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Multicomponent Ion Exchange in Fixed Beds. II. ConstantSeparation-Factor Equilibrium. Analytic solutions for predicting performance, corresponding to constant-separationfactor equilibrium, of uniformly presaturated multicomponent ion exchange columns receiving feed of constant composition. Calculation methods for systems of u p to four components. Crireria for classifying concentration patterns in rernary systems.

Hydroisomerization of Olefins. Surface area of nickel sulfide component in hydroisomerization catalyst has optimum value for maximum catalyst lifc. Pilot plant run has shoivn hydroisomerization to be a useful, operable process for substantially increasing motor octane number a t a high research octane leizel for olefinic gasolines.

Daniel Tondeur and Gerhard Klein, L‘niuersif) of California

z’enhooen, Koninklzjke Shell-Laboratorium, ilmsierdum, The ,\e!herlands

.Ms. 66-379

4 8 p a g e s (Qjigures, 4 tables)

Subscribers S5.00 ,\hnsubscribers


Hydrogen Bonding between Alcohols and Motor Oil Dispersants, Hydrogen bond formation between alcohols a n d t\vo ashless dispersants is demonstrated by infrared spectroscopy. T h e polyaminomonoalkenylsuccinimide \vas a berter proton acceptor than the copolymer of polyalkylmethacrylate and ,\’-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone. Apparently, hydrogen bonding is one of the processes involved in dispersancy.

Sicholas E. Gallnpoulos, Genernl ‘Morors Cor). *MS.


73 pages (Sjigiires, 1 /able)

J . C. Plafteeurc, H. de Ruiler, D . can Zoonen, and H. TI”. Kou-

.Ids. 6 6 - 4 7 3

18pages ( 2 j g u r e s , 7 fubles)





2 5 p a g e s ( 2 j i g u r e s , 6 /abies)

K . R.K . Sarma, Old Dominion Colkge



6 pages ( 1 Jgure)


Experimental Evaluation of Viscoelastic Theories. Four theories are examined for their ability to correlate quantitatively linear dynamic dara with nonlinear viscosity and normal stress data. Dara are presented for solutions of 10 wt. % polyisobutylene in Decalin a n d 1 2 b v t . 7’ polystyrene in Aroclor. Comments on essential experiments to characterize viscoelastic fluids are included.

.Yonsubscribers S d . 00

Force Base Subsciibers 53 00 S o i i s i i b s r r i b ~ i s,% 00

On the Nature of the Vapor Pressure Equation. Based on Plank-Riedel criterion a vapor pressure equation for pure substances, valid to the critical point, has been developed. Nature of constants in a more familiar equation has been established, and a method of calculating constanrs from critical point a n d normal boiling point data is suggested.

S. Skurnik and ,M. Sieinbeig, T h e Hebrew Cniaersiij, Jerusalem, Israel Subscribers $1.00

Subscribers $2.00

Amine-Tin Antioxidant Systems for Aliphatic Hydrocarbons and Related Alkyl-Substituted Fluids. S e w antioxidant-containing hydrocarbon formulations now have potential use a t the 400’ to 425’ F. level as instrument oils, year oils, fluids for greases, and improved MIL-L-7808-type gas turbine oils. Laboratory oxidation and oxidation-corrosion investigations are reported.

Roland E. Dolle, Tl’righf-Patierson&I Subso ihers $2.00

The Heat of Adsorption of Carbon Monoxide on Co-precipitated Nickel-Oxide-Silica Catalyst. Values obtained using the Transient Response Technique iyere slightly higher rhan for CO on silica, but much lo\cer than for CO on unsupported lithiated nickel oxide. “Texture” of co-precipitated catalyst may have been responsible for low values.

72pages (2jguies)

Subscribers .i2.00 S o n s i i b s w i b e ? $~ 4 . 0 0

Catalytic Addition of Hydrogen Chloride to Vinyl Chloride. Studies in a Stirred Reactor. Reaction rate study in temperature range of 164’ to 2 9 9 O F. sho\ved fouling and nonfouling regimes for catalyst of zinc chloride carried on Celire. ’4 fourcenter reaction appeared the most psobable mechanism in the reversible formation of 1,1-dichloroethane.

J . 0 . Doughtj and D. C . Bogue, Cnibersily of Tennessee

Roberl G. Rinker and W-illiam H. Corcoran, CaliJoruin Instittile of Technology


.MS.6 6 - 4 2 1

24pages ( 1 I &tires) 82

Ms. No.

