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RESEARCH RESULTS . . . immediately available All papers listed are being considered for publication in I&EC or one of the I&EC Quarterlies. They are available in manuscript form, with the requirement that any reference to their content in a publication must have the author’s prior approval. Orders are processed within 24 hours of receipt, with shipment b y first class mail. Prices for I&EC subscribers and nonsubscribers are listed with each manuscript, Please include payment with order.

Interaction of Particles in the Process of Hindered Settling. The interaction is discussed

in relation to the dispersion spacing of particles. Compared with cases for single- and two-particle systems, the interaction is not 2rominent.

Keishi Gotoh, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan 7 pages ( 2 figures) I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

MS. 69-606

A Modifled Complex Method for Optimization. Complex method of Box was modified by weighting nth power of objective function values at vertices of simplex on sequential replacement of vertex with norst function value by new trial point. Effectiveness is shown by solving three optimization problems. Tomino Umeda, Chiyoda Chemical Engineering and Construction Go., Japan, and Atsunobu Ichikawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Ms. 69-630 35 pages (10 figures, 4 tables) l&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $1 6.00

Unique Capabilities of Monochlorostyrene as Vinyl Monomer, Monochlorostyrene offers ad-

vantages over styrene. Homocopolymerization rates faster with MCS than styrene, and copolymer composition curves with certain comonomers are more ideal with MCS. Useful in fire-retardant application because of high chlorine content, offering capabilities in foam area.

Richard J . Dolinski, Robert IM.Nowak, and Louis C. Rubens, The D o w Chemical Go. Ms. 69-631 2 6 pages (9 figures, 6 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Heat Transfer in Packed Beds. Concerns heat transfer from a packed bed to the wall. Experimental results for three types of catalyst and two bed diameters are reported. Correlations for the parameters of one and two dimensional models are presented.

Armand P. D e Wasch B Gilbert F . Froment, Rijksuniuersifeit Gent, Belgium Ms. 69-635 23 pages (7 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Bubble Motion Studies

H. B. Eldridge and John P . Flaherty, University of Wyoming MS. 69-632 8 pages (1 figure) l&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

Surface Modification of Thickeners b y lonincorporation, A technique involving creation

of low silicas, greases surface surface.

free energy surfaces, such as colloidal results in thermally and shear stable by applying a monolayer of a low free energy inorganic material to the silica

John B . Christian, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Ms. 70-6 6 pages ( 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

Critical Temperatures, Pressures, and Volumes of Binary Hydrocarbon Mixtures. Interaction

Effect of Frequency on Modeling High-Frequency Elecfric Discharge Reactors. The spatial

distributions of electron concentration, electric field strength, and reaction rate as a function of frequency are determined for a high-frequency electric discharge. Under appropriate conditions these distributions can be independent of frequency.

Alexis T . Beil, University of Calzj’ornia at Berkeley MS.70-1 5 10 poges ( 3 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

models are formulated for critical temperatures, pressures, and volumes of binary hydrocarbon mixtures, using only the corresponding pure component critical values. The results produce average deviations of 0.58% for T,, 1.93Yo for P,,and 2.90y0 for V,.

nary systems leads to a differential equation. Solution leads to generally applicable results.

G . P. Agarwal and George Thodos, Northwestern Uninioersity Ms. 70-9 20 pages (6 figures, 4 tables) Nonsubscribers $8.00 I&EC Subscribers $4.00

Harry T . Cullinan, Jr., State University o j Xevew York at Bujfalo MS.70-1 0 19 pages (1 figure, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Principle af Equivalent States for liquid Transport Properties. Principle annunciated for bi-


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Unusual Fluids.

Describes the theoretical analysis, calibration, and use of a variable head rheometer in measuring viscosities of polymer thickened propane, polymer thickened water, and waxy crude oil near its pour point.

J . C. Reed, University o j Tulsa 2 3 pages (9 figures, 1 table) Ms. 69-633 l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00 86




Price . Viscosity


Murray Moo-Young, George Fulford, and Ian C h e p , L’niversity o j Waterloo, Canada Ms. 70-12 18 pages (1 0 figures) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Identification of Crude Oils by Their G a m m a Spectra Following Neutron Irradiation.

Comparison of high resolution gamma ray spectra following neutron irradiation of crude oil serves to identify oil source. Technique is rapid with minimum sample preparation used to identify reservoir responsible for oil spill into Santa Barbara Channel off California Coast.

in a

Flow Apparatus. Describes a device to hold, virtually indefinitely, a gas bubble in unhindered free suspension in a downward fiow of liquid. Measurements on bubble size range 0.6 to 1.8 cm equivalent spherical diameter were made. Results are comparable to free-rise situations.

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A Comparison of Techniques for the Optimal Feedback Control of a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems. Of two techniques giving optimal control for linear distributed parameter systems by distributed gain equations, one is shown to be suboptimal.

R a @ h J . Andermann, Jr., and William A . Weigand, Purdue University MS.70-1 9 13 pages (1 figure, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

A Correlation of Molecular Parameters for Transport Properties of Polar Oases. Parameters for the dispersion-energy part of the pair interaction are correlated with the critical temperature and the polarizability. Viscosities and diffusivities are predicted within experimental uncertainty. Ms. 70-20 13 pages (1 figures, 4 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Chemically Induced Changes in Porous Media.

