Ms. 67-78 Subscribers $2.00

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RESEARCH RESULTS . . . immediately available All papers listed are being considered for publication in I&EC or one of the I&EC Quarterlies. They are available in manuscript form, with the requirement that any reference to their content in a publication must have the author’s prior approval. Orders are processed within 24 hours of receipt, with shipment by first class mail. Prices for subscribers and nonsubscribers are listed with each manuscript.

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Research Results Service, l&EC 1155 Sixteenth Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20086

....................................... ......................................

............................................. SUBSCRIBER c] NONSUBSCRIBER 0 Reverse Osmosis Applied to the Recovery of Water from Aqueous Soit Solutions. Water fluxes for solutions of several salts,

“Reverse” Molecular-Size Selectivity and Aging in a ZeoliteCatalyzed Alkylation. Deactivation of rare earth cation ex-

including NaCl, through a cellulose acetate membrane, were nearly independent of type of salt at 77’ F. For 0.05 NaCl solution, salt rejection remained essentially constant from 77 O to 120’ F., where the water flux nearly doubled.

change X-type molecular sieves used as catalysts for the alkylation of benzene with ethylene under continuous-flow conditions has been found to be associated with the synthesis and occlusion of large molecules within the catalyst pores.

Steven M . Shor and George Thodos, Northwestern University

P. B . Venuto and L. A . Hamilton, Mobil Oil Corp.

M s . 67-78

M S . 67-734

19 pages (Qjgures, 1 table)

Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

Performance of Monolayer Blends of Odd and Even Carbon Chaln Alcohols in Water Evaporation Suppression. Both pure

and mixed alcohols give water savings in the range of 50 to 60%T h e longer chain mixtures give savings of 80% or more. This is likely to affect the economics of practical application on reservoirs.

Emmett L. Foulds, Jr., and Russell G . Dressler, Trinity University

M S . 67-721 31 pages (6jigurcs, 11 tables)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Subscribers $2.00

75 pages (Jjigures, 7 table)

Nonsubscribers $4.00

Thickening of Calcium Carbonate Slurries. Comparison of Data wlth Results for Rigid Spheres. Published settling rate-

concentration data are correlated by means of the reduced flux curve for rigid spheres. Based on this curve, a n explanation for phenomena noted by Comings is proposed, and additional evidence supporting a singly humped flux curve is provided.

Keith J . Scott, South African Council for ScicntifiG and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa M s . 67-135

Subscribers $4.00

32pages (9jigures, 2 tables)

Nonsubscribers $8.00

Correlating Vapor Pressures and Vapor Volumes. New forms of the reference substance representation are used to predict

exact critical pressure or critical temperature. Only two vapor pressure points are needed for exact evaluation of vapor pressures. Vapor volumes may be predicted closely from vapor pressure data; also values of external energy and compressibility.

Donald F. Othmer and Erl-Sheen Yu, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn M S . 67- 13 1 34pages ( 3 tables)

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribcrs $8.00

The Chemical Modiflcation of Cross-linked Polymers. A New Approach to the Synthesis of Ion Exchange and Chelating Resins. By introducing “hydrophile” groups into a nonpolar

polymer, it can be made to swell in the polar media which may be required to dissolve attacking reagents. Examples are given.

Hamish Small, The Dow Chemical Co. M S . 67-137

Subscribers $2.00

20pages (2figures, 3 tables)

Nonsubscribers 84.00

Prediction of Second Viriai Coefficients of Binary Oaseovr Mixtures Using the Principle of Corresponding States. A rea-

sonably inclusive approximate method is proposed, based on the corresponding states treatment of Guggenheim and associates. Mixtures of normal gases, and mixtures where association can occur, are considered.

Martha A . Cotter, Daniel E. Martirc, and Lawrcncc R. Zinser, Georgetown Universtiy M S . 67-133 18 pages (Pjigures, 3 tables)

Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribns $4.00

Correlation of Oravitationai Force for Absorption in Packed Columns. Re-examination of the data of Krukonis indicates that it agrees with the correlation of Onda, Sada, and Murase. Trends of the correlation are also presented.

G. S.Jackson and J . M . Marchello, University of Maryland

M S . 67-138

Subscribers $7.00

9 pages (Zfigurcs)

Nonsubscribers $2.00

VOL. 5 9

NO. 6 J U N E 1 9 6 7


An Investigation of the Residence Time Distribution of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor. Data on residence time distribu-

Action of Ultrasound on Aqueous Solutions of Methyl Iodide.

tion for an actual continuous stirred tank reactor, magnitude of deviation, and variables that cause deviation, show that the “perfect mixer” assumption is only approximated.