Subscribers $3.00 Sonsubsciihers $6.00


2 8 p a g e s (3)gures, 1 table)

Subscribers 53.00 Nonsubscribers S6,OO

R E S E A R C H RESULTS Self-Extinguishing Polyester Resins. A review with 159 references to patents and other literature. Also describes methods for making self-extinguishing polyesters and includes summary of characteristics of six methods most generally used for evaluation of flame resistance.

R. C. Namett, Michigan Chemical Gorp. IUS. 66-422 5 5 p a g e s ( 1 4 j g u r e s , 1 2 tables)

Subscribers 86.00 e

Nonsubscribers $72.00

Entrance Effects and Wall Effects in an Extrusion Rheometer during the Flow of Concentrated Suspensions. Provides information on wall effects and presents a method and procedure for obtaining one true rheological curve for a time-independent concentrated suspension whatever the geometric dimensions of the tubes used.

Zbigniew D . Jastrrebski, Lafaye/te College Subscribers 54.00

AWs.6 6 - 4 3 4

Nonsubscribers $8 00

3 6 pages ( l o j g u r e s , 3 fables) Special Grade RDX for Exploding Bridgeware Initiators. Describes recrystallized form of R D X with excellent properties for use as a n explosive in a n EBW system. Tactical initiators and detonators using this R D X are being manufactured after passing qualification tests involving several hundred firings.

M . T. Hedges and W. B. Freeman, Martin Co.

Ms. 66-423 70 pages ( 2 jgures)

Subscribers $1.00 Nonsubscribers $2.00

Partial Combustion of Fuel Oil with Oxygen and Application to Smelting Iron Ore. Combustion studied in air-atomizing vortex burner. Carbon gasifications were better than 95%, with a t least 15% excess oxygen. Results indicate that very high “fuel-injection” levels-approaching “cokeless” operation-can be achieved in shaft processes for smelting iron ore.

Jerome Feinman and David A . Muskat, Applied Research Laboratory, U S . Steel Gorp. Distillation and Extraction Analogies Clarified on y-x Diagrams. Techniques are presented for calculating and displaying o n y-.x diagrams (1) nonadiabatic distillations with multiple reboilers, condensers, feeds, and products and (2) variable solubility liquid extractions with multiple feeds, products, and pure or impure solvent injections and removals.

Paul Barton, T h e Pennsylvania State Uniilersiiy

MS.66-424 23 pages ( 7 j g u r e s )

Subscribers $3.00 iVonsubscribers $6.00

M s . 66-436

Subscribers $4.00 iVonsubscribers $X,00

37 pages (74Jigures, 7 tables)

Qualily of Control Problem for Dead-Time Planls. Introduces design technique for obtaining any desired quality of control within limitations imposed by nature of plant and structure of control systems. Even for very specific quality of control the work involved is not great, and the entire design can be easilv programmed for digital computation.

T . J . McAvo) and E. F . Johnson, Princeton llniverstty Stability Analysis by Liopunov’s Direct Method: Investigation and Extension of Krasovskii’s Theorem. Describes a technique to determine systematically the largest region of asymptotic stability that can be defined by a Krasovskii-type function. Analyzes two example problems of the stability of a chemical reactor, showing how to determine the maximum stable region and illustrating some limitations of the theorem.

M s . 66-440

Subscribers 54.00

37 pages ( 7 4 j g u r e s )

:Vonsubscribers $8.00

R. H . Luecke and M . L. McCutre, University of Oklahoma

‘Us.66-425 77pages (4figures)

Subsci ibers 82.00 iVonsubscribers $4.00

Structural Analysis for Multivariable Process Control. I n troduces a method which retains internal structural information from process models in feedforward and feedback control analysis of linear constant coefficient systems, with control objective of holding one or more outputs constant. Comparative examples show advantages of this approach.

Uniformity of Packing in Randomly Packed Beds of Small Spheres. Solid fraction distribution of two packed beds was determined by “solidifying” both beds with epoxy resin, cutting the “solidified” beds in small portions and determining the metal (or solid) fraction for each portion. Ratio of average coolant flow rate to minimum coolant flow rate was about 1.4 to 1.5.