A mathematical model simulating use of acid to stimulate oil wells accurately predicts permeability changes. Numerical solutions of the model using finite difference techniques are discussed, although no generally applicable finite difference scheme was developed. James A . Guin, Robert S. Schechter, and I. Harold Silberberg, University of Texas at Austin MS.70-32 29 pages (6 figures, 2 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Computation of Transient Response of SampledData Systems with Time Delay. General iterative procedure for calculating transient response of sampled-data systems with arbitrary values of sampling period and time delay is presented. Method uses state-transition matrix approach and can be applied to a servo or a regulator problem.

K. P . Madhauan, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India

Dilute Solution Behavior of Two Cyclic Anhydrides. T h e activities in dilute solution have been determined for maleic anhydride and cis4-cyclohexene-l,2-dicarboxylicanhydride in a series of solvents, from solubility and differential boiling point measurements. The infinite dilution activity coefficients are discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions.

K . F. Wong and C. A . Eckert, University of Illinois Ms. 70-26 l&EC Subscribers $4.00

20 pages (6 tables) Nonsubscribers $8.00

Near-Optimal Feedback Control of Distributed Parameter Systems with Spatially Independent Controls by Trajectory Approximation. The method of weighted residuals is used to reduce the distributed equation to a system of lumped equations. Pontryagin’s maximum principle is applied to obtain a matrix Riccati equation whose solution yields the feedback law.

R . L. Zahradnik and L. L. Lynn, Carnegie-Mellon University MS.70-27 19 pages (3 figures) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Oxidation of Propylene to Acrylic Acid over a Catalyst Containing Oxides of Arsenic, Niobium, and Molybdenum. A 2070 conversion to acrylic acid a t a 5070 yield of acrylic acid resulted, with a producton rate of 10 lb/cu ft-hr. Acetic acid was a by-product, but onIy traces of acrolein were in the product.

W . E. Campbell, E. L. McDaniel, W . H. Reece, J . E. Williams, and H. S. Young, Tennessee Eastman


Ms. 70-29 42 pages (1 4 figures, 6 tables) I&EC Subscribers $1 0.00 Nonsubscribers $20.00

MS.70-35 I&EC Subscribers $2.00

7 pages (3 figures) Nonsubscribers $4.00

Equilibrium Conditions in Mixing Vessels w i l h Radial Flow Impellers. By using a new method, based on the principle of virtual energies, three axioms of fluid mixing are formulated that identify the sources of energy dissipation and define their interrelation.

Woldemar Tedder, Holland MS.70-36 I&EC Subscribers $2.00

9 pages (2 figures) Nonsubscribers $4.00

Beneficial Objective Function for Numerical Approaches to Nonlinear Programming. The function, which allows proper monitoring of progress in equality constrained optimization, is developed for linear constraints and quadratic objective. A quadratic approximation is then derived that can be used effectively in solving problems with nonlinear constraints and nonquadratic objective.

V. J . L a w , Tulane University, and Robert H. Fariss, Monsanto Co. MS.70-38 I&EC Subscribers $4.00

19 pages (1 figure) Nonsubscribers $8.00

Fog Vaporization and Condensation in Boundary Value Programs. Vaporization in a Lewis Number One Gas was studied under local equilibrium conditions. Vaporization occurred only at the fog boundary. Solutions are presented for both attached and detached fogs.

H. L. Toor, Carnegie-Mellon University MS.70-41 48 pages (1 0 flgures) I&EC Subscribers $1 0.00 Nonsubscribers $20.00

Stability Analysis of Chain Branching in Autocatalytic Reactions. A n Isotherman Explosion Study. Stability analysis of chain branching in autocatalytic reactions by both the classical and the Lyapunov direct method provides a unified approach to predict explosion limits and other stability properties of the system.

Warren H . Huang, University of Oklahoma 10 pages (1 figure) l&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00


Near-Optimal Feedback Control of Distributed Systems with Distributed Controls b y Traiectory Approximation. T h e state and control variables are approximated in terms of specified spatial functions and time-dependent mixing coefficients. Application of the method of weighted residuals yields a lumped parameter system for which optimal control laws are obtained.

Raymond L. Zahradnik and LeRoy L. Lynn, Carnegie-Mellon University MS.70-45 1 7 pages (4 flgures) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00 Siemens Ozonizer Discharge Induced Reaction of Ethylene and Sleam. A large number of gaseous and liquid products are produced. Analysis of complex product mixture showed CI through CIC paraffins, olefins, and oxygenates. Ethylene conversion increased with steam-ethylene molar ratio and electrical power, decreased with increasing flow rate.

Thomas C. Ruppel, Paul F. Mossbauer, Michael F. Ferrer, and Daniel Bienstock, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh MS.70-47 21 pages (1 figure, 4 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00 60s-liquid-Solid Equations of State. A slightly corrected van der Waals equation of state was formulated that describes the vapor-liquid and liquid-solid transition of several substances, following closely the physical reality. Theoretical arguments in favor of the equation are presented.

G. J . Auslaender, Romania Ms. 70-50 24 pages (8 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00 Mathematical Model of the Process of M o n w facturing Acetanllide. T h e acetylation of aniline by acetic acid with simultaneous removal of water was optimized. T h e data for mathematical model were obtained by nonlinear regression of results of nonisothermal experiments. The optimum charge, as well as the optimum reaction course, was found.

P. Kondelik, J . Pasek, V. Pexidr, and P. Richter, College of Chemical Tethnology, Prague, Czechoslovakia MS.70-54 1 6 pages (4 figures, 3 tables) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00 VOL.


NO. 4

APRIL 1970