Sonochemical decomposition was found to follow a zero-order rate law. Results are discussed on the basis of cavitation phenomena. A free radical mechanism is proposed to account for rate data and insonation products.

Dean Snider and Thomas E. Corrigan, Ohio Slate University

T. M. Tuszynski and W. F. Graydon, University of Toronto, Canada

MS. 67-739


24 pages ( 7 7 figures)

Subscribers $3.00 Nonsubscribers 86.00

Simultaneous Condensation of Methanol and Water from a Noncondensing Gas on Ver)ical Tubeszin a Bank. Rate of

condensation and composition of condensate are a function of main stream composition, mass transfer coefficients, and interface temperature. A mathematical model was used successfully to predict measured results.

Pilot Plant Design and Construction for a Development Study of Methanol Acetic Acid Esterification. Experimental results

verify the authors’ hypothesis that the desired ester can be made in a continuous process involving one reactor and two columns. Product of first column is distilled in the second to give pure product and recycle azeotrope.

James T. Schrodt and Earl R. Gerhard, University of Louisville

Thomas E. Corrigan and William R. Fenis, Ohio State Universitj

MS. 67-740


27 pages (Sfigures, 4 tables)

Subscribers 83.00 Nonsubscribers $6.00

Concentration and Separation of Ions by Donnan Membrane Equilibrium. Continuous countercurrent processes were devel-

oped using Donnan membrane equilibrium across permselective membranes to concentrate divalent and trivalent ions, remove excess acid, and separate ions by differences in their charge or in the stability of their complexes.

Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

79 pages (!?figures)

Dynamic Response of a Poorly Mixed Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor. Tracer techniques and a second-order homogeneous

chemical reaction were used in an experimental study. A semitheoretical method of response simulation was developed which adequately represents the data.

Richard M . Wallace, E. I. du Pont de hremours @ Co., Inc.

0. A . Heng and M . A . Larson, Iowa Science and Technology

MS. 67-142


47 pages (5figures, 70 tables)

Subscribers 85.00 Nonsubscribers 810.00

Diffusion and Reaction Kinetics within Supported liquid-Phase Catalysls. I. Theory. Treats the diffusion and reaction

kinetics within a porous catalyst pellet containing a dispersed homogeneous liquid-phase catalyst. T h e reaction rate depends upon the characteristics of the catalyst solution and the relative liquid loading within the solid.

Ms. 67-743 22pages (3figures, 7 table)

Subscribers 83.00 Nonsubscribers $6.00

Kinetics of Hydrogen Reducllon of Manganese Dioxide. Pellets and small beds of synthetic pyrolusite particles were reduced a t various partial pressures, a t temperatures from 200’ to 500’ C. Data were consistent with concept that solid-gas reactions involve adsorption of hydrogen, surface reaction, and desorption of water. Surface rearrangement controlled rate.

H.E. Barner and C. L. Mantell, Newark College of Engineering MS. 67-745

7 72pages (28figures, 5 tables)

22 pages (6Jigures, 7 table)

Subscribers $72.00 Nonsubscribers $24.00

Kinetics of Catalyst Deactivation in Catalytic Reforming. A kinetic description of deactivation due to coke formation has been developed, also a method for calculating effective platinum site concentration from reformer performance. A mathematical model predicts deactivation over a wide range of process conditions.

MS. 67- 746



Subscribers 83.00 Nonsubscribers JG.00

Structural Study of Asphalts by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Application of an NMR method to whole asphalts and fractions has shown the method to be suitable for determination of parameters from which average structural formulas can be calculated. Results compare favorably with parameters determined by other methods.

79pages (Zjgures, 5 tables)

Subsnibers 83.00


Nonsubscribers 84.00

Stratified-Wavy Two-Phase Flow, Considers the horizontal isothermal flow of air and water in a circular pipe with a stratified-wavy configuration, utilizing basic equations of motion and energy to elucidate mechanism by which pressure is dissipated and to investigate the nature of the holdup.