S. C. Jones, Brookhaven National Laboratory

M s . 66-442

Subscribers 82.00

18 pages ( 6 f g u r e s )

Nonsubscribers $4.00

G . G . Greenjeld and T . J . W a r d , Clarkson College of Technology

M s . 66-426 30,bages ( l o j g u r e s )

Subscribers $3.00 LVonsubscribers $6.00

Some Surface Transport Effects on Activity in Diffusionally limited Catalytic Systems. Surface transport can have considerable effect o n apparent activity of a supported catalyst, particularly when significant thermal gradients occur. Results are reported and discussed for simple, irreversible kinetics.

l o w Temperature Oil-Resistant Millable Polyether UrethaneUrea Elastomers. Synthesis and Properties. Synthesis of polyether diols and their conversion to millable urethane-urea elastomers is described. Peroxide and sulfur-cured vulcanizates exhibited good strength, flexibility to -74’ F., excellent oil, ozone and fuel resistance, good hydrolytic stability, and good elastic recovery to 212’ F. 2. T. Ossefort and W . M . Veroeuen, Rock Island Arsenal

Richard N . Foster and John B. B u t t , Yale University

MS.6 6 - 4 4 3


36 pages (IjJigures, 17 tables)

3 0 p a g e s ( 7 1 j p r e s , 1 table)

Subscribers $3.00 iVonsubscribers $6.00

labor at or^'

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

(Continued on page 84) VOL. 5 8

NO. 1 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 6 6


The Reaction of Sulfur Oxides with Phosphate Rock. Liquid SOa contact with phosphate rock results in essentially quantitative conversion of P2Os into free form. Gaseous SO8 can convert about 5 5 7 0 P2Oj to available form Lvithin five minutes in a fluidized bed, in presence of steam and air. Sulfur dioxide reaction is not enhanced by fluidized-bed contact.

L. TI'. ;tis.

Ross and

H.C . Lertis, Catholic

Substituted Biphenyls and Terphenylr as Oxidatively Autosec-Butylbenzenes having phenyl, inhibitive Compounds. methoxyphenyl, sec-butylphenyl, and tert-butylphenyl substituted in the ring, either singly or in combination, were found autoinhibitive to autoxidation ( l o o o C,). Compounds tested exhibited a distinct oxidation-inhibiting effect on sec-butylbenzene. Most compounds Irere found to be nonspreading fluids

Lhiaersiiy of America

Subscribers $2.00


79 pages

Helen E . ,Vferiwoj and Hem) Gissw, Pitman-Dum Research Laboratories, Frankford Arsenal

A'onsubsuiberr 54.00

Subscribers 3 3 0 0

.Ms. 6 6 - 4 5 3 2 4 p a g e s (4jigures, 2 tables) Calculation of Transient Temperature Distribution in o Thermally Conductive Finite Cylinder. A generalized solution was derived by applying integral transforms to the partial differential equation for thermal conduction. Formulas for temperarure distribution \yere deri\,ed from various surface temperature histories.

Kan-ichi Hayakawa and C. 01111Ball, R u t p s - T h e versity

ius. 66-446

The Dynamics of a Continuous Stirred-Tank Polymerization Reactor. Dynamic response was investigated o n a digital computer i n terms of process variables and monomer and initiator properties. For free-radical addition reaction studied, molecular weight was most easily coritrolied by regulating feed temperature lvithout removing heat from viscous reaction mass.

State Uni-

Subscribeis $2.00

7 7 pages ( 7 table)

,t-onsubscrzbers $6.00

Thomas A . Kenat, Richard I. Kermode, and Stephen L. Rasen, Carnegie Instituie of Technology

A'onsubscriberr $4.00

Subscribers 53.00

.CIS. 6 6 - 4 5 4 25 pager ( 5 j , y u r e s , 5 iubies)


The Technique of Streaming Current Detection and Applications. A streaming current technique is used to study adsorption a t a solution-solid interface. This technique is extremely sensitive, is rapid, and gives a continuous measurement of the adsorption. iipplications of a n instrument using the streaming current technique are discussed.

liquid-liquid Spray Column Drop Size, Holdup, and Continuous Mass Transfer. Considers methods for prediciting drop size and holdup in spray columns and analyzes existing data for mass transfer in the contmuous phase.

Paul H. Cardwell, The Do& Chemical Co.

G . A. Hughmark, Ethjl Colp. Subscribers S J . 00

A l s . 66-451

Subscribers $2.00

.MS. 66-459

Nonsubscribers SS.00

33 pages ( S j g u r e s , 2 iables)

7 2 p a g e s (2figures, 7 tables)

Xonsub.rcribers 54.00

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