., 4Ά Franklin St., Framingham, Mass. 9:10 Thin-Layer Chromatography of Organic Phosphorus Compounds. C. W . Stanley, Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City 10, M o . 9:30 Quantitative Analysis of Mixtures Separated on Thin Layer Chromatographic Plates. R. D . Spencer, B . H . Beggs, Mellon Institute, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, P a . .9:50 A Method for Recording Elution Curves on Liquid Column Chromatography. Toyohiko Naono, Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd., 930 Kamirenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. 10:30 Effect of Column Shape on Efficiency in Gas Chroma­ tography Preparative Separations. E . M . Taft, J. E . Booker, K. P . Dimick, Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc., P . O. Box 313, Walnut Creek, Calif. 10:50 T h e Effect of Injection Port Temperature on Peak Broadening in Gas Chromatography. Tatsuro Haruki, Teiji Morii, Katsuya Sato, Scientific Instruments Works, Shimadzu Seisakusho, Ltd., 18, Kuwabaracho, Nishinokyo, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto, Japan. 11:10 Injection and Vaporization of Samples in Gas Chro­ matography. Theron Johns, Brian Thompson, Beckman I n ­ struments, Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 11:30 Polymer Analysis by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography. B. Groten, Esso Research and Engineering Co., P . O. Box 51, Linden, N . J. POLAROGRAPHY A N D COULOMETRIC ANALYSIS

Tuesday Morning—Terrace Room

Get the picture at 100 KILOBARS

New MRC Model XKB-100 Ultra-High Pressure X-Ray Diffraction Camera

Phase equilibria determinations become trifunctional with this new instrument. It extends your structural change studies of organic and inorganic crystalline materials into the new area of ultra-high pressures —in addition to temperature and composition. Optically flat s e l f - a l i g n i n g " p i s t o n " and

R. J. Nadalin, Presiding

8:40 A Versatile Polarographic Analyzer Incorporating F a ­ cilities for Conventional D. C , Rapid D . C , Anodic Strip­ ping, and A. C. Polarography. R. Kopp, Brinkmann Instru­ ments, Inc., 2590 East Devon Ave., Des Plaines 18, 111. 9:00 T h e Polarographic Determination of Mercury, Tellu­ rium, and Cadmium in H g T e and CdTe Alloys. M. C. Gardels, J. C. Cornwell, Lincoln Laboratory, M I T , Lexington 73, Mass. 9:20 T h e Polarographic Determination of Cadmium in Stainless Steel. H . S. Karp, G. Krapf, U. S. Steel Corp., Monroeville, Pa. 9:40 Dissolved Oxygen Measurement by Constant-Potential Continuous Coulometry. E. L. Eckfeldt, E. W . Shaffer, Leeds & Northrup Co., Nor;h Wales, P a . 10:20 Chromatographic Separation and Coulometric Deter­ mination of Magnesium, Calcium, and Strontium. J. W. O'Laughlin, G. J. Kamin, C. V. Banks, Iowa State University, Box 1129, Ames, Iowa. 10:40 Controlled Potential Coulometric Studies of Oxidation State Ratios of Trace Elements. B. W. Conroy, O. Menis, Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corp., Apollo, P a . 11:00 Application of Controlled-Potential Coulometry to the Study of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in Solution. The I r i d i u m ( I I I ) - C h l o r a t e System. J. McClure, G. A. Rechnitz, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. 11:20 A Continuous Automatic Coulometric Titrator. P . Johnson, J . K. Jacobsen, R. J. Drago, Milton R o y Co., P . O. Box 12169, St. Petersburg 33, Fla. 11:40 An Advanced Automatic Microcoulometer for Trace Sulfur and Halogen Analysis. J. A. McNulty, A. R. Myers, Dohrmann Instruments Co., 990 Varian St., San Carlos 70, Calif.

" a n v i l " diamonds mount your powder sample under approximately 1 0 0 0 times the applied dry nitrogen pressure —up to 100 kilobars. Piston is calibrated for easy pressure calcu­ lation. Built-in collimator, scatter shield and beam stop. Heater and temperature control to 4 0 0 ° C. Separate power supply. Like all MRC instruments, the XKB-100 has been thoroughly use-tested in our own labora­ tories. Please write for complete information.

MRC MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 502 Glenshaw Road, Orangeburg, New York a subsidiary of

MATERIALS RESEARCH CORPORATION "See us at the Physics Show—Booth


Circle No. 103 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 6 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1964 ·

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