Mi. C. Zegel and H. K . Stafln, Stevens Institute of Technology Subscribers 83.00

M s . 67-752 25 pages (70figures)

Nonsubscribers 86.00

Boron-Selective Ion Exchange Resins Containing D-Giucitylamino Radicals. New resins were prepared by amination of a

chloromethylated styrene-divinyl benzene copolymer with I-amino-1-deoxy-D-glucitol, 1,1’-iminobis(1-D-glucitol), and 1,4piperazinediylbis(1-deoxy-D-glucitol). The resins have relatively high capacities for boric acid in the presence of sodium chloride and magnesium chloride.

L. Mehltretter, F. B. Northern Research Laboratory

h’onsu bscribers 86.00

Subscribers $2.00

Ms. 67-75?


Barry N . Heimlich, Esso Research and Engineering Go.

29 pages (5figures)


Jerry W . Ramsey, Francis R. McDonald, and J . Claine Petersen, Laramie Petroleum Research Center

Peter R. Rony, Monsanto Co.


Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

78 pages (3figures)

MS. 67-154 72 pages ( 4 tables)

Weakley, and




Subscribers 82.00 Nonsu bsni bers 84.00

RESEARCH RESULTS Permeabillty Requirements of Membranes for Use in Deralinalion by Reverse Osmosis. Intrinsic water/salt permeability

requirements of any membrane are quantitatively defined in terms of key process parameters. Key permeability requirements are calculated using a simple diffusion model, with water and salt fluxes assumed to be independent of each other.

H. E. Podall, Ofice of Saline Water M s . 67-759

Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

40pages (IJfigures, 4 tables)

The Inversion of Concentrated Sucrose Solutions in Pixed Beds of Ion Exchange Resins. The reaction can be successfully carried out at temperatures near 60’ with solutions containing up to 45% sucrose, but is no longer first order, and product degradation and resin fouling may be encountered. Film mass transfer is unimportant.

Norman Lifshutx and Joshua S.Dranoff, Northwestern University Ms. 67-160

Subscribers $2.00

15pages (5figures, 2 tables)

Nonsubscribers $4.00

Some Reactions of Oleflnr on Solid Catalysts. A review, stressing the long-range importance of basic research in heterogeneous catalysis for industrial applications. Describes basic studies of olefin reactions and includes discussion of possible mechanism involved.

Alfred Clark, Phillips Petroleum Co.

.principles, . . can help solve your drying problems. It covers applications, designs and costs. Information not available in any other published work. It can help make decisions relating to drying, congealing and other operations performed in air-borne systems. The section describing all practical designs in use today will be of interest to a large number of engineers in the process industries. Write for your free copy of “Design & Use of Spray Dryers” a useful addltlon to your own or company library.

BOWEN ENGINEERING, Inc. 19 Station Road, North Branch, N.J. 08856 Specialists In Drying Equipment Since 1926


Subsm‘bers $2.00

20 pages (4figures, 1 table)


Nonsubscribers $4.00

J . ~ L

Circle No. 27 an Readers’ Service Card

Regeneralion of Adiabatic Fixed Beds. Slow increase in ffue gas oxygen concentration during start-up avoids high temperatures which damage the catalyst. A model for diffusion controlled combustion of coke during catalyst regeneration is presented. Temperature and concentration profiles are compared with those obtained with other models.

K . E. Olson,Dan Luss, Neal R . Arnundson, University of Minnesota M s . 67-164

Subscribers $3.00

27pages (Sfigures, 1 table)

Nonsubscribers $6.00

The Oxidation of Hydrogen Chloride in a Microwave Dis-

+ -


charge. The reaction 4 HC1 0 s 2H20 2 Cls gave yields up to 55% by use of a 2450-megacycle microwave discharge. Results confirm prediction that ratio of electric field strength to gas density is the important parameter. Experimental measurements support a postulated kinetic scheme.

William W . Cooper, Harold S. Mickley, and Raymond F. Baddour, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology

Ms.67-165 25pages (2 tables)

Subscribers $3.00 Nonsubscribers $6.00

Permeability of Selected Cryogenic and Storable Propellants through Aerospace Engineering Materials. Permeability of

unstressed homogeneous materials was related to a solubilitydiffusion process; that of built-up structures resplted from laminar flow through porosity introduced during fabrication. Stress increased permeation through materials which exhibited measurable permeation in unstressed state.

W . W , &Braskey, A . Divecha, P. Lare, and H . Hahn, Mclpar, Inc. Ms. 67- 769

20 Pages (72figures, 2 tables)

Subscribers $3.00 Nonsubscribers $6.00 Circle NO. 24 on Readers’ Service Card

VOL. 5 9

NO. 6 J U N E 1 9 6 7